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The Juice (Students) - March 14


Culture Week events — “Rise and Dance” with Culture Week events March 13-19, presented by the International Student Services Office and the International Club.

  • Tuesday, March 15 — Faculty Panel: What is Social Justice? Heritage Ballroom, 11:30 a.m. Bring your lunch from Mensa and join Dr. Bret Billet, Dr. Dan Thomas, and Dr. Brian McQueen as they present on issues of social justice around the world. Co-sponsored by the Student Senate Diversity Committee.
  • Wednesday, March 16 — Foreign Film, Science Center 102, 7 p.m. Join us for a foreign film night with popcorn and subtitles! Co-sponsored by the Spanish Club and Sigma Delta Pi.
  • Saturday, March 19 — Culture Show, Neumann Auditorium, 8 p.m. Come see the best show in Waverly — a collection of song, dance, and fun from around the world! Rise and dance with our students, who represent every part of the globe, in this unique and unifying experience. $5 suggested donation for adults, $1 suggested donation for students.


Housing sign-up — Housing cards for 2016-17 have been sent! Informational meetings regarding the sign-up process will be 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 15, in the Clinton Hall lounge, and 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 16, in the Centennial Hall lounge. Details will be posted on the Info Center soon. Lottery sign-up nights will be:

  • The Residence — Monday, March 21, 7 p.m., Grossmann 16
  • Knights Village — Wednesday, March 23, 7 p.m., McCaskey Lyceum
  • Suites and singles — Wednesday, March 30, 7 p.m., Neumann Auditorium
  • Doubles and triples — Thursday, March 31, 7 p.m., Neumann Auditorium

Student Room Decorating Contest — 
We’re looking for creatively decorated rooms that express your style and spirit. Here’s how it works: Post an image (either one photo or one PicStitch-type collage) of your residence hall room on Instagram or Twitter, tagging @WartburgCollege and using the hashtag #WartburgWorthIt. Your social media post must be public so everyone can see it. We have three contests:

  • Fan Favorite: VOTE for your favorite photo on the Residential Life at Wartburg College Facebook page (album to be posted this morning). The photo with the most “likes” as of 9 a.m. Thursday, March 17, will win a $50 gift certificate to The Wartburg Store.
  • Judges’ Favorite: Among all the photos posted to Instagram and Twitter, or emailed to cassie.hales@wartburg.edu, a group of judges will select the room they like best. Deadline is March 17. The winner gets a $100 gift certificate to The Wartburg Store!
  • Lottery Drawing: Everyone who posts/emails an eligible room photo by March 17 is entered into a random drawing, and the winner gets 20 points off their Housing Lottery Number for the 2016-17 Housing Sign-up in March.
  • Photos that depict items/activities prohibited by the Student Handbook will not be eligible for prizes and may be removed from view.

Reformation May Term in 2017 —
The 500th anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation is coming in 2017. Sign up for RE 277: Reformation Then and Now and see where it all began! Travel to historic Reformation sites in Germany and Eastern Europe. Meet with contemporary leaders. Course fulfills a Faith and Reflection requirement. Contact Dr. Kit Kleinhans for additional information.

Senior chapel sign-up for next year — Juniors, consider sharing yourself with the Wartburg community through a senior chapel. The sign-up sheet is located in the Chapel Narthex, or email Kathy Liddle to be added.

May Term Choir — A student-led May Term Choir is being arranged for May. Any students, faculty, and staff who want to sing are welcome to join rehearsals, which will be 4:50-6 p.m. Monday to Thursday; location still to be determined. You do not need to be a music major or have previous ensemble experience to join, just be willing to have fun yet be serious at times. The group is also looking for student conductors. Sign-up sheets will be up soon around campus, or email Brandon Everding if you’re interested in participating or have questions. 

Candlelight Dinner — The sign-up for the Candlelight Dinner hosted by History Club will be Wednesday and Thursday, March 16 and 17, from 5:15 to 7 p.m. in Mensa. The History Club will discuss its organization while students, faculty, and staff mingle over dinner on Wednesday, March 23, at 6:30 p.m. in the Heritage Room in Saemann Student Center. The cost for students with a board plan is $2. This may be paid with points or cash at the time of sign-up. Off-board students may also attend, and their cost will be $10 at the time of sign-up. Special dietary considerations will be taken into account.

Registrar's Office closed — The Registrar’s Office will close at 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 16, to attend the Grad Finale for pending May 2016 graduates. Please plan accordingly. 

Wartburg Players present Murder by the Book — The Wartburg Players will present the hilariously suspenseful play Murder by the Book, by Craig Sodaro, March 18 and 19. While deliberating over what should win the prestigious award of best mystery of the year, the Raven Society receives an ominous threat, promising each author will die by their own words. Join all your favorite authors – from Louisa May Alcott to William Shakespeare – as they race the clock to find the killer! This student-directed play begins at 7:30 p.m. both nights in McCaskey Lyceum. Admittance is free, but donations will be gratefully accepted.

Phil and Lit Society — The next Winter Term meeting of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society is Friday, March 18, at 4 p.m. in McCoy West of the Saemann Student Center. David Herwaldt, winner of the Dr. Peggy & Kendall Pruisner Early Career Scholarly and Creative Activity Award, will present Graphic Design: A Twenty-first-century Essential. The society meets most Friday afternoons during the academic year for presentations by a colleague in an informal, convivial setting. Beverages and snacks are available. 

