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The Juice (Students) - Feb. 22


Student Room Decorating Contest — We’re looking for creatively decorated rooms that express your style and spirit. You could win a gift certificate to The Wartburg Store or 20 points off your housing lottery number just for entering.

Here’s how it works: Post an image (either one photo or one PicStitch-type collage) of your residence hall room on Instagram or Twitter, tagging@WartburgCollege and using the hashtag #WartburgWorthIt, or email to cassie.hales@wartburg.edu to be posted in a Facebook albumYour social media post must be public so everyone can see it. 
We have three contests:

  • Judges’ Favorite: Among all the photos posted to Instagram and Twitter, or emailed to cassie.hales@wartburg.edu, a group of judges will select the room they like best. Deadline is March 17. The winner gets a $100 gift certificate to The Wartburg Store!
  • Fan Favorite: Your photo must be emailed to cassie.hales@wartburg.edu by March 13, and college staff will post photos to the “Residential Life at Wartburg College” Facebook page. The photo with the most “likes” as of 9 a.m. Thursday, March 17, will win a $50 gift certificate to The Wartburg Store.
  • Lottery Drawing: Everyone who posts/emails an eligible room photo by March 17 is entered into a random drawing, and the winner gets 20 points off their Housing Lottery Number for the 2016-17 Housing Sign-up in March.

Photos that depict items/activities prohibited by the Student Handbook will not be eligible for prizes and may be removed from view.


Share your story — The Marketing & Communication Office is hosting its second annual Casting Call to find real Knights, just like you, willing to let us feature their Wartburg story with others through the college’s website, social media, and advertising. If you are a first-, second-, or third-year student interested in sharing your story, click here to register for the Casting Call on Tuesday, March 8, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., in Sandra Rada Recital and Orchestra Hall. During your short interview, you will answer a few questions, have your photo taken in our studio, and read a short script on camera. 

Student body treasurer — A total of 534 votes were cast for the Student Senate treasurer run-off election Friday. Here are the results:

  • Blake Shipman (216 votes) — 40.45%
  • Seth-Jobes Ryan (318 votes) — 59.55% (winner)

Nominate a teacher — Graduating seniors, did you have a high school teacher who inspired you and contributed to your accomplishment of earning a degree from Wartburg College? If so, please nominate your teacher for the Outstanding High School Teacher of the Year Award. Winning teachers will receive $500. In addition, a $500 scholarship will be made available to a rising senior from your high school. For more details and the nomination form,click here. Nominations must be received by noon March 17.

Service Trip blessing – Join us for a blessing of Winter Break Service Trip participants during Friday’s Chapel service, 10:15 a.m. Feb. 26, in Wartburg Chapel. Message by Molly Astarita '18 and music leadership by Hope Overflow.

Offices close for Lenten Chapel services — During the Wednesdays of Lent, college administrative offices will close during chapel time, 10:15-10:35 a.m., to allow staff and faculty the opportunity to attend the Lenten chapels. (The W, Security Office, and Information Desk will remain open.)

Math Lab can help — Work on your math homework in the Wartburg College Math Lab, open Sunday-Thursday, 7-10 p.m., in Vogel Library Classroom 1. Trained student tutors provide mathematic assistance for the following courses:

  • MA 90 – Intermediate Mathematics
  • MA 106 – Mathematics in Modern Society
  • MA 107 – Finite Mathematics
  • MA 110 – Structures of Mathematics I
  • MA 190 – Precalculus
  • MA 214 – Statistical Methods
  • MA 250 – Applied Calculus
  • MA 251 – Foundational Differential Calculus
  • MA 252 – Foundational Integral Calculus

Supplemental Instruction (SI) WInter Term session — Supplemental Instruction is a peer-facilitated program coordinated through the Pathways Center that offers regularly scheduled sessions for targeted courses. SI sessions are free to all enrolled students and offer an opportunity to learn course concepts in a relaxed environment. Click here to find SI session times and locations, SI course offerings, and SI leader information. For more information about the SI program, click here or contact Whitney Baker, Pathways associate for Supplemental Instruction, Math Lab supervisor, and career adviser.

Candlelight Prayer Vigil for Peace –– Wartburg’s Students for Peace & Justice and Spiritual Life & Campus Ministry invite you to a Candlelight Prayer Vigil which will be a part of Eucharist this month on Wednesday, Feb. 24, at 9 p.m. in Wartburg Chapel. We will join with neighbors across the world in the International Prayer Vigil for Peace in Palestine and Israel. This vigil takes place on the 24th of each month as Christians, Muslims, Jews, and people of every faith and creed pray together for justice and peace. Wartburg’s SPJ group has committed to provide leadership as we join this monthly peace vigil. For more information, click here or email Hannah Creed.

R.J. McElroy Student/Faculty Research Fund — Email Roy Ventullo for an application and cover page. The cover page and proposal (as a Word document) are due March 18 to Sally Malcolm. Proposals will be pre-reviewed by a panel of faculty members, and up to four proposals will be forwarded to the McElroy/Iowa College Foundation for consideration. Students can major in any department. Applications require dual authorship by the proposing student or teams of students (two or more) and a sponsoring faculty member. Research in credit courses is not eligible. The research fund will cover any expenses necessary to support activities defined in a credible research proposal (supplies, travel, student stipends). Maximum award will be $2,000. 

