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The Juice (Student) - Nov.12

Nov. 12, 2018
Saint Elizabeth Week events
In honor of St. Elizabeth, who devoted her life to service, the campus community is invited to spend Nov. 10-15 devoting our time and efforts to service as well. We are raising money for Cedar Valley Friends of the Family and the Northeast Iowa Food Bank through several events aimed toward educating ourselves on this important issue. Click here to read more about the history of St. Elizabeth and see details for the events below:

Monday, Nov. 12
Pennies for Professors
World Cafe: 7-9 p.m., Knights Ballroom

Tuesday, Nov. 13
Pennies for Professors (last day)
Tie-It Tuesday: 7 p.m., Cardinal Commons

Wednesday, Nov. 14
St. Elizabeth Chapel Service: 10:15 a.m., Chapel
Charity Workshop: 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Saemann Student Center
St. Elizabeth Sanctuary: 8:45 p.m., Chapel Commons

Thursday, Nov. 15
Hunger Banquet: 6:30-7:30 p.m., Knights Ballroom
Wartburg CHATS: Mental health
Join us at noon Tuesday, Nov. 13, for a special edition of CHATS, co-sponsored by Student Life and Student Senate. Members of Wartburg’s counseling staff will present information on campus mental health resources and ways students can support each other during challenging times. This open forum will be held in the ballrooms off the Mensa, and everyone is welcome to bring their lunch. Contact Jennifer Onuigbo with questions.
Mail Center update
The Mail Center will be open Nov. 19-21 and closed Nov. 22-23 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Packages and mail received during that week will not be forwarded, but instead held on campus. Packages whose tracking shows as “received by Agent” on Nov. 23 and 24 will not be available until late morning on Nov. 26. Please contact mailroom@wartburg.edu with inquiries.
World Kindness Day
Tuesday, Nov. 13, is World Kindness Day. Keep an eye out for clothespins and candy with encouraging words written on them, and don't forget to be kind!
Wicked Problems World Café
Students interested in the Davis Projects for Peace and the Wicked Problems Challenge are encouraged to attend the World Café on Monday, Nov. 12, at 7 p.m. in the Ballrooms. This event is part of Saint Elizabeth Week. We will have conversation around social problems in our world and provide dates and information regarding the Wicked Problems challenge and Davis Projects for Peace.
Free fitness class offered Tuesdays, Thursdays

All students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in our new student-led "Freshman 15" fitness class (don't worry, it's not just for students!). This FREE class is instructed by students studying fitness management and offers a variety of exercises ranging from (but not limited to) strength and core work, yoga, and cycling. The class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, noon to 12:45 p.m. in The W. This month's schedule is:

