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The Juice (SL & CM) - Nov. 16

Sunday worship — Pastor Brian Beckstrom will give the message Sunday, Nov. 22, 10:30 a.m., in Wartburg Chapel. Hope Overflow will provide music leadership and Kantorei will sing an anthem.


Weekday Chapel services — Chapel is each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10:15-10:35 a.m. Upcoming messages will be given by:

  • Today, Nov. 16 — Ashley Rosa '16
  • Wednesday, Nov.18 (St. Elizabeth Chapel & Service Awards Ceremony — Anna Askegaard '17
  • Friday, Nov. 20 — Megan Ellis '16

The Way of Jesus Bible study –– Join us for The Way of Jesus Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30 p.m., in the Chapel Commons (basement). Come and explore the Christian faith as a way of life through Bible study, spiritual pracitices, and conversation. Bring a Bible as we focus on the Gospel of Mark. If you don't have one, some will be available. For more information or to sign up, contact Pastor Brian Beckstrom at brian.beckstrom@wartburg.edu. Registration is not required.

Midweek Eucharist — Join us as we gather for prayer, praise, fellowship, and sharing centered around Holy Communion Wednesdays, 9 p.m., in Wartburg Chapel. Rochelle Beardsley '17 will give the message Wednesday, Nov. 18.

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