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The Juice - March 20

See what's happening on campus this week.

Monday, March 20, 2023



Get ready to be UKnighted on March 23!

Thursday, March 23, is UKnight Day, the college's annual day of giving. Help us Ignite the Way for our students and for future Knights by making a gift of any size at uknightday.wartburg.edu. The goal this year is to have 1,500 donors UKnighted in support of Wartburg!


Students who make a gift of any size get one raffle ticket for rock-star parking through May Term. A gift of $10 or more gets two raffle tickets and an orange emoji bucket hat. Gifts of $20.23 or more get three raffle tickets, the bucket hat, and an entry into an additional drawing for free parking registration for 2023-24 (or a Homecoming package if won by a senior). Stop by the HQ in the McCoy Rooms starting at 9 a.m. or make your gift online!


Faculty and staff can make their gifts in the Konditorei from 7:30 to 10 a.m. and enjoy coffee and a donut; from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Saemann Student Center and get a bag of popcorn; from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Joe’s Knight Hawk and grab a slice of pizza; or online at any time.


Be sure to post about Wartburg on social media — let's turn the internet orange on #UKnightDay!

Parking registration open for 2023-24

Parking registration is open now through June 20. Avoid D Lot and a $50 late fee by registering today.

Apply today for Exec Team

The deadline for Student Senate Executive Team applications has been extended until 11:59 p.m. Friday, March 24.

Sign up for employee health screenings

The Waverly Health Center will conduct the following screenings from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 11, and Wednesday, April 12, in McCoy West: chemistry panel with lipids and iron, hemoglobin A1C glucose, prostate-specific antigen, thyroid-stimulating hormone, blood pressure, and body composition. The costs and fasting requirements for each are noted on the sign-up sheet. All full-time/benefit-eligible employees can participate, as well as spouses covered by Wartburg health insurance.

S.A.F.E sets Self-Care March Madness
Follow @wartburgsafe on Instagram to vote on what the ultimate form of self-care is! Polls will be posted daily March 20-24 on S.A.F.E.’s Instagram story. To follow along with the whole bracket, click the link in their Instagram bio!
On-campus summer positions available for student workers

There are open student worker positions across campus, including these three roles for the upcoming summer:


Operations & Maintenance Student Facilities Technician: Apply as an individual or gather your friends to apply as a team! O&M is seeking to hire and develop teams of students to help prepare and clean dormitories and academic buildings after camps, conventions, and events as well as to perform floor restoration tasks. Students will be paid $13 per hour.


Dining Services Crew Member: Dining Services is seeking students who are motivated and have great customer service skills to join our team of workers in the Zesty Orange and Mensa. Crew members will be paid $12 per hour and student managers will be paid $13 per hour. All dining student employees will receive a free meal during their shifts.


Business Office Accounting Assistant: This position offers students the opportunity to learn about a variety of accounting areas including financial reporting, auditing, and bank/general ledger account reconciliations. Students will use their critical thinking skills when analyzing accounts and fine-tune their Excel skills as they set up and work in complex spreadsheets.


Apply on Handshake.

Leadership summit set for high school juniors

Do you know a high school junior who would love to learn to be a better leader, engage in service, and earn scholarships to Wartburg? Encourage them to apply for the Leadership and Service Summit to be held in June! Contact Dr. Theresa Moore at theresa.moore@wartburg.edu or 608-792-3272 with questions and follow @wartburglead on Instagram for updates.



Deadline: Last Day to Withdraw with a W

Registration for Second-Years

8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


10:15 to 10:35 a.m., Wartburg Chapel

Message by Pastor Mike Blair. This month's prayer focus: This month's prayer focus: art and graphic design, history, security and safety, advancement, student recruitment, Student Senate, student organizations, and faith expression groups.

Self-Defense for Girls and Women

6 to 8 p.m., The W

This course will be taught in two sessions, with the second session on March 27. Attendees will learn simple, effective skills that may help you prevent or survive an assault. Participants also will learn awareness, assertiveness, safety strategies, and how to use simple techniques on vulnerable areas of the body. The class will be taught by Joe Edwards, and the cost is $30.


Registration for Second-Years

8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Senior Dinner

6:30 to 9 p.m., Heritage Room



10:15 to 10:35 a.m., Wartburg Chapel

Message by Patti Sue Arnold.

Women's Lacrosse vs. Edgewood

5:30 p.m., Lacrosse Field

Computer Science Club Candlelight Dinner

6:30 p.m., Hagemann Castle Room

All are welcome to learn about Computer Science Club’s mission and future events while mingling with MCSP faculty. Cost is $3 in cash/points/ACS for students with a meal plan and $13 cash for students without. Signups, which are on a first-come, first-served basis, will be held in the Mensa during dinner on Wednesday, March 15, and Thursday, March 16.


