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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - March 7


Updated Wartburg website — To see a video highlighting the new features of the updated www.wartburg.edu site, click here. The new website includes responsive web design, allowing all content to automatically adjust to any device’s display (desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone). All existing content and links have been converted to the new site design and structure. Some web content will be in a new location, so double-check the links in information you are sending out. If you have questions, please contact Chris Knudson, director of creative strategy. We appreciate your patience as you get accustomed to the new structure and design.


‘Burg Bracket Challenge — The Wartburg Store is hosting its first 'Burg Bracket Challenge, coinciding with the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament this March. Brackets will be available at the store beginning Monday, March 14. Submit your completed brackets by 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 16, along with a $2 entry fee to benefit Dance Marathon. Results will be posted in-store throughout the tournament. The winner will receive a $100 gift card to The Wartburg Store. Contact thestore@wartburg.edu with questions. 

Operations & Maintenance restructuring — Inspired by the college’s recent review of expenses and revenues, and in an effort to streamline responsibilities in light of these changes, Operations & Maintenance is announcing several changes. Click here to see details on the Info Center.

Culture Week begins March 13 — “Rise and Dance” with Culture Week events March 13-19, presented by the International Student Services Office and the International Club.

      • Sunday, March 13 — Coffee & Teas from Around the World, Vogel Library, 7 p.m. Come and see some different ways these beverages are prepared and served around the world.
      • Tuesday, March 15 — Faculty Panel: What is Social Justice? Heritage Ballroom, 11:30 a.m. Bring your lunch from Mensa and join Dr. Bret Billet, Dr. Dan Thomas, and Dr. Brian McQueen as they present on issues of social justice around the world. Co-sponsored by the Student Senate Diversity Committee.
      • Wednesday, March 16 — Foreign Film, Science Center 102, 7 p.m. Join us for a foreign film night with popcorn and subtitles! Co-sponsored by the Spanish Club and Sigma Delta Pi.
      • Saturday, March 19 — Culture Show, Neumann Auditorium, 8 p.m. Come see the best show in Waverly — a collection of song, dance, and fun from around the world! Rise and dance with our students, who represent every part of the globe, in this unique and unifying experience. $5 suggested donation for adults, $1 suggested donation for students.

Desks and dressers for sale — Used college desks ($5) and dressers ($15) can be purchased and picked up at the Physical Plant. Purchases are on a first-come, first-served basis; more furniture will be available for sale in May. Call Ruth Hein at 352-8318 for details.

Social Work course for fall — The Social Work Department will offer a Fall 2016 course, SW 250: Current Topics in Social Work Practice: Substance Abuse Assessment/Intervention. The course, offered Mondays 6:30-9:30 p.m., will be taught by an MSW social worker who currently works for the VA Hospital. There are no prerequisites for this course. 

Archeology class for May 2017 — ID 308: Archeology and the Bible will be offered in May 2017. This travel course involves a hands-on experience with archaeology as well as a tour of the Holy Land sites. Simply sign up for GM 307 (0.5, Winter), and both GM 308 and ID 308 (May 2017). Contact Dr. Chip Bouzard for more information.

Math, Computer Science & Physics Department Seminar — The next Math, Computer Science & Physics Department Seminar will be held on Tuesday, March 15, at 11:30 a.m. in SC 134. Dr. Patrick Van Fleet, professor in mathematics and director of the Center for Applied Mathematics at the University of St. Thomas, will deliver a presentation entitled "A Simple Introduction to Wavelet-Based Image Compression." Refreshments will be provided at the seminar.

Service Trips positions — Service Trips is searching for a marketing coordinator, fundraising coordinator, and advisor/alumni liaison to join the executive team next year.Click here to see job descriptions and apply by 11 a.m. Monday, March 21. Direct any questions to servicetrips@wartburg.edu.

Cindy Carlson benefit fund and website — A benefit fund account for Cindy Carlson, executive assistant to the president, has been set up at First National Bank in Waverly. Shirley McKenzie is the personal banker in charge of the account, which is called the Cindy J. Carlson Cancer Fund account. Cindy invites friends and colleagues to follow her health updates through her CaringBridge website.

Exemplary Staff Award — Nominations are now open for the Exemplary Staff Award, an annual award that recognizes administrative and support staff at Wartburg College who excel in their daily work to advance the work and mission of the college. Click here to download the nomination form, which is due to the Human Resources Office, or via e-mail to Jamie Hollaway, by Friday, March 18. One administrative staff member and one support staff member are honored each year. Members of the Personnel Advisory Committee will select recipients. Award recipients will be announced at the annual recognition event for faculty and staff on Friday, May 20.

