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The Juice (Students) - Nov. 28

Nov. 28, 2016
Attend Christmas with Wartburg dress rehearsal
Students are welcome to attend the Christmas with Wartburg dress rehearsal Wednesday, Nov. 30, for free with your student ID. The program begins at 5 p.m. in Neumann Auditorium. Come celebrate the Christmas season and support the efforts of your fellow students! Concert tickets for Dec. 2 in West Des Moines and concert and meal tickets for Dec. 3-4 in Waverly still can be purchased online at www.wartburg.edu/christmas, from 10 a.m. to noon weekdays at the ticket office in Saemann Student Center, or by calling 319-352-8691 during ticket office hours.
Egg Nog Pong Tournament
KWAR will host its second annual Egg Nog Pong Tournament on Tuesday, Dec. 6, starting at 7 p.m. in Grossmann basement. The cost is $2 per team to get your name included in the bracket. The winner gets a trophy and will be featured on KWAR social media. If you would like to enter, please email the names of your team members (two per team) to abby.singleton@wartburg.edu. Contact her with any questions as well.
Attention student employees
Did you know that your timecard and monthly paystubs are now available online? Simply login into Info Center with your Wartburg credentials and:
  • Select “Pay Stub” under the Application tab to view your paystub.
  • Select “KnightTime Timecard” under the Employment tab to review your work hours.
Students are strongly encouraged to sign up for direct deposit or the student payroll deduction agreement. Both of these options eliminate the possibility of lost or stale-dated paychecks as well as having to remember to pick up paper paychecks from the Business Office each month. The deadline for electing each of these options is the first business day of the month in which you would like to have the change effective on your paycheck (i.e. Dec. 1 deadline for the Dec. 15 payroll).

Students who would like to have their Dec. 15 paycheck mailed to their home address may sign up in the Business Office, Luther Hall 212.
Winter bicycle storage available
Beginning Monday, Nov. 28, the Campus Security Office will be accepting bicycles for winter storage, free of charge. Bicycles must be registered with the college, and the owner must agree to leave the bicycle in storage until March, or when it is evident the winter snows are over. Bikes can be registered any time.
Vote in the Study Abroad Photo Contest
You are cordially invited to grab your favorite treat in the Den and view the Study Abroad Photo Contest in the hallway on the lower level of Saemann Student Center. Current Wartburg students who have participated in a May Term Abroad or a Semester Abroad have entered their photos with accompanying essays describing their experiences. Come view the awe-inspiring photos and essays, and then VOTE for your favorite on Tuesday, Nov. 29, or Thursday, Dec. 1, from 8 to 9:30 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m. both days.
Toiletry items needed
IS class members will be collecting toiletry items to donate to Cedar Valley Friends of the Family from Monday, Nov. 28, to Thursday, Dec. 1. Look for a donation box in Mensa. Specific items needed include toilet paper, paper towels, facial tissues, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and soap. Contact Karly Fitzgerald with questions.
Dance Marathon meeting
Stop by WBC 214 on Wednesday, Nov. 30, at 8 p.m., to learn more about Dance Marathon. We are hosting an all-dancer meeting open to any student on campus, no matter if you are registered or not. Come find out more about this organization, how to register, our mission, and how we raise money #ForTheKids.
Team Iowa Dance Marathon T-shirts
Thursday, Dec. 1, is Push Day for Team Iowa Dance Marathon. Team Iowa long-sleeve shirts will be on sale during lunch and dinner for $20! Stop by our table in the Student Center, and purchase your exclusive shirt.
Festival of Trees starts this week
The Wartburg-Waverly Festival of Trees will brighten the first-floor hallway of the Classroom Technology Center from Thursday, Nov. 30, to Thursday, Dec. 15. It will be open to the public daily, 8 a.m.-9 p.m.
Upcoming Events
Festival of Trees
Nov. 30-Dec. 15
8 a.m.-9 p.m. daily

Christmas with Wartburg dress rehearsal
Nov. 30, 5 p.m.

Dance Marathon meeting
Nov. 30, 8 p.m.

