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The Juice (Students) - Oct. 3


A message from Dan Kittle, dean of students — Students, I hope Fall Term is going great, and good luck as many of you take your first exams and write papers. Hope this video is a nice break from your studies. Seriously, I want to know what it’s like to be a Wartburg student today, so please invite me to the activities and events that show what student life is really like. Send me a Tweet at @DantheDean. And no, you probably don’t want me to sit in on your next test… 


Cash bags for Renaissance Faire — Does your student organization need a cash bag for the Renaissance Faire? Stop by the Business Office to pick up a request form. The request form must be returned to the Business Office by noon Wednesday, Oct. 5. Cash bags will be ready to pick up Friday, Oct. 14, before 4 p.m. Requests after Oct. 5 will not be honored. Please contact Sherri Mennenga with questions. 

Parade supplies available — Parade supplies are available free of charge for student organizations to create parade entries. Items include window paint, vehicle decorations, hayrack supplies, candy and more. Personalized banners will also be provided for interested organizations. All items will be stored for reuse for future Homecoming & Family Weekend celebrations. Email the Homecoming Committee for more information.

T-shirts are going fast — Hurry and purchase your "Shine Your Amor" shirts before they're sold out! The Homecoming Committee will be selling short-sleeve and long-sleeve shirts on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week in front of The Wartburg Store in Saemann Student Center. Shirts are also available during business hours Monday through Friday in the Alumni Office, LH136. 


Thank you from the Center for Community Engagement — All of us in the CCE/Student Life Office would like to express our thanks to the hundreds of students, faculty, and staff who stepped up and answered the call to serve their community during the flooding in Waverly. Wartburg College led the way in pre-flood efforts and assisted on Monday, Sept. 26, with Bremer County damage and needs assessment data collection. Our office was extremely busy for days coordinating relief efforts. Thank you, Wartburg Knights, for your servant leadership! Click here to see a video highlighting Wartburg’s flood relief efforts.

Notice from the Business Office — Students with an account balance greater than $1,000 must contact the Business Office (Luther Hall 212, 352-8411) or Financial Aid Office (Luther Hall 212, 352-8262) as soon as possible to discuss payment and/or loan options. Students failing to pay their account balance in full or below $1,000 by Thursday, Nov. 10, may have their Winter Term registration cancelled by Enrollment Management. Those applying student employment wages to their account and who feel their balance will be below $1,000 by the November student payroll should inform the Business Office. Those signed up for the Monthly Tuition Payment Plan and current with payments can disregard this notice. 

May Term award letters — The Financial Aid Office will be sending out May Term award letters before Fall Break. All students enrolled in a May Term class who are going on a trip will be sent a letter to their campus boxes. Please contact the Financial Aid Office with questions. 

Outfly event sign-up — Anyone interested in doing the sand volleyball tournament (3 p.m.) or the Wartburg Traditions Amazing Race (11 a.m.) taking place on Outfly can fill out our online form. For more information about the sand volleyball tournament contact Hannah Creed, and for details about the Amazing Race contact Tony Smith.

Vanderbilt Divinity School representative to visit campus — A representative from Vanderbilt Divinity School in Nashville, Tenn., will be on campus Tuesday, Oct. 4. Stop by the table in Saemann Student Center from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and have a conversation with Katherine Smith, assistant dean of admissions, vocation, and stewardship.

Masters of Social Work panel —Find out more about a higher degree in the field of social work at a Masters of Social Work panel 3-4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4. in Old Main Room 200. The schools represented will be University of Iowa, St. Ambrose University, University of Northern Iowa, and Clark College.

Faith and life groups — Faith and life groups are opportunities for students to share fellowship with other believers. There are multiple groups meeting at different times, places, and locations on campus. Each group has its own flavor and is led by either a student or one of the campus pastors. Listed below is the group information. Feel free to sign up, or just show up to check it out.

  • Monday Nights, 9:15 p.m., Clinton Hall Lounge. Leaders: Athena Hansen, Dan O’Brien, Katie Linthicum.
  • Tuesday Nights, 8 p.m., Lohe/Grossmann. Email Alexa Schmitz for room location.
  • Wednesday Nights, 7:30 p.m., Chapel. Pastor Ramona and Pastor Brian.
  • Knights Village, TBA

Ultimate Frisbee
event— The Wartburg Ultimate Frisbee Team will host its annual hat tournament Sunday, Oct. 9, at 12:30 p.m. on the lacrosse fields. This event is open to everyone and is free. No prior playing experience needed. There will be students there coaching and playing along. Register at the tournament. Teams will be split up according to playing experience to make games even. Bring your friends and enjoy playing the fastest-growing sport in America! 

St. Elizabeth service opportunity — Are you interested in being part of something bigger than yourself? St. Elizabeth Week is coming up in November, and we are looking for volunteers to be a part of the St. Elizabeth Planning Committee. If you are interested in serving in this way, please email the Volunteer Action Center at vac@wartburg.edu

Honor Council openings — The Honor Council is seeking two first-year students, one third-year student, and one fourth-year student to fill openings. The council is a board of students who deliberate cases of academic dishonesty presented by professors and students. If accepted, you will be a member until you graduate. Please email honorcouncil@wartburg.edu with questions or to apply. 

National Depression Screening Day — Thursday, Oct. 6, is National Depression Screening Day. Counseling Services will conduct screenings from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Saemann Student Center. Online, confidential screenings are available anytime at http://screening.mentalhealthscreening.org/wartburg.

