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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Sept. 13


Sept. 13, 2021

Volunteers needed for Paula Survilla Living Classroom

Volunteers are needed to join Dr. Mike Bechtel and Dave Carlson on Wednesday, Sept. 15, from 4 to 6 p.m. to help transfer and plant grass into the newly constructed Paula Survilla Living Classroom behind the Bachman Fine Arts Center. Show up ready to get dirty! If you have any questions, please email Michael.bechtel@wartburg.edu.

New Information Request Form available

Don’t know who has the data you need? No worries! The new Information Request Form is available to help:

The new “Information Request Form” is now available for use by anyone with a Wartburg login. (This replaces the “Data Request Form.”)
The form is on the new Data Governance Group Page located on My Wartburg under Resources.
The new form should be used to request the ability to access, collect, or report on any type of data that may or may not be currently captured at Wartburg. This system will help ITS provide strategic solutions to campus-wide needs.

If you have questions on this page, please email loni.abbas@wartburg.edu or any one of the DGG members listed.

Mileage and expense reimbursement updates

Effective Wednesday, Sept. 1, individuals traveling for work in a personal vehicle will be reimbursed at a flat mileage rate of $.30 per mile. In addition, personal reimbursements for expenses, mileage and otherwise, must be submitted for reimbursement within 60 days from the date of the expense or the trip return date, whichever is later. After 60 days, these types of expenses will not be reimbursed. The new expense reimbursement request form is on the InfoCenter.

This fillable PDF will replace all our previous expense reimbursement forms. If you currently have the old form saved on your computer, please delete it and download this new form; otherwise, bookmark this website for future use.

All invoices, reimbursements, advances, etc. must be approved by the respective Department Budget Manager or Cabinet member. Accounts Payable will only process payment requests approved with wet signatures. Initials and stamps will not be accepted. Please email accountspayable@wartburg.edu or call 319-352-8433 if you have any questions. Also, if you have questions or requests related to your PNC card, please send them to pcard@wartburg.edu, our new email address dedicated to these issues.

Need a new photo taken?

All faculty and staff who want to have a studio portrait taken should come to the photo studio Wednesday, Sept. 15, from 9 to 9:30 a.m. in the photo studio.

Directions to the photo studio in FAC 52:

Enter the main lobby area of the Bachman Fine Arts Center by the art gallery (windows side, facing the Chapel).
On the right, take the staircase down to the basement
Follow the long hallway about half-way and turn left (clock on the wall for reference).
The studio is the first door on the right.

Contact Julie Drewes, visual media manager, with questions.

Homecoming parade sign-up

Sign up by Sept. 24 to be part of the Wartburg’s Homecoming Parade on Oct. 9! Fill out the form at this link to reserve your spot in the parade. Email sidney.baumgartner@wartburg.edu if you have any questions. Can’t wait to see you there!

Participate in Homecoming Renaissance Faire

Do you want to show off your organization, student organization or yourself? Sign up now to participate in this year's Homecoming Renaissance Faire. It’s free for campus organizations, and there is a $25 fee for any off-campus group. Click here to sign up. If you have any questions, email samuel.bast@wartburg.edu.


Weekday Chapel services

Weekday Chapel services are from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Wartburg Chapel.  Chapel time is a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Mondays will feature faculty and staff faith stories and blessings, Wednesdays will be a morning prayer service, and Fridays will have Senior Chapels. Interfaith chapels will be held during the last week each month.

