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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Jan. 23

Jan. 23, 2017
Diversity and inclusion events Tuesday

College staff and faculty are encouraged to be part of the following events with Dr. Eddie Moore, diversity and inclusion trainer, on Tuesday, Jan. 24. The events are part of the NetVUE Vocation Exploration Renewal grant the college received for the 2016-17 academic year. Contact Ramona Bouzard with questions.  

  • Take a Break With Dr. Moore: Inclusive Mentoring
    10:30 a.m.-11:15 a.m., Chapel Commons, for college staff. This event will help staff members stretch and grow in your mentoring work with students on campus. Coffee, tea, and treats will be served. 
  • Action Items for the Classroom: Teaching and Learning Diversity and Inclusion
    12:35-1:45 p.m., Chapel Commons, lunch will be provided. 
    For faculty and staff involved in classroom teaching; email Kathy.liddle@wartburg.edu to reserve a spot.
  • Dinner and Conversation for Athletic Coaches with Dr. Moore
    5:30-6:30 p.m., The W Classrooms.
    Coaches please RSVP to cathi.duitsman@wartburg.edu
  • Difficult Conversations: Student Diversity and Inclusion training event
    7-8:30 p.m., The W Classrooms, for students.
    Dr. Eddie Moore will engage students in active learning about diversity and inclusion.
Baldwin Leadership Fellows sought
The Institute for Leadership Education at Wartburg seeks your assistance in the selection of first-year students to serve as Baldwin Leadership Fellows. Please click here for more information and a link to the nomination form. 
Service trips LuLaRoe fundraiser
Come and shop during a LuLaRoe fundraising event for Winter Break service trips Tuesday, Jan. 24, noon-7 p.m., in the McCoy rooms. LuLaRoe is a modern line of girls' and women's clothing. Find some new clothes and support service trips at the same time! Click here for event details, and direct questions to kourtney.lilke@wartburg.edu.
Dance Marathon jeans fundraiser
Jan. 23-27 is Wartburg College Dance Marathon’s “Casual for Children’s Health Week.” Many faculty and staff members will be wearing jeans all week to raise awareness about children treated at the Iowa City Stead Family Children’s Hospital. For information about participating in this fundraiser, or general questions about WCDM, email elizabeth.rucker@wartburg.edu. To support WCDM’s goal of raising $60,000 for the kids, click here to donate or email wcdm@wartburg.edu.
Vander Plaats, Red Wing to speak
Bob Vander Plaats, CEO of The Family Leader, and Donna Red Wing, former One Iowa executive director, will be speaking together Tuesday, Jan. 31, 11:30 a.m., in WBC 217. They will be discussing civil discussion even when disagreements are deep, and how to reach out to those you may consider your enemy. This event was rescheduled due to weather and is hosted by Wartburg College Republicans. Direct questions to emily.laudner@wartburg.edu.
Mental health panel 
Join Suicide Awareness for Everyone (SAFE) for a mental health panel Monday, Jan. 23, 8 p.m., in the Buckmaster Room (WBC 214). Wartburg students will be discussing their experiences with mental health and answering questions. Direct questions to safe@wartburg.edu.
Phil and Lit Society
The next meeting of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society will be Friday, Jan. 27, 4 p.m., in McCoy West. The speaker will be David Drum, a computer science professional. His presentation is titled Practical Computer and Online Security.
Library extends Saturday hours
In response to student feedback, Vogel Library has extended its Saturday hours. For the remainder of Winter Term, the library will be open from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. Sunday hours will remain the same, 1 p.m.-midnight. Direct questions to Mary Reding
Dance Marathon Pizza Ranch fundraiser
Wartburg College’s Dance Marathon will be having multiple Pizza Ranch fundraisers in the upcoming weeks. When you eat at Pizza Ranch in Waverly, Dance Marathon will get a portion of the proceeds as well as tips. Fundraising nights are Jan. 23, 25, and 30, and Feb. 6, 13, 20, and 22.
KNIGHTtime user group meeting
The next KNIGHTtime user group meeting will be Monday, Jan. 23, 9-10 a.m., in McCoy East. All users are invited to attend, but material is geared toward supervisors. We will address any challenges and provide solutions or tips to help you navigate the system more efficiently.     
Annual giving statements
