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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Aug. 14

Aug. 14, 2017
Solar Eclipse Party on campus Aug. 21

Celebrate the total eclipse on Monday, Aug. 21, on campus! Iowa will not see 100 percent coverage, but we will be very close. To celebrate, Dining Services will offer specials throughout the day:

  • Before the Main Event: $1 off lunch in Mensa ($7 or $6.30 with All Campus Spending). Lunch hours: 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. There also will be a lunch special in the Den.
  • During the Main Event: Lemonade and “moon” cookies (chocolate crinkle cookies) will be served on the Campus Mall, outside the doors by the Security Office, from 12:45 to 1:30 p.m. (1-1:15 p.m. is when the sun will have 92-95 percent coverage, which is the most we will see). If you don’t have special eclipse-viewing glasses, you can make your pinhole eclipse viewer during this time as well.
  • After the Main Event: Mini Avalanche Deal in the Den, 1:30-4 p.m.
Faculty and staff picnic 
President Colson and Christy invite you and your spouse or guest to the Faculty and Staff Picnic at Greenwood, Wednesday, Aug. 30, at 6 p.m. The event, at 902 12th St. NW, will kick off the 2017-18 academic year. German or Reformation-related attire is optional. Music will be provided by The Eisenachers. Please wear your Wartburg name tag; a name tag will be provided for your spouse/guest. RSVP by Aug. 23 at www.wartburg.edu/picnic. Rain location is Saemann Student Center.
Staff invited to Faculty Workshop sessions
All staff are invited to take advantage of two opportunities for professional development and engagement during this fall’s Faculty Workshop, Wednesday, Aug. 30, in the Saemann Student Center ballrooms. No RSVP is necessary.
  • 8-10 a.m., Recruitment, Advising, and Retention Conversation. Featuring a panel discussion on best practices in student recruitment, advising, and retention and ways everyone plays an important role in fostering a welcoming environment.
  • 10:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Gender Bias in Academia: What It Is and What You Can Do About It. Facilitators: Dr. Susan Hill, director, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, and professor of religion, University of Northern Iowa, and Brittany Flokstra, instructor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Northern Iowa. In preparation for this workshop, please take one of the gender quizzes (gender-science or gender-career) and one other test of your choosing. You will not be asked to share your results, but we will talk more about these quizzes at the workshop. Click here to access the tests. Please note that you do not have to log in in order to take a test; please click on “Take a Test” at the top of the page.
Dining hours for late summer and early fall
Click here to see the Dining Services hours for late summer and early fall for Mensa, Konditorei, the Den, and the Zesty Orange. 
Alumni updates
The Alumni and Parent Relations Office reminds employees to encourage alumni to notify the college of life updates (milestones, job changes, etc.) and address changes through this form or by emailing alumni@wartburg.edu.
New ITS form 
In order to better serve our clients, Information Technology Services has implemented a new process for providing security clearances for new employees. Once a new employee has had preliminary contact with Human Resources and HR has added them to the database, ITS will be notified. At that time, ITS will send the hiring supervisor and their administrative support person a form to be filled out that indicates the clearances and access needed for the new employee. Once that form has been returned to ITS, we will set up the required authorizations and security access within 48 hours. The form also will be available on the HR and ITS InfoCenter pages if you prefer to get a head start on it, but ITS still will need up to 48 hours to complete the setup after HR notifies us, regardless of when we receive the request from the hiring supervisor. Direct questions to Joni McDonough.
Summer hours end Aug. 26
Summer office hours will end Saturday, Aug. 26. Office hours will return to 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
BOR report 
President Colson’s May report to the Board of Regents and his summary of the meeting are now posted on the InfoCenter under President’s Reports.
The Juice summer schedule 
The Faculty/Staff Juice will publish every other week during the summer, with the next edition on Aug. 28. The Juice will resume weekly emails at that time.
Transition to new college credit cards
As part of the revenue-enhancement and expense-savings process, Wartburg College will be transitioning to a new credit card vendor, PNC Bank, with the goal of full implementation by Sept. 1. College faculty and staff who currently have a Wartburg-issued Wells Fargo credit card are required to attend training from 1 to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 30, in Science Center 102 (updated location) during Faculty Workshop. Cardholders should watch their email for additional information about the transition to a new PNC-issued card in August. This change brings several benefits:
  • An increased rebate percentage that will enhance the college’s revenues.
  • Enhanced management tools, including mobile capabilities for managing receipts on the go.
  • Improved security features, including fraud text alert notifications.

