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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Jan. 11


Blood drive today — Tri-Beta will be hosting its annual winter Lifeserve blood drive today (Jan. 11) in Chapel Commons from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Walk-in sessions are welcome, but if you would like to schedule an appointment, contact tri-beta@wartburg.edu. All donations will support the Waverly Health Clinic!


University of Iowa Bridge Program — The University of Iowa College of Law is hosting “The Bridge Program," designed to introduce students of color to law school, in Iowa City on Tuesday, Feb. 19, and Wednesday, Feb. 20. Throughout the two-day program, students learn what it’s like to be a law student and factors law schools consider in applications. The College of Law will cover most of the travel expenditures, including hotel rooms and travel cost. For more information on attending, contact Karen Thalacker, pre-law advisor.

MLK Diversity Week lineup — Celebrate MLK Diversity Week with our lineup of events Jan. 17-22. Show your participation by using #IAMWARTBURG on social media.

  • Sunday, Jan. 17: “Selma” movie, 7 p.m. — McCaskey Lyceum
  • Monday, Jan. 18: Service Projects — VAC@wartburg.edu
    Poverty Simulation, 2-5 p.m. — Ballrooms
    "An Evening With Imam Taha A. Tawil: Conversation, Fellowship, and Peacemaking," 7 p.m. — Chapel Commons
  • Tuesday, Jan. 19: Insight tabling event, #WeAreWartburg — Saemann Student Center
  • Wednesday, Jan. 20: MLK Chapel, Naomi Alene ’18, 10:15 a.m. — Wartburg Chapel
    BSU Panel #MakeItMatter, 6 p.m. — McCaskey Lyceum
    Euchie, 9 p.m. (Candlelight vigil following)
  • Thursday, Jan. 21: Diversity Card Game, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. — Chapel Commons
    Diversity Involvement Fair, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. — McCoy Rooms
    The Outlet (performances by a diverse group of students expressing social justice through dance, poetry, song, and various performances), 7 p.m. — McCaskey Lyceum, ice cream social to follow
  • Friday, Jan. 22: KWAR wrap-up event with trivia, dinnertime — Saemann Student Center

MLK Jr. Day class schedule — Next Monday, Jan. 18, is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Wartburg alters the class schedule on this federal holiday to free students and faculty to participate in afternoon service projects. Class periods one through six will meet for 50 minutes with a 10-minute break between each. Weekday Chapel will not be held. Evening classes will meet at their regularly scheduled time. Period 1 (regularly starting at 7:45 a.m.) will be 7:45-8:35 a.m. Period 2 (9 a.m.) will be 8:45-9:35 a.m. Period 3 (10:45 a.m.) will be 9:45-10:35 a.m. Period 4 (noon) will be 10:45-11:35 a.m. Period 5 (1:15 p.m.) will be 11:45 a.m. to 12:35 p.m. Period 6 (2:30 p.m.) will be 12:45-1:35 p.m.

GPA report — The latest Grade Point Average Report has been posted on the Info Center. Contact Edie Waldstein with questions.

Study abroad applications — Set yourself apart, study abroad. Learn in a diverse setting, gain language skills, flexibility, and independence. Start your adventure by submitting your application for the 2016-17 year by Feb. 1.

Mental health speaker — Cleo Goeckner, a student at the University of Iowa, will be speaking Thursday, Jan. 14, at 7 p.m. in WBC 214 about her struggle with mental illness and the inspiration for creating Brain Chains, a mental health awareness project. There will be a brief student panel to follow. All students, faculty, staff and community members are invited and encouraged to attend. Contact safe@wartburg.edu with any questions.

Admissions update – A monthly newsletter goes out to Faculty/Staff as a recruitment update from admissions. Click here for January's newsletter.

Phil and Lit – The first winter term meeting of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society is Friday, Jan. 15, at 4 p.m. in McCoy West in Saemann Student Center. Dr. Fred Hallberg, retired auto-didact who taught humanities for 31 years at UNI, will present "The Pleistocene Cultural Revolution and Other Mysteries of the Human Conquest of the Earth." The society meets most Friday afternoons during the academic year for presentations by a colleague in an informal, convivial setting. Beverages and snacks are available.

