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The Juice (Students) - Oct. 30

Oct. 30, 2017

Celebrate the Reformation anniversary Tuesday

On Tuesday, Oct. 31, the Wartburg campus will celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Don’t miss two opportunities to be part of the day’s activities:

  • Spirited Expression: A Reformation Celebration will be held in the chapel from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., featuring Dr. Karen Black, college organist; the Wartburg Choir with Dr. Lee Nelson conducting; and the Rev. Dr. Kathryn Kleinhans, speaker.
  • From 12:45 to 3:15 p.m., students, faculty, and staff in groups of 12-15 will gather for Reformation Table Talks, guided discussion, and honest conversation about the college’s mission of faith and learning and the future of Spiritual Life and Campus Ministry. No classes, lessons, or meetings will be held during this time, and most offices will be closed so all can participate.
Budget information presented at Senate meeting
Rich Seggerman, vice president for finance and administration, will provide an overview of the budget and respond to questions about the budget during the Student Senate meeting Thursday, Nov. 2, at 11:30 a.m., in WBC 214 (Buckmaster). Senate meetings are open to the student body, and all questions and concerns are welcome. Also at that same meeting, President Colson will provide an overview of the recently concluded Transforming Tomorrow campaign and respond to questions about the campaign. The actual revenue and expense report for the 2016-17 fiscal year is available here, and the budget revenue and expense report for the 2017-18 fiscal year is available here.
Women’s basketball exhibition game Thursday
The Wartburg women's basketball team will host Upper Iowa University in a charity exhibition game, Thursday, Nov. 2, at 7:30 p.m. in Levick Arena. Tickets are $6 for adults and $2 for students. Wartburg students will be admitted for free with their student ID. No other passes will be honored (Booster Club, retiree, etc.). The proceeds will be donated to the American Red Cross for hurricane relief.
Wartburg Store plans Halloween activities, costume contest

In the Halloween spirit? On Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 30-31, The Wartburg Store will host Halloween-themed activities. One old-school guessing game involves candy in a jar. The closest guess to the exact number of treats in the jar wins you the whole batch. Three jars equals three chances to win! Do you have a costume you want to show off? Post a picture to Instagram using #WartburgHalloween for a 10 percent-off coupon. The top costume, voted on by Wartburg Store staff, will win a surprise gift basket!
Dining Services survey 
It’s time for Dining Services’ annual Customer Satisfaction Survey. Participate on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 30-31, in the Den, Konditorei, Zesty Orange, and Mensa. The survey is a little different this year, as both the link and your identifying code will be sent to your email. Fill out the survey and you will automatically be entered in a chance to win one of 10 $5 gift cards. 
Habitat for Humanity Service Saturdays 
Ready to learn some tricks of the trade of home building? Wartburg Habitat for Humanity is sponsoring three additional builds this semester in Waverly. All are welcome to learn new skills while helping build affordable housing. Upcoming builds will be on Saturdays, Nov. 4, 11, and Dec. 2. To register, follow the link on the Habitat for Humanity - Wartburg College Facebook page or email habitat@wartburg.edu.
Board of Regents commendation motion
The Board of Regents at its recent meeting approved a motion recognizing the campus community for its efforts in reaccreditation:
COMMENDATION MOTION: That the Board of Regents hereby commends and celebrates the splendid work of faculty, staff, students, alumni, the President’s Cabinet, and President Colson in presenting the College’s mission and achievement to the Higher Learning Commission, thereby earning the Commission’s reaffirmation of accreditation. The Board of Regents is proud of this important accomplishment and stands with all of you in the ongoing work of assuring excellence in the delivery of Wartburg’s distinctive plan of education.
Phil & Lit Society
The next meeting of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society will be Friday, Nov. 3, at 4 p.m., in McCoy West. The speaker will be Dr. Lorinda Sheeler, visiting associate professor of public health. Her topic surrounds the current opioid epidemic. The title is A Baby’s Life Shouldn’t Begin With Detox: Primary Prevention for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome.
Decorate a tree for Festival of Trees
The annual Wartburg-Waverly Festival of Trees will brighten the halls of Wartburg’s Classroom Technology Center Nov. 29-Dec. 14. If your office, academic department, or group/organization would like to decorate a Christmas tree to display, please sign up by Monday, Nov. 20. For more information and/or to sign up, go to www.wartburg.edu/trees. Contact Joni McDonough with questions. A partnership between the college and Waverly Chamber of Commerce, the festival is open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and attracts more than 5,000 guests each year. New this year will be a People’s Choice Award. Visitors will have the chance to vote for their favorite tree, and the winner will receive a prize.
Open mic poetry reading 
Wartburg’s V-Day Campaign will sponsor an open mic poetry reading event Thursday, Nov. 9, 6:30-8 p.m., in the Chapel Commons. Signup will be at the event. Come read an original poem, a poem you connect with personally, or just come to listen. Snacks and light refreshments will be provided. If you have any questions, email emma.evanspeck@wartburg.edu.
Artist Matthew Terry gallery talk 
A gallery talk in conjunction with the exhibition of photographic works by Davenport artist Matthew Terry will be Friday, Nov. 3, 5 p.m., in the Waldemar A. Schmidt Art Gallery. Terry will talk about his work and how the concepts of memory and memory recall serve as his inspiration. An artist reception will follow from 6 to 8 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Both events are free and open to students, faculty, staff, and the general public. The art gallery is located on the first floor of the Bachman Fine Arts Center. The exhibit, Matthew Terry: Revisiting Past Exposures, will be on display through Dec. 15. For more information, contact Johanna Kramer-Weston, gallery director.
Take the Wartburg Shuttle over breaks
Wondering how to get to the airport or bus station? The Wartburg Shuttle can get you there! Click here to check out current routes, times, and prices for Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break, and more. You must sign up two weeks in advance of traveling. Contact Jennifer in Student Life with any questions.
Cemetery Tour benefits two student orgs
The Wartburg College History Club and Phi Alpha Theta honor society will host the annual Harlington Cemetery Tour on Sunday, Nov. 5. Participants can walk among the graves with Terry Lindell, professor of history, as he shares stories of Waverly’s past residents and points out fascinating details of bygone years. The tour begins at 2 p.m. in the cemetery parking lot, 1001 First St. SW, Waverly. Proceeds from the $5 admission charge will benefit the two student organizations. Contact the Wartburg Department of Humanities at 319-352-8333 to register, or email Tyler Amick to register or for more information.
Diploma application reminder 
The deadline for returning diploma applications was Friday, Sept. 29. At this time, more than 100 students with third-year standing have not returned the diploma application to the Registrar’s Office to initiate the graduation tracking process. Advising worksheets will be reviewed in October and November for those students who submit diploma applications by Thanksgiving. Students who fail to return the diploma application will have a registration hold placed on their account in March.
Graduation agreement reminder 
The deadline to return graduation agreements is Tuesday, Oct. 31, for pending 2017-18 graduates. Refer to the e-mail sent by Registrar Sheree Covert on Sept. 21 for more details. Thank you to the students who have already submitted their graduation agreements.
Participate in a mindfulness study 
Wartburg students at least 18 years old are eligible to participate in a six-week study of mindfulness and meditation. Participants will learn mindfulness meditation techniques and strategies for establishing a regular meditation practice. Participants will complete questionnaires regarding mindfulness, stress, and well-being. Sessions will be Mondays at 5:30 p.m., Nov. 6-Dec. 11. Participants will be entered in a drawing for a chance to win one of two $25 Amazon gift certificates. Psychology 101 students can participate for research credit/extra credit. For more information, contact Dr. Cynthia Bane, professor of psychology.
Henderson is new student body vice president 
Congratulations to our new student body vice president, Ashlee Henderson. Henderson was appointed by Student Body President Naomi Alene, and Student Senate voted and approved the appointment Thursday, Oct. 12.
Sign up for Hearthside Project reading
The Hearthside Project allows students to engage in the process of reading with a professor and to consider connections between their own course of study and the practical and philosophical ideas explored through each text. Texts chosen by faculty and staff emphasize, by topic or implication, the key role of the humanities in contemporary thought. Students receive their books free of charge. Reading groups consist of one professor/staff member and three students. For a list of readings and faculty/staff participating, click here. To apply, send an email to the participating faculty/staff member of the book you are interested in discussing. 
Upcoming Events

