The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Sept. 26
New Dining Services policy for ordering sack meals — Effective with the Oct. 1, 2016, pick-up date, the Dining Services Sack Meals Policy is being changed. There is a major change in the timeline and a few minor changes in menu selections. Orders need to be requested before noon, four business days before the date of pick up. For example: An order for Friday at 3 p.m. must be turned in by noon on Tuesday of the same week. An order for Monday at 10 a.m. must be turned in by noon on Wednesday of the week prior. Groups that know their travel schedule are encouraged to place a general order ahead of time, and then all they need to do is turn in the names and ID numbers of participants by the deadline. More specific information will be emailed soon.
Cindy Carlson retirement guest book — All are invited to come sign Cindy's guest book in the President’s Office by Tuesday. There will also be a basket for cards and gifts. We hope to deliver these items to Cindy on Tuesday. Please keep Cindy and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
HR and Payroll Office closed — The Human Resources and Payroll Office will close at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 27, for a staff retreat.
Homecoming faculty/staff Spirit Contest — Show your Knight pride by registering to participate in the office decorating Spirit Contest. The decorator of the first-place office will receive the traveling spirit trophy to proudly display for the next year. Please email by Monday, Oct. 10, if you would like to participate. Judges will be coming around Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 4 p.m. to decide a winner and deliver the trophy.
Volunteer during Outfly — The Outfly Committee would love to see faculty and staff out and about on campus during Outfly. If you are interested in volunteering for an activity during Outfly (activities may include sand volleyball, inflatables, photo booth, or lawn activities), email
Diversity education/training resources available — The NetVUE Diversity and Inclusion Grant team promised to connect you with access to Dr. Eddie Moore’s resources from the August education/training sessions. Click here for the resources. You will have an opportunity to fill out a short survey about the August education/training soon.
Math, Computer Science & Physics Department Seminar — The next Math, Computer Science & Physics Department Seminar will be Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 11:30 a.m. in Science Center 134. Mathematics major Samuel Van Fleet ’17 will speak about his research at the University of St. Thomas last summer. Cookies and beverages will be served.
Candlelight Dinner — The sign-up for the Candlelight Dinner hosted by the Sociology/Criminology Club will be Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 28 and 29, from 5:15 to 7 p.m. in Mensa. The Sociology/Criminology Club will discuss its organization while students, faculty, and staff mingle over dinner Wednesday, Oct. 6, at 6:30 p.m. in the Heritage Ballroom in Saemann Student Center. All are welcome! The cost for students with a board plan is $2. This may be paid with points or cash at the time of sign up. Off-board students also may attend, and their cost will be $10 at the time of sign up. Special dietary considerations will be taken into account.
Phil and Lit – The next meeting of the Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society will be Friday, Sept. 30, at 4 p.m. in McCoy West in the Saemann Student Center. Dr. Terrence Lindell, professor of history, will present “At Sea in Iowa: Working with the Letters of a Civil War Sailor.”
Third flood of library reserved for interview day — The third floor of Vogel Library is reserved for the Iowa College Recruiting Network’s accounting interview day, sponsored by Pathways Center, on Friday, Sept. 30, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Counseling Services, the Pathways Center, and WRSL will remain open.
Meet local Democratic candidates — The Wartburg College Democrats will host a meet and greet with local candidates in Whitehouse Business Center 214 (Buckmaster) on Oct. 5 at 7 p.m. This is a great way to meet your local candidates and hear their opinions on the issues.
Doug Main farewell reception — You are invited to wish Doug Main well as he leaves Wartburg College (his last day is Oct. 1) and moves to Florida. He has served the college well as a security officer and deputy director of Campus Security & Safety since August 2009. A reception in his honor will be Wednesday, Sept. 28, from 3 to 4 p.m. in the Hagemann Castle Room in Saemann Student Center.
McCoy Living and Learning Center dedication – Save the date for the dedication ceremony for the McCoy Living and Learning Center and Clinton Hall: Friday, Oct. 14, at 3:30 p.m. Join the celebration on Clinton Field and mark this milestone for Wartburg!
Campus security and fire safety report — The 2016-17 annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report has been released online. This required report contains crime statistics from 2013-15 and addresses the college’s policies, procedures, and programs concerning safety and security, such as responding to emergency situations and reporting sexual misconduct. Additionally, the report contains information related to fire safety. You can request a paper copy in the Campus Security Office in Saemann Student Center.
Flu shots available — Flu shots will be available Oct. 11-12, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., in McCoy West in the Saemann Student Center. Shots are free for employees and spouses on the Wartburg health insurance plan. Those who are not covered by Wartburg insurance can pay out of pocket or check with their insurance carrier. Please contact Lisa Trees, Human Resources & Payroll assistant, and indicate which day you plan to attend. Note: For the 2016-17 season, the CDC recommends use of the flu shot (inactivated influenza vaccine or IIV) and the recombinant influenza vaccine (RIV). The nasal spray flu vaccine (live attenuated influenza vaccine or LAIV) should not be used during 2016-17. For this reason, Wellmark will not cover the nasal spray vaccine.
Call for papers for MUCH — Submissions are needed for MUCH, the Midwest Undergraduate Conference in Humanities (co-founded at Wartburg), which will be held at Central College on Saturday, Nov. 12. Even if you are not in the Humanities, your IS, ID, or other classes may have led to interdisciplinary research that would be a good fit. Zak Montgomery, associate professor of Spanish, will be requesting funds for students and participating faculty, so please contact him if you plan to attend with your students. Questions also can be directed to him. Plans are to rent a van and drive down to the conference for the day.
