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The Juice (Students) - Nov. 14


Saint Elizabeth WeekSaint Elizabeth Week is devoted to community activism and service and is always celebrated the week of Nov. 17 (the anniversary of her death) in conjunction with National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week. This week's events:


  • Clothing Drive — Look for collection locations at residence halls and donate your shoes or clothes to a great cause!
  • Penny Drive for Professors — Raise money to alleviate local homelessness by placing loose change in designated jars around campus. Dr. Bechtel, Dr. Nelson and Dean Kittle have volunteered to participate—whichever professor’s jar has the most money donated will dress as St. Elizabeth for a day of classes!
  • Stop n’ Serve (Saemann Student Center) — Stop by and write cards for children in poverty. These will be sent to the NE Iowa Food Bank, where they will be distributed to families. 

Monday, Nov. 14:

  • Bread Night (Residence hall kitchens), 7 p.m. — Come get free bread in your dorm’s kitchen and learn more about events during Saint Elizabeth Week! 

Tuesday, Nov. 15:

  • Northeast Iowa Food Bank Backpack Pack (W Fieldhouse), 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. — Stop by to fill bags of food and essential items that will be sent to northeastern Iowa families.
  • Food for Hoops (Levick Arena), 7 p.m. — Food drive held during home basketball game. Bring canned foods or nonperishable items to donate to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank when you come to watch the Knights play basketball. 

Wednesday, Nov. 16

  • St. Elizabeth Chapel & Award Ceremony (Wartburg Chapel), 10:15 a.m.
  • St. Elizabeth Award for Service and Pastor Larry Trachte Award for Service Award, (Wartburg Chapel), 10:45 a.m. — recipients will be recognized during the chapel service
  • St. Elizabeth Sanctuary Service (Chapel Commons), 9 p.m. — Celebrate with us during a special Sanctuary gathering!

Thursday, Nov. 17

  • Voices of the Issues Panel (McCaskey Lyceum), 11:30 a.m. — Come engage in dialogue with those who work closely with hunger and homelessness.
  • Orange Band Social Issue Awareness Initiative (during panel discussion) —What issue will you take a stand for? Share your views and listen to the views of others through intentional conversations about things that really matter in our society today.


Informational budget meetings — The Finance and Administration Office has scheduled four informational budget meetings — open to all faculty, staff, and students — to review the 2015-16 and 2016-17 budgets as well as preliminary assumptions for the 2017-18 budget. All four sessions are the same. The presentation will be posted to the Wartburg intranet by no later than Nov. 22.

  • Tuesday, Nov. 15, 3-4 p.m., McCoy East
  • Thursday, Nov. 17, 8-9 a.m.., McCoy East
  • Friday, Nov. 18, 8-9 a.m., WBC 101
  • Monday, Nov. 21, 4-5 p.m., McCoy East

Stress-free zone:
The Student Life Office is hosting a Stress-free Zone from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Nov. 14, to provide support for students who have felt stress these past few days regarding the election outcome and other happenings on and around campus. Come and take time to de-stress with coloring books, markers, bracelet making, Play-Doh, stress balls, games and more.

Build a flower pot and watch a movie — Come celebrate America Recycles Day on Tuesday, Nov. 15, with “Build Your Own Flower Pot Night” and a movie from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the McCaskey Commons in the McCoy Living and Learning Center. The Sustainability Office will provide recycled plastic water bottles, soil and spider plants, and students can paint their own water bottle and pot their plant. During the craft we will also be having a viewing of Race to Zero, a movie about the movement to reach zero waste. Stop by anytime to make a flower pot and be in good company. Contact Sierra Lovato with questions.

Live a LIFE in Service – Give back, learn, and grow during a year of service through a Lutheran service organization. LIFE in Service is coming to Wartburg on Monday, Nov. 14, to kick off Saint Elizabeth Week. Kari Lenander, from Border Servant Corps, will speak during Weekday Chapel at 10:15 a.m. Alumni from LIFE in Service programs will be tabling in the Student Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and hosting an informational dinner from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. in the Chapel Commons (basement). For more information, contact Pastor Ramona.

Waterloo Blackhawks hockey game — The Blackhawks team is sponsoring a Wartburg Social Knight on Friday, Nov. 18. Blue Zone tickets will be $9, and White Zone tickets will be $12 with Wartburg ID discount. Puck drops at 7 p.m. Wartburg Drumline will be performing at intermission. If you have any questions, please contact Emily Laudner.

Auditions for The Vagina Monologues  Auditions will be Thursday and Friday, Nov. 17-18, from 6:30 to 9 p.m., in WBC 101. The Vagina Monologues is a stage production that dives into the mystery, humor, pain, power, wisdom, outrage, and excitement buried in women’s experiences. Audition slots are 15 minutes long, and the sign-up will be on the door of Löhe 254. The process entails reading selections from the script in front of two student-co-directors. Participants in The Vagina Monologues, per the request of the author, cannot be cisgender males, but they are more than welcome to be involved in the campaign. The performances will be Feb. 9-11, 2017. Please send all questions or concerns toabigail.wetzler@wartburg.edu or emma.evanspeck@wartburg.edu

Ambassadors information night – Wartburg Ambassadors is hosting an information night for individuals who are interested in joining the organization. This event will take place Tuesday, Nov. 22, 9 p.m., in WBC 214 (Buckmaster Room). By attending this event you will be able to learn more about what the organization does, the expectations of an Ambassador, as well as what the recruitment process is like. We hope to see you there! Please email ambassadors@wartburg.edu with any questions.

