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The Juice - Feb. 5

See what's happening on campus this week.
The Juice: The Official Wartburg College Newsletter, Faculty/Staff Edition.

Monday, Feb. 5, 2024




Know a great Knight? Nominate them!

Nominations are open for a bevy of college awards. If you know someone who’s doing great work on campus or off, submit their name for consideration for one of the following:


The Graven Award, given to laypeople doing work guided by a Christian calling.
The Wartburg Medal, given to those who have faithfully served the college.
An honorary degree, given to those who share our mission and values.
An Alumni Citation, given to a graduate from 2008 or earlier who lives out the college’s mission.
The John O. Chellevold Award, given to an outstanding member of the faculty.
The Outstanding Administrative Staff Award, given to a qualifying member of the college staff.
The Outstanding Non-Administrative Staff Award, given to a qualifying member of the college staff.
The Outstanding Advisor Award, given to a faculty member who advises students.


Use the links to learn more about each of these awards and submit nominations. Some are due as soon as Feb. 16, so get those names in!

Mensa takeout containers now available

Mensa takeout containers are now available for all faculty and staff free of charge. To get your container, stop in the Dining Services Office to get a carabiner, redeemable for a container from the Mensa checker. After using a container, return it empty to the Mensa checker for a replacement container or carabiner. Don’t forget: You can add All Campus Spending to your Wartburg ID in the Dining Services Office or online via GET and use it to receive 10% off your purchase at any dining location or the Wartburg Store.

Vogel Library publishes February newsletter

The latest edition of The Searching Squirrel, Vogel Library’s newsletter, is now available. It includes information on the upcoming Citation Seminar and Create a Flower for Your Valentine events, a spotlight on the games and puzzles collection, and building hours around Winter Break.

On-campus job opportunities available

There are open student employment positions across campus, including these two jobs:

Den Student Assistant, Dining Services
Responsible for setup, production, customer service, and cleanup in the Den. Morning and late evening shifts available. $12/hour wage.

Student Leaders, ETK
Seeking student leaders in the areas of marketing, co-sponsorships and promotions, hospitality and office functions, social media, and logistics to create social and entertainment events on campus.

To apply, check out these positions and more on Handshake.


Scholarships, grants, fellowships, positions — you name it, we've got it.


Wartburg West: Fall 2024

Live and learn in Denver, Colo., while gaining professional skills through an internship, student teaching, or field experience. This qualifies for the Knights Experience Fund one-time disbursement of up to $1,500.

Applications due: March 15

Contact: Luz Navarrete, program director


The Residence Service-Learning Suites

Apply as groups of four or eight to live in The Residence in 2024-25. Each suite will be required to plan and complete a yearlong community service project in which all roommates fully participate. One student from each suite will serve as a liaison with community partners and the director of student leadership, service, and engagement.

Applications due: Midnight Feb. 23

Contact: Kristin Teig Torres


ETK Executive Team

ETK is looking for energetic student leaders for 2024-25 who love to make a difference on campus.

Applications due: 11:59 p.m. Feb. 16
Contact: etk@wartburg.edu


FAO Schwarz Fellowship

May 2024 graduates who can legally work in the U.S. can apply for a two-year paid position with nonprofit organizations focused on environmental justic, education access, food security, or arts education and outreach.

Applications due: Feb. 5

Contact: Kathleen Sihler, scholarship and fellowship adviser

Robert C. Gremmels Journalism Graduate Fellowship

This $10,000 stipend is awarded to a Wartburg Department of Journalism & Communication graduate who is enrolled in graduate school in journalism or an appropriately related discipline.

Applications due: March 1

Contact: Dr. Penni Pier

Student Senate Scholarship

Any second- or third-year can apply. Two students will be awarded $500 each for the following academic year.

Applications due: 3 p.m. March 8

Contact: Dr. Michael Gleason, Katie Steinlage





10:15 to 10:35 a.m., Wartburg Chapel

Message by Kristin Wendland, assistant professor of religion.


