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The Juice (Students) - Dec. 11

Dec. 11, 2017
Dining hours during break
Click here to see the dining hours over Christmas Break for Mensa, the Den, Konditorei and Zesty Orange.
McElroy Fellowship application deadline approaching
Seniors applying for Ph.D. programs are reminded of the R.J. McElroy Fellowship application deadline Jan. 31. One Wartburg nominee will have a 2/7 chance for the $10,000 scholarship for three years of Ph.D. graduate work through the R.J. McElroy Trust. Those interested should contact gloria.campbell@wartburg.edu for the application form. Interviews for eligible candidates will be held in early February to select the Wartburg nominee. Click here for more information. 
Winter bicycle storage
Campus Security offers a free storage area for bicycles during the winter months. If you are interested, bring your bike to the security office anytime. Bicycles must be registered with the college, but you may do that when you bring in the bike. Registration is also free. Bikes placed in storage will remain there until spring, usually mid-March. You cannot retrieve your bike during any nice days and then bring it back when the weather changes. If you have any questions, email Campus Security or visit the security office during the weekday between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Retirement open house for Anna Epley
After almost two decades of dedication to Wartburg, one of its “zestiest” employees, Anna Epley, Zesty Orange manager, is retiring. Anna’s last day at Wartburg will be Dec. 31. An open house will be held in her honor Wednesday, Dec. 13, from 9 to 11 a.m., at the Zesty. All friends and the campus community are invited to stop by and wish her a happy retirement.
Juice publishing schedule during break 
The Faculty/Staff edition of the Juice will publish Monday, Dec. 20, then return Monday, Jan. 8. The Student edition of the Juice will take a break until Monday, Jan. 8. The deadline for the Jan. 8 edition is 4 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 4. Contact Juice@wartburg.edu with questions. 
Give a 2018 Chapel message
There is still some availability for Seniors, Faculty and Staff to provide the chapel message in the Spring of 2018.  Please e-mail SLCM.office@wartburg.edu if you are interested in signing up for this rewarding service to our college community.
Retirement open house for Jim Anderson
After more than 36 years at Wartburg, groundskeeper Jim Anderson is retiring. An open house will be held in his honor Tuesday, Dec. 19, from 9 to 10:30 a.m., in the Chapel Commons. All are welcome to stop by and wish him well on his retirement.
Inclement weather policy 
As winter approaches, the chance for severe winter weather grows more likely. For such situations, the college has a weather-related closure policy posted here. It also is linked from the front page of the Student Handbook page and the Academic Affairs website.
InfoCenter navigation changes 
The dropdown menus on the InfoCenter will be eliminated to encourage viewers to click on the main menu tabs. This allows the viewer to see all the options available. Research suggested that many people were not aware of the additional options beyond the dropdown options. You will now find all links on the main pages for each menu tab page. Also, some sections of the InfoCenter will be receiving a graphic facelift to make them more user-friendly and attractive. All navigation changes should be complete before classes resume in January. Other updates will be minor cosmetic changes made during Winter Term. If you have questions about where to find information on the InfoCenter, email chris.knudson@wartburg.edu.
Poinsettias available
Poinsettias in the Chapel will be available for sale after the weekday Chapel service Monday, Dec. 11, for $5 each. Please contact Pam Moss, SLCM office coordinator, if you are interested in purchasing one or more of the 11 poinsettias.
Service trip applications 
Head out on the experience of a lifetime by serving on a service trip this year during Winter Break or Tour Week. There are various location options for each break. Applications are due in January. Click here to apply for Winter Break trips, and click here for Tour Week.
Snow removal map
As we approach the winter season, please remember to use caution when snow and ice are present on sidewalks and steps. Operations & Maintenance will remove snow and add salt or sand to icy spots on sidewalks and steps on campus according to the priority snow removal map. Parking lots will be cleared and salted or sanded as needed by a third party. 
Deadline for Wartburg Shuttle
If you would like to sign up for the Wartburg Shuttle to area airports on Dec. 16, you must do so by Dec. 11. The deadline for the Jan. 3 shuttle is Dec. 22. The shuttle is available for all students. Sign up and see details about the Christmas Break shuttle at www.wartburg.edu/shuttle.
Retirement reception for Kit Kleinhans 
The Department of Religion & Philosophy will host a retirement reception for the Rev. Dr. Kit Kleinhans on Wednesday, Dec. 13, 12:30-2:30 p.m., in the Hagemann Castle Room. Kit, who came to Wartburg in 1993, is retiring from Wartburg College and will become the dean of the newly established Trinity Lutheran Seminary at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio, in January. All are invited to attend the reception. Click here to read more about Kit’s new endeavor.
Check and empty your mailbox
Please remember to check and empty your campus mailboxes before leaving for Winter Break. Packages and mail WILL NOT be forwarded during Winter Break. The Mail Center will be open, with regular hours, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m., unless otherwise posted, until Dec. 22; it will reopen Jan. 2.
Postal rate increase coming
Effective Jan. 21, the cost to send a standard letter or postcard will increase by one cent, raising stamps to 50 cents and postcards to 35 cents. Package shipping prices will also increase, though prices still depend on packaging, weight, and destination. Faculty and staff are encouraged to consult with the Mail Center if interested in purchasing stamps prior to the price increase to ensure availability and confirm need.
Outfly feedback survey 
Student Senate would like to get your feedback on this year’s Outfly and ideas for next year. Click here to complete a survey.
Incomplete grade policy reminder
An incomplete grade is not valid unless it is supported by a Student Request for Incomplete Grade Form. Students should initiate completion of the form to confirm they have been in communication with the instructor regarding the incomplete grade policy. The form is available under Special Request Forms-Student from the Academics tab of My Wartburg or in the Registrar’s Office. Any incomplete grade submitted by the instructor without support of the form will be changed to an “F.” Additional information about the incomplete grade definition can be found online in the 2017-18 academic catalog.
Recruiting for new Student Ambassadors 
Wartburg Student Ambassadors is a student-led organization that is looking for fun and passionate people to give tours, host overnights, and participate in events with the Admissions Office. If you would like additional information, plan to attend Ambassadors Information Night on Jan. 8, 7-8 p.m., in Buckmaster, or email ambassadors@wartburg.eduClick here to apply. The deadline for applications is Jan. 15.
Wartburg West housing
The college’s lease of the building owned by St. John’s Cathedral in Denver, Colorado, used to house students for the Wartburg West program, will end Dec. 31, 2018, as St. John’s has found other uses for the property. We have enjoyed the relationship with St. John's and hope we can continue to grow this relationship outside of housing our students. We are currently seeking a replacement building.
Upcoming Events

