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The Juice - Sept. 15


Sept. 15, 2021

Introducing the new Student Success and Academic Resource centers

In late summer, President Darrel Colson announced the dissolution of the Pathways Center and the creation of the new Student Success Center and Academic Resource Center. While the services offered remained the same, this change did come with some important location changes that will impact where students go for those services.


Academic Resource Center

Vogel Library 314


The ARC offers guidance and support to assist students as they identify and achieve their academic goals.

Academic Success Resources - assistance with goal setting, test performance, time management, note-taking, stress management, reading
Academic Recovery – programs that develop strategies for improved academic performance
Disability and Access Services – provides equal access to education and services for qualified students
Early Alert – system to proactively identify at-risk student behavior
Supplemental Instruction – review sessions for traditionally difficult courses
Testing Services – accommodations for students with documented disabilities or ESL; ACT and CLEP testing

Peer Learning Lab

Vogel Library 204


As part of the Academic Resource Center, the Peer Learning Lab is a free, collaborative peer-to-peer learning service available to all students. Services include:

Athletic Study Tables
Biology and Chemistry assistance
Math assistance
Spanish assistance
Writing, Reading, Speaking Lab (WRSL)

Student Success Center

First Floor, Saemann Student Center


The Student Success Center offers guidance and support to assist students as they identify and achieve their personal and professional goals.


Campus Involvement – student organizations, Leadership & Service Awards
Careers & Internships – career exploration, job shadowing and internship programs, job search and graduate school assistance
Community Engagement – Service Trips, Volunteer Action Center, experiential learning
Counseling Services (located in Vogel Library 314) – confidential individual and group counseling, alcohol education, referral resources
Dean of Students Office – student transportation, Friendship Family Program, retention (in collaboration with Academic Affairs)
Exploring Advising – major/minor selection assistance, general course selection and guidance, goal setting and student success skill development
First-year Experience – SOAR, New Student Orientation, Castle Connections, igKnight Mentoring, IS 101
International Student Services – programs and services supporting international student adjustment
Multicultural Student Services – co-curricular diversity, equity, and inclusion programming, provide support for U.S. multicultural students
Purpose & Vocation – aid in vocational discernment
Residential Life – provide a safe, inclusive, and equitable living experience, emergency management and crisis response
The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions to Stephanie Boeding, editor and email marketing manager for Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact the editor directly.

Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd.




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