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The Juice (Students) - Nov. 13

Nov. 13, 2017
Saint Elizabeth Week schedule

Saint Elizabeth Week, devoted to community activism and service, is always celebrated the week of Nov. 17 (the anniversary of Saint Elizabeth’s death) in conjunction with National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week. Go to www.wartburg.edu/se to learn more. This week's events:

All week:

  • Stop ’n Serve: Saemann Student Center. Stop by and write cards for Bartels residents.

Monday, Nov. 13:

  • Hunger Banquet: 6-8 p.m., Ballrooms. Come experience what it feels like for those who are hungry and gain understanding.

Tuesday, Nov. 14:

  • Volunteer at Waverly Food Pantry: 6 p.m., Waverly Vineyard Church, 319 W. Bremer Ave. Help out at a place that gives back so much.

Wednesday, Nov. 15:

  • St. Elizabeth Chapel & Award Ceremony: 10:15-10:35 a.m., Wartburg Chapel
  • St. Elizabeth Sanctuary Service: 9 p.m., Chapel Commons. Celebrate with us during a special Sanctuary gathering.
  • Wrestling with Hunger canned food drive: 6-8 p.m. at the Wartburg wrestling meet, Levick Arena

Thursday, Nov. 16:

  • Documentary screening: 7-9 p.m., WBC214 (Buckmaster). Take a break from studying and come watch “A Place at the Table.” 
  • FCA: 8 p.m., The W classrooms. Come enjoy a lesson relating to servanthood and giving.

Friday, Nov. 17:

  • Men’s Basketball Halftime Event: 7-9 p.m., Levick Arena. Enjoy some halftime fun during the Buzz Levick Tournament and contribute to a worthy cause!
Informational forum for Des Moines Urban Studies Program
There will be an informational forum about the Des Moines Urban Studies Program on Thursday, Nov. 16, 7 p.m., in the Student Life Office. Come hear about what the Des Moines program has to offer and ask questions of students who participated last summer. Pizza and drinks will be provided in addition to a drawing for a $25 gift card to The Wartburg Store. If you plan to attend, email alexis.bodzioch@wartburg.edu. For more information, email jo.dorrance@wartburg.edu.
Check out new Trumpet Magazine online
The Wartburg Trumpet launches a new online magazine this week, with sections such as food, people, and life. Click here to view the debut edition, featuring student Madison Bloker ‘18, Dr. Bill Withers, and alumna Jeanne Edson ‘16.
Informational forum for Wartburg West 
Bonita Bock, Wartburg West director, will host an informational session for students interested in learning more about the Wartburg West Urban Studies Program on Wednesday, Nov. 15, 7 p.m., in McCoy West. All students are welcome to attend. Students who have already attended Wartburg West will also be on hand to answer questions and share their experiences. For more information, email jo.dorrance@wartburg.edu.
Dining hours for Thanksgiving break
Click here to see the Dining Services hours of operation for Thanksgiving break.
Thanksgiving meal for students
Residential Life, in conjunction with International Student Services and Multicultural Student Services, will host a Thanksgiving meal for all students staying on campus over Thanksgiving break. The meal will be Wednesday, Nov. 22, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., in the Chapel Commons. Containers will be provided to take home leftovers. Please RSVP to Jennifer Onuigbo or stop by the Student Life Office if you would like to attend.
Dance Marathon all-dancer meeting
The next meeting is Tuesday, Nov. 14, 8 p.m., in SC 102. Exciting news will be announced; don’t miss out!
Final Habitat for Humanity Service Saturday Dec. 2 
Ready to learn some tricks of the trade of home building? Wartburg Habitat for Humanity is sponsoring one more build this semester on Saturday, Dec. 2, in Waverly. All are welcome to learn new skills while helping build affordable housing. To register, follow the link on the Habitat for Humanity - Wartburg College Facebook page or email habitat@wartburg.edu.
Budget overview information now online
The budget overview information recently shared with Student Senate and at open meetings for faculty and staff has been posted on the InfoCenter.
Phil & Lit Society
The next meeting of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society will be Friday, Nov. 17, 4 p.m., in McCoy West. The speaker will be Dr. Maryam Rod Szabo, assistant professor of education. The title of her presentation is Teacher’s Pedagogical Practices Shift, Grow, and Need in Online Education.
Thanks for big weekend
A big thank you to all the faculty, staff and students involved with this past weekend's Science Symposium and Knights Priority Scholarship Day and today's special visit days. Overall, we welcomed more than 1,000 students and family members to campus!
Business Office closed 
The Business Office will be closed Wednesday, Nov. 15, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Please plan accordingly for any business you may have with that office.
Student survey 
Members of the Communication for Business Professionals class need your help with a research project. Participate in a survey about students and how they receive campus information by clicking here
The Vagina Monologues auditions 
The Wartburg V-day Campaign invites all women to audition for The Vagina Monologues. Auditions will be Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 13-14, beginning at 7 p.m., in the McCoy rooms. Click here to sign up. The Vagina Monologues seeks to get women’s stories heard and to help stop violence against women right here in our Wartburg community, in Waverly, and beyond. If you have questions, email emma.evanspeck@wartburg.edu.
Upcoming Events

