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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Nov. 2


Nov. 2, 2020

Benefits annual open enrollment

Wartburg College’s annual benefits open enrollment is upon us. If you are a benefit-eligible employee, it is time to review and confirm your benefit elections. Our online benefit portal, Employee Navigator, is now OPEN!

Log on to wartburg.employeenavigator.com
Username: your Wartburg email
Password: user created (you may reset if needed)

If you missed the informational Zoom presentations, you can view the recording at this link. You can also find the slides presented during the Zoom calls on the Infocenter.

The deadline for open enrollment is Friday, Nov. 13, at 5 p.m.

If you have any questions, please contact Amy Wilson, benefits administrator, at 319-352-8278 or amy.wilson@wartburg.edu.


'Navigating a Crazy Election Day' panel today

All students, faculty and staff are welcome to watch “Navigating a Crazy Election Day (While Not Going Crazy Yourself),” a panel discussion about navigating Election Day and perspectives on the best ways to evaluate, process and move forward. Click here to join the Zoom meeting at 4 p.m. today, Nov. 2. The conversation will be facilitated by Grace Greving, Student Body Recorder, with the following panelists:

Dr. Mariah Birgen, professor of mathematics
Pastor Brian Beckstrom, dean of spiritual life
Stephanie Newsom, director of Counseling Services


Late Knight Study Breakfast volunteers needed

Because of changes to the fall semester academic calendar, the study night breakfast for students in the Mensa has been moved to Sunday, Nov. 15, starting at 10 p.m. (an hour earlier than usual). Faculty and staff volunteers are needed to help serve this traditional meal. As with the Outfly breakfast, Dining Services will observe social distancing protocols and offer take-out meals for students who prefer that option. Please contact Shelly Geweke at shelly.geweke@wartburg.edu or x8303 by Wednesday, Nov. 11, if you can help.


Memorial service for Paula Survilla on Nov. 14

The Department of Music is organizing a memorial service for Dr. Paula Survilla to take place Saturday, Nov. 14, from 11 a.m. to noon. The event will be livestreamed on Knight Vision at this link. Pending approval from CHRT, this event will be held in Levick Arena and will be open to current students, faculty and staff to attend in person. Masking and distancing protocols apply. An order of service will be forthcoming. Dr. Survilla was a longtime professor of music at Wartburg who died last spring of a rare neurological disease.


Nominate someone for annual service awards

The St. Elizabeth Award for Service is given during St. Elizabeth Week to Wartburg students. The VAC invites you to nominate one or more current students whom you feel lives out a commitment to service in, with, and for the community at this link.​


The Pastor Larry Trachte Award for Service is given during St. Elizabeth Week to staff and/or faculty. The VAC invites you to nominate one or more staff or faculty members whom you feel embody Pastor Larry Trachte's enthusiasm, support, involvement, dedication and overall commitment to Wartburg's mission of service at this link.


Concert Bands apparel fundraiser

The Wartburg College Concert Bands (WCCB) invites you to participate in its annual apparel fundraiser. Typically, funds raised would be used for transportation and travel expenses for the ensemble. However, this year funds will go to costs of mitigation equipment required to rehearse in a safe and sanitary environment, such as instrument bags and bell covers. Pre-order between Nov. 2-15 at this link. Orders will be available to pick up at The Wartburg Store the week of Dec. 15.


Wartburg Choir concert Saturday on Knight Vision

The Wartburg Choir will perform its fall concert on Saturday, Nov. 7, at 7:30 p.m.

Due to COVID-19, the performance will be available exclusively on Knight Vision. The performance will feature songs focusing on the themes of comfort, hope and thanksgiving, including “Wake Up, My Spirit” by Adolphus Hailstork, “Alleluia” by Elaine Hagenberg, “Light of a Clear Blue Morning” by Dolly Parton and arranged by Craig Hella Johnson and “Give Me Jesus” arranged by L.L. Fleming.


Help serve your Wartburg community

Are you looking for opportunities to serve your Wartburg community? Wartburg Student Life and Global Connections are working together to meet the needs of those in isolation quarantine and need your help. If you are interested, please fill out this survey. This form is to share your information in regards to volunteering to help those in quarantine and the faculty team in a number of tasks, including pick up and delivery of items. Please fill out this form only if you can commit to assisting in the tasks you volunteer for. Please note that all tasks will be done contactless with those in quarantine.