THRIVE Steering Committee Listening Session

11:30 a.m., Science Center 102


ETK Presents Retro Night: 7:30 p.m. Feb. 6, Ballrooms. For more info, email etk@wartburg.edu.

ETK Presents Retro Night

7:30 p.m., Knights Ballroom

Enjoy a silent disco, record painting, a Polaroid station, and a roller-skating lane at this throwback event.



10:15 to 10:35 a.m., Chapel Commons

Breakfast Club and outdoor ministry.

Women's Basketball vs. Dubuque

5:30 p.m., Levick Arena

Men's Basketball vs. Dubuque

7:30 p.m., Levick Arena


Dance Marathon February Miracle Meeting

8 p.m., Buckmaster (WBC 214)

Hear important information as we approach our spring Push Day and KNIGHTATHON. If you are unable to attend, reach out to your Morale Captains to let them know, and as always, feel free to email wcdm@wartburg.edu with questions.


9 p.m., Chapel Commons (lower level)

Sanctuary is a casual service where all are welcome to relax and center themselves around God’s word in the midst of their busy weeks. Snacks are served at 8:45 p.m.


Social Work Club Candy Grams: Only $3!

Social Work Club Candy Grams

Mealtimes, Saemann Student Center

Get a candy gram with an optional, personalized message for $3.

Guided Meditation

11:30 a.m., Lilly Reflection Room

Keep on Learning: Aging & Sexuality

9:30 a.m., Heritage & St. Elizabeth Rooms

Department Chair Meeting

11:30 a.m., McCoy East



10:15 to 10:35 a.m., Chapel Commons

Hope Overflow worship.

Social Work Club Candy Grams: Only $3!

Social Work Club Candy Grams

Mealtimes, Saemann Student Center

Get a candy gram with an optional, personalized message for $3.

Bach's Lunch

Noon, Wartburg Chapel


Women's Basketball vs. Buena Vista

2 p.m., Levick Arena

Men's Basketball vs. Buena Vista

4 p.m., Levick Arena


Symphonic Band Winter Concert

3 p.m., Neumann Auditorium



Citation Seminar

5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Library Classroom 2

Preparing for midterm papers and citations have you down? Drop in to the Citation Seminar, where librarians will be on hand to help you cite your sources and make that final push on research! Snacks provided.



Roses & Candy-grams Valentine's Day Fundraiser! Email alliance@wartburg.edu.

Alliance Valentine's Day Fundraiser

11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saemann Student Center

Wartburg Alliance will sell roses and candy-grams for a Valentine's Day fundraiser. All proceeds will go to the National Black Justice Coalition in honor of Black History Month.


Create a Flower for Your Valentine

4 to 7 p.m., Kreativwerkstatt, Vogel Library

Make paper flowers to give to your friends or sweetheart. All supplies provided (including snacks).



Inclusion Day: Diversity is the fact, inclusion is the act. View the full schedule at www.wartburg.edu/inclusion-day.

Inclusion Day

Noon to 4 p.m., The W

Join in the celebration of diversity at Wartburg and learn new ways to foster understanding and build a stronger sense of community on campus. All students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to participate as they are able in this enriching experience that will help us continue to grow an environment that values and celebrates diversity.


Educational Fair, noon to 4 p.m., Hall of Champions.
Tour the World, noon to 4 p.m., West Classroom.
Speakers, noon to 4 p.m., East Classroom.
Salsa Lesson, 2 p.m., Hall of Fame Room.


New arrivals
Jessica Low, gift processor, 1/22/24
Tyler McNally, IT infrastructure analyst, 1/22/24
Promotions and new job titles
Mary Sojka, lead baker, 2/1/24
Kassy Grosser, director of graduate program operations, 2/1/24
Retirements and departures
Quinton Richardson, academic success and retention coordinator, 1/31/24
Michelle Sager, Den retail supervisor, 1/19/24
Patrick Bowling, catering manager, 1/12/24
Cindy Steere, baker supervisor, 1/2/24
Achievements and accomplishments
The St. Elizabeth Chorale has been selected to perform at the 2024 Midwestern ACDA Conference. Congratulations!

