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The Juice (Student) - Nov. 5

Nov. 5, 2018
Holiday Shoppe trees

This holiday season, please consider giving a gift to a child in need by participating in Holiday Shoppe. Keep an eye out for trees with ornaments on campus describing gifts for children within our local community. Simply take an ornament, donate a gift, and return the gift underneath the tree. This is an easy way to make a heartwarming, direct impact as an individual, an organization, or with a group of friends. Gifts need to be returned by Nov. 30. Direct questions to destany.himschoot@wartburg.edu or lynn.peters@wartburg.edu.

You can also give to Holiday Shoppe's crowdfunding project. Learn more and give your support at www.wartburg.edu/fund-the-fortress.

Music Therapy Awareness week

It's Music Therapy Awareness week! Through tabling, drum circles, movies, candlelight dinners, petting zoos and demonstrations, MT students will share aspects of what music therapy is and how it impacts others. These events are free and open to anyone:

  • Monday, Nov. 5, 8-9 p.m.: Band Hall, Drum Circle 
  • Tuesday, Nov. 6, 8:30 p.m.: Clinton Theater, Movie Night
  • Wednesday, Nov. 7, 6:30 p.m.: Ballrooms, Candlelight Dinner
  • Thursday, Nov. 8, 7-9 p.m.: MT Lab, Instrument Petting Zoo
  • Friday, Nov. 9, 5:30-7:30 p.m.: Chapel Commons, MT in Action
Recycling reminder

The past few weeks have seen an increase in contamination in the blue recycle bins. Blue bins are only for paper, metal, and recyclable plastic. When a bin is contaminated, it must be emptied as trash at an added cost of $20 per bin. Please read the signs on top. Be aware:

  • No glass in the blue bin – there is a tan bin for glass in residential areas.
  • Plastic bags are not recyclable in the blue bin, nor are other soft plastics.
  • Styrofoam is not recyclable in the blue bin.

Please visit www.wartburg.edu/recycle for details.

BSU annual canned food drive
Black Student Union will be having its Annual Canned Food Drive from Monday, Nov. 5, to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 12. Items will be donated to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank in Waterloo that serves the Cedar Valley area. Every RA and some faculty and staff members will have bags for donations if you would like to give. More information will be sent to you via your RA. If you have any questions, please email BSU.
Trumpet Festival concert
“Sound the Trumpets!,” featuring master trumpeters Vince DiMartino and John Foster, will headline the Wartburg College Trumpet Festival finale concert Thursday, Nov. 8, at 7 p.m. in the Wartburg Chapel. The Wartburg Trumpet Choir, under the direction of Dr. Scott Muntefering, will perform “Fanfare on America the Beautiful.” “Sound the Trumpets!” takes the audience on a lightning-speed and sometimes humorous journey through the musical history of one of the most vibrant and recognizable instruments: the trumpet.
Saint Elizabeth Week events

Take part in the Pennies for Professors competition from Tuesday, Nov. 6, to Tuesday, Nov. 13. Put money in jars for different professors across campus, and the professor with the most "negative" change will wear a St. Elizabeth robe Wednesday, Nov. 14. Positive change is copper (pennies) and negative change is silver (nickels, dimes, quarters) and bills. Professors participating this year are Dr. Bouzard, Dean Kittle, Pastor Beckstrom, and Dr. Bechtel. Other events this week:

  • The VAC is teaming up with the women's basketball team to help “shoot out” hunger in the Cedar Valley. On Saturday, Nov. 10, you can purchase a rubber duck to throw at halftime for the Chuck-a-Duck event. The three ducks that are closest to the center court will get a prize! Each duck will be $2. There will also be a food drive at the game and throughout Saint Elizabeth Week.
  • On Saturday night, Nov. 10, join us from 11:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. at the Grilled Cheese for St. E's event! The Saint Elizabeth Committee will sell grilled cheese sandwiches outside the Konditorei for $1.

All money raised during Saint Elizabeth Week will go to Cedar Valley Friends of the Family and the Northeast Iowa Food Bank. Email the VAC with questions. Click here for the full schedule of events.