St. Elizabeth Week
Nov. 12-18

LIFE in Service dinner
Nov. 13

The Vagina Monologues auditions
Nov. 13-14

Wartburg West Informational Forum
Nov. 15

Des Moines Urban Studies Informational Forum
Nov. 16

Thanksgiving Break begins
Nov. 22

Table Talk: Reforming Education
Nov. 28

Festival of Trees
Nov. 29-Dec. 14

Christmas with Wartburg
Dec. 1-3

Habitat for Humanity Service Saturday
Dec. 2

December Commencement
Dec. 10
Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760.

Live a LIFE in Service 
Give back, learn, and grow during a year of service. LIFE in Service is coming to Wartburg on Monday, Nov. 13, to kick off St. Elizabeth Week. Jessica Roit from Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) will speak at Weekday Chapel at 10:15 a.m. Life in Service will be tabling near the north entrance of the Student Center throughout the day, as well as hosting an informational dinner from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the Chapel Commons (basement). For more information, email ramona.bouzard@wartburg.edu.
New Bible study
Join a new Bible study every Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Chapel Tower Room with Pastor Brian, beginning Nov. 16. The Gospel of Mark will be the topic. There is no reading required before the study, but please bring your Bible along (digital or otherwise).
Weekday Chapel services
Weekday services are from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Wartburg Chapel. They are a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Interfaith chapels will be held the last Wednesday of each month during the semester. It’s a great time to put regular worship on your schedule. This week’s Weekday Chapel looks like this:
  • Monday, Nov. 13 – Jessica Roit from YAGM
  • Wednesday, Nov. 15 – Amy Isvik ’18 (St. Elizabeth Chapel and Service Award Ceremony)
  • Friday, Nov. 17 – Pastor Paul Nelson
Sanctuary on Wednesdays is a holy space in the midst of your busy life where you can recharge and renew. Expect a relaxed time of Bible study, fellowship, music, prayers, and communion. Sanctuary takes place at 9 p.m. each Wednesday in the Chapel Commons (Chapel basement). Treats are served at 8:45 p.m.
Sunday Worship
Pastor Brian Beckstrom will give the message Sunday, Nov. 19, at 10:30 a.m., in Wartburg Chapel.
Nov. 28 Table Talk: Reforming Education
Join us for a Table Talk about “Reforming Education: How Might Reformation Thinking Inform K-12 Educational Change Today?” The event will be Nov. 28, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Chapel Commons (lower level of the Chapel) and is sponsored by Spiritual Life and Campus Ministry. Education professor Rick Snyder will present principles and criteria driving educational reform from the Reformation era. Then we will consider principles and criteria motivating change in public education today. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss comparative educational reform efforts in 1517 and 2017. Join the ongoing work of reformation by reserving a spot for lunch, conversation and learning prior to Nov. 22. Send an email to SLCM with “Nov. 28 Table Talk” in the subject line. Include in the body of your email your name, email address, and phone number.
SALT meeting changed
The SALT (SLCM Service and Leadership Team) meeting has been changed and will meet Nov. 19, 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Chapel Commons (following Sunday morning worship). Lunch will be provided. Contact Paster Brian Beckstrom to reserve your lunch.
The college's partnership with Retrieving Freedom Inc., as well as Keegan Birkicht ’15, RFI program director, were featured in a Living Lutheran magazine article written by Karris Golden ’98.

The football team clinched the Iowa Conference title with a 23-0 shutout over Dubuque, as reported by the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier.

Russell Harris ’10 talks about the mission of the Jalen Rose Leadership Academy on this Jalen & Jacoby segment on ESPN
100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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