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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Aug. 1


Iowa Private College Week — Today kicks off Iowa Private College Week on campus. An estimated 500 high school students, along with their parents and families, will attend sessions at 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. each day during the week. We'd like to make parking on the east side of campus as plentiful as possible for our prospective student visitors. Faculty and staff are asked to leave E Lot (the lot closest to Neumann Auditorium and the Saemann Student Center) and other nearby parking spaces vacant for our visitors to use all week. Thank you!


Enrollment Management update — Enrollment Management has made the following administrative updates as the result of last year’s campus budget review process and staffing changes:

  • Admissions: As part of the larger Wartburg West initiatives, we now have Brian Zaun as a full-time assistant director for regional recruitment in Denver, Colorado. Brian will be responsible for Colorado and a number of other western states. He will also work in collaboration with Danielle Harms, director of outreach and project development in Denver.
  • Pathways Center: The following programs will no longer be offered beginning Fall 2016: Vocation Mini-Grants and the Campus-wide Professional Development Series. Pathways will continue to offer one vocation speaker focused event each year for students. The faculty and staff programming will no longer be offered.
  • With Dr. Fred Ribich’s retirement as director of institutional research, we are using this academic year to develop a new position description in this area, and we plan to begin a search for this position later in the academic year. During this interim period, Vice President Edie Waldstein will be temporarily delegating various tasks and responsibilities to other Enrollment Management staff, and we will be conducting only the most essential types of institutional research until a new person is hired. If you have any requests this year or questions, in general, please direct them to Edie.

Campus visitors — Please welcome the following groups to campus in the coming days:

  • Iowa Private College Week starts Aug. 1
  • Two sessions of Meistersinger All-State Camp: The first session, Aug. 1-3, will include more than 400 guests, and the second session, Aug. 6-8, will have more than 600 participants.
  • Participants in the Meistersinger Keyboard Camp, new this year, will be here Aug. 3-6.
  • Men’s Soccer Camp participants will be here Aug. 6-7.


Welcome (new arrivals):

  • Joseph Barloon, digital media producer, July 6
  • Hailee Bossard, maintenance, The W, Aug. 3
  • Ryan Chapman, head cross country coach and assistant track and field coach, July 1
  • Ashton DeMoss, adjunct faculty, physical education, Sept. 1
  • Michaeleen Gerken Golay, assistant professor of biology, Sept. 1
  • Danielle Harms, director of outreach and project development, Aug. 8
  • Rita Jensen, visiting assistant professor of education, Sept. 1
  • Johanna Kramer-Weston, art gallery director and exhibition manager, Aug. 1
  • Allyson Mann, area coordinator, Aug. 1
  • Kristen Notestine, Dining Services cook, Aug. 1
  • Ashley O'Connor, adjunct faculty, social work, Sept. 1
  • Ryan Pautsch, visiting assistant professor of business administration, Sept. 1
  • Emmalinde Roelofse, vising assistant professor of business administration, Sept. 1
  • Todd Rogers, maintenance, July 18
  • Kyle Schenkewitz, visiting assistant professor of religion, Sept. 1
  • Lauren Schmitt, Dining Services cook, July 18
  • Lorinda Sheeler, visiting associate professor of public health, Sept. 1

Farewell (departures and retirements):

  • Graham Garner, executive director of Marketing & Communication, June 30
  • Karen Lehmann, information literacy librarian, July 31
  • Shawn Paarmann, digital media producer, July 8
  • Monica Severson, associate director of athletics, senior woman administrator and head women's golf coach, June 30
  • Michael Strydom, head men's and women's tennis coach, July 22
  • Jill Thrasher, Student Life office coordinator, June 30


Introducing OneSearch from Vogel Library — Vogel Library has moved to a new “discovery system” called OneSearch, which allows students and faculty to search our databases, books, videos, archives — everything — from a single, Google-like search box. In addition, the library now subscribes to a number of new databases to help in your research, including Proquest Central, an excellent starting point for finding college-appropriate, multi-disciplinary articles in magazines and journals. This replaces Academic Search Complete while still allowing students and faculty to search multiple databases across all major subject areas, including business, health and medical, language and literature, social sciences, education, science, and technology, as well as core titles in the performing and visual arts, history, religion, philosophy, and more. Try it and let the library staff know what you think! 

Wartburg shuttle program — The college is pleased to announce the new Wartburg shuttle program, a service to transport students to area airports and bus stations before and after our longer academic breaks. This will help students catch flights and buses and reduce students’ need to have a vehicle on campus. Our goals are to serve students by helping them save money on transportation costs and to reduce frustration for families who make long-distance travel arrangements. Faculty and staff are encouraged to help students be aware of the program, particularly those students who travel long distances, but the shuttles are available for any student to use. You can find details about the program at and look at a grid of locations, dates, and shuttle times here. Email with any questions about the Wartburg shuttle program, or call the Student Life Office at 319-352-8260. 

Visit the InfoCenter for details on the following:

  • Athletics and wellness reorganization
  • Summer parking advisory


Dr. Bill Withers, professor of journalism and communication, recently completed a series of focus groups as part of research that will inform strategic planning efforts for the city of Cedar Falls and its public library. That project will be completed Aug. 11. Withers also led a leadership development workshop July 14 for 200 leaders from Living Lands and Waters and Archer Daniels Midland. He also was the closing workshop leader for Hawkeye Community College’s annual Business Consortium conference July 28 on HCC’s main campus.

Dr. Kit Kleinhans, the Mike and Marge McCoy Family Distinguished Chair in Lutheran Heritage and Mission, wrote Distinctive Lutheran Contributions to the Conversation about Vocation in the Spring 2016 issue of the magazine Intersections: Faith, Learning, and the Vocation of Lutheran Higher Education.

Dr. Kunihiko Terasawa, assistant professor of world religions, hosted the fourth annual Tokyo Oufly in Tokyo, Japan, on July 16. Ten alumni and three current students gathered to share recent life changes, including two new graduates getting jobs, several alumni promotions, weddings, and births. Those gathered also discussed plans for the fifth Outfly event next year. Dr. Terasawa also presented his paper True Pure Land Buddhism and War Time Teachings and Doctrines (Senji-Kyogaku) at the 20th Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ) at International Christian University, Tokyo, Japan, on July 3.

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