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The Juice (SL&CM) - April 4


Sunday worship – Sunday worship will be April 10, 10:30 a.m., in Wartburg Chapel. Pastor Brian Beckstrom will give the message and Castle Singers and Wartburg's Handbell Choir provide special music.

Weekday Chapel services — Chapel is each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10:15-10:35 a.m. The service is an opportunity to gather with students, faculty, and staff to reflect on God and faith. Services are led by students, faculty, staff, the college pastors, and clergy from various area churches. Upcoming services:   

  • Monday, April 4 –– The Rev. Amanda Nesvold ’09, with special music by the Hampton-Dumont High School Choir
  • Wednesday, April 6 –– Lindsay Heinen ‘16
  • Friday, April 8 –– Blessing for Tour Week Service Trip and Summer/Fall Wartburg West participants; special music by the Fort Dodge High School Choir

“The Way of Jesus” Bible study –– Join us for “The Way of Jesus” Bible study Wednesdays at 7:30-8:30 p.m. in the Chapel Commons (basement). Come and explore the Christian faith as a way of life through Bible Study, spiritual practices, and conversation. For more information, contact Pastor Brian. You’re also welcome to just show up.

Midweek Eucharist — Join us as we gather for prayer, praise, fellowship, and sharing centered around Holy Communion at 9 p.m. Wednesdays in Wartburg Chapel. Kelsey Wilson '10 will provide the message April 6.   

Senior chapel sign-up for next year — Juniors, consider sharing yourself with the Wartburg community through a senior chapel. The sign-up sheet is located in the Chapel Narthex, or email Kathy Liddle to be added.


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