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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Jan. 29

Jan. 29, 2018
Leadership and Service Awards 
Leadership and Service Award nomination forms are available and due by Friday, Feb. 9. Click here to nominate someone you know for one or more of the following awards: Nobility Award; Debbie Heida Award; Outstanding Organization; Outstanding International Senior; Dell Awards for Peace and Justice; Dell Awards for Peace and Justice: Peacemaker; Outstanding Organization Service Award; Outstanding Organization Adviser Award; and Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. The awards ceremony will be Saturday, March 17, 1 p.m., in McCaskey Lyceum, with a reception to follow. Direct questions to lindsey.leonard@wartburg.edu.
Wartburg CHATS 
Join Dean Dan Kittle for Wartburg CHATS on Tuesday, Feb. 6, noon-12:45 p.m., in the McCoy rooms. Karen Thalacker, Wartburg’s chief compliance officer for Title IX, will be the special guest. Be a part of a safe, respectful, and open conversation about topics that matter to you. You may bring your lunch. Contact Jennifer Onuigbo in Student Life with any questions.
Valentine cookies 
You can order a giant heart-shaped cookie for your sweetheart through GET online ordering (order through the Catering Take Out store), Thursday, Feb. 1, through Wednesday, Feb. 14. They will be available for pick up in the Den. The cookies can be decorated with your choice of message: “Happy Valentine’s Day,” “Be My Valentine!” “Hugs & Kisses,” or “I Love You!” If you have questions or would like to add a personal message, call the dining office, 319-352-8303.
Rainbows Come With a Little Rain event
Join Wartburg's SAFE and Alliance in a co-hosted event, Rainbows Come With a Little Rain, Monday, Jan. 29, 7 p.m., in Buckmaster (WBC 214). A panel will discuss the intersection of sexuality, gender identity, and mental health. Come learn about the topic and ask panelists questions about their journey. To learn more, click here or email questions to safe@wartburg.edu.
Septura brass group in concert
The Wartburg Symphonic Band is co-sponsoring Septura, a London-based brass group, at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 3, at Waverly-Shell Rock Middle School. Septura brings together London’s leading players to redefine brass chamber music through the uniquely expressive sound of the brass septet. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students; click here to purchase.
BIG Dream Gathering
Have you ever wanted to do something but weren’t sure of the first step to take? Doing something new can bring out all kinds of insecurities, doubts, and questions. The BIG Dream Gathering, Tuesday, Feb. 20, 6:15-8 p.m., in the ballrooms (come for all or part of the event), will be a fun and inspiring event that will help you get clear on your dreams and goals, and give you the boost you need to make them a reality. The keynote speaker will be BDG’s co-founder, Mitch Matthews, and the first people to arrive will receive a FREE copy of his best-selling book, IGNITE
Phil & Lit Society
The next meeting of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society will be Friday, Feb. 2, 4 p.m., in McCoy West. The speaker will be Dr. Sonja Lynch, associate professor of English. The title of her talk is Exploring Victor LaValle's "Destroyer": Frankenstein's Creature in Today's World.
Keep on Learning begins new series
Dr. Terry Lindell, professor of history, will lead the next Keep on Learning community education series, Our Immigrant Heritage, beginning Thursday, Feb. 1. Lindell will review the branches of Lutheranism brought by immigrants from Germany and Scandinavia. Classes continue Feb. 8, 15 and 22 in the Heritage Room of Saemann Student Center. Coffee will be served at 9 a.m., followed by the class from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. A $35 fee collected at the second class covers the session. Keep on Learning is open to all residents of the Cedar Valley; click here for details.
Wartburg Store winter sale 
On these cold winter days, stop by The Wartburg Store for hot deals! Hundreds of items have been marked down 30 percent to make room for spring apparel, including select Nike, Under Armour, Champion, and more. Also, get 25 percent off select Hydro Flasks in our retiring colors Look for the Winter Sale signs throughout the store.
Title IX training deadline
All full-time and part-time faculty and staff members are required to complete a Title IX course. An email has been sent to all employees with login instructions. The course is active and MUST be completed no later than Wednesday, Jan. 31. Please use Google Chrome to complete the training. Direct any questions to Karen Thalacker, Jamie Hollaway, or Erica Sadler.
HealthPartners Lunch & Learn 
For those of you who missed the HealthPartners Lunch & Learn to review online and mobile account set up, the PowerPoint is available here. Please be aware that due to privacy laws, only limited claim information will be available on any dependent if they are over the age of 13. To view full details, a separate account must be set up in their name. If you need assistance setting up an account, contact Amy Wilson at 352-8278.
Early alert system 
As faculty and staff begin to work with students this winter, remember the early alert system – a quick way to share concerns via the InfoCenter. Use the system early in a given situation, not necessarily early in the term.
A concern can be regarding:
1. Academic performance (attendance, work submission, failed exam, etc.).
2. Physical and mental well-being.
3. Financial situation (can’t afford textbooks, etc.).
4. Social network.
5. Anything else that is preventing the student from thriving.