Snow removal jobs — Looking for some extra spending money this winter? The Operations & Maintenance Department is seeking student-employees to assist with snow removal this winter. Students would work on an on-call basis and primarily be responsible for removing snow from sidewalks and entrances for designated buildings. To apply, visit Knightlink, or inquire with the Student Employment Office at 319-352-8350 or studentemployment@wartburg.edu. Additional current student employment openings listed on Knightlink include:
  • Alumni, Parent Relations & Annual Giving: Knightcallers
  • Campus Programming: Student Assistant
  • Dining Services: Student Assistants
  • Library: Circulation Desk Assistant
  • Maintenance/Centennial Complex & Clinton: Custodial Assistants
  • Student Life: Certified Student Drivers

St. Elizabeth Chapel & Service Award Ceremony — The St. Elizabeth’s Award for Service and the PT Service Award will be recognized with special music by the St. Elizabeth Chorale during Weekday Chapel on Wednesday, Nov. 16, at 10:15 a.m.

Learn more about St. Elizabeth during May Term — RE 277: “Reformation Then and Now” includes visits to St. Elizabeth’s birthplace, the Wartburg Castle where she lived, and her burial place. Sites associated with Martin Luther and the Reformation also are included. The May Term course meets a Faith and Reflection requirement. Contact Dr. Kleinhans for more information.

Phil and Lit – The next meeting of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society will be Friday, Nov. 18, 4 p.m., in McCoy West in Saemann Student Center. Dr. Joy Becker, associate professor of mathematics, will present The Math Magic Behind Cryptography.

Presentation on Peru — Dr. Michael Bechtel is taking a group of Wartburg students, along with a group from Upper Iowa University, to Peru during May Term. The trip, led by NiCole Dennler, has room for more students or community members to join! If you are interested in learning more about the Amazon River Basin in Peru, including the wildlife and indigenous people, come see DC Randle, director of Education and Citizen Science Programs based out of Minneapolis, who will be on campus Tuesday, Nov. 22, at 7 p.m., in SC140 to talk about his experiences in Peru. Randle works with ACTS Peru to allow learning opportunities for students, adults, and families in the Amazon rainforest. For more information about the Peru May Term trip or Randle’s presentation, contact natalie.peyton@wartburg.edu or michael.bechtel@wartburg.edu.


Fill-A-Bag Sale – Jump-start your Christmas shopping at The Wartburg Store on Wednesday, Nov. 16, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Get 30 percent off everything you can fit in a bag (or two or three!). Pay with All-Campus Spending for an additional 10 percent off! You won’t want to miss our biggest sale of the year. 

Food for Hoops — As part of Saint Elizabeth Week, there will be a canned food drive Tuesday, Nov. 15, during the home women’s and men’s basketball games, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Please bring canned food/nonperishables and drop them off by the ticket area outside Levick Arena (there will be a box for the food). Contact Madison Bloker with any questions or if you would like a copy of the “Food for Hoops” fliers to forward on to family/friends. Spread the word, and give what you CAN!

Maintenance requests — Thanks to everyone who has utilized the online maintenance request process, called Maintenance Connection. Unfortunately, some individuals do continue to simply let the Operations and Maintenance person in their area know when something needs to be addressed via face-to-face conversation, a phone call, or email, while others have been calling or emailing the Maintenance Office. Effective immediately, unless there is an emergency, if you ask an Operations and Maintenance employee to address an issue, they have been told to politely ask you to enter the request into the online system to make sure the issue is handled appropriately. All faculty, staff, and students have the ability to enter a request.  

Service-learning class opportunity — Are you passionate about environmental and/or social mission-driven causes typically taken on by nonprofits? Want to get out of the textbook and into the action with real-world learning where unexpected things can happen? If the answer is yes, consider taking BA 377, Non-Profit Management, in Winter 2017. The only pre-requisite for the class is second-year status. For more information, contact Professor Roelofse or visit her in WBC 109. See your adviser for a drop/add card.

Win an Amazon gift card — Click here to take a short survey about study habits on campus and Vogel Library hours to be entered into a drawing for one of two $15 Amazon gift cards. Winners will be notified, and the gift cards will be put in mailboxes. The survey will close Sunday, Nov. 20, at 11:59 p.m. 

Wartburg W Challenge — From Nov. 6-23, take a picture of yourself in The W every time you use the facility outside of athletics (fieldhouse, center court, weight room, fitness classes, pool, etc.) and post it to Twitter. Use the hashtag #WartburgWChallenge, or email pictures directly to the Wartburg emails of Nicole Burgin, Trevor Larson, Michelle Hahn, Travis Bertelsen, Joshua Feirer, and Amanda Riniker. Every time you use this hashtag your name will be entered into a drawing for prizes! Prizes from The Wartburg Store include a Nike T-shirt and water bottles (infuser, straw, or Nike). The goal of this challenge is to increase student use of The W and improve the overall health of Wartburg College. Don’t wait until the new year to start your health aspirations; start now, and get rewarded for it. NOTE: To respect other people’s privacy, when taking a picture of yourself using The W, do not have anyone in the background who did not give consent to be in the picture. 

Live a LIFE in Service — Give back, learn, and grow during a year of service through a Lutheran service organization. LIFE in Service is coming to Wartburg on Monday, Nov. 14, to kick off Saint Elizabeth Week. Kari Lenander from Border Servant Corps will be speaking at Weekday Chapel at 10:15 a.m., and alumni from the LIFE in Service programs will be tabling in the Student Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. as well as hosting an informational dinner from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. in Chapel Commons (basement). For more information, contact Pastor Ramona.

College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's official calendar.

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