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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Sept. 5


Opening Convocation — The contributions of Stephen and Elaine Main will be recognized at the college’s Opening Convocation at 10:15 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 6, in Levick Arena. Stephen is a Wartburg professor emeritus of biology, while Elaine served as the associate director of the Office of Public Information from 1973 to 1989. Bruce Weber, head men’s basketball coach at Kansas State University and recipient of Wartburg’s 2016 Graven Award, will deliver the convocation address. Click here for details. 


Graven Award Ceremony — Bruce Weber, the men’s basketball coach at Kansas State University, will accept this year’s Wartburg College Graven Award and deliver an address at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 6, in Levick Arena. The event is open to the public. The annual Graven Award, now in its 27th year, is presented to a person “whose life is nurtured and guided by a strong sense of Christian calling and who is making a significant contribution to community, church and society.” It is named for the late Judge Henry N. and Helen Graven, natives of Greene, whose lives reflected those same commitments. 

Nominate students for building community — Dan Kittle, dean of students, is starting a program on campus to strengthen the ideas of service, learning, and leadership on our campus. When you see a student's actions and character building community, let Dean Kittle know so he can send students a mini brick to recognize them for building a more kind, just, and informed campus at Wartburg. 

Websites to bookmark — Please bookmark the following websites so you can find the information you are looking for in the most efficient manner:

  • www.Wartburg.edu: This website is primarily for external audiences (prospective students, alumni, donors, and community). This website is a great resource for general information about the college and programs, but Info.Wartburg.edu (below) is where you will find more specific information. 
  • Info.Wartburg.edu: This intranet is for the on-campus community (staff, faculty, and current students). This website features links for KnightTime, The Wartburg Store, email, campus events, dining menus, employment/benefit information, Academic Affairs, academic catalog and calendars, Study Abroad Office, Wartburg West, Undergraduate Research, Safety & Security, ITS, Registrar, Sustainability, Pathways, Student Life Offices/Policies, and much more.
  • My.Wartburg.edu: This learning management system is for faculty and current students. This website is where you will find all your course information, resources for faculty, and where students register for classes.

Director of undergraduate research —
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Shawn Ellerbroek will now serve as the director of undergraduate research. Many thanks to Dr. Roy Ventullo, who served in that position faithfully for the past eight years. Should with inquiries about undergraduate research should contact Dr. Ellerbroek.

Enrollment report — The Summer Term 2015-2016 Enrollment Report and Executive Summary are now available at info.wartburg.edu. If you have any questions, please contact Vice President Edie Waldstein.

Wartburg gallery exhibit — An exhibit featuring Iowa City artists Lauren Frances Evans and Stephen W. Evans will kick off the 2016-17 season at Wartburg College’s Waldemar A. Schmidt Art Gallery. “Thin Spaces” will run Friday, Sept. 9, through Friday, Oct. 21. An opening reception featuring both artists will be Friday, Sept. 30, from 7 to 9 p.m. Click here for details. 

Grant to create Innovation Studio — Wartburg College engineering science students will enjoy expanded lab space and enhanced hands-on learning opportunities thanks to a $123,300 grant from the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust. The grant will be used to renovate existing lab space in the Science Center and purchase new equipment to create an Innovation Studio. Dr. Daniel Black will oversee the project. Click here for details.

Guest recital — Brooklyn-based artist Marc Schreiner and pianist Bryan Stanley will perform a guest recital Tuesday, Sept. 6. The free concert will begin at 8 p.m. in Orchestra Hall in the Fine Arts Center.


Welcome (new arrivals):

  • Amy Bodensteiner, assistant women's golf coach, Sept. 1
  • Emily Bolton, assistant women's lacrosse coach, Aug. 1
  • Rachel Cassens, athletic training fellow, Aug. 1
  • Dean Cockerham, security officer, Aug. 29
  • Kirsten Cox, assistant softball coach, Sept. 1
  • Eric Dewey, group fitness instructor, July 1
  • Madison Fink, Dining Services worker, Aug. 13
  • Christopher Gustas, head men's & women's tennis coach, Aug. 1
  • Larry Janssen, adjunct faculty, Education Dept., Sept. 1
  • Angela Lindley, adjunct faculty, graphic design, Sept. 1
  • Abby Meirick, assistant sports information director, Aug. 22 
  • Shannon Michael, Student Life office coordinator, Aug. 11
  • Karen Miller, administrative assistant for Enrollment Management, Aug. 22
  • Amy Moorman, archivist, Sept. 1
  • Sylvan Moreau, security officer, Aug. 29
  • Abby Sassman, Welcome Desk attendant, Aug. 16
  • Paige Stanbrough, Dining Services production worker, Sept. 1
  • George Suter, security officer, Aug. 29
  • Jesse Thomas, area coordinator, Aug. 1
  • Lisa Thomas, administrative assistant for Human Resources & Payroll, Aug. 22
  • Christopher Wilson, senior lecturer, executive in residence, Journalism & Communication Dept., Sept. 1

Farewell (departures and retirements):

