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The Juice - Oct. 16

See what's happening on campus this week.

Monday, Oct. 16, 2023




Get a Homecoming & Family Weekend T-shirt

Did you miss your chance to get a Homecoming & Family Weekend T-shirt? Due to popular demand, the Alumni & Parent Engagement Office is extending mail-order T-shirt purchases. Order a short-sleeve natural-colored cotton blend with this year's "Fly Our W" theme for $17 and it will be sent directly to you! Orders are due by 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 19. If you have questions, please email alumni@wartburg.edu.

Applications open for resident assistants

Resident assistant applications for Winter Term are now available. Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 25. Open RA positions are located within first-year residence halls and would be a great way to grow leadership skills while engaging in meaningful interactions with peers on campus. Email Residential Life at residential.life@wartburg.edu with questions.

TriByKnight Triathlon registration opens

The 13th annual TriByKnight Triathlon will take place May 4, 2024. Registration is now open. Sign up by 11:59 p.m. April 1 to be guaranteed a shirt. More information will be announced soon about triathlon prep classes.

Veteran sought for Chapel message

Spiritual Life & Campus Ministry will have a Veterans Day Chapel on Friday, Nov. 10, at 10:15 a.m. If you are a veteran and would be interested in sharing a chapel message that day, please email wendy.mohlis@wartburg.edu. All are welcome to attend and thank our veterans for their service and sacrifice to our country.

Student employees must sign form

To further help student employees understand their responsibility to safeguard confidential information on campus and to strengthen the integrity of Wartburg, all student employees are required to review and sign the Student Employee Care of Confidential Information Form. Completed forms are due to the Student Employment Office in Luther Hall 212 by Friday, Oct. 20. Students may utilize the Business Office’s secure drop box located to the left of the office’s main entrance to submit the form outside of office hours.

Registrar’s Office highlights important dates

Courtesy of the Registrar’s Office, here are some upcoming dates to keep in mind:

Wednesday, Oct. 18: Midterm grades due.
Monday, Oct. 23: Second 7-week classes begin.
Monday, Oct. 30: Last day to drop a second 7-week class without a W.
Monday, Oct. 30, to Friday, Nov. 3: Advising week. First-year students are strongly encouraged to meet with their adviser sometime this week to review your Winter and May Term course schedules and advising worksheet.
Tuesday, Oct. 31: Graduation Agreements due. If you are graduating in December 2023 or May or August 2024, review your agreement and your advising worksheet with your adviser.
Wednesday, Nov. 8: Last day to withdraw from a full-term class with a W.

Critical Language Scholarship applications available

Interested in language and cultural immersion beyond French, Spanish, or German? The Critical Language Scholarship is a fully funded, language-intensive summer abroad for U.S. citizens or nationals to learn languages such as Arabic, Portuguese, Russian, Persian, and nine others. This can also be an online course through the CLS Spark program. The application deadline is Nov. 14. Email Kathleen Sihler, scholarship adviser, at kathleen.sihler@wartburg.edu with questions.

On-campus positions available for student employees

Photographer, Marketing & Communication Office
Enjoy taking photos? M&C is seeking a student photographer to take photographs at home sporting events. Photography experience and camera knowledge is preferred but training will be provided. Five hours per week.

ELITE Consultant I, Vogel Library
Apply to join the team of student employees that provide technical support to library patrons utilizing library technology. Students are responsible for troubleshooting issues with library technology as well as testing and providing instruction on software and applications to peers. Five to 10 hours per week.

Circulation Desk Assistant I, Vogel Library
Now seeking dedicated student employees to staff the circulation desk for Winter and May terms. Students are responsible for providing the first line of customer service to library patrons and assisting with the maintenance of the library’s collection. Five to 10 hours per week.


Apply for these jobs and more on Handshake.

German Institute opens applications for funding

Applications are now being accepted by the German Institute to support activities or endeavors related to Germany or the German language. For 2023-24, $2,000 is available. The institute has previously funded enrichments to May Term trips to Germany, the German film festival, learning materials for the faculty/staff Heritage Tour, and subsidized student travel to Germany for study abroad. Applications for the full amount of available funds will likely not be supported in full. Applications are due Friday, Oct. 27, and awards will be announced no later than Nov. 13. Email Dr. Daniel Walther (daniel.walther@wartburg.edu) with questions.





10:15 to 10:35 a.m., Wartburg Chapel

Message by Karen Black, college organist and professor of music.

Citation Seminar

5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Library Classroom 2

Preparing for midterm papers? Need help citing your sources correctly? Drop in to get librarian support on research, editing works cited/reference pages, and in-text citations. Snacks provided.


Midterms Due


10:15 to 10:35 a.m., Wartburg Chapel

Service with Holy Communion.


Amazon Trip Informational Session

6 p.m., Science Center 128

Have you ever thought about spending two weeks in the Amazon River basin? Dr. Michael Bechtel and DC Randle will take another expedition to the "lungs of the planet" in May 2024. Randle, a Wartburg graduate, will give first-hand insights about the upcoming travel course at this short open-forum presentation. All majors and interest levels are invited to attend.

Volleyball vs. Loras

6 p.m., Levick Arena

Knights to Know: Spotlight on STEM

7 to 8 p.m., virtual event

Join President Ehretsman, current students, alumni, and other friends of the college for Knights to Know, a series that explores the amazing work Wartburg graduates are doing out in the world. This year's theme is Women of Wartburg, and the October session will spotlight work being done in the STEM field. Join a panel interview with Kerri Blobaum ’94, a materials scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Erica Gallant ’99, technology strategy and partnerships leader for electrification of heating at Trane Technologies; and Dr. Jennifer Kurtz ’99, director of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Energy Conversion and Storage Systems Center. Register for the free event to receive the Zoom link.