Upcoming speakers:

Monday, Sept. 13: Dr. Caryn Riswold, professor of religion and the McCoy Family Distinguished Chair in Lutheran Heritage and Mission
Wednesday, Sept. 15: morning prayer service, Rebecca Baird, pastoral intern
Friday, Sept. 17: Leticia Silva '22, Senior Chapel


Holden Evening Prayer services on Sundays

Holden Evening Prayer is a meditative vespers service with music, candle lighting, and prayer. All are welcome to take part on Sunday evenings at 7 p.m. in Wartburg Chapel the following dates:

Sept. 26
Oct. 31
Nov. 21
Dec. 12




Planting in Paula Survilla Living Classroom
Sept. 15

STAS meetings
Sept. 15, 29; Oct. 13, 27; Nov. 10; Dec. 1

Holden Evening Prayer service
Sept. 26

Presidential forums
Sept. 28, Oct. 26, Nov. 30

Homecoming & Family Weekend
Oct. 7-10

Fall Break
Oct. 16-24


The W fall fitness scheduleissing table ban

The fall group fitness schedule at The W has officially begun as of Sept. 1! Pricing is $7 a month or $20 for four months for students and members for UNLIMITED classes. One free class is also offered before committing to a class more long term. Sign up can be done at The W front desk or by calling 319-352-8311. Find all of the fitness options at this link.

For any other questions please email clay.cook@wartburg.edu.

Study Abroad Photo Contest - Alumni editionStudy Abroad Photo Contest - Alumni edition

This year’s Study Abroad Photo Contest is an “Alumni Edition,” featuring photos and reflections from past study abroad participants. Please spread the word through any social media or alumni connections you maintain. Any past study abroad student who spent a Fall or Winter Term abroard is welcome to submit an entry by Monday, Sept. 20, at this link.

Check your passport now if you plan to travel

Do you anticipate and hope to travel internationally this year? If you have a passport, check your passport expiration date as soon as possible. Passports need to be current at least six months after your expected date of return, and have at least two blank pages. No passport, or have an expired passport? Passport processing now takes at least five months. Start your application or renewal now at this link or contact the Recorder’s Office at the Bremer County Courthouse at 319-352-0340. A current passport is mandatory for any international travel.

Service Trips advisers neededervice trip advisers needed

Wartburg College Service Trips is looking for advisers for Fall Break, Winter Break, and Tour Week! If you are interested in making a difference in your community, having fun, and making lasting memories, please fill out this Google Form to let us know your availability and preferences. As a service trip adviser, you will assist student leaders and fully participate in a service trip across the U.S. If you have any questions, please contact the Service Trips Team at servicetrips@wartburg.edu.

Operations and Maintenance updates

Requests to O&M should be made through the online Work Order request system (unless it is a true emergency). This tool can be found on the Info Center under “Popular Links” and is labeled “Maintenance.” This system helps to track, prioritize and communicate with you the requestor on the status of your request.

Recently, changes were made in the Operations & Maintenance organizational structure.

Scott Sharar, Director of Facilities and Special Projects

Oversees all major construction & remodeling projects
Oversees all our rental property
Works directly with Rich Seggerman, VP for Finance & Administration, on various alternative revenue projects, such as:
Service provider projects
Real estate development projects
No longer has any staff reporting to him
Continues to report directly to Rich

Keith Strand, Director of Maintenance & Cleaning

Responsible for the general maintenance, electrician, painter, plumbers, and cleaning of the buildings as well as the grounds
Other than Scott Sharar, all other O&M staff report up through him
Responsible for all purchasing for O&M, other than major construction & remodeling projects
Continues to report directly to Rich

Lisa Dominy, Cleaning Staff Coordinator

Oversees cleaning staff
Leads student employment process for the department
Coordinates team cleaning schedules & procedures for events
Reports to Keith Strand

Todd Rogers, General Maintenance Coordinator

Oversees general maintenance staff
Provides oversight of general maintenance work orders
Assists in coordinating special events
Reports to Keith Strand

Welcome (new arrivals):