Wartburg undergraduate research fellowships — Application deadline is March 18. Click here to find the online application on the Wartburg Info Center. Program information can be found here. Proposals are reviewed by a panel of faculty members. Students can major in any department. Applications require authorship by the proposing student and a letter of support by the sponsoring faculty member. Funds may include student stipends, supplies, equipment, or travel for research. Limit $2,500 per student in summer, $1,000 during the academic year. Research conducted in credit courses is not eligible. 

Volunteer at library — The Denver Public Library is seeking volunteers for its annual Dr. Seuss Birthday Party on Saturday, March 5, 10-11:30 a.m., to serve green eggs and ham, assist children with crafts, and run carnival games. Those interested should contact Elizabeth Lavenz or Kelly Platte by March 3.

College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's official calendar.


Election results — Below are the winners from the recent Student Senate election. Note: Totals do not add up to 100 percent due to small vote deductions from minor campaign rule violations. Please contact Molly Zmudka, student body vice president, with any questions. 

  • Recorder: Ashlee Henderson, 91.46 percent of 749 votes.
  • President/Vice President: Tyler Vogel/Hannah Creed, 51.5 percent of 751 votes.

Important updates to GET — Here are some tips for using the GET food-order website: To set up your account use Firefox or Chrome. When creating an account on GET, you must use your full Wartburg email address and your entire ID number (including all of the zeros). Your user ID is your full email address. The GET mobile app is still under development and may not work correctly all of the time. If you are having problems, try using a laptop or PC. Click here to see more tips! 

Housing sign-up — Housing cards for 2016-17 will be available Friday, March 11. Informational meetings regarding the sign-up process will be 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 15, in the Clinton Hall lounge, and 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 16, in the Centennial Hall lounge. Details will be posted at www.wartburg.edu/reslife soon. Lottery sign-up nights will be:

  • The Residence — Monday, March 21, 7 p.m., Grossmann 16
  • Knights Village — Wednesday, March 23, 7 p.m., McCaskey Lyceum
  • Suites and singles — Wednesday, March 30, 7 p.m., Neumann Auditorium
  • Doubles and triples — Thursday, March 31, 7 p.m., Neumann Auditorium

$50 Wartburg Store gift certificate drawing — Students who fill out the Sustainability Survey (click here) to help the Sustainability Department increase knowledge on students' overall recycling and energy habits will be entered to win a $50 gift certificate to the Wartburg Store or one of three solar-powered phone chargers. 

2016-17 registration details — Registration for the 2016-17 academic year begins on Monday, March 7. Registration is scheduled on specific days for students based on their classification. Registration information, including registration dates, tips and guidelines, is available on the Registrar’s page of the Wartburg website. You can also stop by the Registrar’s Office, located in Luther Hall 216. The staff will be happy to answer any questions regarding registration.

Do you like us? — Have you "liked" the Wartburg College Facebook page? Don't miss out on campus information and fun posts, like our free Dairy Queen coupons and our Wartburg-themed valentinesClick here, and invite your friends to like Wartburg on Facebook, too!

Registration hold reminder — If you received an e-mail from the Registrar’s Office about declaring your major or submitting a diploma application last month, be sure to take action immediately. Students who have not submitted the appropriate form(s) by Friday, Feb. 19, will have a registration hold placed on their account to prevent them from registering on Monday, March 7. If you have any questions, please contact the Registrar’s Office, Luther Hall 216 or (319) 352-8272. 

Overdue balances — Winter Term balances are now overdue, and May Term balances are due by March 10. Student balances must be below $1,000 to participate in early registration and the housing lottery for the 2016-17 academic year. Monthly payment plan participants, if your payments are current and your remaining scheduled payments will bring your balance below $1,000, you will be able to participate. Early registration and housing lotteries will begin in March. In addition, May Term travel courses must be paid in full by March 10 to avoid cancelation. If canceled, participants will be responsible for any nonrefundable charges to date, as outlined on their May Term Financial Responsibility Form.  

German film series — The last film in the German film series "Crossing Boundaries with Geman Film" will be screened with English subtitles on Tuesday, Feb. 23, in WBC 116 at 7:15 p.m. "Kokowääh" (Coq au vin), 2011, a comedy set in Germany, centers on the relationship of a free-living journalist, played by the German heartthrob Til Schweiger, and his 8-year-old daughter, the previously unknown product of a past indiscretion. Free admission. Open to the public. Sponsored by the German Institute at Wartburg College.

Career, Internship & Graduate Fair — The Winter Career, Internship & Graduate Fair will be Tuesday, Feb. 23, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. in The W's Hall of Champions. Dress for success, polish your resume and meet with potential employers or graduate schools. For more information, contact Jo Dorrance, internship coordinator. The fair is co-sponsored by the Center for Community Engagement and the Pathways Center.

Wartburg website gets a facelift — The Marketing & Communication Office will launch a redesigned Wartburg College website during Winter Break. The new website includes responsive web design, allowing all content to automatically adjust to any device’s display (desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone). This overhaul, a nine-month process, focuses primarily on prospective students, parents, alumni, and visitors, though all audiences can access content through a universal navigation on all pages. All existing content and links have been converted to the new site design and structure. For any changes or concerns post-launch, please contact Chris Knudson, director of creative strategy. We appreciate your patience as you get accustomed to the new structure and design.

Wartburg Players survey — Wartburg Players is conducting a market survey to ask your input in improving our program. Survey deadline is April 4.

Visit the InfoCenter for details on the following:

  • Applications for living in the Res
  • Study abroad applications
  • German Institute funding application (due March 15)
  • Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training requirement
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