Follow the art department on social media

The Wartburg Department of Art has joined Facebook and Instagram! Follow either account for news and fun concerning the department and the art/design students. Content will include student/staff interviews, news on events/workshops, info on student displays around campus, and more!


Music Therapy Awareness Week

Music Therapy Awareness Week Nov. 2-6 is a way for students to teach their peers, professors, and other staff members about what music therapy is and how it can be used in the field.

Each day: Tabling in student center during lunch time
Monday, Nov. 2: Drum Circle in the band hall, 7-8 p.m. (drums provided)
Tuesday, Nov. 3: Jam Session in the band hall, 7:30-8:30 p.m. (some instruments provided, but can bring your own)
Thursday, Nov. 5: Movie Night in McCaskey Lyceum, 7:30-9:30 p.m. (“The Music Never Stopped,” no snacks)
Friday, Nov. 6: Demonstration Night, 7-9 p.m. in the Chapel Commons. Students will be demonstrating different interventions that could be used in a music therapy session. Snacks available.

There is no registration required. Students and staff are welcome to participate in all our evening events; please wear a mask and observe social distancing. If you have any questions, please contact Katie Doyle.


'Lessons from Rwanda' recording

The annual Michaelson, Briner & Kildahl Literary Symposium on Oct. 28 featured Carl Wilkens, a missionary and founder of World Outside My Shoes, in an interactive online presentation called “Restorative Pathways: Lessons from Rwanda.” The only American who chose to stay in Kigali, Rwanda, throughout the 1994 genocide, Wilkens worked with his Rwandan colleagues to help save the lives of hundreds, bringing food, water and medicine to groups of orphans trapped around the city. All are welcome to view a recording of the presentation at this link (use passcode Lj.Dt6L?). The MBK Literary Symposium is presented by the Slife Professorship in Humanities with generous support from alumni Steve and Jane Noah and other donors to the MBK Endowment.


Nominations open for Truman Scholarship candidates

Do you work with students who have a passion for public service and a record of community work and leadership? The Truman Scholarship supports outstanding undergraduates on a path to serve as “change agents” in a future public service career. View this quick summary and contact Kathleen Sihler, competitive scholarship advisor, with potential candidates.



Make your voice heard in Nov. 3 general election

Here are two ways to vote in the Nov. 3 general election:

OPTION 1: Vote early in person

Early voting is open today 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at 124 Second St. NE (two blocks west of the courthouse) in Waverly. Click here for details.


OPTION 2: Vote on Election Day

Polls are open Tuesday, Nov. 3, from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Students who live in all residence halls except The Manors and Knights Village will vote in Waverly Ward 3: Waverly Fire Station, 123 First Ave SW.

Students who live in The Manors and Knights Village will vote in Waverly Ward 5: Redeemer Lutheran Church (south entrance), 2001 W. Bremer Ave.


Additional information is available in the Student Voting Guide.

Contact kristin.teigtorres@wartburg.edu with questions.


Drivers needed on Election Day

Student Life is looking for volunteer staff/faculty drivers to drive students to the Waverly polling stations on Tuesday, Nov. 3. All drivers must be certified to drive a Wartburg vehicle; we will use a van outfitted with a Plexiglas barrier for driver safety. Students will be able to sign up for rides at the top of every hour from 9 a.m. through 7 p.m. Please email Jennifer Onuigbo if you are interested in helping, and include the times you would be available to help.

Weekday Chapel services

All are welcome at Weekday Chapel services from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the Wartburg Chapel. Chapel time is a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Interfaith chapels will be held the last Wednesday of each month during the semester.

This week's Chapel services:

Monday, Nov. 2: Faculty/staff Q&A with Loni Abbas, Assistant Vice President for ITS & Chief Information Officer

Wednesday, Nov. 4: Prayer service

Friday, Nov. 6: Robert Casey ’21, Senior Chapel


Election Day prayer stations

Starting Tuesday, Nov. 3, prayer stations will be available in the second-level entrance to the Chapel (skywalk level). With all of the anxiety, excitement, and other feelings that may be present on Election Day, Spiritual Life & Campus Ministry is providing a space for students and staff to be able to pray and deal with some of those emotions. There will be guided instructions for each station, and all you have to bring is yourself! Prayer stations will be available all day Tuesday, and the rest of the week the stations will move to the first floor of the Chapel to be available through Friday. Contact Rebecca Baird with questions.