  • Nelson Bock, co-director of Wartburg West, lecturer, Aug. 31
  • Travis Bockenstedt, lecturer in communication arts, Aug. 31
  • William Earl, associate professor of theater, Aug. 31
  • Kimberly Eversman, assistant professor of education, Aug. 31
  • Timothy Ewest, associate professor of business administration, Aug. 31
  • Johanna Foster, associate professor of biology, Aug. 31
  • Scott Fullwiler, associate professor of economics, Aug. 31
  • Ann Henninger, professor emeritus of biology, Aug. 31
  • Steven Johnson, head cross country coach and assistant professor, Aug. 31
  • Jennifer McBride, assistant professor of religion, Aug. 31
  • Peter Nash, professor of religion, Aug. 31
  • Kendra Oswald, administrative assistant, Enrollment Management, July 1
  • Jennifer Schilling, associate professor of mathematics, Aug. 31
  • Dani Thomas, professor of political science, Aug. 31
  • Linda Withers, visiting assistant professor of education, Aug 31


Business Office forums planned — Join us at one of the following Business Office forums, held in McCoy West, to learn about our office and ask questions of our staff:
• Sept. 12, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
• Sept. 14, 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
• Sept. 15, 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Mail delivery — Due to the U.S. Postal Service, UPS, and FedEx all being closed on Labor Day, there will be no regular campus delivery or pick-up on Monday, Sept. 5. Regular delivery and pick-up runs in the early afternoon will resume Tuesday, Sept. 6. For more information, contact the Mail Center.

Tired of junk mail? The Mail Center is making efforts to reduce junk mail coming into campus. Please help us out by tearing off the back cover (with address) of any magazine or catalog you wish to stop receiving and writing “cancel” on that page. The cancel page can be left in your outgoing mail unaddressed or put in a campus mail envelope addressed to "Kory Figura – Mail Center." If you have multiple catalogs for one department and wish to receive only one, send the covers of ALL the catalogs and write “keep one” on the top one. Please be patient while we make this attempt to reduce waste – some unwanted mail still may get through. If you have questions, contact the Mail Center.

Introducing OneSearch from Vogel Library — Vogel Library has moved to a new “discovery system” called OneSearch, which allows students and faculty to search our databases, books, videos, archives — everything — from a single, Google-like search box. In addition, the library now subscribes to a number of new databases to help in your research, including Proquest Central, an excellent starting point for finding college-appropriate, multi-disciplinary articles in magazines and journals. This replaces Academic Search Complete while still allowing students and faculty to search multiple databases across all major subject areas, including business, health and medical, language and literature, social sciences, education, science, and technology, as well as core titles in the performing and visual arts, history, religion, philosophy, and more. Try it and let the library staff know what you think!

Board Game Knights event – The Wartburg Store is excited to sponsor Game Knights at 8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 15, in the McCoy Rooms in Saemann Student Center. Modern-strategy board games, including Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride, Pandemic, Dominion and Agricola, will be available, as well as many more! No prior game experience necessary. Whether you like social, strategy, competitive, co-operative, or card games, we’d love to play with you.

KNIGHTtime user group meeting — We are excited to announce the development of a KNIGHTtime user group. This group will meet monthly, as needed. Our first meeting is Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2-3 p.m., in WBC 215. All supervisors are invited to attend. The user group will address any issues of challenges and provide solutions or tips to help you navigate the system more efficiently.

Chapel Ambassadors — Wartburg faculty and staff are invited to support our mission as a college of the church, and the faith lives of students, by becoming a Chapel Ambassador. For more information, or to become a Chapel Ambassador, click here.

Keep on Learning — Hal Wohl, professor emeritus of history at the University of Northern Iowa, will analyze the battles over religion and politics in America when Wartburg College’s Keep on Learning community education series resumes Thursday, Sept. 8, 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the Heritage Room of Saemann Student Center. Wohl will explore “American Rhetoric, American Reality — The Idea of Religious Freedom.” Click here for details.

Visit the InfoCenter for details on the following:



Dr. Bill Withers, professor of journalism and communication, was the keynote speaker and workshop leader for the annual faculty/staff workshop day Sept. 1 on the campus of Indian Hills Community College, Ottumwa.

The Wartburg Store was recognized as a Top Participating Store by Connect2One’s Best of the Best program. Connect2One is an alliance of independent college bookstores with a mission to provide the best products at best prices to independent college retailers. 

Dr. Karen Black, Rudi Inselmann Endowed Professor in Organ, published the chapter “J.S. Bach as Theologian-Musician” in Together by Grace: Introducing the Lutherans, Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2016, edited by Kathryn Kleinhans. 


Dr. Walter “Chip” Bouzard has recently published the following:

  • “A Lutheran Educator Reflects on Religion and Science” in Together by Grace: Introducing the Lutherans, edited by Kathryn Kleinhans. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2016, pp. 136-140.
  • “Sovereignty of God” (Isaiah; Matthew; Hebrews; Revelation) in Augsburg Adult Bible Studies, Vol. 49, No. 4 (leader’s guide and participant books). Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2016.
  • Commentary for Working Preacher (www.workingpreacher.org), July 31, Oct. 23, Nov. 6 and 13, 2016.

Dr. Zak K. Montgomery recently published “Cartas Apologéticas that Cracked the Espelho Crítico: Gertrudes Margarida de Jesus and Enlightenment Proto-Feminism in Portugal” in the journal Romance Notes, issue 56.2, 2016.

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