The St. Elizabeth Chorale will perform this week at the 2024 Midwestern American Choral Directors Association Regional Conference in Omaha, Neb, which takes place Feb. 6-8. The soprano/alto ensemble, conducted by Dr. Nicki Bakko Toliver, was selected by a two-tiered, blind audition where the screening committee does not know the identity of the choir or conductor.



Friday, Feb. 9
Men's Wrestling: Depart at 1 p.m.




Games, puzzles now available from Vogel Library

A small but varied collection of games and jigsaw puzzles is now available at the Vogel Library! The collection is located next to the circulation desk and includes UNO, Scrabble, and Foodie Fight Rematch. The jigsaw puzzles vary in size from 300 to 1500 pieces. Stop by to check it out when you need a break!

Social Work Club Candy Grams: only $3!

Social Work Club selling candy grams

The Social Work Club is selling candy grams for $3 each with an optional personalized message and your choice of candy. Senders can remain anonymous. Buy during tabling Feb. 8-9 in the Student Center during mealtimes or any time online. Online purchases must be paid with Venmo (user: Courtney-Matthews-62), while cash will be taken during tabling.

A poster for the Student Employee Supervisor Summit on Feb. 27 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Waverly Area Veterans Post.

RSVP for Student Employee Supervisor Summit

Faculty and staff members who mentor and supervise students as part of the student employment program are invited to attend the Student Employee Supervisor Summit on Tuesday, Feb. 27. Held at the Waverly Area Veterans Post, this free event will provide attendees with resources and strategies to further engage and support our student employees in their career development while also aiding with student-employee recruitment and retention efforts in on-campus departments. RSVP by Feb. 1.

Jenzabar Week, Jan. 22-24, McCoy Rooms.

Survey, recordings available from Jenzabar Week

Thank you to those who attended any of the Jenzabar Week events! Recordings of each session are now available online. ITS would like your feedback on the event and the different Jenzabar modules via this survey.

THRIVE committee schedules listening posts

The THRIVE Steering Committee is holding three listening sessions: 3:45 p.m. Jan. 31 in WBC 214, 11:30 a.m. Feb. 1 in WBC 116, and 11:30 a.m. Feb. 6 in SC 102. Possible topics include how to help SEM 400 move forward as interdisciplinary teaching, draft rubric feedback, and questions about the Curriculog process.

Student tax forms should arrive soon

W-2 forms for 2023 were mailed to students’ permanent addresses on Friday, Jan. 26. Please allow 7-10 business days for the delivery of these forms. W-2 forms report taxable wages and taxes withheld for student employees who were employed by Wartburg College. If your W-2 does not arrive at your permanent address by Feb. 15, please request a reprint by emailing the Student Employment Office from your Wartburg email address.

1098-T forms for 2023 will be similarly mailed by Wednesday, Jan. 31. Please allow 7-10 business days for the delivery of these forms after mailing. 1098-T forms report qualified payments received along with scholarships and grants for students who were enrolled and paid qualifying tuition and related expenses. If your 1098-T does not arrive at your permanent address by Feb. 15, please request a reprint by emailing the Business Office from your Wartburg email address.

Wartburg Store to honor Black History Month

Check the Wartburg Store Facebook page and campus event boards for weekly discounts, daily promotions, and freebies during the month of February.

Tuition Remission/Exchange applications due May 1

Employees wishing to apply for tuition assistance for themselves, their spouse, or eligible dependents for the 2024-25 academic year should do so by May 1. This includes both new Tuition Remission/Exchange applications and recertifications. Questions can be directed to Sheryn Boos (sheryn.boos@wartburg.edu, 319-352-8646) or Amy Wilson (amy.wilson@wartburg.edu, 319-352-8278).


The Juice is a weekly newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center. See details about Juice and our campus email policies here.


The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Please keep items short, no longer than one paragraph.


Direct questions to Alan Simmer in Marketing & Communication at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact Alan directly.

Wartburg College | 100 Wartburg Blvd., Waverly, Iowa


Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note the Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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