Upcoming events

'Navigating a Crazy Election Day' panel
Nov. 2

Music Therapy Awareness Week
Nov. 2-6

Election Day
Nov. 3

Projects for Peace informational session
Nov. 5

Wartburg Choir concert on Knight Vision
Nov. 7

Benefits open enrollment deadline
Nov. 13

Paula Survilla memorial service
Nov. 14

Lacrosse virtual 5K
Nov. 14

Late Knight Study Breakfast
Nov. 15

Presidential Forum
Nov. 17

Deadline to apply for M.A. in Leadership tuition reduction
Dec. 4


Master of Arts in Leadership tuition reduction for employees

Interested in joining the inaugural cohort of the Master of Arts in Leadership program? We have two spots remaining for full-time benefits-eligible employees to receive a 20% reduction in the cost of the recently approved Master of Arts in Leadership program. These students will be members of the first cohort, which will begin participation this summer and will receive a 20% reduction in tuition for each of the 10 credits associated with the MA in Leadership. Those interested in this benefit need to have all application materials submitted by Friday, Dec. 4, 2020. For additional information on deadlines and selection, please contact doug.koschmeder@wartburg.edu.


Wartburg Shuttle drivers needed

The Wartburg Shuttle is in need of drivers to Chicago, Des Moines, and Minneapolis airports, as students plan to travel home for Thanksgiving and the end-of-term break. Drivers are needed on Wednesday, Nov. 25, and will be compensated for their travel time. If you are interested in learning more or would like to help, please contact Jennifer Onuigbo as soon as possible in Student Life, at 319-352-8260 or jennifer.onuigbo@wartburg.edu.


College's inclement weather policy

This time of year, the chance for severe winter weather grows more likely. For such situations, the college has a weather-related closure policy posted here. The policy also is linked from the front page of the Student Handbook page and the Academic Affairs website.


Campus snow removal map

Please remember to use caution when snow and ice are present on sidewalks and steps. Operations & Maintenance will remove snow and add salt or sand to icy spots on sidewalks and steps on campus according to the priority snow removal map. Parking lots will be cleared and salted or sanded as needed by a third party.


Student-employee appreciation celebrations

As we near the end of the term, many offices and departments like to show their appreciation for their student-employees. Please remember, in an effort to reduce the spread of the coronavirus on campus, the college has temporarily suspended celebration meals, like pizza parties and cookies/cakes (unless they are individually packaged). However, there are still plenty of COVID-friendly ways to let your student-employees know how important they are to your work. You could:

Decorate the student-employees’ work area with streamers, balloons and thank you posters.
Write a personal thank you note expressing how much you appreciate all that they do.
Recognize student-employees on your department’s social media account.
Host a virtual gathering via Zoom and play games.

As a reminder, prizes, gift cards, and/or gifts purchased with college funds and given to an employee or student are taxable to the recipient per our policy. Such circumstances must be reported to studentemployment@wartburg.edu.


Winter Term 2021 course wait-listing no longer available

As of last week, course wait listing for Winter Term 2021 is no longer be available. Adding a class that has reached maximum enrollment is not an option. If a student is interested in adding a class that has reached maximum enrollment, they should monitor the enrollment to see if a seat becomes available, and contact their adviser to make schedule changes. Monitor course enrollment through Course Finder in My Wartburg.


Presidential Forum recording and Board reports posted

The Zoom recording of the Oct. 20 Presidential Forum has been posted under President’s Reports on InfoCenter.

The President’s October Report to the Board of Regents and the President’s Board Report to Campus are also posted on the InfoCenter under President’s Reports.


Mail Center reminder for large mailings

The Mail Center reminds faculty, staff, departments, and student organizations that any groups of more than 20 items for delivery to student mailboxes MUST be in box number order for delivery. If you have a large or special delivery you are planning, please contact the Mail Center at mailroom@wartburg.edu or 352-8263 to get the best service for your project.


