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The Juice (Students) - Nov. 16


Want to be an ambassador? — Those interested in joining Wartburg Ambassadors can attend an informational meeting Tuesday, Nov. 17, 9 p.m., in Whitehouse Business Center 214, to learn more about what the organization does, the expectations of an ambassador, and the recruitment process. Email ambassadors@wartburg.edu with questions. 

Monday Chapel to include remembrance — All are invited to gather today, Nov. 16, 10:15-10:35 a.m., in Wartburg Chapel, for a service that will include prayers and candle lighting in memory of those killed Friday in Paris and in recent terrorist attacks in Beirut and Baghdad. If you cannot attend, please stop at 10:15 a.m., and observe a moment of silence in solidarity with those who are suffering in this loss.

Saint Elizabeth Week activities — The Saint Elizabeth Week celebration continues today with the Stop 'n' Serve, 10:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m., in Saemann Student Center. Activities throughout the week include: 

  • Backpack Pack, Tuesday, Nov. 17, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Hoover Fieldhouse
  • St. Elizabeth Chapel & Award Ceremony, Wednesday, Nov. 18, 10:45 a.m., Wartburg Chapel
  • Eucharist Service, Wednesday, Nov. 18, 9 p.m., Chapel Commons
  • Voices of the Issues Panel, Thursday, Nov. 19, 11:30 a.m., Wartburg Chapel
  • Blankets of Love, Thursday, Nov. 19, 5-7 p.m., McCoy East

Davis Projects for Peace — An informational meeting about the Davis Projects for Peace Award will be today, Nov. 16, 7 p.m., in McCoy East. The $10,000 award is available for peace projects proposed by undergraduate students. The projects must be completed during the summer of 2016. Final proposals are due Wednesday, Jan. 13, by noon, to Dr. Dan Kittle, dean of students. Contact Kittle at or Dr. Fred Waldstein at fred.waldstein@wartburg.edu or click here for more information.

Service trips applications due soon — Winter Break service trip applications are due Monday, Nov. 30. Tour Week trip applications are due Friday, Jan. 15. Applications can be found here. Completed applications can be sent to servicetrips@wartburg.edu or dropped off in the organization's office in The Hub.

O'Malley to visit campus today — Democratic presidential hopeful Martin O’Malley will be on campus today, Nov. 16, 9 a.m., in Whitehouse Business Center 214. Doors will open at 8:30 a.m. The event is sponsored by the Wartburg College Student Senate Political Action Committee.

Caucus panel discussion, documentary preview — Iowa Public Television will previewCaucus Iowa: Journey to the Presidency, its upcoming historical documentary on the Iowa caucuses, Tuesday, Nov. 17, 11:30 a.m., in McCaskey Lyceum. A panel discussion featuring Dr. Fred Waldstein, professor of political science; Curtis Brundy, Vogel Library director; Chris Larimer, UNI professor of political science; and Ron Steele, KWWL-TV anchor. For more information, click here.

Budget meetings follow-up — Thank you to those who attended any of the three informational budget sessions Oct. 26-28. As promised, the responses to questions raised during those meetings that required more research are now available online.

Fall Piano Concert Series — Sean Botkin, a UNI professor of piano, will be the featured performer at the Fall Piano Concert Series Sunday, Nov. 22, 2 p.m., in Sandra Rada Orchestra Hall. Click here for more information.

Eggnog pong — KWAR will host an Eggnog Pong Tournament Tuesday, Dec. 8, 7-9 p.m., in Grossmann Hall 16. Cost is $2 per team or $1 for an individual. You must register before the event, but will pay the entry fee at the door. Contact Abby Singleton atabby.singleton@wartburg.edu to register.

Phil and Lit — Dr. Dani Thomas, professor of political science, will present Does Assessment Make Colleges Better? Or Bitter? A Q-Study at the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society meeting Friday, Nov. 20, 4 p.m., in McCoy West. 