Christmas with Wartburg: West Des Moines
Dec. 2

Christmas with Wartburg: Waverly
Dec. 3-4

Egg Nog Pong Tournament
Dec. 6, 7 p.m.

Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, communication specialist for Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760.

New May Term course: Leadership Insights
LS395 Leadership Insights: The American Family Insurance Experience is a P/D/F May Term course developed for highly motivated third- and fourth-year students who wish to observe and interact with the leadership team and members of the board of directors of a Fortune 500 company, American Family Insurance, with headquarters in Madison, Wis. The course is open to all majors with an interest in leadership and corporate social responsibility. Time will be split between the Wartburg campus and Madison. Enrollment is limited. Applications, due Friday, Dec. 2, are available upon request. Contact Dr. Fred Waldstein or Professor Kim Folkers for more information.
Commendation from Board of Regents
At its recent meeting, the Board of Regents passed a resolution recognizing the efforts of the Wartburg community during September’s flooding. The motion reads as follows:
“That the Board of Regents hereby proudly recognizes and extends its appreciation to the entire Wartburg Community ... faculty, staff and students ... for the extraordinary efforts to serve families in Waverly and throughout the Cedar Valley during the September flooding of local rivers, as well as to the Center for Community Engagement for the leadership it provided. Their work demonstrates the deep commitment that the Wartburg Community has to its neighbors and to its mission to provide ‘leadership and service as a spirited expression of their faith and learning.’”
Sunday worship
Pastor Ramona Bouzard will give the message Sunday, Dec. 4, at 10:30 a.m. in the Wartburg Chapel. Invite a friend to join you!
Weekday Chapel services
Weekday Chapel services are held each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10:15-10:35 a.m. in the Wartburg Chapel, and are a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Upcoming speakers:
  • Monday, Nov. 28 – Fourth-Grade Class, St. Paul’s Lutheran School, Waverly
  • Wednesday, Nov. 30 “Interfaith Senior Chapel” – Arda Delibas ’17
  • Friday, Dec. 2 – Advent Chapel
Sanctuary on Wednesday
Expect a relaxed time of Bible study, fellowship, worship band music, prayers, and communion. Sanctuary takes place at 9 p.m. each Wednesday in Chapel Commons (basement). Come by at 8:45 for snacks and conversation.
Faith and Life Groups
Faith and Life Groups are opportunities for students to share fellowship with other believers. There are multiple groups taking place at different times, places, and locations on campus. Click here to see more information about all of the Faith and Life Group meeting times. 
Openings posted on Knightlink
On-campus employment opportunities for this current academic year are posted on Knightlink. Questions regarding these positions or Knightlink can be directed to Abbie Raum, student employment coordinator, at 352-8350 or studentemployment@wartburg.edu.
Urban Studies programs and internships
The Urban Studies Program at Wartburg West in Denver, Colorado, and Des Moines Urban Studies are taking applications NOW, including for internships that are a part of those programs. Please contact Jo Dorrance for details.
The late Cindy Carlson, who served as the president's administrative assistant for 17 years, donated her clothes to upperclass students through Cindy's Closet. The event was covered by KCRG and KWWL.

The wrestling team beat Simpson 41-4, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Jesse Kielman ’17 won a last-minute write-in campaign to become a member of the Bremer County Water and Soil Conservation District Commission, as reported by KCRG.

IMPower, an empowerment program for young girls created by Jenna Haglund, visiting assistant professor of social work, was featured in the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Four professionals with Wartburg ties were honored recently among the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier's "20 Under 40.” Honorees included Felicia Smith Nalls '99, executive director of Nissan and Nalls; Brooke Trent '04, a lawyer at Trent Law Firm; Zak Montgomery, associate professor of Spanish at Wartburg; and Mark Hubbard '01, a financial adviser at Northwestern Mutual Insurance and football coach at Waverly-Shell Rock High School.

The wrestling team is entering its season with an eye toward its 13th national championship, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Millie Dieter ’55 was recognized by the Northeast Iowa Music Teachers Association for her 28 years of service to the organization, according to the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier. 

100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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