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The Juice (Student) - Sept. 24

Sept. 24, 2018
Homecoming Court announced
Congratulations to the following seniors who were voted as this year’s Homecoming Court. The student body will vote for Homecoming King and Queen soon, so watch your inbox for voting instructions.
  King candidates:
Nick Arp
Mark Fakler
Connor Frerichs
Seth Jobes-Ryan
Matthew Sacia
  Queen candidates:
Nicole Adair
Madison Bloker
Ashlee Henderson
Madisen Hinegardner
Abby Klug 


Parade and Renaissance Faire
Groups and organizations of all types are invited to walk, ride, or dance during the Homecoming parade on Saturday, Oct. 20. Be creative! Cash prizes for first- ($500), second- ($300), and third-place ($150) entries will be given to Wartburg student organizations. Groups can show Wartburg spirit by setting up a booth at the Renaissance Faire on Saturday, Oct. 20! A $25 fee will be applied to your organization's campus account; we will supply your group with one or two tables. Click here to register for both by Thursday, Oct. 11.

Parade supplies available
Parade supplies are available free of charge for student organizations to create parade entries. Items include window paint, vehicle decorations, hayrack supplies, candy and more. Personalized banners will also be provided for interested organizations. All items will be stored for reuse for future Homecoming & Family Weekend celebrations. Email the Homecoming Committee for more information.

Kastle Kapers auditions
It's your time to shine, Knights! Auditions for Kastle Kapers, the annual Homecoming variety show, will be held Tuesday, Sept. 25, and Wednesday, Sept. 26. From funny to interesting acts, riding a unicycle, dancing, singing a duet or a lip-sync battle, all acts are encouraged to participate. Audition signups and forms can be found at the Information Desk. Contact Destany Himshoot with questions.

Spirit Contest
Show your Knight pride during Homecoming by registering to participate in the Spirit Contest! The painter of the first-, second- and third-place windows will receive cash prizes of $200, $100 and $50, respectively (only student are eligible for prizes). Reminder: You MUST register here to qualify for prizes. Photos submitted without prior registration will NOT be eligible for prizes. Photo submissions are due Sunday, Oct 14.

Student Senate election results
Manors, Knights Village, and Off-Campus:
Esmie Alarcon, Michelle Hahn, Manny Jeffery, Trevor Hurd, Anna Rehberg, Maria Munguia Cortes, Wyatt Hintermeister, Emily Leonhart, Ashlee Henderson, Natalie Shroyer, John Askren, Paige Deppe, and Michael Dillion

The Complex:
Andrew Rush, Ethan Adams-Harwell, Justin Boord, Shlok Sadlapurkar, Hannah Gershenoff, Oliver Kuhtz, Amanda Underwood, Mary McDonough, Hannah Witte, Courtney Moser, Jeslyn Andrews, and Julie Lenth

Kim Strobel, Kaylee Michael, Carah Reimer, Payton Roberts, Grace Greving, Eric Recker, Micah Decker, Freddie Eden, Alondra Sandoval, Ryan Gilstrap, and Morgan Christensen