The Advancement Office will send annual giving statements to all faculty and staff who contributed via payroll deduct in 2016. If you didn’t utilize payroll deduct but still want to receive a summary, call the Advancement Office, 352-8495.
Share what you’re reading
Join fellow bibliophiles at the Fireside Book Club every Tuesday, 7:30-8:30 p.m., in the faculty-in-residence apartment, Clinton Hall 223. There’s no set reading list, just bring your favorite book or what you’ve been reading lately and tell us about it. All Wartburg students, faculty, and staff are welcome. Direct questions to ashley.mchose@wartburg.edu.
Unified Sports Day volunteers needed
Volunteers are needed for Unified Sports Day on Saturday, Feb. 11, 8:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m. You will spend the day with Special Olympic athletes, who will be participating in activities such as basketball, volleyball, crafts, and more. Sign up at the table in the Student Center during lunch and dinner hours Tuesday, Jan. 17, or email nicole.adair@wartburg.edu.
Price of stamps now 49 cents
The U.S. Postal Service has just increased the price of first-class stamps to 49 cents. Books of 20 stamps ($9.80) and individual stamps are available at the Mail Center for cash or check. The cost of postcard stamps, international first-class mail, and additional ounce charge will not change, and all are now “forever” stamps for their respective values. There are minor increases to package shipping, depending on the weight of the package. Click here for more information, or contact kory.figura@wartburg.edu.
The American Family Insurance Experience
There are spots left in LS395: Leadership Insights – The American Family Insurance Experience, a P/D/F May Term course developed for highly motivated third- and fourth-year students who want the opportunity to observe and interact with the leadership team and members of the board of directors of a Fortune 500 company. The class is open to all majors with an interest in leadership and corporate social responsibility. Time will be split between Wartburg and Madison, Wis. Application available upon request, and due as soon as possible. For more information, email kimberly.folkers@wartburg.edu.
New general fitness class
The W will offer a new high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class in 2017. HIIT is a type of cardiorespiratory training that incorporates intervals of fast-paced training followed by intervals of rest. The new 30-minute class will offer an increased intensity workout in a shorter frame of time. HIIT begins Monday, Feb. 6, and meets Mondays and Wednesdays at 4:05 p.m. 
Leadership and Service Award nominations
Leadership and Service Award nomination forms are available and due by Friday, Feb. 3. Click here to nominate someone you know for one or more of the following awards: Nobility Award; Debbie Heida Award; Outstanding Organization; Outstanding International Senior; Dell Awards for Peace and Justice; Dell Awards for Peace and Justice: Peacemaker; Outstanding Organization Service Award; Outstanding Organization Adviser Award; Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges; John O. Chellevold Outstanding Staff Award; and Outstanding Academic Adviser. The awards ceremony will be Saturday, March 18, 1 p.m., in McCaskey Lyceum, with a reception to follow in the ballrooms. Direct questions to ashley.lang@wartburg.edu.
Posekany Literacy awards
Education Department and Education Unit faculty and students accepted into the Teacher Education Program (TEP), as well as Reading Endorsement students not admitted to the TEP, are eligible for special funding to attend the Iowa Reading Association ESEA Title 1 Conference June 27-28 in Ames. Early-bird registration fees range from $30-$190, and registration is open through March 31. Wartburg registrants may request reimbursement from the Institutional Advancement Office in Luther Hall (contact Suzie Kramer, 352-8495, for information). These literacy awards are available through the generosity of Leonard and Carol Posekany, parents of Education Department emeritae faculty Dr. Susan Sherwood and Dr. Peggy Pruisner. Click here for more information on the Iowa Reading Association ESEA Title 1 Conference.
See past announcements
Visit the InfoCenter to see previous editions of The Juice for details on the following:
  • New shuttle program for student travel
  • Websites to bookmark
  • New way to make maintenance requests
  • KnightVision streaming schedule
Upcoming Events

