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The Juice (Student) - April 9

April 9, 2018
Internet outages Wednesday
On Wednesday, April 11, between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m., the ICN will be performing maintenance on their fiber optic network. This will affect internet service that Wartburg receives from the ICN. While the internet will not be down the entire six hours, you should plan on outages during this maintenance window.
Emeritus, tenure and promotion news

At its February meeting, the Board of Regents approved the status of professor emeritus/emerita for:

  • Dr. Josef Breutzmann
  • The Rev. Dr. Kathryn Kleinhans
  • The Rev. Dr. Ramona Bouzard
  • The Rev. Bonita Bock

The board also approved tenure and promotion to associate professor for:

  • Professor Justin Crouse
  • Dr. Andrea Eslick
  • Dr. Kunihiko Terasawa

In addition, Dr. Stephanie Toering Peters has been promoted to full professor. 

Finals study break

The Pathways Center, Counseling Services, and Vogel Library will host a study break Monday, April 16, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., on the second floor of the library.

  • Take a break with Play-Doh, puzzles, and coloring.
  • Pick up stress management tips and a stress ball.
  • Get help from a librarian, WRSL or Math Lab consultant.
  • Grab a healthy snack.
  • Join us for relaxation yoga (20-minute sessions offered at 10:30 and 11:30 a.m.).
  • Hang out with furry friends from Retrieving Freedom (time TBD).
Meet candidate for Dean of Spiritual Life

Pastor Brian Beckstrom will be interviewing for the Dean of Spiritual Life position on Wednesday, April 11. The campus community is invited to participate in the following ways:

  • Preaching Demonstration – Chapel service, 10:15-10:35 a.m., in the Chapel.
  • Teaching Demonstration – 11:05-11:50 a.m., in SC 128 – teaching lesson for IS 101 on Faith and Learning in simulating a classroom environment.
  • Student Lunch – Noon-1 p.m. Students may join the candidate by eating your Mensa lunch in the St. Elizabeth Room.
  • Student Interfaith Conversations – 1:45-2:30 p.m., in Chapel Commons. To specifically engage in conversation students who do not identify as Christian. The Dean of Spiritual Life serves you as well.
  • Community Open Forum – 3-4 p.m., Chapel Commons. All members of the community are invited for an informal conversation with the candidate.
  • Please provide feedback to the search committee by completing the survey at this link. Contact LeAnn Faidley with questions. If you would like to review the candidates' application materials, they are available to read in the President’s office. 
Summer storage for out-of-state students 
The Student Life Office is piloting a summer storage program for returning out-of-state students. Wartburg faculty and staff volunteers will store items for students over the summer break, free of charge. Certain conditions apply, and you must arrange to your own transportation to and from the storage facility. This is a trial program and is currently only available to students who reside out of state. Contact Jennifer Onuigbo in Student Life for more information. 
Recycle items when moving out
For students who are moving out after finals, donation stations located in the residence hall lounges will be collecting a variety of items such as clothes, room décor, bedding, housewares, and unopened hygiene items. If you are donating appliances that will not fit in the bins (lofts, furniture, carpets, electronics, appliances), please place them outside next to the dumpsters. The Sustainability Office will also be accepting packaged and canned non-perishable goods, as well as perishable foods, which we will make available for students who may be here after finals. Contact Anne Duncan.
Weekly security update
Read about the updates in cabling work, keypads, and LED lights. Go to the Security Update on the InfoCenter to read more and see previous reports.
Senior art exhibit 

Join us for a reception honoring five Wartburg senior art and design students as they present their culminating art projects in the form of a group exhibition Thursday, April 12, 7-9 p.m., in Waldemar A. Schmidt Art Gallery. Students being honored are:

  • Michael Benson, graphic design
  • Suwanna Mabangklu, art and graphic design
  • Mlungisi Ncube, art with mathematics major
  • Suusen Ng, art and graphic degisn
  • Makenzie Thorson, graphic design

This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. Featured artwork will remain on display through May 27. The gallery is open daily, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Direct questions to Johanna Kramer-Weston, 319-352-8386.

Tour Week dining hours
Click here to see the dining hours during Tour Week. The final meal in Mensa before break will be lunch on Friday, April 20, and dinner on Sunday, April 29, will be the first meal in Mensa at the start of May Term.
Hoops for Hope 
Take a study break to watch BSU’s annual Hoops for Hope basketball game. Faculty/staff members will play against students Sunday, April 15, at noon in Levick Arena. Snacks and drinks will be provided. BSU also will be accepting free-will donations for a youth-serving, nonprofit organization. Contact Breyanna Primous with questions.
Student media leaders

2018-19 Journalism & Communication student media leaders are:

  • Megan Stephenson, Trumpet editor-in-chief
  • Bendita DosSantos Carmo, Trumpet Online
  • Ryley Seymour, KWAR station manager
  • Taylor Webb, Knight Vision news manager
  • McKenzie Kielman, Tower Agency CEO
  • Katie Kreis, PRSSA president
KWAR job openings 
Applications are available for positions on the KWAR 89.9 radio staff for the 2018-19 academic year. Open positions include programming, music, sports, news, production, promotions, web, and social media coordinator. Applications are available in the Department of Journalism & Communication office, with a deadline of Friday, April 13. Interviews will be conducted April 16-18 in MC 136. Sign-up sheets for interview times will also be available in the Journalism & Communication office. For more information, contact incoming KWAR station manager Ryley Seymour or adviser Pam Ohrt.
Staff positions open for The Trumpet

The Trumpet is looking to fill the following staff positions for the 2018-19 academic year:

  • Assistant News Editor
  • Assistant Sports Editor
  • Assistant Knightlife Editor
  • Graphic Designer/Graphics Editor

Contact Megan Stephenson, editor in chief, for details for each position and to apply.