Day of Silence
SAFE (Suicide Awareness for Everyone) is hosting the annual Day of Silence on Thursday, Nov. 15. The Day of Silence is a day of remembrance for those who have lost their lives to suicide. If you wish to participate in this day of solidarity, please visit the SAFE table at dinner Nov. 8, 9, 12, and 13. Participation includes wearing all black and a nametag that says, "What if I wasn't here?" At the end of the day, SAFE will host a "SAFE Space" in the Grossman classrooms at 8 p.m. to debrief and enjoy games after the heavy day. Questions can be directed to safe@wartburg.edu.
Wartburg Players: ‘Man from Earth’
The Wartburg Players will perform “The Man from Earth” on Nov. 9 and 10 at 7:30 p.m. in McCaskey Lyceum. The play follows John Oldman, a departing university professor, who claims to have lived for more than 14,000 years. This time, instead of moving on quietly before others can notice he is not aging, Oldman decides to tell his friends why he is leaving, turning his impromptu farewell party into a mysterious and intense interrogation.
Presidential Forum notes
Notes from the Presidential Forum held Oct. 30 are now posted on the InfoCenter under President’s Reports.
Decorate a tree for Festival of Trees
The annual Wartburg-Waverly Festival of Trees will brighten the halls of the Classroom Technology Center Nov. 28-Dec. 12. If your office, academic department, or group/organization would like to decorate a Christmas tree to display, please sign up by Monday, Nov. 19. For details and/or to sign up, go to www.wartburg.edu/trees. Direct questions to Beth Sinnwell. A partnership between the college and the Waverly Chamber of Commerce, the festival is open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and attracts more than 5,000 guests each year. There is no entry fee or admission charge.
MCSP Seminar: Women in STEM graduate programs
The final Math, Computer Science & Physics (MCSP) Department Seminar of the term will be Tuesday, Nov. 6, at 11:30 a.m. in Science Center room 134. This session will be a "Women in STEM Graduate Programs" panel discussion comprised of Wartburg alumnae representing a variety of majors including biochemistry, neuroscience, chemistry, physics, and engineering science, who graduated between 2010 and 2017. They will join us via Google Hangout to speak about their experiences in their respective graduate school programs and will field questions from the audience. While this session may prove particularly informative for women considering STEM graduate programs, it is likely to be useful to ANY students considering graduate study. As always, refreshments will be provided.
Salsa Night
Salsa Night will be Friday, Nov. 30, from 7 to 9 p.m. in The W classrooms. The first hour will have instructors to help teach the dances and the next hour will be open to come and go as desired. There will be food, dancing, and fun! Anyone is welcome to come, and you do not need to speak Spanish to attend. Contact jessica.mueller@wartburg.edu with questions.
Research on perceptions of obstacles to education and career success
If you are 18 years of age or older and enrolled full-time at any post-secondary institution, you are eligible to participate in current research on the perceptions students hold of obstacles to their post-secondary education and early career goals. The study is being conducted by fourth-year psychology student Emily Meeker for credit PSY 450: Independent Study & Research, and should take less than 30 minutes to complete online. If you are interested in participation or would like more information, please contact the researcher at emily.meeker@wartburg.edu.
Free New York Times subscription

Vogel Library provides complimentary access toThe New York Times for students, faculty and staff, which the campus community may find useful during election season, including these resources:

  • The Upshot - News, analysis and graphics about politics, policy and everyday life. Subscribe to the newsletter as well.
  • Elections - News about elections, including commentary and archival articles.
  • The Argument - New York Times Opinion columnists explain an argument from each side of the political spectrum, so you can decide where you stand and how to persuade the opposition. Check out the section and podcast.

To activate your complimentary access to NYTimes.com, please make sure you are on campus, connected to our campus network, and visit AccessNYT.com. Follow the simple instructions. Once activated, your pass will provide access to NYTimes.com from any location. To download your free NYT apps, visit nytimes.com/mobile.