Cultural connections — Global Connections is looking for Winter Term participants. Global Connections pairs international and domestic students based on similar interests and provides opportunities for pairs to socialize. Sign-up before Nov. 30 by emailing Kassy Kahler at kasandra.kahler@wartburg.edu

Seminary reps visit campus — Thinking about seminary? Stop by Saemann Student Center Wednesday, Nov. 18, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., to meet with representatives from Luther Seminary and the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, or join them at 3 p.m. in the Den for food and conversation.

Research project opportunity — Angela Zook ’16, a psychology major, is conducting a research project to investigate the relationship between religious orientation and well-being. The research is being supervised by Dr. Cynthia Bane, professor of psychology. Participants must be undergraduate students who are at least 18 years old. The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. Participants may receive credit or extra credit for classes, if their professors have agreed to grant credit for participation in the study. Click here to take the survey. Contact Angela Zook at angela.zook@wartburg.edu for more information.

Mini golf — Entertainment ToKnight  will host mini golf Tuesday, Nov. 17, 5-9 p.m., in Knights Ballroom.

International Education Week — The 16th annual International Education Week, acelebration of international education and exchange worldwide, is Nov. 16-20. Information about the economic contributions of international students to the United States can be found here. Visit the NAFSA website to learn more. 

Retrieving Freedom speaker — The Social Work Club will host Keegan Birkicht ’15 Wednesday, Nov. 18, 8 p.m., in Old Main 100. She will speak about her work with Retrieving Freedom. For more information, contact Abigail Schaper atabigail.schaper@wartburg.edu.

Shoe collection — Kevin Klobassa ’16 will be collecting gently worn shoes for Soles4Souls, an organization that donates shoes to underprivileged people around the world, outside the Athletic Office in The W Nov. 17-18. Contact Klobassa at kevin.klobassa@wartburg.edu to arrange a pick up or for more information. 

Hotel discount — Cobblestone Inn & Suites is offering a 10 percent discount for any overnight guests who are visiting Wartburg or who are in town for any activity related to the college. Mention this when booking and the discount should be applied to your bill.

Important notice for campus law enforcement agencies — The FBI is investigating an advance fee fraud scheme that has hit other college campuses. There have been no reports of this activity at Wartburg; however, you should be aware whenever you answer an employment opportunity posting on any website. In this instance, the student sent in a resume, including personal identifying information, and was sent a business check for $3,800. The check was later found to be forged. At this time, Jellybeads, LDC Charities, and Belview Farms are the company names being investigated. The contact person has been Jeremy McCrossin with contact numbers at 701-491-7202 or 641-924-4533.  

College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's official calendar.


Presidential forum — The notes from the Presidential Forum on Wednesday, Oct. 21, are now available on the President's Reports page of the InfoCenter. 

Retirement incentive update — Twenty-five eligible individuals elected to participate in the college's retirement incentive program, including six faculty and 19 staff members. As is the normal practice for retiring individuals, we respect their choice to share that information as they deem appropriate. Department heads and direct supervisors will be notified so they can appropriately plan for the future. A few of the retirements will take place in December, while most are planned for April or May. Some of the positions held by faculty are included in the list of 12 faculty positions identified as having seriously diminished need during the institutional need review process and are recommended for elimination. All staff positions will be evaluated during the expense review process. The review process will also determine which positions with scheduled retirements will be filled, eliminated, or reorganized within an area. Updates on position statuses will begin in January.   

Making It Matter Food Drive — Students, faculty, and staff who bring a nonperishable item to The Wartburg Store Nov. 2-24 will receive a coupon for 20 percent off one apparel or gift item. Items collected will be donated to the Vineyard Community Church food bank and Cedar Valley Friends of the Family. Details about a faculty competition will be forthcoming. The food drive is sponsored by the Black Student Union and The Wartburg Store. For more information, contact Krystal Madlock at krystal.madlock@wartburg.edu.

New art exhibit — The work of Chawne Paige, a Waterloo Center for the Arts curator, will be featured in the Waldemar A. Schmidt Art Gallery through Friday, Dec. 18. B|W+MOD is open daily 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Click here for more information.  

Festival of Trees — If your student organization wants to be a part of the annual Wartburg Community Festival of Trees, the deadline to register is Monday, Nov. 30. The festival will be Dec. 2-17. Click here for more information. 

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