You can submit an early alert by going to info.wartburg.edu. Click on "Early Alert" under InfoCenter Quick Links, or click here. Complete the form and submit. A response to the situation will be facilitated (this may include reaching out to advisers, coaches, residence hall directors, and of course, the student.) You will receive notices as your alert moves through the system. Direct questions to Jette Irgens.
Wellness education on YouTube channel
Waverly Health Center’s wellness education YouTube channel is available to all Wartburg faculty, staff, and spouses, providing a variety of information to improve your health and wellness. Examples include information about healthy eating, physical activity, stress management, self-care, and other seasonal health and wellness topics. Check back frequently for new information or subscribe to the channel to be notified when something new is added.
Education Table Talk on Feb. 1
The table talk with Dr. Rick Snyder on Reforming Education: How Might Reformation Thinking Inform K-12 Educational Change Today? has been rescheduled for Thursday, Feb. 1, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., in McCoy West. Bring your own lunch with you, or lunch is provided for attendees if you order in the Den prior to the meeting and sign the sheet at the cashier. All are welcome to attend. Contact slcm.office@wartburg.edu with questions.
Faculty Development Funds for Travel
The following faculty received Faculty Development Funds for Travel (Scholarship) in fall 2017:
Dr. Kit Kleinhans, to present “Nevertheless, She Persisted”: Protestant Women’s Voices Then and Now at the Lutheran Women in Theological and Religious Studies conference in Boston, Nov. 16-18.
Dr. Richard Snyder, to present Teacher Voice in the Local Context: Identifying Themes that Sustain Passion and Commitment at the Midwestern Educational Research Association in Evanston, Ill., Oct. 18-21.
Dr. Tamrat Gashaw and Eric Sommermeyer, to present Capital Flight: Empirical Evidence from SSA and MENA Countries at the Missouri Valley Economic Association in Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 26-28.
Dr. Terry Lindell, to present Captain as Correspondent: Letters Home from the Twenty-seventh Iowa Infantry, 1862-1864 at the Northern Great Plains History Conference in Grand Forks, N.D., Oct. 4-8.
Dr. Kunihiko Terasawa, to present A Buddhist Fascination with Islamic Mysticism: In Case of Toshikhiko Izutsu and Ibn Arabi at the American Academy of Religions Annual Conference in Boston, Nov. 17-21.
Dr. Michael Bechtel, to present Biophilia and its Impact on Achievement, Academic Retention, and Intrinsic Motivation in Students at the Hawaii International Conference on Education in Honolulu, Jan. 4-7.