Phil & Lit Society
The next speaker for the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society is the Rev. Dr. Kristin Wendland, visiting assistant professor of religion. She will deliver her talk, "Daughter Jerusalem and the Loss of Holy Space,” at 4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 9, in McCoy West of the Saemann Student Union. Refreshments will be provided.
Use Wartburg Shuttle for travel during breaks
Any student can ride the Wartburg Shuttle, whether you’re catching a flight at an airport, meeting someone for a ride, or just heading to the city for your break. Deadlines to sign up for Thanksgiving Break and Christmas Break are one week before the shuttle departure date. See prices, routes and dates, plus other details, at www.wartburg.edu/shuttle.
Mail Center announcements
The Waverly Post Office reminds everyone that any non-paper-based item, including rings, keys, bracelets, medals, and flash drives, even when placed in a regular envelope, will be charged and handled as a package. Mail Center staff can assess and apply the correct postage. Please also put your name on outgoing mail. Stop by the Mail Center or contact mailroom@wartburg.edu if you have tried to send a bracelet or keys by regular envelope in the past month. Two outgoing mail pieces that cannot be sent with a single stamp are at the Mail Center waiting to be claimed due to no name on the return address.
Budget information available
Did you know that summary budget information for the college is available to all students on the Info Center?
If you would like to learn more about the college’s budget, please plan to attend the Student Senate meeting on Thursday, Nov. 8 (corrected date), at 11:30 a.m. in WBC Room 214 (Buckmaster). Rich Seggerman, vice president for finance and administration, will provide an overview of the college’s budget and respond to questions.
This week's Chapel service schedule

Weekday Chapel services are from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Wartburg Chapel; Sunday services begin at 10:30 a.m. Chapel time is a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Interfaith chapels will be held the last Wednesday of each month during the semester. Upcoming speakers:

  • Monday, Nov. 5 - Marcia Haugen, office coordinator, Department of Music
  • Wednesday, Nov. 7 – Rev. Tim Boettger
  • Friday, Nov. 9 – Bailey Lambert ’19
Ph.D. program applications
Graduating seniors applying for Ph.D. programs are encouraged to review https://mcelroytrust.org/fellowship-program/criteria/ and contact Gloria Campbell to get the application form. If nominated by the Wartburg College selection committee, students have a 2/9 chance for more than $10K renewable grad school scholarship. The deadline is Jan. 5, 2019.
AAUW Start Smart salary workshop
Attend a free AAUW Start Smart salary negotiation workshop for college students Monday, Nov. 12, 1-3:30 p.m. at UNI’s Rod Library, room 287, in Cedar Falls. Register at stemed.uni.edu/startsmart. For all majors, preregistration is required. Workbook and refreshments are included.
Upcoming Events

Music Therapy Awareness Week activities
Nov. 5-9

BSU Canned Food Drive
Nov. 5-12

Vagina Monologues auditions
Nov. 5-6

WSMTA candlelight dinner
Nov. 7

Trumpet Festival concert
Nov. 8

Service Trip leader apps due
Nov. 9

Wartburg Players: 'Man from Earth'
Nov. 9-10

Saint Elizabeth Week
Nov. 10-16

SAFE Day of Silence
Nov. 15

Festival of Trees
Nov. 28-Dec. 12

Deadline for Holiday
Shoppe gifts

Nov. 30

Salsa Night
Nov. 30

Christmas with Wartburg performances
Nov. 30-Dec. 2
Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.
Cora Turner ’78, executive director of student and at-risk services, retired from the Waterloo Community School District after more than 20 years, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

The men's basketball team fell 110-69 in an exhibition game against the University of Northern Iowa, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

The men's cross country team won its first championship since 2005 while the women's team finished second to Nebraska Wesleyan. Carina Collett ’21 won her first American Rivers Conference individual title, and the Knights also won Coaching Staff of the Year, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

The Wartburg College Alumni Board presented Judith McCaskey '65, Lois Jelneck '50 and Michael Sinram '75 with Alumni Citation Awards during Homecoming weekend.

Mike Murphy '89 of Ankeny was elected to a three-year term on the Wartburg College Board of Regents. He is the owner of Powerhouse Retail Services, a national provider of construction services, rollouts and facilities maintenance solutions.
About this newsletter
The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available on the Info Center.

TO SUBMIT AN ITEM: The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both editions of The Juice. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760. The Juice reserves the right to edit items for length and readability and may suggest an alternate method to share your information.
100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
Previous Article The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Nov. 5
Next Article The Juice (Student) - Nov.12