  • Nov. 13: Yoga
  • Nov. 15 Strength
  • Nov. 20 and 22: No class due to break
  • Nov. 27: Core
  • Nov. 29 Cardio strength
Day of Silence
Don't forget to wear black on Thursday, Nov. 15, for the Day of Silence to remember those who have lost their lives to suicide. SAFE will be tabling Monday and Tuesday to sign up for a sticker. In addition, there will be a SAFE Space in the Grossmann Classrooms at 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 15. Contact SAFE with any questions.
Diploma application reminder
Wartburg diploma applications are due Friday, Nov. 16. All students who received an email regarding the diploma application on Tuesday, Nov. 6, must complete the online diploma application by this deadline. Please contact the Registrar’s Office with any questions or concerns.
Transgender Day of Remembrance candlelight vigil
Alliance will host its annual Transgender Day of Remembrance candlelight vigil on Thursday, Nov. 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the Wartburg Chapel.
Internship panel hosted by Phi Beta Lambda
Join us in our first internship panel where students share their internship and research opportunities to develop experiences for the professional world. On Thursday, Nov. 15, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in WBC 117, students will speak about their internships and opportunities in the fields of actuarial science, finance, graphic design, sports management, accounting, medical research, and marketing. Food will be provided!
Center for Integrative and Interdisciplinary Studies
Dr. David McCullough will begin service as the first director of the Center for Integrative and Interdisciplinary Studies at Wartburg College. This center, developed as part of the Focus on the Future planning process, is dedicated to supporting and extending Wartburg’s signature integrative and interdisciplinary focus, described in Goal 1 of our strategic plan. David has been a longtime leader of and advocate for interdisciplinary education on our campus. For the 2018-19 academic year, David will be charged with the stewardship of the ID tier of general education, including contributing to learning outcomes assessment in this area. In addition, he will take a leadership role in the search for a new study abroad administrator and will be charged with advancing four projects that will shape the future of the center: investigating physical space for the center, developing external funding, moving forward with a proposal to hire a Chair in Ethics, and exploring faculty development.
Fund the Fortress applications for Winter Term
Fund the Fortress is Wartburg’s crowdfunding platform used to directly impact areas of campus through online giving. We’ve had an excellent Fall Term so far, raising $50,000 (and counting) towards special projects on campus. Applications are being accepted for new projects through Dec. 1. Examples of projects and applications can be submitted at this link.
Pin & Tonic
Pinnacle is hosting a social gathering called Pin & Tonic on Thursday, Nov. 15, at 8 p.m. in the Chapel Commons. Pinnacle is a vocal ensemble that aims to foster an inclusive environment of students of various backgrounds who explore the expansive range and capabilities of the human voice. There will be snacks, fun drinks, and entertainment from members of Pinnacle. All are welcome to attend!
Juice publishing schedule
There will be no Juice email Monday, Nov. 19, due to Thanksgiving Break. The deadline for the Nov. 26 edition is 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 15 (before break). Break begins at 5:35 p.m. Friday, Nov. 16, and classes resume Monday, Nov. 26, at 7:45 a.m. Enjoy your time off!
Phi Eta Sigma Candlelight Dinner
The signup for the Candlelight Dinner hosted by Phi Eta Sigma will be Tuesday, Nov. 13, and Wednesday, Nov. 14, from 5 to 7 p.m. in Mensa. Phi Eta Sigma members will discuss their organization while students, faculty, and staff mingle over a dinner of honey lemon chicken on Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 6:30 p.m. in the Heritage Ballroom in Saemann Student Center. The cost for students with a board plan is one swipe from their meal plan and $3. This may be paid with points or cash at the time of signup. Off-board students may also attend, and their cost will be $15 at the time of signup. Special dietary considerations will be taken into account.
Voter registration for next election
Did you know that your voter registration does not automatically move when you do? If you registered to vote using your on-campus address and you expect to leave Wartburg before the next election in 2020, update your voter registration NOW so that you won’t be stuck later. Visit this link and enter your legal (home) address.
BSU annual canned food drive
Black Student Union's Annual Canned Food Drive ends at 4:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 12. Items will be donated to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank in Waterloo that serves the Cedar Valley area. Every RA and some faculty and staff members will have bags for donations if you would like to give. More information will be sent to you via your RA. If you have any questions, please email BSU.
Holiday Shoppe gift trees
This holiday season, please consider giving a gift to a child in need by participating in Holiday Shoppe. Keep an eye out for trees with ornaments on campus describing gifts for children within our local community. Simply take an ornament, donate a gift, and return the gift underneath the tree. This is an easy way to make a heartwarming, direct impact as an individual, an organization, or with a group of friends. Gifts need to be returned by Nov. 30. Direct questions to destany.himschoot@wartburg.edu or lynn.peters@wartburg.edu.

You can also give to Holiday Shoppe's crowdfunding project. Learn more and give your support at www.wartburg.edu/fund-the-fortress.
Recycling reminder

The past few weeks have seen an increase in contamination in the blue recycle bins. Blue bins are only for paper, metal, and recyclable plastic. When a bin is contaminated, it must be emptied as trash at an added cost of $20 per bin. Please read the signs on top. Be aware:

  • No glass in the blue bin – there is a tan bin for glass in residential areas.
  • Plastic bags are not recyclable in the blue bin, nor are other soft plastics.
  • Styrofoam is not recyclable in the blue bin.

Please visit www.wartburg.edu/recycle for details.

SAFE Day of Silence
SAFE (Suicide Awareness for Everyone) is hosting the annual Day of Silence on Thursday, Nov. 15. The Day of Silence is a day of remembrance for those who have lost their lives to suicide. If you wish to participate in this day of solidarity, please visit the SAFE table at dinner Nov. 12 and 13. Participation includes wearing all black and a nametag that says, "What if I wasn't here?" At the end of the day, SAFE will host a "SAFE Space" in the Grossman classrooms at 8 p.m. to debrief and enjoy games after the heavy day. Questions can be directed to safe@wartburg.edu.
Presidential Forum notes
Notes from the Presidential Forum held Oct. 30 are now posted on the InfoCenter under President’s Reports.
Decorate a tree for Festival of Trees
The annual Wartburg-Waverly Festival of Trees will brighten the halls of the Classroom Technology Center Nov. 28-Dec. 12. If your office, academic department, or group/organization would like to decorate a Christmas tree to display, please sign up by Monday, Nov. 19. For details and/or to sign up, go to www.wartburg.edu/trees. Direct questions to Beth Sinnwell. A partnership between the college and the Waverly Chamber of Commerce, the festival is open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and attracts more than 5,000 guests each year. There is no entry fee or admission charge.
Salsa Night
Salsa Night will be Friday, Nov. 30, from 7 to 9 p.m. in The W classrooms. The first hour will have instructors to help teach the dances and the next hour will be open to come and go as desired. There will be food, dancing, and fun! Anyone is welcome to come, and you do not need to speak Spanish to attend. Contact jessica.mueller@wartburg.edu with questions.
Research on perceptions of obstacles to education and career success
If you are 18 years of age or older and enrolled full-time at any post-secondary institution, you are eligible to participate in current research on the perceptions students hold of obstacles to their post-secondary education and early career goals. The study is being conducted by fourth-year psychology student Emily Meeker for credit PSY 450: Independent Study & Research, and should take less than 30 minutes to complete online. If you are interested in participation or would like more information, please contact the researcher at emily.meeker@wartburg.edu.
Free New York Times subscription