Grossmann/Löhe/The Residence:
Lexi Retz, Blake Kozak, Linda Neely, Nick Schwake, Liz Stange, Jackson Muir, Ali Ali, Grace Morningstar, Maddy Carroll, Brittany Strause, Devin Eby, Cade Pederson, and Andrew Linkletter
Sign up for Outfly activities
Sign up now for the Outfly Sand Volleyball Tournament or the Wartburg Traditions Amazing Race. Volleyball teams should have six to eight members. Amazing Race teams should have three to five members. Prizes will be given out. For more information and to sign up, click here. If you live off-campus and would like a call the morning of Outfly, click here to sign up. There will also be a sign-up form for these activities and off-campus notifications on the window of the Student Senate office.
Vogel Library third floor reserved
The third floor of Vogel Library will be reserved for accounting interviews on Friday, Sept. 28, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. This event is sponsored by the Pathways Center. Counseling Services and the Pathways Center will remain open.
May Term Amazon trip
There will be an informational meeting 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 25, in Dr. Michael Bechtel’s classroom, Science Center 128, for students interested in traveling to the Amazon (Iquitos, Peru) for May Term 2019. All interested and enrolled students are requested to attend. The travel course offers service opportunities with indigenous people, daily birding/herping excursions, jungle treks, plant and animal identifications, and rope walks 120 feet above the rainforest floor. The course is meant for all disciplines, and every student will be involved in their own research projects and studies while on site.
Resume workshop
Join Pathways Peers and professional staff for a resume workshop on Thursday, Sept. 27, 7:30 p.m. in Vogel Library Classroom 2. Take advantage of this opportunity to prepare your resume for the upcoming Career Expo on Oct. 4. Direct questions to kalyani.kannan@wartburg.edu or veronica.reece@wartburg.edu.
Phil & Lit Society
The next speaker for the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society is Dr. Michael Bechtel, Ed.D. Assistant Professor of Science Education. The title of his talk is “ClassRoom Aquaponics Systems." He will be joined by two of his students, Noah Solheim and Zack Pogozrelski. The talk is Friday, Sept. 28, 4 p.m., McCoy West, Seamann Sudent Center. Refreshments will be provided.
Math, Computer Science and Physics Department Seminar
The Math, Computer Science and Physics Department will host a seminar Tuesday, Sept. 25, 11:30 a.m., in the Science Center, room 134. Students Ally Limke '20 (computer science and mathematics) and Hunter Wong '20 (computer science) will discuss their summer internships, each of which focused on artificial intelligence. They will describe the application process for the internships, their own work, and give a brief introduction to deep neural networks. Refreshments will be provided.
ELCA seminary admission counselors on campus
There will be a traveling group of admissions counselors from multiple ELCA seminaries on campus Monday, Oct. 1. They will attend chapel at 10:15 a.m., Dr. Riswold’s class at 10:45 a.m. and lunch with Dr. Terasawa and Dr. Schenkewitz at 11:50 a.m. Interested students are encouraged to join them for lunch at 11:50 a.m.
Cash bags for Renaissance Fair booths
If your student organization will have a booth at Ren Faire on Oct. 20 and will need a cash bag for change, the deadline is noon Tuesday, Oct. 9. Requests turned in after this date will not be honored. A payment voucher form must be filled out with the amount and denominations needed. This form can be found on the InfoCenter website in the Business Office section under “Forms.” Please make sure your advisor signs the form. Completed forms should be turned in to Sherri Mennenga in the Business Office. Bags will be ready for pick up on Friday, Oct. 19.
Notice from the Business Office
Students with an account balance greater than $1,000 must contact the Business Office (Luther Hall 212, 319-352-8411) or Financial Aid Office (Luther Hall 212, 319-352-8262) as soon as possible to discuss payment and/or loan options. Students failing to pay their account balance in full or below $1,000 by Thursday, Nov. 8, may have their Winter/May Term registration cancelled by Enrollment Management. Those applying student employment wages to their account and who feel their balance will be below $1,000 by the November student payroll should inform the Business Office. Those signed up for the Monthly Tuition Payment Plan and current with payments can disregard this notice.
Wartburg West and Des Moines Urban Studies Program applications
Applications for Wartburg West and the Des Moines Urban Studies Program are being accepted for Summer 2019, Fall 2019 and Winter 2020. Applications are online at www.wartburg.edu/west and www.wartburg.edu/DSM.  If you have questions, please contact jo.dorrance@wartburg.edu.
Be part of Hearthside reading program
Students are invited to be part of the Hearthside Project, where faculty and staff choose a book to explore with a small group of students in an informal environment. Click here to see the list of this fall’s books, then contact the professor directly to sign up for the book you wish to read. Hearthside is co-sponsored by the Humanities Think Tank at Wartburg College and the Slife Professorship in the Humanities. Contact Zak Montgomery with questions.
Constitution Day speaker Sept. 25
Wartburg's Constitution Day program will be held Tuesday, Sept. 25, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in McCaskey Lyceum. Dean Kevin Washburn and Dr. Brian Farrell of the University of Iowa College of Law will address Why Constitutions Matter. We are looking forward to a timely topic that includes prepared remarks and a question and answer period. The event is open to the public. If you have questions, please contact Karen Thalacker.
Career Expo on Oct. 4 
The Career Expo will be Thursday, Oct. 4, 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m., in The W’s Hall of Champions. The expo is intended for all majors and all class years as a way to make connections with real businesses, organizations, and graduate/professional schools. Some tables may even have applications, so students should dress to impress, bring a resume, and be prepared. Stop in Pathways, on the third floor of Vogel Library, for resume help. Click here for more information and a list of attendees.
Check your mailbox information
You can find your mailbox number and combination in my.wartburg. In your my.wartburg account, select the Campus Life tab. Click the orange arrow on the left side of the page and choose Campus Mail Information. If your information is incorrect or blank, please contact the Mail Center at mailroom@wartburg.edu.
Janet Hertel Felberg, Board of Regents
A Celebration of Life service for Janet Hertel Felberg will be held 11 a.m. Sept. 24 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Waverly. Janet graduated from Wartburg in 1975 and was currently serving on the Board of Regents. She provided expertise on the Business and Finance Committee and Investment Subcommittee of the Board. Janet was preceded in death by her father, Elmer Hertel, a Wartburg professor emeritus of biology and longtime coach. Click here for the obituary.
Consumer information 
Consumer information is available at this link. This information contains statistics, policies and programs at Wartburg College, which includes but is not limited to the Annual Security Report and the Annual Fire Safety Report. Please contact the Financial Aid Office with questions or to request a paper copy.
Voter registration information
The U.S. Department of Education requires institutions receiving federal funding to provide notice regarding how to register to vote. Directions on how to register to vote are available at this link.
This week's Chapel service schedule