9 p.m., Chapel Commons (lower level)

Sanctuary is a casual service where all are welcome to relax and center themselves around God’s word in the midst of their busy weeks. Snacks are served at 8:45 p.m.


UKnight Day

12:01 a.m. to midnight

Be one of 1,500 UKnighted at uknightday.wartburg.edu!

NetVUE UnConference

As a member of the Network for Vocation in Undergraduate Education, all Wartburg faculty and staff can attend these virtual sessions for free. You must register for each session you plan to attend. The event runs through Saturday, March 25.


Power to the People

7 p.m., Hagemann Castle Room

BSU presents Power to the People, an event to inform students, staff, and faculty about Black influencers that have impacted society and the world. While this event is informative, it is also another way for students, faculty, and staff to interact. Food will be provided, a Black history trivia game will be held, and prizes will be handed out.

Deadline: First-Year Peer Mentor Applications

Help new students get used to campus life by serving as a peer mentor. This paid position pairs an upperclass student mentor with a section of IS 101. Mentors will move in early for training, help with orientation activities, attend IS 101 during Fall Term, and work an additional 1-3 hours per week throughout the year. Email Veronica Reece at veronica.reece@wartburg.edu with questions.


10:15 to 10:35 a.m., Wartburg Chapel

Senior message by Sergio Gomez Alanis.

‘Monumental Mysteries’ Artist Talk & Gallery Reception

6 to 8 p.m., Waldemar A. Schmidt Art Gallery

The exhibition “Monumental Mysteries” by Robert Kennon is on display through March 24. Kennon explores the prehistoric monoliths, megaliths, memoirs, dolmens, and henges through sketches made during numerous trips to England. The reception is free and open to the public, and refreshments will be served.

Baseball vs. Loras

6 p.m., Harms Stadium at Hertel Field


ETK Presents: Bingo Knight

7:30 p.m., Heritage & St. Elizabeth rooms



ISU College of Veterinary Medicine Tour

7:30 a.m. departure to Iowa State University, Ames

The Pre-Veterinary Club will take a tour and have a meet-and-greet with current veterinary students. Please email pre.vet@wartburg.edu if you would like to attend this off-campus event.

Men's Tennis vs. Northwestern (Iowa)

9 a.m., Meirink Family Tennis Facility

Baseball vs. Loras

1 & 4 p.m., Harms Stadium at Hertel Field

Kiddos at the Castle

1:30 to 6:30 p.m., The W

Wartburg’s women's soccer team will host a fun afternoon of activities for kids, including crafts, games, sport activities, and movies. Ages 1-11 are welcome; register in advance.

Men's Tennis vs. UW-La Crosse

5 p.m., Meirink Family Tennis Facility


Softball vs. Saint Benedict

Noon & 2 p.m., Lynes Field


Pre-Veterinary Club Meeting

1 p.m., Science Center 128

The group will discuss the prior day’s tour of the Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine.

Last Day to Declare P/D/F or Withdraw with W for 2nd Seven-Week Courses

Deadline: 2023-24 German Institute Funding

For 2023-24, a total of $6,000 is available to support activities related to Germany or the German language. Prior supported projects include enrichments to travel opportunities and the German film festival. Applications for the full $6,000 are less likely to be considered. Awards will be announced no later than April 6. Email questions to Dr. Daniel Walther at daniel.walther@wartburg.edu.

Pirates of the KWARibbean

Begins 7 a.m., ends 12:34 a.m. March 31

KWAR’s marathon will have live DJs playing music for 89.9 hours straight. Call 319-352-8306 to win amazing prizes throughout the marathon!

Registration for First-Years

8 a.m. to 4 p.m.



Faculty/Staff Appreciation Banquet

11:30 a.m., Hagemann Castle Room

All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to attend for refreshments and a small awards ceremony for the recipients of the Student Senate Faculty and Staff Awards.


College Conversations

11:30 a.m., Heritage & St. Elizabeth rooms

Institutional Advancement will facilitate conversations about the four themes of the college’s strategic plan: Educating Mind, Body, and Spirit; Inclusive Community; Student Success; and Competitive Advantage.


Achievements and accomplishments

On March 31, several Wartburg preservice education students will present at the Science Education Update Conference at the University of Northern Iowa. Annie Dietz and Keli Potter will present their BI 455/456 research on biophilia. Lexi Brown will present her work as a Green Iowa AmeriCorps Sustainability Coordinator and blapticomposting in Cedar Valley classrooms. Rose Larson and Kate Heithoff will present continuing work with one-gallon aquatic micro-ecosystems. Dr. Mike Bechtel will present "Ioponics in Iowa Classrooms."


Please keep fire doors closed

During a recent fire marshal inspection, it was noted several fire doors across campus were propped open. Wedges kept near these doors have been removed, and the doors now have labels on the edge that are only visible when they are open. If you see a door with one of these stickers propped open, please close it. If a wedge was used to prop it open, please pick it up and contact Operations & Maintenance so they can retrieve it.