“The German Harmonica and African-American Blues Culture” — You are invited to this year’s Kleinfeld Lecture in German History, Culture & Politics, which features Herbert Quelle, the consul general of the Federal Republic of Germany in Chicago. He will speak Friday, Oct. 7, at 4:30 p.m. in McCaskey Lyceum in Saemann Student Center. Quelle, who has researched the harmonica’s 19th-century German roots, found that African-Americans gravitated to the pocket-sized instrument because they were affordable and accessible. Their affinity for the instrument, sometimes called a mouth organ, allowed them to create new tonal ranges and forms of expression, which led to a greater universal appreciation for the blues. 

Board Game Knights event – The Wartburg Store will host Game Knights on Thursday, Oct. 6, 7 to 10 p.m., in the McCoy Rooms in Saemann Student Center. Modern-strategy board games, including Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride, Pandemic, Dominion and Agricola, will be available, as well as many more. No prior game experience necessary. Whether you like social, strategy, competitive, co-operative or card games, we’d love to play with you!

Wartburg Oktoberfest — Oktoberfest will be Saturday, Oct. 15, 4-6:30 p.m. on the Campus Mall. For students who live on campus, make sure to save a meal from your meal plan if you would like to eat dinner during Oktoberfest; Mensa will not be open during this time. The meal will include beverages, food, and fellowship with current, future, and past Knights. For students without a meal plan, and for family, friends and faculty, make sure to pre-register! Pre-registered tickets are discounted and give you access to the “fastpass” line at the event. Click here to see a map detailing the setup. Information concerning pricing and pre-registration can be found at wartburg.edu/homecoming

Need a ride to catch a bus or flight for break? Students can book a seat on the new Wartburg Shuttle, which transports students to and from regional airports and bus stations for most academic breaks during the year. Shuttle seats can be reserved anytime, but registration for each shuttle closes 30 days before the date of shuttle travel. The deadline to reserve a seat for Thanksgiving Break is Oct. 23, and stops will be at the Waterloo bus station, Waterloo Airport (ALO), Eastern Iowa Airport near Cedar Rapids (CID), and Iowa City Megabus station. Go to www.wartburg.edu/shuttle to see a detailed schedule of locations, dates and times for the whole year and to reserve your seat. 

BOR cookbook — The Wartburg College Board of Regents, past and present, along with their spouses, have shared their favorite recipes for a cookbook, Best of the Knight's Kitchen. Stop by our table at the Renaissance Faire during Homecoming & Family Weekend to purchase your cookbooks. Cost is $20 each, and proceeds are dedicated to support small, unfunded campus projects. Cookbooks also will be available in The Wartburg Store after Homecoming. 

Phil and Lit – The next meeting of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society will be 4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 7, in McCoy West in Saemann Student Center. Dr. Stephanie Toering Peters, associate professor of biology, will present Zika in the Americas.


Off-campus Outfly alert — If you live off campus and would like to receive an alert on the morning of Outfly, please sign up outside of The Hub in Saemann Student Center or fill out this online form. Calls will be made between 5:45 and 6 a.m. on Outfly morning.

Did you know there's a Faculty/Staff Juice? If you'd like to include an item in the version of the weekly e-newletter that goes out to faculty and staff, email your item to juice@wartburg.edu and let us know in which version of The Juice (Students, Faculty/Staff, or both) you want your item to appear. 

Wartburg College Career Expo — You are invited to attend the Wartburg College Career Expo in The W’s Hall of Champions on Tuesday, Oct. 4, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. This year, more than 50 employers, graduate and professional schools, and volunteer organizations will be attending the event. For more information, click here. Learn about various employment options and have a chance to speak with employers and recruiters from graduate and professional schools. Remember to dress professionally and bring a copy of your resume. If you don’t have a resume, stop by the Pathways Center or call 319-352-8615 for help in creating one.

Win prizes in the Homecoming Spirit Contest — Show that you’ve got Knight pride by registering to participate in the Spirit Contest. The painter of the first-, second-, and third-place windows will receive cash prizes of $200, $100, and $50, respectively. Painting supplies will be provided. Stop at the t-shirt sales booth or in the Alumni Office to pick up supplies. Students MUST register to qualify for prizes. Photos submitted without prior registration will NOT be eligible for prizes. Photo submissions are due Thursday, Oct. 6. Click here to register.

Register for the Knight Run/Walk — You can be part of this annual 5K tradition during Homecoming & Family Weekend on Saturday, Oct. 15, at 8 a.m. The cost is $12; register in advance by clicking here. This year’s run/walk event is sponsored by State Bank. 

“Listening for God in a Noisy World” workshop and lunch – In this workshop, we’ll sort through some of the predominant voices competing for our attention – voices that stake a claim on who we should be, what we should value, and what makes us happy. And we’ll think about the voice of God, which lays claim on our lives in the midst of that cacophony, and how following that call might help us find a sense of purpose, meaning, and even joy. Join representatives from the seven ELCA seminaries 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5, for this workshop luncheon in the Chapel Commons (basement). Please RSVP to kathy.liddle@wartburg.edu. For more information, contact Pastor Ramona Bouzard.

Meet local Democratic candidates — The Wartburg College Democrats will host a meet and greet with local candidates in Whitehouse Business Center 214 (Buckmaster) on Wednesday, Oct. 5, at 7 p.m. This is a great way to meet your local candidates and hear their opinions on the issues. 

McCoy Living and Learning Center dedication – Save the date for the dedication ceremony for the McCoy Living and Learning Center and Clinton Hall: Friday, Oct. 14, at 3:30 p.m. Join the celebration on Clinton Field and mark this milestone for Wartburg!

Campus security and fire safety report — The 2016-17 annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report has been released online. This required report contains crime statistics from 2013-15 and addresses the college’s policies, procedures, and programs concerning safety and security, such as responding to emergency situations and reporting sexual misconduct. Additionally, the report contains information related to fire safety. You can request a paper copy in the Campus Security Office in Saemann Student Center.

College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's official calendar.

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