 If you have any questions, contact Kristina Ladage (319-352-8433), Abbie Raum (319-352-8350), or Tracy Rucker (319-352-8238) in the Business Office.

Friendship Families needed
Wartburg’s Friendship Family program connects faculty, staff and community members with new international students. For many of these students, this is the first time they have been away from family and friends and the first time they have visited the United States. Through the program, the students connect with someone on campus or in the community with whom they can become friends, share a meal or cultural event, and learn about U.S. traditions. Friendship Families do not house students or support them financially. If you are interested in the program and would like more information, click here. Direct questions to Wendy Mohlis, Friendship Family coordinator.
Bremer Avenue construction to affect campus entrance
Starting Monday, Aug. 21, the normal route to Wartburg's south entrance will change due to ongoing construction along Bremer Avenue in Waverly. This will affect mainly those traveling from the south and west. Click here to see a map of the most convenient route that bypasses the construction zone. Click here for details about the construction project. The next phase of work is expected to last until late November.
Timecard approval deadlines and paydays
Human Resources has posted upcoming timecard approval deadlines and paydays on the InfoCenter. All supervisors of staff and/or faculty members can view the “Timecard Approval Deadlines Payday Sheet” by clicking here. Direct questions to Erica Sadler, 352-8521.
Tree removal and replacement plans
The college is evaluating the condition of trees on campus and on college-owned rental properties. Through the next several weeks, various trees will be removed because they are dying and creating a potential safety issue. We will add at least one new tree for each tree we remove, within one year of the tree removal. Any questions can be directed to Operations & Maintenance at 319-352-8318.
See past announcements
Visit the InfoCenter to see previous editions of The Juice for details on the following:
  • New shuttle program for student travel
  • Websites to bookmark
  • New way to make maintenance requests
  • KnightVision streaming schedule
Upcoming Events

Wartburg booth at the Iowa State Fair
Aug. 17

Solar Eclipse Party
Aug. 21

Summer hours end 
Aug. 26

Faculty Workshop sessions/credit card training
Aug. 30

Faculty and staff picnic
Aug. 30

New student arrival and orientation
Sept. 1-5

Fall classes begin
Sept. 6

Homecoming & Family Weekend
Oct. 12-15

Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both editions of The Juice. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760.

WELCOME (new arrivals):
Tim Hardy – Dining Services Baker/Float, 6/1
Zachary Wells – Data Management Analyst, 6/12
Bailey Camenisch – Admissions Counselor, 6/19
Alex Wahner – Cleaning Staff, 6/22
Zafrul Amin – Director of International Student Services, 6/26
Jim Schutte – General Maintenance Staff, 6/26
Courtney Wilson – Dining Services Office and Business Operations Assistant, 6/27
Jim Franzen – General Maintenance Staff, 7/11
Carrie Gleason – Camps, Conferences, Front Desk Services & Events Scheduling Manager, 7/24
Lori Zeschke – Technology Specialist, 7/24
Paige Stanbrough (rehire) – Dining Services Cook 7/26
Melissa Jacobs – Print Center Operator, 8/1
Conor Simcox  Assistant Director of Admissions, 8/1
Joseph Squires – Head Men’s and Women’s Bowling Coach, 8/1
Taylor Dickson  Assistant Softball Coach Intern, 8/1
Alison Schreiner – Athletic Training Fellow, 8/1
Anthony Vela – Intern Assistant Football Coach, 8/1