Join Wartburg’s sustainability team — Are you interested in joining Wartburg’s sustainability committee, the Energy and Environmental Sustainability Initiative? We are seeking members to join the EESI team who will advocate for sustainable practices in your area, serve as a resource for your department, and represent sustainability on campus. We meet monthly to discuss the challenges and opportunities of advancing sustainability at Wartburg College. If you are interested, email or
Sustainability movie to supplement curriculum — For Campus Sustainability Days, the Sustainability Office is looking to purchase rights to an education movie showing. We have four to choose from and would like feedback in case any of them would supplement your curriculum, as they all address a different part of sustainability. If you would be open to encouraging students to attend a movie for class, please go to this survey to view the options and provide feedback.
Consumer information — The U.S. Department of Education requires institutions receiving federal funding to provide notice regarding the availability of consumer information and how to register to vote. The information includes general college facts and statistics, financial aid assistance annual security report, copyright infringement, and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act policies. Faculty and staff can find the information here. Contact the Financial Aid Office with questions or requests for a paper copy. Click here to register to vote.
KNIGHTtime user group meeting minutes — Minutes from the Sept. 6 KNIGHTtime user Group meeting are available on the InfoCenter at
Donate your gently used t-shirts — The Sustainability Department is collecting donations of clean t-shirts (please no tears or stains), adult and youth sizes, to be used for a Renaissance Faire activity. Donations can be dropped off in the Sustainability Office in the basement of Old Main or at the Physical Plant before Monday, Oct. 10.
Math Lab and SI courses — Math Lab is open Sunday through Thursday, 7-10 p.m., in Vogel Library Classroom 1. The Math Lab provides a comfortable place for students to receive assistance in specific courses taught through the Wartburg Math, Computer Science, and Physics departments. For details and to see a list of supported courses, click here. To see the fall 2016 list of Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions,click here.
KnightVision sets schedule — A newly created KnightVision executive committee, representing athletics, worship, music, institutional events, and the Department of Journalism & Communication, has set the live streaming schedule for the 2016-17 academic year. Click here to view the schedule online. Information about requests for the 2017-18 academic year will be forthcoming in the next few months. If you have questions, contact
Poster policy — Posters must be approved and stamped by the Marketing & Communication Office, Luther Hall 106, before posting on campus. Click here to see the posting policies on the InfoCenter.
Upcoming Presidential Forums — Please mark your calendars for the following Fall Term Presidential Forums, held in Hagemann Castle Room:
- Tuesday, Sept. 27, 11:30 a.m.
- Wednesday, Oct. 19, 4 p.m.
- Tuesday, Dec. 6, 7:30 a.m.
Monday, Sept. 26: Men’s golf, Clarke Fall Classic, Peosta
Wednesday, Sept. 28: Men’s soccer, depart at 11 a.m. for Bethel
Friday, Sept. 30: Volleyball, depart at 1:30 p.m. for Buena Vista and Nebraska Wesleyan; women’s golf, IIAC Conference, Cedar Falls
Kim Folkers, Hagemann Endowed Professor/associate professor of marketing, presented as part of a session on Managing Group Projects and Presentations at the Marketing Management Association’s 2016 Fall Educators’ Conference, Sept. 14-16 in Providence, R.I.
Drs. Stephanie Toering Peters, Samantha Larimer Bousquet, Doug Brusich, and Michaeleen Golay are collaborators for the National Science Foundation-funded grant “Collaborative Research: Infusing Authentic Research into the Introductory Biology Classroom,” recently awarded to Drs. Sue Ellen DeChenne-Peters and Ginger Fisher at the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, and Dr. Jeff Olimpo at University of Texas at El Paso. These faculty members will be implementing a new research-based curriculum in the BI152 laboratory.
The German Buddhist Foundation and publisher Lama und Li Gotami Govinda Stiftung (Govinda Foundation) will translate into German the article by Dr. Kunihiko Terasawa, assistant professor of world religions, “Japanese Buddhist Youths and Their Struggles with Violence in the Military before and during WWII: The Case of Hirose Akira (1919–47).” The article will appear in Germany as one chapter of the book on Buddhism.
Dr. Shawn Ellerbroek, Otto Professor in Chemistry, recently published the article “Arg188 Drives RhoC Membrane Binding” in the peer-reviewed journal Small GTPases. The research, which looked at the molecular divergence of two proteins involved in cancer, was produced and co-authored with current and past Wartburg biochemistry students.
Stephanie Klemetson, music tour, camp and promotion manager, was recently re-elected to the executive board of the College Music Tour Managers Association (CMTMA) during the organization’s recent annual conference at Valparaiso University. Nearly 40 colleges and universities, including Wartburg, are members of this organization. CMTMA supports professionals who manage music ensembles at the collegiate level, with special emphasis in ensemble tour management.
Jim Miller, coach emeritus, was the closing speaker at the Value Summit for The VGM Group on Aug. 31.
Dr. Bill Withers, professor of journalism and communication, was the guest of Iowa Valley Community College, Marshalltown, as part of a management/leadership development workshop for Lennox, Inc., on Sept. 8. Withers led a leadership development session for 75 of Lennox’s managers and leaders as part of programming for the company’s chapter of the National Management Association. The session was coordinated by IVCC’s Business and Industry Training division.
The Wartburg Store, with some of its recent changes, is featured in the September/October 2016 issue of The College Store.