Heidi Parker, Information Literacy and Technology Librarian, 8/1/21

Jess Simmons, Area Coordinator, 8/2/21

Benjamin Woods, Assistant Sports Information Director Intern, 8/4/21

Ryan Wegner, Director of Campus Security and Safety, 8/16/21

Kay Grigsby, Grant Price Endowed Archivist, 8/18/21

Jami Dare, Dining Services Special Events Associate, 8/23/21

Linnea Kangas, Sports Information Director, 8/23/21

Tami Ulrich, Assistant Manager of Dining Services, 8/23/21

Kyle Squires, Retail Associate, 8/23/21

Ethan Blass, Assistant Professor of German, 8/23/21

Kristopher Blanchard, Assistant Professor of Accounting, 8/23/21

Rebecca Nederhiser, Visiting Assistant Professor of Music, 8/23/21

Molly Doran, Assistant Professor of Music, 8/23/21

Tyler Graff, Assistant Professor of Psychology, 8/23/21

Travis Endicott, Assistant Professor of Political Science, 8/23/21

Corey Hoefer, Office Coordinator for Alumni & Parent Relations, 8/23/21

Sarah Waldorf, Assistant Professor of Education, 8/24/21

Chris Parsons, Maintenance Staff, 8/30/21


Promotions/new titles:

Jen Sassman, Executive Director of Financial Aid, 8/1

Sheila Kittleson, Executive Director of Wartburg-Waverly Sports & Wellness Center and Senior Women's Administrator for Athletics, 8/1

Ryan Callahan, Interim Director of Athletics, 8/1/21

Matt Wheeler, Assistant Head Football Coach, 8/1/21

Rick Willis, Vice President for Student Recruitment, 8/1/21

Bethany Brooks, Interim Director of Annual Giving, 8/1/21

Matt Tschetter, Defensive Coordinator, 8/1/21

Susan Galloway, Dining Service Manager and Student Employment Coordinator, 8/2/21

Chris Fosselman, Dining Services Nutrition Advisor & Office Administrative, 8/16/21

Doug Koschmeder, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, 9/1/21

Derek Solheim, Associate Dean of Students, 9/1/21

Lindsey Leonard, Assistant Dean of Students, 9/1/21

Kristin Taphorn, Associate Director of Admissions, 9/1/21

Jay Boeding, Senior Gift Planner, 9/1/21

MaTina Clark, Assistant Director of Transfer Admissions, 9/1/21

Chris Knudson, Chief Marketing Officer & Director of Marketing and Communication, 9/1/21

Tricia Coleman-Waterbury, Assistant Professor of Social Work, 9/1/21


Farewells (departures and retirements):

Edith Waldstein, Vice President, Enrollment Management, 8/2/21 (retirement)

Samuel Smith, Cleaning Staff, 8/4/21

Rob Ruchotzke, Director of Annual Giving, 8/11/21

Lisa Arnold, Executive Director of Business and HR, 8/13/21

Katie Kreis, Communications Associate, 8/13/21

David Ralston, Security Officer, 8/17/21

Andrew Streitel, Interim Sports Information Director, 8/20/21

Amandajean Nolte, Information Literacy Librarian, 8/20/21

Carrie Poppen, Cook, 8/23/21

Greg Westendorf, Lead Groundskeeper, 8/27/21

Kimberly Folkers, Associate Professor of Business Administration, 8/31/21 (retirement)

Rita Jensen, Associate Professor of Education, 8/31/21

Lynn Peters, Associate Professor of Social Work, 8/31/21 (retirement)

Ted Reuter, Professor of Music, 8/31/21 (retirement)

Sam Stapleton, Assistant Professor of Music, 8/31/21

Matt Zart, Associate Professor of Chemistry, 8/31/21

Yvonne Losch, Assistant Professor of German, 8/31/21 (retirement)

Don Meyer, Senior Gift Planner, 9/1/21 (retirement)


Men’s Soccer

Monday, Sept. 20: Depart at 11 a.m. to St. Olaf


Women’s Soccer

Wednesday, Sept. 15: Depart at 2 p.m. to UW-Eau Claire



Wednesday, Sept. 15: Depart at 1:45 p.m. to Buena Vista

Friday, Sept. 17: Depart at 1 p.m. to La Crosse

Tuesday, Sept. 21: Depart at 2:15 p.m. to Dubuque


The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions to Stephanie Boeding, editor and email marketing manager for Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact the editor directly.

Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd.




Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note The Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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