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The Juice (Students) - Sept. 19


Get involved with Homecoming & Family Weekend — Less than one month until you "Shine Your Armor" Oct. 13-16! Students and groups can take part in the following events during Homecoming & Family Weekend (make note of deadlines). Click here for registration and details for all three.

  • Homecoming Parade — Register for the parade to show your pride and promote your organization! Cash prizes for first- ($500), second- ($300), and third-place ($150) entries will be given to Wartburg student organizations. Deadline to register is Oct. 6.
  • Renaissance Faire — Show your Wartburg spirit by setting up a booth at the Renaissance Faire on Saturday, Oct. 15! A $25 fee will be applied to your organization's campus account; we will supply your group with one or two tables. Deadline to register is Oct. 6.
  • Spirit Contest — Show that you've got Knight pride by registering to participate in the Spirit Contest. The painter of the first-, second-, and third-place windows will receive cash prizes of $200, $100, and $50, respectively. Painting supplies will be provided. Students MUST register to qualify for prizes. Photos submitted without prior registration will NOT be eligible for prizes. Photo submissions are due Oct 6. 

Audition for Kastle Kapers — The Homecoming Committee will hold auditions for the 2016 Kastle Kapers on Sept. 27 and 28, 7-10 p.m., in Neumann Auditorium. Sign up in The Hub. Contact courtney.belk@wartburg.edu or homecoming@wartburg.edu with any questions. 


Interested in traveling to Britain in May? Want to see medieval castles up close and experience the majesty of a Gothic cathedral? Visit the windswept island and monastery that ushered Christianity into Britain and so much more during May Term. There will be an informational meeting for HI 212, Castles and Cathedrals, at 9:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 19, in Luther Hall 324. Whether you’re already committed or just curious, come to find out about class requirements, course fees, expected itinerary, and more. Contact Dr. Erika Lindgren with any questions.

Learn about nationally competitive scholarships and fellowships —
Dr. Gloria Campbell will host an informational session about nationally competitive fellowships and scholarships Tuesday, Sept. 20, 9-10 p.m., in Science Center 134. She will be presenting on the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, NIH Undergraduate Scholarship, the Fulbright Student Program, and more. Students interested in applying for fellowships and scholarships should contact Campbell.

Calling all vocalists and instrumentalists — Hope Overflow is a praise band that spreads God’s hope and love to others through music and service. Auditions will be Sept. 20 and 21, 7-9:30 p.m., in Bachman Fine Arts Center 21. All are welcome! Please come prepared to sing or play “10,000 Reasons” or “Glory to God.” Email Ryan Henkel with any questions or call 815-842-7273.

Math, Computer Science & Physics Department Seminar — The first Math, Computer Science & Physics Department Seminar of 2016-17 will be held Tuesday, Sept. 20, at 11:30 a.m. in SC 134. Mathematics major Ashlyn Bagge ’17 will speak about her internship this past summer at Athene in Des Moines. Refreshments (cookies and beverages) will be provided.

Female volunteers needed — A new empowerment program starting this fall for elementary-age girls needs your help. IMpower’s mission statement is “a movement empowering girls as they navigate adolescence.” We are asking volunteers to commit to an hour a week for six weeks, starting the week of Oct. 10. There will be a workshop Saturday, Oct. 1, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., in the St. Elizabeth Room in Saemann Student Center to train volunteers. If interested, contact Professor Jenna Haglund.

Consumer information — The U.S. Department of Education requires institutions receiving federal funding to provide notice regarding the availability of consumer information and how to register to vote. Consumer information is available here. This information contains statistics, policies, and programs at Wartburg College, including, but not limited to, the Annual Security Report and the Annual Fire Safety Report. Please contact the Financial Aid Office with questions or to request a paper copy. You also should take a moment to register to vote here.

Give blood — The Volunteer Action Center and the American Red Cross will host a blood drive Thursday, Sept. 22, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., in Chapel Commons. Sign up online to donate or contact the VAC at vac@wartburg.edu to volunteer your time. 

Phil and Lit – The next meeting of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society is 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 23, in McCoy West in the Saemann Student Center. Dr. Kathryn Kleinhans, professor of religion, Dr. Tamara Faux, professor of social work, and Dr. Vicki Edelnant, senior lecturer in inquiry studies, will present “A Little Knight Reading: Why You Should Care What the Class of 2020 Is Reading (I Am Malala).” These  faculty members will discuss how they are using the autobiography of 2014 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Malala Yousafzai in their IS 101 and Scholars 101 classes.

Donate your gently used t-shirts — The Sustainability Department is collecting donations of clean t-shirts (please no tears or stains), adult and youth sizes, to be used for a Renaissance Faire activity. Donations can be dropped off in the Sustainability Office in the basement of Old Main or at the Physical Plant before Monday, Oct. 10. 

