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The Juice (Students) - April 24

April 24, 2017
Pay rate increases for Dining Service and Operations & Maintenance student employees

Effective with June 2017 work hours, Dining Service and Operations & Maintenance college student employees will receive pay rate increases. The pay rate for student assistants will be $8.25/hour (current base pay of $7.50), and the pay rate for student managers will be $9.00/hour (current base pay of $8.30). This will replace the current pay grid in which students receive pay increases for every 200 hours worked in these departments. Anyone presently receiving more than the new pay rate due to the increase for each 200 hours worked will be grandfathered in at their present pay. Office positions in these departments will remain exempt from receiving the pay increases.

The pay increases are intended to help recruit and retain student employees in both departments and, therefore, aid in maintaining quality customer service and daily operations. For more information, please contact Margaret Empie, assistant vice president of dining and retail services, or Keith Strand, director of general maintenance and cleaning. 

May Term Intramurals
May Term is just around the corner, and Wartburg Intramurals will have many leagues for sports on campus! Registration for golf, softball, and sand volleyball leagues will close on May 1. The pickleball tournament registration will close on May 5. Registration for the Frisbee golf tournament will close on May 11, and our first ever Olympic Day will close on May 19. Click here to check out all of the leagues and register teams. Contact Will McDonald with questions.
May Term Senate election results
Congratulations to the following students, who have been elected to May Term Senate:

Breyanna Primous
Ian Coon
Kierstin Keller
Alejandro Salazar
Shahzeb Jadoon
Haley Cannon
Megan Andurs
Nathan Trabue

Thank you all who voted!
Alliance executive team
Alliance announces its executive team for next year:
President: Shaunquez Ketton
Vice president: Esmie Alarcon
Secretary: Alviann Jordan
Communications: Liz Snyder
Treasurer: Nicole Johnson
Take the library survey
Do you want a 24/7 library? Longer library hours? Then make your voice heard! Fill out this Library Student Advisory Board survey regarding library hours. As Library Student Advisory Board members, we strive to make the library better for YOU! Your responses to this survey will help us make recommendations for future changes to library hours and accessibility, so tell us what matters to you.
Dining hours for Tour Week, May Term
Click the links to see the dining hours for Mensa, the Den, Konditorei, and Zesty Orange during Tour Week and May Term
New option for grab-and-go on GET
Beginning in May Term, the Den will test a new grab-and-go board plan meal on GET: the Snack Pack. The Snack Pack menu choice will allow you to pick five items from a list. The items on this list will be shelf-stable snack items, including several choices that will be easy for a person to stash in their backpack. Food items will be identified as GF (gluten-free), V (vegetarian), DF (dairy-free), and NF (nut-free). As always, it is recommended that you always check the food label for ingredients, as companies may make changes to their retail items.
Help plan St. Elizabeth Week
The St. Elizabeth Committee, in partnership with the Volunteer Action Center, is in charge of planning the service opportunities and events that go on during the week of Nov. 17 every year. If you would like to help with planning, click this link
Student employee wages
Effective June 1, the Wartburg College Student Employment program will require all student employees to deposit their wages directly into their bank account, set up a Student Payroll Deduction Agreement to have wages applied to their tuition account, or arrange a combination of these two options. This change is part of the college’s expense-reduction efforts as well as a way in which we can adapt more sustainable practices. 
Student employment forms 
Direct deposit forms and Student Payroll Deduction Agreements can be picked up in the Student Employment Office, Luther Hall 212, or found on our website. Completed forms should be submitted to the Student Employment Office by their respective deadlines. Questions regarding this change can be directed to Abbie Raum, student employment coordinator, studentemployment@wartburg.edu or 319-352-8350.
See past announcements
Visit the InfoCenter to see previous editions of The Juice for details on the following:
  • New shuttle program for student travel
  • Websites to bookmark
  • New way to make maintenance requests
  • KnightVision streaming schedule
Upcoming Events

Tour Week 
April 23-30

May 28

Online parking
registration deadline

June 27

Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760.

Senior Chapel sign-up 
Juniors, consider sharing yourself with the Wartburg community through a senior chapel. The sign-up sheet is located in the Chapel narthex or email kathy.liddle@wartburg.edu.
May Term worship
Sanctuary is a holy space in the midst of your busy life where you can recharge and renew. Expect a relaxed time of Bible study, fellowship, music, prayers, and communion. This will be the only worship opportunity on campus during May Term and will take place on Sunday evenings (May 7, 14, and 21) at 8 p.m. in Chapel Commons (basement). Come by at 7:45 for snacks and conversation, Sanctuary begins at 8 and ends at 9.
Gone for May Term?
If you will be off-campus during May Term, please consider making arrangements early to ensure you receive your May 15 wages (payment for April work hours). Students are encouraged to either sign up for Direct Deposit to their bank account OR for the Payroll Deduction Agreement to their tuition account. The respective forms are available here or in the Business Office, Luther Hall 212. 
Apply now for new student employment opportunities
Both 2017 summer and 2017-18 academic year position openings are now being posted toKnightlink. Like and follow us on Facebook at Wartburg College Student Employment to easily see what new job openings are being posted as they become available. Questions regarding these positions or Knightlink can be directed to Abbie Raum, student employment coordinator, at 352-8350.

2016-17 Academic Year
Alumni, Parent Relations & Annual Giving – Knightcaller
Dining Services – Student Assistant
Maintenance / Various buildings – Custodial Assistant
Student Life – Certified Student Drivers

2017 Summer
Business Office – Accounting Assistant
Engineering Science Department – Innovation Studio Lab Assistant
Maintenance/Various buildings – Custodial Assistant
Maintenance/Grounds – Grounds Assistant
Maintenance/Physical Plant – Student Assistant
Residential Life Office – Office Assistant

2017-18 Academic Year
Athletic Department – Men’s & Women’s Tennis Team Manager
Athletic Training – Sports Medicine Assistant
Dining Services – Student Assistant
Vogel Library – Circulation Desk Assistant
Vogel Library – ELITE I Consultant
Marketing & Communication – Social Media & Marketing Assistant
Student Life – Media Coordinator

Urban Studies internships
The Urban Studies Program in Des Moines is taking applications now for internships that are a part of the program. Please contact Jo Dorrance for details.
Lydia Posselt ’07 was selected as part of an international preaching contest to deliver the sermon at the closing worship of the Lutheran World Federation Assembly in Windhoek, Namibia, as reported by Lutheran World.

Katie Leners Johnston ’07 was named principal of North Cedar Elementary, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Lucy Joseph ’07 started the City Sparkles cheerleading squad, a mix of general education students and students with disabilities, at Iowa City High School, as reported by CBS2.

Josh Hauser ’06 honored his mother, who was murdered in 1994, by creating and donating "Becky Baskets" to Horizon's Homicide Survivors program, as reported in the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier, Cedar Rapids Gazette, and Des Moines Register.

Eric Keller was named the d3wrestle.com National Coach of the Year, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Ben Bogard '16 talked about his experience working as a video fellow at Buzzfeed and showing his film, The Art of Hope, at the Sundance Film Festival with the Post-Bulletin.
100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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