The Juice (SL&CM) - Feb. 1
Sunday worship — Meistersinger Band Worship will be Sunday, Feb. 7, at 10:30 a.m. in the Wartburg Chapel with the message by Ashley Rosa and music by Wartburg College band students.
Weekday Chapel services — Chapel is each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10:15-10:35 a.m. Interfaith Chapel: In the context of weekday chapel worship, we’ll hear from a variety of religious traditions the last Wednesday of each month. Upcoming messages will be given by:
- Monday, Feb. 1 –– David Herwaldt, media specialist—Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research
- Wednesday, Feb. 3 — Alex Harrison '16
- Friday, Feb. 5 –– Jenny Kuennen '16
“The Way of Jesus” Bible study –– Join us for “The Way of Jesus” Bible study Wednesdays at 7:30-8:30 p.m. in the Chapel Commons (basement). Come and explore the Christian faith as a way of life through Bible Study, spiritual practices, and conversation. For more information, contact Pastor Brian. You’re also welcome to just show up.
Midweek Eucharist — Join us as we gather for prayer, praise, fellowship, and sharing centered around Holy Communion Wednesdays, 9 p.m., in Wartburg Chapel. Angela Zook '16 will give the message Wednesday, Feb. 3.