The following faculty received Faculty Development Funds for Travel (Service & Development) in fall 2017:
Dr. Paula Survilla, to present Interpreting American Culture, Media and Public Opinion in the Trump Era: An Unprecedented Complexity at The Trump Presidency: Challenges and Perspectives, in Toulouse, France, Nov. 8-10.
Dr. Patricia Storlie, to attend the Annual Molecular Parasitology Meeting in Woods Hole, Mass., Sept. 10-14.
Dr. Daniel Walther, Dr. Tamrat Gashaw, and Dr. Michaeleen Golay, to attend the Assessment Institute at IUPUI in Indianapolis, Oct. 22-24.
Dance Marathon FT5K race link
Wartburg College Dance Marathon will sponsor a 5K race Saturday, March 17. Registration fee is $20 by March 1 and $25 after March 1. T-shirts are guaranteed for early registrants (by March 1). Registration will also be available the day of the race, starting at 7:30 a.m.; the race will begin at 8:30 a.m. All profits will go to the University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital. To register, click here.
Men's and Women’s Basketball
Wednesday, Jan. 31, depart at 1:30 p.m. for Storm Lake

JV Men’s Basketball
Thursday, Feb. 1, depart at 3:30 p.m. for Mount Mercy
Upcoming Events

Rainbows Come With a Little Rain
Jan. 29

State of the College Address
Jan. 30

Title IX training deadline
Jan. 31

Education Table Talk
Feb. 1

Keep on Learning: Our Immigrant Heritage
Feb. 1

Phil & Lit Society
Feb. 2

Septura brass concert
Feb. 3

Wartburg CHATS
Feb. 6

Leadership and Service Award nominations due
Feb. 9

Unified Sports Day
Feb. 10

BIG Dream Gathering
Feb. 20

Dance Marathon FT5K race
March 17

Leadership and Service Award ceremony
March 17

UKnight Day
March 27
Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both editions of The Juice. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760. The Juice reserves the right to edit items for length and readability.

Upcoming Chapel services

Weekday services are from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Wartburg Chapel; Sunday services begin at 10:30 a.m. Chapel time is a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Interfaith chapels will be held the last Wednesday of each month during the semester. This week's schedule:

  • Monday, Jan. 29 – LeAnn Faidley, associate professor of engineering science
  • Wednesday, Jan. 31– Interfaith – Holly Hejlik ’15
  • Friday, Feb. 2 – Hailey Franzen ’18
  • Sunday, Feb. 4 – Meistersinger Band – Jami Goetz ’18
Youth group leader opening in Waverly
Trinity United Methodist Church in Waverly seeks a person to lead their high school youth group during the school year. Responsibilities include leading Wednesday night youth group, assisting with special group events, and mission projects. The leader will also be expected to attend one worship service a week and Sunday School. Position is 10 hours/week and candidates must be at least 20 years old. To apply, send a resume, references, and contact information to Ross Helgevold at triumc@gmail.com. The application deadline is Monday, Jan 29.
Seminary samplers 
Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago will offer three upcoming Seminary Samplers, scheduled for Feb. 24-26, March 19, and April 18. This is a time to meet current faculty and students, sit in on classes, and continue to discern how God is calling you into the world. For more information, go to www.lstc.edu/admissions.
Dr. Kuni Terasawa, assistant professor of world religions, had the summary of his presentation paper, “Seno’o Giro’s Buddhist Socialism, the Lotus Sutra, and the Interreligious Social Movement in the 1930s-40s” (at the International Lotus Sutra Seminar), published in Dharma World: Buddhism’s One Vehicle in a World of Many Religions (January-June 2018 Vol. 45) 22-23.
Ian Coon '20 was featured in Waukee Living Magazine as the founder of the Iowa Student Learning Institute, a forum that helps empower high school students to speak out.  

"This Day Forward," a movie about Mike ’96 and Jennifer Johnson ’97 Jensen's continued faith despite a life-changing diagnosis, premiered in the Cedar Valley on Friday, Jan. 19, as reported by KWWL. The film was directed by Brian Ide ’96

Sarah Lacina ’96 will attempt to run seven marathons in seven days on seven continents as part of the World Marathon Challenge, the Cedar Rapids Gazette reported. 

Lindy Winterscheidt Zars ’02 talked about her work as director of marketing strategy and communication for VGM & Associates and in the community as part of the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier's 20 Under 40 series. 
100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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