Unified Sports Day — Unified Sports Day will be Saturday, Feb. 13, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. in The W Fieldhouse. Sign up to volunteer on the following dates: Wednesday, Jan. 20, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Student Center (north entrance) and 5:30-8:30 p.m. at the women’s and men’s basketball doubleheader (Hall of Champions); and Thursday, Jan. 21, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. in the Student Center (north entrance). Contact Monica Severson if you have questions.

Project for Peace — Proposals for The Davis Projects for Peace are due by noon Wednesday, Jan. 13, electronically to Dr. Dan Kittle, dean of students. The $10,000 award is available for peace projects proposed by undergraduate students. The projects must be completed during the summer of 2016. Contact Kittle or Dr. Fred Waldstein or click here for more information.

President's Cabinet to meet — The President’s Cabinet will meet Thursday, Jan. 14, to finalize the list of expense savings and revenue enhancements totaling $4 million to be implemented over the next two to three years. The President’s Budget Advisory Council will meet Friday, Jan. 15, to review that list and provide feedback to the president. An update will be provided to the campus community later this month. Please watch the Juice for additional information.

Keep on Learning proposals — The Alumni Office is now requesting Keep on Learning proposals for the 2016-17 academic year. The Keep on Learning program offers a series of four-week courses to all residents of the Cedar Valley during seven months of the academic year. All are invited to develop a course proposal for consideration. Click here for more information. 


Open positions — Help us spread the word about these open positions at Wartburg; click here to see job information and to apply.

  • Area Coordinator
  • Academic Success Associate
  • Gift Processor
  • Dining Services Office & Business Operations Assistant
  • Circulation Services Supervisor
  • Cook


HLC Accreditation feedback — Two open forums will be held to address questions, suggestions and feedback on the assurance argument or any other part of the accreditation process: 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 12, in SC102, and 4 p.m. Jan. 25 in SC102.

Service trip applications due — Applications for service trips over Tour Week are due Friday, Jan. 15. Find trip and application details online at www.wartburg.edu/servicetrips. Email your application to servicetrips@wartburg.edu or drop off at office 171 in the Hub.

Crossing Boundaries with German Film — A new contemporary German-language film series, Crossing Boundaries with German Film, will launch this semester. "Merry Christmas"/"Joyeux Noel," a French-German collaboration, kicks off the series 7:15 p.m. Jan. 12 in WBC116. One of four films in the series, it tells the story of the World War I Christmas Eve truce when British, French and German soldiers joined together to celebrate peace. All films are free, open to the public, and screened with English subtitles. A student-led discussion will follow the viewings. Information about subsequent screenings will follow. The series is sponsored by the German Institute at Wartburg College and organized by the German program.

Keep on Learning — Wartburg College’s Keep on Learning continuing education series will return Jan. 14 with classes examining the influence of first ladies on the presidency. Graham Garner, Wartburg’s vice president for marketing and communication, will lead the discussion on “Presidential Partnerships: American Presidents and First Ladies.” A $30 fee due at the second class (Jan. 14) covers the rest of the session. Classes continue Jan. 21 and 28 in the Heritage Room of Saemann Student Center For more information, click here.

College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's official calendar.

Visit the InfoCenter for details on the following:

  • HLC feedback
  • Budget document available
  • United Way Campaign



Campus Pastor Brian Beckstrom’s father-in-law, RLF “Gus” Skovgard, died Dec. 24 in Des Moines from pancreatic cancer. The funeral and visitation were held in late December.



Dr. Kunihiko Terasawa, assistant professor of world religions, has published his article Buddhist-Christian Double Belongings in the Dharma World, January-March 2016, vol. 43 edition, titled Dual Religious Identity: Can One Practice Two Religions?

The Rev. Brian Beckstrom, campus pastor, had Standing Together with Muslims inLiving Lutheran and Bind Us Together, Lord, in The Lutheran Newsletter

Brian Birgen
, professor of mathematics, had The Uniqueness of Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock published in the September 2015 issue of The College Mathematics Journal.

Nelson and Bonita Bock, Wartburg West co-directors, received the Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods' Tom Knorr Good Neighbor Award on Jan. 7 in Denver, Colorado. The Bocks and Wartburg West, located in Capitol Hill, were honored for involving students in the neighborhood. 

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