Building Bridges: Interfaith, Service, and Diversity on Campus –– Join colleagues from higher education institutions across the state in a workshop on creating connections between interfaith, community engagement, and diversity work on campuses Tuesday, April 12, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Mercy College of Health Sciences, Des Moines. For more information: www.iacampuscompact.org. Contact Pastor Ramona Bouzard about going with a Wartburg group. Sponsored by Iowa Campus Compact. 

College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's official calendar.

Seeking student stories — The Marketing & Communication Office is hosting its second annual Casting Call to find real Knights willing to let us feature their Wartburg story with others through the college’s website, social media, and advertising. If you know a first-, second-, or third-year student with a great story to share, please encourage him/her to register in advance for the Casting Call, which will be Tuesday, March 8, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., in Sandra Rada Recital and Orchestra Hall. You may also contact Emily Christensen, news director, with any names. 

Offices close for Lenten Chapel services — During the Wednesdays of Lent, college administrative offices will close during chapel time, 10:15-10:35 a.m., to allow staff and faculty the opportunity to attend the Lenten chapels. (The W, Security Office, and Information Desk will remain open.)

Math Lab can help — Encourage students to work on their math homework in the Wartburg College Math Lab, open Sunday-Thursday, 7-10 p.m., in Vogel Library Classroom 1. Trained student tutors provide mathematic assistance for the following courses:

  • MA 90 – Intermediate Mathematics
  • MA 106 – Mathematics in Modern Society
  • MA 107 – Finite Mathematics
  • MA 110 – Structures of Mathematics I
  • MA 190 – Precalculus
  • MA 214 – Statistical Methods
  • MA 250 – Applied Calculus
  • MA 251 – Foundational Differential Calculus
  • MA 252 – Foundational Integral Calculus

Supplemental Instruction (SI) WInter Term session — Supplemental Instruction is a peer-facilitated program coordinated through the Pathways Center that offers regularly scheduled sessions for targeted courses. SI sessions are free to all enrolled students and offer an opportunity to learn course concepts in a relaxed environment. Click here to find SI session times and locations, SI course offerings, and SI leader information. For more information about the SI program, click here or contact Whitney Baker

R.J. McElroy Student/Faculty Research Fund — Email Roy Ventullo for an application and cover page. The cover page and proposal (as a Word document) are due March 18 to Sally Malcolm. Proposals will be pre-reviewed by a panel of faculty members, and up to four proposals will be forwarded to the McElroy/Iowa College Foundation for consideration. Students can major in any department. Applications require dual authorship by the proposing student or teams of students (two or more) and a sponsoring faculty member. Research in credit courses is not eligible. The research fund will cover any expenses necessary to support activities defined in a credible research proposal (supplies, travel, student stipends). Maximum award will be $2,000. 

Wartburg undergraduate research fellowships — Application deadline is March 18. Click here to find the online application on the Wartburg Info Center. Program information can be found here. Proposals are reviewed by a panel of faculty members. Students can major in any department. Applications require authorship by the proposing student and a letter of support by the sponsoring faculty member. Funds may cover student stipends, supplies, equipment, or travel for research. Limit $2,500 per student in summer, $1,000 during the academic year. Research conducted in credit courses is not eligible. 

Visit the InfoCenter for details on the following:

  • Enrollment reports posted
  • German Institute application for funds
  • Wartburg West fall classes


Dr. Kunihiko Terasawa, assistant professor of world religions, will present a paper, “State Shinto in Modern Japan: Its Role in Nationalism and Militarism,” March 7 at theASIANetwork conference in St. Petersburg, Florida, hosted by Eckerd College. ASIANetwork conference is a consortium of over 160 North American colleges that strives to strengthen the role of Asian studies in undergraduate liberal arts education in an increasingly interdependent world. 

Dr. Michael D. Bechtel, assistant professor of science education, was a judge for Iowa’s first official high school Rube Goldberg Contest in St. Ansgar on Feb. 22.

Dr. Bill Withers, professor of journalism and communication, led a keynote address and workshop on customer service and patient satisfaction at a Regional West Health Services leadership conference in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, on Feb. 15. Withers also was selected as one of nine All-State critics at the Iowa High School Speech Association All-State Festival held at Iowa State University on Feb. 20. 

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