Congrats to our national champs and All-Americans!

Two wrestlers, Zane Mulder and Massoma Endene, won national titles over the weekend at the NCAA Division III Championships. The men’s team placed second overall, with Zayren Terukina, David Hollingsworth, and Nathan Fuller also being named All-American.


In indoor track and field, five athletes were named All-American at the NCAA Division III Championships: Deyton Love, 60m hurdles; Emma True, weight throw; Lexi Brown, mile; Aubrie Fisher, 3k; and Breya Christopher, high jump. The women’s team placed ninth overall, and the men’s team tied for 51st.


The women’s basketball team bowed out of the NCAA tournament in the Sweet Sixteen after a run that included defeating the defending champion.


Congratulations to our student-athletes on their successes!

Counseling offers drop-in support
Counseling Services will offer drop-in support and consultation from 11 a.m. to noon Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning March 16 in the Academic Resource Center, third floor of Vogel Library. Drop-in counselors will provide informal consultations to help you with specific problems and introduce you to what it’s like to speak with a counselor. A drop-in counselor can help you determine whether formal counseling would be useful and can assist you in scheduling an appointment.
Survey responses sought for research study

Kelsey Stortz is inviting students to participate in her research study, Personality Types and the Impact of COVID-19 on Psychological Well-Being. Any Wartburg College student 18 years and older is eligible to participate. All information given by participants is anonymous and confidential. Completion of the survey takes an estimated 30 minutes.

Books displayed for Women's History Month
As you pass through the library's second floor, check out the Women's History Month display. It is a celebration of women, transwomen, and nonbinary femme identities from across countries, cultures, and professions. Additionally, there is a cart of material for browsing and for check out next to the display. Please direct questions and comments to melissa.curtis@wartburg.edu.
Student Employment Appreciation Week is March 27-31

Student Employment Appreciation Week celebrates the invaluable service of student employees and their supervisors. This year's theme is based on Candyland:


Candy Bar Awards: Supervisors can nominate student employees while students can nominate supervisors who go above and beyond in their on-campus work for a certificate, sweet treat, and special recognition. Nominations due Friday, March 24.
Thank You Video: Film yourself and your colleagues on your phone saying "thank you" in your own unique way and upload it to OneDrive by Tuesday, March 21. Submissions should be filmed vertically and a maximum of 8 seconds so they can be complied into one video.
Student Employment Hall of Fame: Student employees and their supervisors are invited to print and decorate a sweet treat coloring sheet to be included on the Student Employment Appreciation banner. Submissions are due to Luther Hall 212 by Friday, March 24.


Email questions to Abbie Raum at studentemployment@wartburg.edu.

On-campus positions available for student workers

There are open student worker positions across campus, including these two jobs:


Journalism & Communications: Knight Vision Crew Member — This position will be responsible for attending, producing, and livestreaming video of campus events, including sports, music, worship services, news, etc. This is a great opportunity to learn how to set up cameras and equipment for live broadcast and preproduce live graphics, music, commercials, intros/special videos, and event rundowns. Diversify your work experience by maneuvering among the roles of camera operator, director, graphic designer, producer, reporter, and engineer.


Student Success Center: First-Year Peer Mentor — This position will be responsible for mentoring students in IS 101 courses and in a one-on-one setting with the intent of helping first-year students pursue and meet their academic, personal, and professional goals. This position requires students move onto campus early, attend necessary training sessions, and meet with first-year students during orientation before the start of fall term.


Apply on Handshake.

Members sought for public health advisory council

Black Hawk County Public Health wants to create an advisory council to provide objective feedback about programs. The organization is looking for people with diverse skills and experiences who can be reflective of the communities served. Council members can influence how programs operate and assist the organization in being more responsive to the needs of the community, and those chosen will be paid for their time.

Achievements and accomplishments
Stephanie Toering Peters, professor of biology, presented the poster "The Genomics Education Partnership: Accessible and Equitable Research Opportunities" with colleagues from the Genomics Education Partnership at the Genetics Society of America Annual Drosophila Research Conference in Chicago earlier this month.
From Feb. 16-18, Dr. Karolina Achirri presented her research, "Legitimizing Autoethnographic Research in a Memoir – China Through Foreign Eyes" at the 14th annual Qualitative Report Conference. Dr. Achirri continues to disseminate her autoethnographic research based on her book, "Call me Li NaNa — Memoirs of a Foreigner in China," which discusses Chinese culture from her perspective as she experienced it living in Mainland China 2010-16.

The Juice is a weekly newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center. See details about Juice and our campus email policies here.


The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Please keep items short, no longer than one paragraph.


Direct questions to Alan Simmer in Marketing & Communication at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact Alan directly.

Wartburg College | 100 Wartburg Blvd., Waverly, Iowa


Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note the Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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