Festival of Trees 🎄
Now through Dec. 14

Final exams
Dec. 12-15

Kleinhans reception
Dec. 13

Epley open house
Dec. 13

Anderson open house
Dec. 19

Winter Term begins
Jan. 4

MLK Day of Service 👐
Jan. 15
Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760.

Upcoming Chapel services

Weekday services are from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Wartburg Chapel. They are a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Interfaith chapels will be held the last Wednesday of each month during the semester. It’s a great time to put regular worship on your schedule. This week’s Chapel service schedule looks like this:

  • Monday, Dec. 11 – Dr. Chip Bouzard, professor of religion
  • Friday, Jan. 5 – Maya Wetherall ’18
  • Sunday, Jan. 7 – Pastor Brian Beckstrom
Quarterback Matt Sacia ’19 is one of four finalists for the 2017 Gagliardi Trophy, given to the most outstanding player in DIII, as reported by KWWL

Dylan Binion's ’19 efforts on the football field were featured in the Quad City Times.

Several Wartburg students will be featured in the Cedar Valley Biennial Exhibition, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

The football team playoff run ended with a 41-27 loss to the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh in the Elite Eight, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier and on KCRR.

Rob Rottler ’17 recorded a league-best 117 tackles in 2017, just one season after tearing his ACL, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Anna Javellana ’10 was named the Accredited Residential Manager of the Year by the Institute of Real Estate Management, as reported by MultifamilyBiz.com
100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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