Women’s Soccer vs. Carleton

7 p.m., Salzwedel Field


9 p.m., Chapel Commons (lower level)

Sanctuary is a casual service where all are welcome to relax and center themselves around God’s word in the midst of their busy weeks. Snacks are served at 8:45 p.m.


Guided Meditation

11:30 a.m., Chapel Garden (rain site: Lily Reflection Room, Saemann Student Center)

Faculty Meeting

11:30 a.m., Science Center 102

Wartburg West Drop-In Information Session

11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., McCoy West

Meet with Luz Navarrete, Wartburg West program director, to learn more about living and interning in Denver, Colo. Bring friends and enjoy pizza; kindly RSVP for food count purposes.


AAUW October Program

7 p.m., Science Center 134

Join the Waverly chapter of the American Association of University Women to hear Wartburg third-year Rabecca Ndolovu, a Davis Scholar from Zambia, talk about her Davis Project for Peace. Ending Period Poverty aims to provide young women with a skill to make reusable pads using basic sewing techniques and educating them on female hygiene and menstruation. The project instills teamwork, provides a sense of community and leadership, and repurposes fabric to reduce environmental waste.


End of First 7-Week Courses


10:15 to 10:35 a.m., Wartburg Chapel

Senior message by Melissa Mziyako.


Phi Eta Sigma Induction

10 a.m., Wartburg Chapel

Wartburg Community Symphony: Stage and Screen

7 p.m., Neumann Auditorium

Join the symphony for a one-night exclusive concert with Waverly native John Hagen from the Emmy Award-winning Texas Tenors! He will be joined by soprano Bárbara Padilla, known for her unforgettable performances on “America’s Got Talent.” A meet-and-greet with John will be held in the Hagemann Castle Room after the concert, limited to 100 attendees. Tickets for the concert are $40-$60.



Second 7-Week Courses Begin

Installation of Chaplain Maggie

10:15 a.m., Wartburg Chapel

The Rev. Maggie Falenschek will be installed as dean of spiritual life and inducted as the Herbert and Cora Moehlmann Chaplaincy Chair.

Noon, online



Gospel Choir Info Meeting

7 p.m., Chapel Commons

All musicians and singers that enjoy Gospel music are invited to attend.



Friday, Oct. 20
Volleyball: 3 p.m. departure




Voting open for Study Away Photo Contest

Vote now for your favorite entry in this year's Study Away Photo Contest! Entries are on display in the second-floor hallway of Luther Hall. You can vote online through Oct. 23. Winners will be announced in early November.

Give your feedback on Outfly

If you have any feedback you are willing to share about Outfly, both positive and negative, please fill out this form. We want to hear from the students to improve each year.

Retrieving Freedom foster policy updated

Students who are trained through Retrieving Freedom and apply for approval through Residential Life are now eligible to foster if they live in a suite-style or single room. Previously, fosters were only allowed in the Residence and Knights Village. Additionally, there have been some minor policy updates to be eligible to weekend foster. Email residential.life@wartburg.edu with questions.

Apply to fill Student Senate vacancies

The Student Senate Rolling Application is now live. When a Senate seat becomes vacant, this form will be used to elect and assign a new senator. Each vacancy will be filled as soon as possible, with applicants considered in the order they apply (first-come, first-served). Reach out to Ryleigh Parrack with concerns.

Sign up to speak in Student Senate

Student Senate holds full meetings every Thursday at 11:30 a.m. in Buckmaster, WBC 214. Guest speakers are welcome to talk about any topic of their choosing. Students, faculty, staff, and community members are welcome. Please fill out this form if you are interested in being a guest speaker. Email Ryleigh Parrack with questions.

On-campus positions available for student employees

There are open student employment positions across campus, including these two jobs:


STEM Tutor, IINSPIRE Program

Tutors and peer mentors are needed to provide an inclusive and supportive learning experience to individual or small groups of IINSPIRE students enrolled in Wartburg STEM classes. IINSPIRE is a program with the goal of supporting students from racial and ethnic groups traditionally under-represented in the STEM fields.


Lifeguard/Swim Instructor, The W

Already a certified lifeguard? Apply today to work at the pool at The W! Lifeguards are responsible for ensuring the safety of all participants in and around the pool area and assisting with the maintenance of the facility and equipment. Proof of your current certifications is required when applying.


To apply, check out these positions and more on Handshake.

Vogel Library publishes October newsletter

The latest edition of the Searching Squirrel, Vogel Library’s newsletter, is now available. It includes information on the upcoming citation seminar event, a spotlight on the Mental Health Awareness two-floor book display, information about the interlibrary loan service, Homecoming and Fall break hours, and an upcoming announcement.

Annual Medicare notice available

The annual Medicare notice is now available.

Achievements and accomplishments

Dr. Michael Bechtel and Kate Heithoff presented "Hands-on, Minds-on Aquaponics" at the Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children state conference in Des Moines on Oct. 6-7. The presentations provided history, current research, and future outreach taking place in the Midwest. Attendees left the presentation with lessons aligned with Next Generation Science Standards, links to Wartburg College supports, and models to be used with their young learners.


The Juice is a weekly newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center. See details about Juice and our campus email policies here.


The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Please keep items short, no longer than one paragraph.


Direct questions to Alan Simmer in Marketing & Communication at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact Alan directly.

Wartburg College | 100 Wartburg Blvd., Waverly, Iowa


Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note the Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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