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Accounts Payable and PNC Card updates

Accounts Payable – Submitting Payment Requests

With the recent communication encouraging those who can work from home to do so, Accounts Payable is asking for your help. Please look for invoices, personal reimbursements receipts, or expense transfers in your inbox or desk. Please attach the appropriate completed form (i.e. Payment Voucher, Personal Reimbursement, Expense Transfers), approvals, and documentation for these payments. These forms can be found on the Business Office website. Please send your payment requests to Accounts Payable before you leave on Nov. 24.


How will you submit requests for payment during this “work from home” time? We would like to utilize the following process for payment requests:

  • Complete appropriate form based on invoices, receipts, etc.
  • Attached completed form along with invoices, receipts, etc. into an email
  • Send email to authorized approver including the vendor name and amount in the email
  • Authorized approver will forward email with attachments to Accounts Payable (accountspayable@wartburg.edu) stating they are approving the attached for payment
  • Accounts Payable will print attachments and approval email  as documentation for payment


PNC Statements and Receipts


  • Log onto PNC online portal
  • Upload your complete itemized receipt(s) and attach these to the respective transactions
  • Code each transaction to appropriate expense account.
  • Be sure to click “Save” on each transaction to approve it
  • Complete by the 7th of the month


TIP: The Visa Spend Management mobile app is a great way to easily take pictures of your receipts while on the go and attach to transactions.  You can attach multiple pictures to one transaction to ensure you are including the entire itemized receipt.



  • You will not be able to view or approve PNC transaction until the cardholders upload and attach receipts to transactions, code the transactions, and then click “Save”.
  • Approve your cardholders’ transactions by the 12th of the month



Cardholders are to upload and attach receipts to PNC transactions over $10, code transactions with proper accounts, and provide appropriate descriptions for each transaction. Approvers should be looking for these items when reviewing and approving cardholders’ PNC transactions. Receipts and transaction descriptions are thoroughly reviewed by our auditors during our financial audit. 


Per our policy, receipts must be:

  • Legible 
  • Itemized: Showing specifically what was purchased.
  • Submitted Timely: Receipts are to be uploaded and attached to transactions in the PNC system during the monthly cycle period.
  • Submitted with Statement Report or Listing of Monthly Transactions labeled with your name if handing in the original receipts to the Business Office after they have been uploaded to the PNC online portal. 


If a cardholder does not have the original receipt for a specific transaction, a Missing Receipts Formmust be completed, signed by the cardholder and supervisor, and attached to the respective transaction in the PNC online portal.


NOTE: Per our policy -  If a cardholder does not submit outstanding receipts to the Business office (by uploading them to the PNC online portal during the cycle period or in person following the cycle period) within the scope of 30 days after the end date of a statement period, their PNC credit card will be inactivated until all receipts have been accounted for and submitted to the Business Office. 


Questions regarding your PNC purchasing card at this time can be directed to abbie.raum@wartburg.edu or call 319-352-8350.

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