Vogel Library provides complimentary access toThe New York Times for students, faculty and staff, which the campus community may find useful during election season, including these resources:

  • The Upshot - News, analysis and graphics about politics, policy and everyday life. Subscribe to the newsletter as well.
  • Elections - News about elections, including commentary and archival articles.
  • The Argument - New York Times Opinion columnists explain an argument from each side of the political spectrum, so you can decide where you stand and how to persuade the opposition. Check out the section and podcast.

To activate your complimentary access to NYTimes.com, please make sure you are on campus, connected to our campus network, and visit AccessNYT.com. Follow the simple instructions. Once activated, your pass will provide access to NYTimes.com from any location. To download your free NYT apps, visit nytimes.com/mobile.

Use Wartburg Shuttle for travel during breaks
Any student can ride the Wartburg Shuttle, whether you’re catching a flight at an airport, meeting someone for a ride, or just heading to the city for your break. Deadlines to sign up for Thanksgiving Break and Christmas Break are one week before the shuttle departure date. See prices, routes and dates, plus other details, at www.wartburg.edu/shuttle.
This week's Chapel service schedule

Weekday Chapel services are from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Wartburg Chapel; Sunday services begin at 10:30 a.m. Chapel time is a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Interfaith chapels will be held the last Wednesday of each month during the semester. Upcoming speakers:

  • Monday, Nov. 12 – Life in Service
  • Wednesday, Nov. 14 — St. Elizabeth Chapel - Brian Hamilton ‘19
  • Friday, Nov. 16 — Abbey Bond '19
  • Nov. 17-25 — No Chapel or worship services; enjoy your Thanksgiving Break!
Ph.D. program applications
Graduating seniors applying for Ph.D. programs are encouraged to review https://mcelroytrust.org/fellowship-program/criteria/ and contact Gloria Campbell to get the application form. If nominated by the Wartburg College selection committee, students have a 2/9 chance for more than $10K renewable grad school scholarship. The deadline is Jan. 5, 2019.
AAUW Start Smart salary workshop
Attend a free AAUW Start Smart salary negotiation workshop for college students Monday, Nov. 12, 1-3:30 p.m. at UNI’s Rod Library, room 287, in Cedar Falls. Register at stemed.uni.edu/startsmart. For all majors, preregistration is required. Workbook and refreshments are included.
Upcoming Events

Saint Elizabeth Week
Nov. 10-16

World Cafe
Nov. 12

World Kindness Day
Nov. 13

Wartburg CHATS
Nov. 13

SAFE Day of Silence
Nov. 15

Transgender Day of Remembrance vigil
Nov. 15

Phi Beta Lambda
internship panel

Nov. 15

Pin & Tonic
Nov. 15

SAFE Space
Nov. 15

Diploma application

Nov. 16

Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 17-25

Festival of Trees
Nov. 28-Dec. 12

Deadline for Holiday
Shoppe gifts

Nov. 30

Salsa Night
Nov. 30

Christmas with Wartburg performances
Nov. 30-Dec. 2
Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.
Cora Turner ’78, executive director of student and at-risk services, retired from the Waterloo Community School District after more than 20 years, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

The men's basketball team fell 110-69 in an exhibition game against the University of Northern Iowa, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

The men's cross country team won its first championship since 2005 while the women's team finished second to Nebraska Wesleyan. Carina Collett ’21 won her first American Rivers Conference individual title, and the Knights also won Coaching Staff of the Year, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

The Wartburg College Alumni Board presented Judith McCaskey '65, Lois Jelneck '50 and Michael Sinram '75 with Alumni Citation Awards during Homecoming weekend.

Mike Murphy '89 of Ankeny was elected to a three-year term on the Wartburg College Board of Regents. He is the owner of Powerhouse Retail Services, a national provider of construction services, rollouts and facilities maintenance solutions.
About this newsletter
The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available on the Info Center.

TO SUBMIT AN ITEM: The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both editions of The Juice. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760. The Juice reserves the right to edit items for length and readability and may suggest an alternate method to share your information.
100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
Previous Article The Juice (Student) - Nov. 5
Next Article The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Nov. 12
