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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - July 5


Update from President Colson – Upon Cindy Carlson’s retirement from the college due to medical/health reasons, I’ve promoted Janeen Stewart to the newly designed role of executive administrator for the President’s Office, and together she and I have created a new role of administrative assistant to provide support for both her and me. Soon that new opening will be posted, and in the near future we will host a reception for Cindy to provide everyone with an opportunity to thank her for her service to the college. 


Sidewalk repairs — Baker Concrete will be on campus Tuesday, July 5, to begin concrete repair work. The sidewalk repair in the center of campus is scheduled to be completed by Friday, July 8. This time frame avoids Snow Valley campers being on campus while sidewalk work is being done.

Heritage Days Parade — The Marketing and Communication Office is coordinating a Wartburg float for the Heritage Days Parade in Waverly on Saturday, July 16. Children of employees and alumni are invited to ride on a trailer in the parade (we'll meet at the Horse Sale Barn before the 10 a.m. parade), and teen/adult volunteers are needed to walk along the route and pass out Wartburg swag. If you can help, please contact Steph Boeding for details. 

Campus visitors — Please welcome the following groups to campus in the coming days:

  • Girls' soccer camp, Wednesday to Friday
  • Snow Valley returns on Saturday, July 9, with high school boys and girls


Welcome (new arrivals):

  • Greg Bodensteiner, head women's golf coach, June 1
  • Brandon Everding, Dining Services special events assistant, June 1
  • Drew Mick, KnightCaller program manager, June 6
  • Brian Zaun, regional assistant director of Admissions, June 27

Farewell (departures and retirements):

  • Darla Hamann, Mail Center coordinator, May 31
  • Jane Lindner, Alumni & Parent Relations office coordinator, May 31
  • Juliann Paladino, Science Lab supervisor, May 31
  • Mary Peters, Science Center office coordinator, May 31
  • Bev Saathoff, Advancement gift processor, May 31
  • Sarah Splinter, assistant director of Residential Life, May 31
  • Michael Testroet, Maintenance staff, May 31
  • Barbara Vance, Dining Services cook, May 28
  • Ed Wubbena, Maintenance staff, May 31
  • John Wuertz, director of Physical Plant, May 31

New titles:

  • Ruth Hein, Science Center office coordinator, June 1
  • Laura Davis, Maintenance office coordinator, June 20
  • Bethany Myers, Dining Services Mensa manager and student employment coordinator, June 20
  • Justine Jackovich, assistant director of Residential Life and student programming, July 1


Athletics and wellness reorganization — Due to staff changes, the Department of Athletics and The W have completed a reorganization designed to meet the needs of varied constituencies while eliminating two full-time positions. Two part-time positions have been created, and duties have been shifted and added to several people within the department. Click here to see details of the reorganization and staffing duties.

Summer Parking Advisory – E Lot, the parking lot closest to Saemann Student Center and Whitehouse Business Center, is a designated parking lot for faculty, staff and visitors. There are 15 spaces posted exclusively for visitors to the college: 11 directly behind the lyceum and five on the south row of the parking lot. They are not limited-time parking spaces, and they are not available if the rest of the lot is full. They are reserved for visitors, not for students or employees. During Fall, Winter and May terms, E Lot is not available for student parking during the business day. That restriction is lifted during the summer months. Please honor those posted visitor signs and park elsewhere. Additionally, there will be times when Admissions anticipates large numbers of prospective students. During those days, E Lot may be reserved entirely for visitor parking and you will be asked to park in another parking lot or on the adjacent public streets.

Visit the InfoCenter for details on the following:

  • Employee break clarification
  • Equipment and technology requests
  • Leadership & Service Awards
  • Presidential Forum notes



Dr. Bill Withers, professor of journalism and communication, gave the keynote address and led a leadership development workshop for the Iowa Communication Alliance’s leadership retreat on the campus of Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids, on June 8. He then led an evening workshop June 9 for college and university interns placed for the summer with employers across the North Central Iowa Alliance of county economic development offices in Clear Lake. Withers traveled to Muscatine on June 15-16 to work with the Iowa Chapter of Children’s Advocacy Centers, and then to the University of Texas-Austin on June 22-24 to give two presentations on the correlation between customer service and patient satisfaction in healthcare.

The Rev. Brian Beckstrom’s article Abundant Life was published in Living Lutheran on June 23.

The first of four upcoming contributions to Working Preacher by Dr. Walter Bouzard has been published online. Further contributions will appear before October. 

Dr. Kunihiko Terasawa, assistant professor of world religions, presented his paper True Pure Land Buddhism and War Time Teachings and Doctrines (Senji-Kyogaku) at the 20th Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ) at International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan, on July 3.

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