500th Reformation anniversary celebration
Oct. 31

Budget information meeting
Nov. 2

Women's basketball exhibition game
Nov. 2

Gallery talk
Nov. 3

Habitat for Humanity Service Saturdays
Nov. 4 & 11, Dec. 2

Interfaith trip
Nov. 5

Cemetery tour
Nov. 5

Open mic poetry reading
Nov. 9

Festival of Trees
Nov. 29-Dec. 14

Christmas with Wartburg
Dec. 1-3

Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760.

Weekday Chapel services
Weekday services are from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Wartburg Chapel. They are a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Interfaith chapels will be held the last Wednesday of each month during the semester. It’s a great time to put regular worship on your schedule. This week’s Weekday Chapel looks like this:
  • Wednesday, Nov. 1 – Pastor Brian Beckstrom
  • Friday, Nov. 3 – Andrea Leisinger ’18
  • Monday, Nov. 6 – Riley Cole ’17
Dokimazo at Luther Seminary 
Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minn., will host a fall discernment retreat called Dokimazo on Nov. 11-13. If you are interested in attending, please fill out this form so we can arrange transportation and get everyone registered. You must also fill out the Luther Seminary registration form here, where you can also find more information, or contact Dr. Chip Bouzard for details.
Sunday Worship
Pastor Ramona Bouzard will give the message Sunday, Nov. 5, at 10:30 a.m., in Wartburg Chapel.
Interfaith opportunity at Islamic center 
On Sunday, Nov. 5, join Spiritual Life and Campus Ministry on a trip to visit our neighbors at Masjid-Al Noor Islamic Center in Waterloo/Cedar Falls. We will gather at 1 p.m. at the Chapel and return by 4:30 p.m. This Interfaith opportunity is in partnership with Dr. Kuni Terasawa’s World Religions class and Dema KazKaz, president of the Islamic Center. The experience will include a tour, speakers, and international treats. If you would like to participate, email Pastor Ramona. There is also a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the Chapel. Please note if you are a college-certified driver.

Russell Harris ’10 talks about the mission of the Jalen Rose Leadership Academy on this Jalen & Jacoby segment on ESPN

Quarterback Matt Sacia ’19 has led the Knights to a 7-0 start in 2018, as reported by the Quad City Times.

The football team adjusted at the half to notch another win over Luther, according to the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier

Ian Wass ’02 was named the Waterloo Fire Department's Paramedic of the Year for 2017, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Enrollment increased in 2017-18, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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