Math Lab and SI courses — Math Lab is open Sunday through Thursday, 7-10 p.m., in Vogel Library Classroom 1. The Math Lab provides a comfortable place for students to receive assistance in specific courses taught through the Wartburg Math, Computer Science, and Physics departments. For details and to see a list of supported courses, click here. To see the fall 2016 list of Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions, click here.

KnightVision sets live stream schedule — A newly created KnightVision executive committee, representing athletics, worship, music, institutional events, and the Department of Journalism & Communication, has set the live streaming schedule for the 2016-17 academic year. Click here to view the schedule online. Information about requests for the 2017-18 academic year will be forthcoming in the next few months. If you have questions, contact penni.pier@wartburg.edu.

Poster policy — Posters must be approved and stamped by the Marketing & Communication Office, Luther Hall 106, before posting on campus. Click here to see the posting policies on the InfoCenter.  

Constitution Day panel — The college will commemorate Constitution Day with a panel discussion Tuesday, Sept. 20. The panel, which will focus its discussion on voter registration, will begin at 11:30 a.m. in McCaskey Lyceum in Saemann Student Center. The event is free and open to the public. The event precedes Voter Registration Day, an on-campus event set for Tuesday, Sept. 27, sponsored by Wartburg’s Student Senate. Click here for details. 

Student discount for Waverly Oktoberfest — Wartburg students who show a college ID at the gate get into Waverly Oktoberfest for $12 on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 23-24, in Kohlmann Park east of campus (a $3 discount, tickets good for both days). Wartburg College is a sponsor of this new community event, inspired by Waverly’s German heritage, which will feature two music venues, food and beverage gardens, a family fun zone, and activities for all ages. Vendor and music details can be found on the Oktoberfest website and on the group's Facebook page.



Refund checks — If you have a credit balance on your student account and would like a refund check, please have your request in to the Business Office, Luther Hall 212, by noon Monday, Sept. 19. Checks will be ready for pick up Wednesday, Sept. 21.

Student paystubs now online —  Student employees now can access their paystubs using the Pay Stub application on InfoCenter. Simply log in to InfoCenter using your Wartburg credentials. Under the “Applications” header, select “Pay Stub.” Paper paystubs will no longer be provided, starting with the Oct. 14 payroll.

Wartburg West applications — Wartburg West applications for next summer, fall 2017, and winter 2018 are being accepted, including for internships that are part of the program. Application materials can be found at www.wartburg.edu/west, and all completed applications should be turned into Jo Dorrance, Student Life 184. Email jo.dorrance@wartburg.edu if you have questions.

Interested in student government? Consider joining Wartburg Student Senate. Senate meets Thursdays during community time, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Applications to run for Senate can be found here or on the Student Senate page at info.wartburg.edu

Register to vote — The Wartburg College Republicans urge students on campus to register to vote for the upcoming November election. All U.S. citizens are able to register to vote with their Wartburg address. To register to vote for the first time, or to change your address to Wartburg’s location so that you are able to vote in November, please click here. Direct questions to emily.laudner@wartburg.edu

Shuttle to St. Mary Catholic Church — A free shuttle to Mass at St. Mary Catholic Church in Waverly will run on Sundays. Meet at 9:30 a.m. at the Information Desk in Saemann Student Center. 

Hip-hop workshop — The UNI Dance Team, Orchesis Dance Co., and the Wartburg Hip-Hop Dance Team will present “So You Think You Can Dance,” a hip-hop workshop by choreographer Zach Benson, on Saturday, Sept. 24, 9 a.m.-noon, in the aerobic room upstairs in UNI’s WRC. All ages and skill levels are welcome. Register at the door; cost is $40 per person. Contact Gabrielle Larson, 319-883-0938, for more information.

New administrative assistant to the president — Please welcome Joy Skinner as administrative assistant to the president. Joy brings a variety of experience from her work in the financial and broadcast industries. She earned a bachelor’s degree in electronic media from the University of Northern Iowa. Her first day is Sept. 19.

New archivist — Vogel Library announces the arrival of Wartburg’s new archivist, Amy Moorman. Amy comes from the Missouri State Archives, where she was the visual materials archivist. As the archivist for Wartburg College and the Archives of Iowa Broadcasting, she will preserve and highlight the archives’ unique collections. Please join us in welcoming Amy to the Wartburg community. Archives-related research requests, donations, and other inquiries should be sent to Amy. The archives will be open Monday-Friday, 1-4 p.m., for drop-in visits and by appointment.

Newspapers available — The Readership Program will continue offering the following publications: USA TodayDes Moines Register, and Waterloo Courier. You can find these newspapers at the north end of the Student Center, Whitehouse Business Center outside Admissions, Clinton Hall Lounge (after renovation completion), near the information desk of Vogel Library, and Cardinal Commons within Lohe/Grossman Hall. Papers will not be delivered until the afternoon this year due to a change in delivery methods. Any questions, comments, or concerns may be addressed to senate@wartburg.edu

College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's official calendar.

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