Squatch Jam fundraiser 
The Department of Music Therapy will host an evening of live music and karaoke at Sasquatch Jacks on Tuesday, April 17, 6-8 p.m. The Squatch Jam will be a community fundraiser for Bremwood Residential Treatment Center. Suggested $5 donation at the door. Come and celebrate the semester for a good cause! Contact Sammie Hallgren with questions.
Phil & Lit Society

The next meeting of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society will be Friday, April 13, 4 p.m., in McCoy West. The speakers, students of Dr. Zak Montgomery, associate professor of Spanish, and their topics are:

  • Madelyn Carlson ’18, ¿Quién am I?: Identity Formation in Bilingual Students
  • JulieAnna Olague ’18“Spanglish”: Taking a Linguistic Approach to Cultural Identity
  • Rachel Pape ’18The Struggle for Chicana Identity: “Borderlands: La Frontera” and “The House on Mango Street”
Camp Onomia summer employment
A representative from Camp Onomia in Onomia, Minn., will be recruiting for summer employment Wednesday, April 11, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., in the NW Foyer of Saemann Student Center. Camp work is a great way to develop your leadership skills with a wide variety of opportunities. 
Mail forwarding for May Term
If you will NOT be on campus for May Term and would like your mail forwarding to start April 20, please stop by the Mail Center or email mailroom@wartburg.edu to add your name to the forwarding list. Summer forwarding will start May 29. Be sure to check your forwarding address in the Directory in InfoCenter, and submit any address changes or updates to the Registrar’s Office.
Celebration and blessing worship service 
Take time to celebrate and bless faculty and staff members who will be retiring or completing years of service at Wartburg on Wednesday, April 11, at 10:15 a.m., in the Chapel. All are welcome to come and help us honor these individuals and thank them for sharing their talents and gifts with the Wartburg community.
Retirement party for Pastor Ramona
All are welcome to attend a retirement party for Pastor Ramona Bouzard on Monday, April 16, 3:30 p.m., in the Chapel. We will gather to sing PR’s favorite songs and follow up with ice cream sundaes.
New Admissions position: overnight host
The Admissions Office has created a new paid student position for overnight hosts and is seeking students looking to share their Wartburg experience and help in the recruitment of new students to Wartburg. This position will begin in Fall 2018 and is for the 2018-19 academic year. Students will receive minimum wage payment for eight hours for each night they host a prospective student. Student employees will likely have five to eight opportunities to host per semester. This position can be in addition to another job on campus assuming the student does not exceed the amount of hours they are allowed to work per week. Click here for details or contact Adrian Norris.
Testament from the Ashes
Come hear the story of Margo Jakobs, a retired school counselor who lost many family members in the Holocaust. She will be on campus Tuesday, April 10, and will tell her family's story at 6 p.m. in Chapel Commons. Direct questions to Pastor Ramona Bouzard or Blake Shipman.
Upcoming Events

Testament from the Ashes
April 10

Celebration and blessing service
April 11

April 12

Senior art exhibit reception
April 12

Knight Vision requests due
April 15

Hoops for Hope
April 15

Finals study break
April 16

Pastor Ramona Bouzard retirement party
April 16

Squatch Jam fundraiser
April 17
Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760.

Upcoming Chapel services

Weekday services are from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Wartburg Chapel; Sunday services begin at 10:30 a.m. Chapel time is a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Interfaith chapels will be held the last Wednesday of each month during the semester. Upcoming speakers:

  • Monday, April 9 – Angeline Neo ’20
  • Wednesday, April 11 – Pastor Brian Beckstrom, Celebration and Blessing service for staff and faculty who are retiring or leaving to serve elsewhere.
  • Friday, April 13 – Cory Brannaman ’18 (This will be the last Chapel of the semester.)
Sanctuary on Wednesdays
Expect a relaxed time of Bible study, fellowship, worship band music, prayers, and communion. Sanctuary takes place at 9 p.m. each Wednesday evening in Chapel Commons (basement). Come by at 8:45 for snacks and conversation. This is a great way to center yourself in the midst of your busy week.
Seminary Sampler for Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago will have its Spring Seminary Sampler on April 18. This is a time to meet current faculty and students, sit in on classes, and continue to discern how God is calling you into the world. Click here for more information.

Wartburg students Sulibeth Velez, Hunter Baldus, Grace Byram, Alexies Esotto, and Jacob Hodge competed as finalists in the Neeley Entrepreneurship Center Values and Ventures Business Plan Competition at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas, April 6 and 7. The team developed its business plan under the guidance of Dr. Allan Bernard, professor of business administration, and was sponsored by Wartburg graduate Michael Murphy ’89.

Student Angeline Neo ’20 is exhibiting the painting A Sense of Place in the ArtHaus Emerging Artist Exhibition in Decorah. The exhibition features 30 juried student works from the tri-state area and is installed from April 6-May 19. 

Joe Johnson ’81 was named president of the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, as reported by Iowa Ag Connection.

Caitlin Hanson ’17 and Kyle Harms ’15  led their respective jazz choirs to first place finishes at state championships, as reported by the  Sioux City Journal

Steve Meirink ’99, executive vice president at Wolters Kluwer and member of the Wartburg Board of Regents, accepted the Longstanding Partnership Award from Operation HOPE. Wolters Kluwer has partnered with the organization since 2008 to offer products, access to experts, and the leadership required to provide tools and services to consumers within underserved communities to help them achieve financial independence. 

100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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