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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Dec. 4

Condolences, CWW tonight, library update

Dec. 4, 2020

Data security, FERPA trainings available soon

In the coming days you will receive emails from Everfi, the same company that provides our Title IX training, regarding new training modules available for data security and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which is the federal law protecting the privacy of student education records.


While these trainings are not mandatory, all employees are encouraged to complete them. Some supervisors may require their employees to complete them. These modules will be available through the end of January.


Dining hours for Christmas break

Click here to see the hours for the Dining Services locations during the extended Christmas break, beginning Dec. 5.


Check out The Searching Squirrel, new library newsletter

Check out the new Vogel Library newsletter at this link — this month’s news and tips, including our streaming film databases, holiday hours, Google Scholar full text link tricks, and more! Please click on the gray bar along the top of the library’s website for hours through the end of the academic year. After finals the library will be open with reduced break hours on weekdays (8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) through Dec. 18 and closed on weekends.


Christmas with Wartburg concerts online tonight

Mark your calendar to watch two Christmas with Wartburg productions online in December:

TONIGHT: Watch the online premiere of 2019's program, "Behold the Mystery," through Wartburg's Facebook page or on YouTube at 7 p.m. CST Friday, Dec. 4. On Facebook, you can share your comments and reactions and see special comments from the ensemble directors during the performance.
Watch the 2020 CWW production, "Hope Awakens; Love's New Dawn," online at 7 p.m. CST Friday, Dec. 18.


You can find more information at www.wartburg.edu/christmas, including links to watch and PDFs of the programs.


The Wartburg community extends its condolences to Edith Waldstein, vice president for enrollment management, on the loss of her mother, Anna Phillips, who died Wednesday at age 94 in Waverly. A private memorial will be held at a later date. Please click here to view the obituary.


The Wartburg community extends its condolences to Derek Solheim, Pathways Center director, on the loss of his father, David Solheim of Clermont, who died Nov. 23 at age 75. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Please click here to view the obituary.



Upcoming events

Deadline to apply for M.A. in Leadership tuition reduction
Dec. 4

Christmas with Wartburg 2019 program online
Dec. 4

Christmas with Wartburg 2020 program online
Dec. 18

Davis Projects for Peace deadine
Jan. 11

Winter Term begins
Jan. 18


ITS routine maintenance and Wi-Fi upgrades Dec. 4-16

ITS will be performing routine maintenance and upgrades to our Wi-Fi Infrastructure beginning Dec. 4 and continuing through Dec. 16. During this time, you may experience intermittent connectivity to our Wi-Fi. Any questions should be directed to Techline at techline@wartburg.edu.


Noah Clinic closed during break

The Noah Clinic will be closed through through Jan. 17. If campus community members need COVID-19 testing or have other health concerns requiring medical assistance, please visit the Waverly Heath Center Walk-In Clinic. For health emergencies requiring acute medical care, please visit the Waverly Health Center Emergency Department.


Mail Center updates

With the extended break and given the recent COVID-prevention developments both state- and campus-wide, please remember to contact the Mail Center regarding office closures. The Mail Center will remain staffed and open for receiving and shipping through Friday, Dec. 18. Service between Dec. 19 and Jan. 4 will be intermittent. Please plan accordingly and email updates regarding your office closures to kory.figura@wartburg.edu. We thank you for helping make it easier to continue to maintain service.


Accounts Payable and PNC card updates

With the recent communication encouraging those who can work from home to do so, Accounts Payable is asking for your help. Please look for invoices, personal reimbursements receipts, or expense transfers in your inbox or desk. Please attach the appropriate completed form (i.e. Payment Voucher, Personal Reimbursement, Expense Transfers), approvals, and documentation for these payments. These forms can be found on the Business Office website.


Click here for more information, and to see the policies about PNC statements and receipts. Questions regarding your PNC purchasing card at this time can be directed to abbie.raum@wartburg.edu or call 319-352-8350.

Institutional Advancement office hours and staffing plan

Responding to President Colson’s recommendation for staff to work remotely, if possible, while still maintaining essential services, Institutional Advancement announces the following office opening and staffing now through Jan. 15:
Development – Office open each workday with limited staff; Luther Hall 134 will be open 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Dec. 21-22 and 30-31 to process year-end gifts; most staff working from home.
Alumni & Parent Relations and Annual Giving – Office closed with staff working from home.
Mail Center – Open each workday; also open select days during Christmas vacation period.
Print Center – Open each workday with limited staff; other staff working from home
Marketing & Communication – Office open each workday with limited staff; most staff working from home.

Please note that all staff, including those in offices that may be closed, will remain accessible by phone or email.


Faculty/staff giving: T-shirt and raffle

The Institutional Advancement office is asking college employees to consider giving through payroll deduction for the coming year. It’s a fast and easy way to make a consistent impact throughout the year. As a way to thank you for giving back to the college, we have a giveaway and raffle for our employee donors. Here are the details:

To receive an EXCLUSIVE Wartburg College T-shirt:

Sign up for/renew a payroll deduction of $5 or more per month, for a total of $60+/year.


Make an outright gift of $60 or more.


To be entered into a raffle to win 8 hours of PTO:

Sign up for a NEW payroll deduction of ANY amount.
If already enrolled in payroll deduct, increase your deduction by ANY amount.


To be entered into the raffle and/or receive the T-shirt, please set up payroll deduct or make your gift by Dec. 18. To set up payroll deduct, click here or stop by Advancement in Luther Hall 123 for a paper form. Contact bethany.brooks@wartburg.edu with questions.



Three faculty members in the Department of Religion & Philosophy are participating in virtual sessions of the American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature National Conference during the first two weeks of December:

Dr. Justin Jeffcoat Schedtler is presiding at the John's Apocalypse and Cultural Contexts Ancient and Modern session.
Dr. Caryn Riswold is presenting "Luther/an(d) Theological Treatises Today" at the Martin Luther and Global Lutheran Traditions session.
Dr. Kristin Wendland is presenting "How Are the Children? Daughter Zion and Her Children in Lamentations 1-2" at the Children in the Biblical World session.


Dr. Mariah Birgen, professor of mathematics, is the recipient of the 2020 Iowa Section of the Mathematical Association of America’s award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics. Recipients are widely recognized as extraordinarily successful in their teaching, having teaching effectiveness that can be documented, having had influence in their teaching beyond their own institution, and fostering curiosity and generating excitement about mathematics in their students. Birgen is now in the running for the Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award, a national award that recognizes a college or university teacher within the field of mathematics.


Marcus Newsom, director of Track & Field and Cross Country, presented on Nov. 9 as part of the 2020 National All Sports Coaches Summit, an annual coaching development event that was held virtually this year. Newsom’s segment, "Holistic Coaching and Team Building," aired on Monday, Nov. 9, at 7:30 p.m. on the Summit's virtual platform. The 2020 National All Sports Coaches Summit, Nov. 9-13, featured coaches and athletic administrators from all over the athletics world — from NCAA Division I to high school — and former Super Bowl MVP Kurt Warner delivered the keynote address.


The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions to Stephanie Boeding, editor and email marketing manager for Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact the editor directly.

Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd.




Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note The Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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