Weekday Chapel services are from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Wartburg Chapel; Sunday services begin at 10:30 a.m. Chapel time is a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Interfaith chapels will be held the last Wednesday of each month during the semester. Upcoming speakers:

  • Monday, Sept. 24 – Dr. Brian Birgen
  • Wednesday, Sept. 26 – Dr. Joyce Boss (interfaith)
  • Friday, Sept. 28 – Alisha Ungs ‘19
Sanctuary on Wednesdays
Sanctuary is a casual service that takes place on Wednesday nights in the Chapel Commons. It provides students with the opportunity to relax and center themselves around God’s word in the midst of their busy week. All are welcome at 9 p.m. in Chapel Commons (basement), and come early at 8:45 for snacks.
LSI job openings for students
Lutheran Services in Iowa has openings in Waverly for students in need of a flexible work schedule. Open interviews will be Monday, Oct. 1, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. at Duos Coffee & Ice Cream or apply online.
U of Iowa Ph.D. biomed programs
Students and colleagues who want to know more about biomedical Ph.D. training programs at the University of Iowa are invited to attend the 10th Annual Biomedical Pre-Graduate School Conference at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine on Friday, Oct. 5, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Click here for details. No registration fee, includes complimentary breakfast and lunch.
Leaders in Tech conference
The first Leaders in Tech conference will be held at the University of Northern Iowa on Saturday, Oct. 6, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The conference, organized and run by Women in Computing and Management Information System Association, features experts within areas of the technology industry. Leaders in Tech is open to anyone interested in learning more about the technology industry. The first 100 registered will receive a complimentary Leaders in Tech bag, notebook, and pen. To learn more about the conference and to register, please visit the website. Contact Dr. Terry Letsche with questions.
U of Iowa grad student visit day
The University of Iowa welcomes all prospective graduate students to Grad@Iowa, a new collaborative admissions event at the U of I in Iowa City. Students can learn about several programs, all on the same day: Friday, Oct. 5, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Click here for registration, a list of graduate programs and more details. 
Upcoming Events

Constitution Day speaker
Sept. 25

May Term Amazon trip meeting
Sept. 25

Kastle Kapers auditions
Sept. 25-26

Resume workshop
Sept. 27

ELCA seminary admissions counselors on campus
Oct. 1

Student Life open house
Oct. 3

Career Expo
Oct. 4

All-American Rejects concert
Oct. 7

Deadline to request cash bag for Ren Faire
Oct. 9

Deadline to register for Homecoming Parade and Ren Faire
Oct. 11

Deadline to enter Homecoming Spirit Contest
Oct. 14

Homecoming & Family Weekend
Oct. 18-21
Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.
Jordan Young ’13, a history teacher at Washington High School in Cedar Rapids, has been named to the governor's first "Teachers Cabinet," as reported by the Cedar Rapids Gazette.

The football team beat Buena Vista University, 63-0, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Tom Trenney, minister of music at First-Plymouth Church in Lincoln, Neb., will serve as director of the Wartburg College Choir and Ritterchor through December while the ensembles’ director, Lee Nelson, is on sabbatical.

Mark Adkins ’90 will chair the College Sports Information Directors of America U Committee, an initiative to reach out to future generations of college sports information professionals, as reported by the Times Union
About this newsletter
The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available on the Info Center.

TO SUBMIT AN ITEM: The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both editions of The Juice. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760. The Juice reserves the right to edit items for length and readability and may suggest an alternate method to share your information.
100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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Next Article The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Sept. 24
