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The Juice (Student) - May 7

May 7, 2018
Shuttle sign-up deadline approaching 
The deadline to sign up for the May 26 end-of-year shuttles to area airports is May 18. Visit www.wartburg.edu/shuttle for information on shuttle routes, times, and pricing and to register. The site will have information soon about next fall's routes and dates.
Crowdfunding at Wartburg 
Fund the Fortress is Wartburg’s crowdfunding platform used to directly impact areas of campus through online giving. Applications are now being accepted for new ideas. For more information or to apply, visit www.wartburg.edu/fund-the-fortress.
‘A Knight in Asia’ meal
Enjoy a culinary experience and support a good cause! “A Knight in Asia” will feature a five-course tasting menu planned and prepared by senior Chef William Coonradt as part of his May Term internship. The event is Tuesday, May 15, at East Bremer Diner in downtown Waverly with seatings at 5 and 8 p.m. Tickets are $40 each with limited seating. To reserve tickets, email the number of guests and dinner time to aknightinasia@gmail.com. Proceeds will go to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank.
Weekly security update
Go to the Security Update on the InfoCenter to see details about the recent work on door lock installation and cabling, and to see previous reports.
VAC May Day of Service 
The VAC will be hosting a May Day of Service on Tuesday, May 15, with a rain date on Wednesday, May 16. Service will include helping plant trees, planting annuals, splitting perennials, mulching, and other outdoor work. There will be two shifts, 10-11:30 a.m. and 1-2:30 p.m. If you would like to participate, sign up here by Friday, May 11. 
Showing of El Silencio de Neto
The Slife Professorship in Humanities, together with the Cinemas of Latin America class, will host a showing of the film El Silencio de Neto on Monday, May 14, at 6:30 p.m., in SC 102. The Guatemalan film by Luis Argueta has won many awards, including Best Film at the New York Latino Film Festival. Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish Club, and SALSA will be co-sponsoring the event and providing snacks. There will be an open discussion following the film, and everyone is welcome to participate. (No Spanish background is required to attend the film or discussion). Direct questions to Dr. Zak Montgomery or Jessica Mueller.
Railroad work closes Bremer Avenue 
Bremer Avenue has closed completely in both directions for work on the railroad tracks near the Pizza Hut on the west and at the 12th Street NW intersection on the east. This is expected to take four weeks to complete and should be done by Memorial Day weekend. Wilson Avenue (north of Bremer Avenue) will also be closed at the railroad tracks, so the north detour traffic must use Fifth Avenue NW. South detour traffic must use Second Avenue SW or 10th Avenue SW. Click here to see a map of the closure and the recommended alternate routes to campus.
Upcoming Events

Screening of El Silencio de Neto
May 14

VAC May Day of Service
May 15

'A Knight in Asia' meal
May 15

May 27
Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760.

Sanctuary during May Term
Sanctuary on Wednesdays will be the only service offered on campus during May Term. Join us in the Chapel Commons (basement) for snacks at 8:45 p.m. and a service at 9 p.m. All are welcome!
Offerings given during year

Total offerings during the academic year provided the opportunity for giving to four charities:

  • $2,346.74 to Lutheran World Relief (specifically for hurricane relief)
  • $642.63 to Blankets of Love   
  • $1,068.62 to Cedar Valley Friends of the Family
  • $1,068.63 to Wartburg College Dance Marathon 

Thank you to everyone who donated!

Looking ahead to 2018-19
Anyone interested in choosing scripture or hymns or sharing a message in 2018-19 should contact Pam Moss

Students who are interested in serving as an assisting minister in 2018-19 should contact Pam Moss
Rebecca Bennett ’18, Katie Linthicum ’18, and Blake Shipman ’18 were accompanied by Dr. Kyle Schenkewitz, visiting assistant professor of religion, to the 2018 Great Plains Undergraduate Theology Conference on April 13 at Creighton University. They presented their Religion Capstone papers and interacted with scholars from Iowa and Nebraska.

Kailas Kokare ’17, a cross country runner at Wartburg, placed second (behind his friend and roommate) in the Cherry Creek Sneak 10-Miler, as reported by the Denver Post

Ed Scharlau ’61 helped found Water to Thrive, a nonprofit that builds wells that provide clean water to rural communities in Ethiopia, Uganda, and Tanzania. The organization celebrated its 10th anniversary this year and expects to build its 1,000th well, as reported by the Austin American-Statesman.

Wartburg College has been awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities grant in the organization’s most recent round of funding. The two-phase grant, valued at $165,276, will allow the college to create an online catalog of the more than 28,000 audiovisual items in the Archives of Iowa Broadcasting, which is owned by and housed at the college.
100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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