Donate or volunteer for the blood drive — The American Red Cross and the Volunteer Action Center will host a blood drive Thursday, March 17, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Chapel Commons. To reserve your appointment time, click here or contact the Volunteer Action Center

AAUW hosts Iowa author — The Waverly American Association of University Women will celebrate Women’s History Month with a presentation by Iowa author Cheryl Mullenbach on Thursday, March 17, 6:30-8 p.m. in Science Center 134. Mullenbach's book, Double Victory: How African American Women Broke Race and Gender Barriers to Help Win World War II, was named to the American Library Association’s “Amelia Bloomer Top Ten List for 2014.” Mullenbach will tell the stories of African-American women who did extraordinary things to help their country during World War II: war workers, political activists, military women, volunteers, and entertainers. Open to students, faculty, staff, and community members. For more information, contact Kim Folkers.

College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's official calendar.


‘Burg Bracket Challenge — The Wartburg Store is hosting its first 'Burg Bracket Challenge, coinciding with the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament this March. Brackets will be available at the store beginning Monday, March 14. Submit your completed brackets by 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 16, along with a $2 entry fee to benefit Dance Marathon. Results will be posted in-store throughout the tournament. The winner will receive a $100 gift card to The Wartburg Store. Contact thestore@wartburg.edu with questions. 

ETK survey — Have a say in next year’s events by taking the Entertainment ToKnight (ETK) survey. Click here to give feedback and suggestions for next year’s event, dates, and times as well as large-event suggestions. The survey closes Friday, March 18, at 11:45 p.m. Please email etk@wartburg.edu with comments or questions.

Grad Finale for seniors — The Grad Finale will be held Wednesday, March 16, 3:30-6:30 p.m. in the Student Center's Knights Ballroom to provide you with “one-stop shopping” for all of your graduation requirements. Offices represented will be the Registrar’s Office, Business Office, Perkins Loan Office, Financial Aid, Alumni, Career Services, Senior Class Gift, Sustainability, and The Wartburg Store, allowing you to complete a myriad of requirements in one location.

RSVP for Senior Dinner — The Senior Dinner is Tuesday, March 22, in Knights Ballroom for December 2015, May 2016 and August 2016 graduates. A reception begins at 6:30 p.m. and dinner begins at 7:15. As noted in the Jan. 28 e-mail invititation, please RSVP by March 15 at rsvp@wartburg.edu. Use “Senior Dinner” in the subject line and please indicate any special dietary needs.

Social Work course for the fall — The Social Work Department will offer a Fall 2016 course, SW 250: Current Topics in Social Work Practice: Substance Abuse Assessment/Intervention. The course, offered Mondays 6:30-9:30 p.m., will be taught by an MSW social worker who currently works for the VA Hospital. There are no prerequisites for this course. 

Archeology class for May 2017 — ID 308: Archeology and the Bible will be offered in May 2017. This travel course involves a hands-on experience with archaeology as well as a tour of the Holy Land sites. Simply sign up for GM 307 (0.5, Winter), and both GM 308 and ID 308 (May 2017). Contact Dr. Chip Bouzard for more information.

Math, Computer Science & Physics Department Seminar — The next Math, Computer Science & Physics Department Seminar will be held on Tuesday, March 15, at 11:30 a.m. in SC 134. Dr. Patrick Van Fleet, professor in mathematics and director of the Center for Applied Mathematics at the University of St. Thomas, will deliver a presentation entitled "A Simple Introduction to Wavelet-Based Image Compression." Refreshments will be provided at the seminar.

Service Trips positions — Service Trips is searching for a marketing coordinator, fundraising coordinator, and advisor/alumni liaison to join the executive team next year. Click here to see job descriptions and apply by 11 a.m. Monday, March 21. Direct any questions to servicetrips@wartburg.edu.

Public relations internship with Student Senate — Wartburg Student Senate is looking for a public relations director for the 2016-17 academic year. This position counts as one or two credits for an internship and includes a stipend. Visit Senate's website for the application, and contact Tyler Vogel with questions. The application, along with other required materials found on the website, are due by end of the day Thursday, March 24, to tyler.vogel@wartburg.edu.

Print Center charges — Students are allowed to charge copies to their account by swiping their cards at copiers around campus. Now, students are able to charge to their student accounts in the Digital Print Center for printed projects. If a project is ordered and not picked up and paid for, the amount will be charged to the student's printing account.

Recipes from Home results — Student Center Council and Dining Services want to thank everyone who submitted recipes or participated in Recipes from Home this year. Based on student response, we will be adding all of the recipes that we taste-tested in Mensa, starting in May Term. The recipes are: Chifrijo, Oatmeal Pumpkin Carmelita, Jamaican Rice and Beans, and Buffalo Chicken Casserole. Beef and Noodles will be added at a later date.

Nominate a teacher — Graduating seniors, did you have a high school teacher who inspired you and contributed to your accomplishment of earning a degree from Wartburg College? If so, please nominate your teacher for the Outstanding High School Teacher of the Year Award. Winning teachers will receive $500. In addition, a $500 scholarship will be made available to a rising senior from your high school. For more details and the online nomination form, click here. Nominations must be received by noon March 17.

Offices close for Lenten Chapel services — During the Wednesdays of Lent, college administrative offices will close during chapel time, 10:15-10:35 a.m., to allow staff and faculty the opportunity to attend the Lenten chapels. (The W, Security Office, and Information Desk will remain open.)

Visit the InfoCenter for details on the following:

  • Study abroad applications
  • Undergraduate research fellowships (due March 18)
  • R.J. McElroy Student/Faculty Research Fund (due March 18)
  • Wartburg West fall classes

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