Mental health panel 
Jan. 23

Dr. Eddie Moore inclusive mentoring 
Jan. 24

LuLaRoe service trips fundraiser 
Jan. 24

State of the College address
Jan. 26

Vander Plaats/Red Wing event 
Jan. 31

Leadership and Service Award nominations due 
Feb. 3

Unified Sports Day 
Feb. 11

Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, communication specialist for Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760.

Meditate and recite the rosary
On Tuesday, Jan. 24, the Catholic rosary will be recited at 5 p.m. in the Lilly Reflection Room. Direct questions to jocelyn.keller@wartburg.edu.
Weekday Chapel services this week
Weekday Chapel services are held each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10:15-10:35 a.m. in the Wartburg Chapel. The service is an opportunity to gather with students, faculty, and staff to reflect on God and faith. Upcoming speakers:
  • Monday, Jan. 23 — Justin Crouse ’08, Assistant Professor of Accounting
  • Wednesday, Jan. 25 “Interfaith Chapel” — Dema Kazkaz, President of Masjid Al Noor Islamic Center, Waterloo
  • Friday, Jan. 27 — Emmett Buckles ’17
Sunday worship
Pastor Ramona Bouzard will give the message Sunday, Jan. 29, 10:30 a.m., in Wartburg Chapel.
The Jesus Experiment
Looking to jump-start your faith life? Spiritual Life & Campus Ministry is offering a discipleship process called The Jesus Experiment to help you answer the question, “How would Jesus live my life if he were living it?” Join us each Wednesday at 7 p.m., in the Chapel Commons. Everyone is welcome. Find out more about The Jesus Experiment at https://whatisthejesusexperiment.wordpress.com/ac.
Sanctuary on Wednesday
Expect a relaxed time of Bible study, fellowship, worship band music, prayers, and communion. Sanctuary takes place at 9 p.m. each Wednesday in Chapel Commons (basement). Come by at 8:45 for snacks and conversation. 
Condolences to Lynn Peters, associate professor of social work, whose mother-in-law, Sylvia Wendt, died Jan. 3. Click here for the obituary. 

Bob Starr died at his home in Clive, Iowa, Dec. 19, 2016. Bob was a tennis coach at Wartburg and taught in the Social Work department. He is survived by his wife, DD Starr, former chair of the Social Work Department. Click here for the obituary.
See openings on Knightlink
Student employment positions are available on Knightlink. Questions regarding these positions or Knightlink can be directed to Abbie Raum, student employment coordinator, at 352-8350.
Urban Studies internships
The Urban Studies Program at Wartburg West in Denver, Colorado, and Des Moines Urban Studies are taking applications NOW for internships that are a part of those programs. Please contact Jo Dorrance for details.
Zak Montgomery, associate professor of Spanish, published the following book review: Service learning and literary studies in English. Laurie Grobman & Roberta Rosenberg (eds.). New York: Modern Language Association. Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education 8.4 (2016): 84-86.

Todd Vandenbark, information literacy and technology librarian, co-authored the article Use of Action Research in Nursing Education, published in Nursing Research and Practice, vol. 2016, Article ID 8749167, 9 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/8749167.

An article by Dr. Kunihiko Terasawa, assistant professor of world religions, has been published as part of a German Festschrift: Der Fall Hirose Akira (1919-1947): Japans buddhistische Jugend im Konflikt mit der Militärgewalt im Zweiten Weltkrieg. In Freiheit, Bewusstheit, Verantwortlichkeit. Edited by Friedhelm Köhler, et al. München: Edition Habermann 2016. Pp. 213-224. The English translation of the above is The Case of Hirose Akira (1919–1947): Japanese Buddhist Youth and Their Struggle with Violence in the Military Before and During WWII. In Freedom, Awareness, Responsibility.
The wrestling team took down Nebraska Wesleyan, 48-0, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Jen Loeb '98 described her Mount Everest ascent during a public event at the Jesup Public Library, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

The men's basketball team is looking to end its NCAA tournament drought in 2017, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Angie Widner ’99 was named CEO of the Family YMCA of Black Hawk County, according to the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Head men's and women's tennis coach Chris Gustas ’11 spoke with the Marion Times aboiut what it took to land his new position at Wartburg.

The wrestling team took down Luther College 47-3, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier, KWWL, and KNIA.

Sarah Mallen ’16 coached her South Tama Trojans to a four-game winning streak, according to the Tama News-Herald.

The wrestling team earned its seventh consecutive NWCA National Duals championship, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Wrestler Cross Cannone's ’19 win at the NWCA National Duals was featured in the Trumbull Times.

Members of the women's basketball team talked about their chemistry on and off the court with the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.
100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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