FAREWELL (retirements and departures):
Curtis Brundy – College Librarian and Director of the Vogel Library, 3/31
Tracy Keller – Assistant Director of Human Resources & Payroll, 3/31
Ricardo Wallace – Football Assistant, 3/31
Helen Leong – Director of International Student Services, 4/1
Denis Drolet – Associate Professor of Chemistry, 4/19
Patrick Curtis – Interlibrary Loan and Evening Supervisor, Vogel Library, 4/25
Adam Gardner – Maintenance, 5/11
Janelle Smith 
– Cleaning Staff, 5/26
Chris Wilson – Lecturer-Communication Arts, 5/28
Drew Kleis – Athletic Trainer Intern, 5/31
Whitney Baker – Area Coordinator, Student Life, 5/31
Ashton Makovicka – Assistant Soccer Coach, 5/31
Kathy Liddle – Office Coordinator for the Chapel, 5/31
Beth Gehring – Assistant Professor of English, 5/31
Brian Jones – Professor of Religion, 5/31
Douglas Brusich – Professor of Biology, 5/31
Roy Ventullo – Emeritus Professor of Biology, 5/31
Drew Kooi – Assistant Football Coach, 5/31
Travis Duncan – Technology Specialist, 6/2
Meredith Reinhardt – Admissions Counselor, 6/14
Donald Johnson  Maintenance, 6/15
Judith Jones  Professor of Religion, 6/30
Erin McDermott – Admissions Counselor, 6/30
Jake Crosby – Dining Services Office and Business Assistant, 7/7
Richard Betts – Print Center Coordinator, 7/7
Denny Haugen – Senior Major Gift Officer, 7/14
Luc McAlpin – Admissions Counselor, 7/14
Richard Perez – Cleaning Staff, 7/28
Kara Groen – Music Therapy Clinical Instructor, 7/31

Lindsey Leonard – (formerly Assistant Director of Student Ambassador Programs) – Director of Student Engagement, 8/14

Information provided by Human Resources; please contact Erica Sadler if you have questions.
Dr. Kunihiko Terasawa, assistant professor of world religions, was invited to attend the Niwano Peace Prize Award Ceremony for Dr. Minib Younan, the Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the holy land and the former chairman of Lutheran Church World Federation, on July 27 in Tokyo, Japan. The Niwano Peace Prize is a prestigious award given to individuals and organizations for their achievement of interreligious dialogue and peace. Younan has visited Wartburg College on several occasions and has close ties to members of the Religion Department faculty. 

Dr. Bill Withers, professor of journalism and communication, presented the closing keynote address for the annual Iowa Downtown/Mainstreet Conference in Sioux City on Aug. 3. Withers’ address focused on national trends in business and how Iowa communities can better leverage their assets in collaboration with one another. He also shared some of his best-practice findings from recent visits to Vermeer Manufacturing and Rockwell Collins, two lead companies in eastern Iowa, where he also recently led workshops this summer. Withers also will lead the Hancock County Business Executive Seminar on Aug. 17 in Britt.

Reed Pedersen ’13 talked about how his experiences at Wartburg led him to the seminary in a story in the Geneseo Republic

Helen "Mickey" Baetke Rizzi ’46 was awarded the Wisconsin Hero Award for her decades of work helping those with hearing impairments, according to the Eau Claire Leader-Telegraph

The Rev. Jeremy Pedersen ’06 talked about his work as chaplain in the Minnesota Army National Guard with the Echo Press

Abhay Nadipuram ’10 joined the Davis Brown Law Firm in Des Moines, as reported by the Waterloo Cedar Fall Courier.

Students from the Minnesota School of Environmental Studies canoed the Cedar River, visited Wartburg and other Northeast Iowa colleges, and met with Wartburg professor David McCullough as part of a summer course for their magnet school, according to the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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