Projects for Peace informational session and proposal deadline

The Davis Projects for Peace program provides an opportunity for undergraduates to design grassroots projects that they will implement during the summer of 2020. The projects judged to be the most promising and feasible will be funded at $10,000 each. The objective is to encourage and support today's motivated youth to create and try out their own ideas for building peace. An informational session will be offered via Zoom on Thursday, Nov. 5, during Community Time.

Wartburg students wishing to submit a Davis Projects for Peace proposal must submit their application using this link by noon Jan. 11, 2021.


Watch for Microsoft licensing emails beginning Nov. 4

The annual campus agreement with Microsoft has been renewed. Beginning Wednesday, Nov. 4, you will receive an email from Microsoft Audio Conferencing as part of our licensing for Microsoft Teams. This email provides your dial-in information along with your Personal Identification Number (PIN). Please keep this email for your records. Any questions should be directed to Techline at techline@wartburg.edu.


Homecoming T-shirts still available

Didn’t get a Homecoming T-shirt? No worries! Shirts are still being sold through the Alumni Office. Email homecoming@wartburg.edu with your size and they will set one aside for you! Payment needed when collecting the shirt.

Unity Point – Allen EAP

Feeling more irritable lately? People seem to be annoying your more than usual? This may be a sign that you need to check in on your mental health. Employees can click this link to Test Your Mood or call EAP at 319-235-3550 to schedule a session in person, over the phone, or over telehealth. If you have questions, please contact the Human Resources & Payroll Office.


V-Day seeks nominations for Women Wednesday series

V-Day is working on a video series called Women Wednesday where we ask women at Wartburg what empowers them and how they work to empower students. We post episodes weekly on our Instagram account. Fill out this nomination form if you or someone you know has a story they would like to share.


Updated link for Service Trips fundraiser

Service Trips is currently fundraising through Rada Cutlery for daytrips to help with derecho storm relief in the Cedar Rapids area. This is a perfect time to think about gifts or items you need while helping Service Trips get some funds for the current and future community service projects. Please take a look at the catalog and place your order at this link. If you have any questions, please contact servicetrips@wartburg.edu.


Lacrosse team hosts virtual 5K Nov. 14

The Wartburg lacrosse team is holding a Hometown 5K on Saturday, Nov. 14, at 10 a.m. You run your 5K wherever you are, but at the same time! If you can't run at 10 a.m., just tag @wartburgwlax on Twitter or Instagram and use #BTWARTBURGLAX all day to share your race photos. Cost is $35 and includes a T-shirt (you can choose to waive your T-shirt and donate the full registration cost to the team). Registration closes Nov. 8; T-shirts ordered now will arrive after race day. Funds will help replace the team’s original equipment from 2015; old equipment will be donated to places in need that are growing the sport. Click here to register. Contact Anna Meerbach, head coach, with any questions.



On Monday, Oct. 26, Dr. Stephanie TeKippe and Dr. Maryam Rod Szabo presented at the national Quality Matters Conference. The presentation was titled “QM Conference Building Templates to Improve Faculty and Students Experience, Collaboration, and Engagement.” There were 100 attendees, which was the maximum number, and a discussion regarding continuation of our work is taking place.


Dr. Caryn Riswold, professor of religion and McCoy Family Distinguished Chair in Lutheran Heritage and Mission, has been elected to a second four-year term on the National Board of the Lilly Fellows Program.


Research presented at Iowa Association of College for Teacher Education

The following research was presented by Wartburg students and faculty at the Iowa Association of Colleges for Teacher Education at its Fall Virtual Conference on Oct. 22:

Students Mattie Barr, Sarah Briggs, Olivia Klaas, Paige Morrison and Annie Place, along with Dr. Kelly Faga and Dr. Stephanie TeKippe, presented “Social and Emotional Development of K-5 Educators and Students During a Crisis.”
Students Caitlin Dreismeier and Elizabeth Martin, along with education faculty Dr. Kelly Faga and Dr. Stephanie TeKippe, presented “Emotional Support Animals and the Reduction of Anxiety in College Students During Remote Learning.”
Students Emma Hanson, Brooke McCoy, Jennifer Steen, Chloe Zierke and Emma Huisman, along with faculty Dr. Kelly Faga & Dr. Stephanie TeKippe, presented “Remote Learning’s Effect on Motivations.”


The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions to Stephanie Boeding, editor and email marketing manager for Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact the editor directly.

Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd.




Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note The Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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