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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - June 20


SOAR Day — Today is a SOAR Day, so please help welcome the Wartburg Class of 2020 to campus! The Alumni and Parent Relations Office will host a Parent Reception in the Castle Room from 2:15 to 4:30 p.m. Faculty and staff are invited to stop by and talk with the parents about their departments and all that Wartburg has to offer. The final SOAR Day date will be June 27. Click here for more information.



Athletics and wellness reorganization — Due to staff changes, the Department of Athletics and The W have completed a reorganization designed to meet the needs of varied constituencies while eliminating two full-time positions. Two part-time positions have been created, and duties have been shifted and added to several people within the department. Click here to see details of the reorganization and staffing duties.

Welcome groups to campus — Please welcome the following groups to campus in the upcoming days:

  • Wrestling Team Camp — Wrestling Team Camp participants will be on campus through Tuesday, June 21.
  • Youth Soccer-Swim Camp – Youths will be on campus today (Monday) through Thursday, June 23.
  • American Baptist Women Conference – This group will have its annual meeting Friday and Saturday, June 24 and 25, and celebrate the 65th anniversary of the conference.
  • Snow Valley Camp – We welcome the summer's first boys' Snow Valley Camp on Sunday, June 26. Participants will be on campus through Thursday, June 30.
  • Pipe Organ Encounter – A new camp for Wartburg, Pipe Organ Encounter guests will arrive Sunday, June 26, and leave after lunch Friday, July 1. They will be using the many organs across campus, so listen for their music!

Summer Parking Advisory – E Lot, the parking lot closest to Saemann Student Center and Whitehouse Business Center, is a designated parking lot for faculty, staff and visitors. There are 15 spaces posted exclusively for visitors to the college: 11 directly behind the lyceum and five on the south row of the parking lot. They are not limited-time parking spaces, and they are not available if the rest of the lot is full. They are reserved for visitors, not for students or employees. During Fall, Winter and May terms, E Lot is not available for student parking during the business day. That restriction is lifted during the summer months. Please honor those posted visitor signs and park elsewhere. Additionally, there will be times when Admissions anticipates large numbers of prospective students. During those days, E Lot may be reserved entirely for visitor parking and you will be asked to park in another parking lot or on the adjacent public streets

College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's official calendar.


Mail Center reminders — The Mail Center requests that all outgoing mail be at the Mail Center by 3 p.m. to ensure it goes out that day. Those who do not expect to be in their offices regularly over the summer are asked to notify the Mail Center to work out an appropriate summer delivery schedule. Please contact kory.figura@wartburg.edu with questions or to report office closures.

Tours available this summer — Student Ambassadors will be on campus all summer. Any faculty or staff members who are new, have never had a campus tour, or would like a refresher are encouraged to contact Admissions to set up a tour.

Homecoming scheduling — Is your department or group hosting a reunion, reception, or open house during Homecoming & Family Weekend 2016? The Office of Alumni and Parent Relations already is working on the schedule and needs to hear from you about those plans to ensure they are included. Please email alumni@wartburg.edu by today with details. 

Faculty/Staff Vocation Retreat — Interested faculty and staff members are invited to participate in an upcoming vocation retreat Thursday, June 23, through Friday, June 24, at the Camp Ewalu Stone Center near Strawberry Point. Participants will depart from campus around 8:30 a.m. Thursday and return no later than 4 p.m. Friday. The retreat will focus on bringing colleagues together to officially “retreat” and engage in meaningful conversation regarding their work and their own sense of self/calling. For more information, contact TJ Warren.

Visit the InfoCenter for details on the following:

  • Employee break clarification
  • Equipment and technology requests
  • Leadership & Service Awards
  • Presidential Forum notes



Dr. Kit Kleinhans’ essay, Christ as Bride/Groom: A Lutheran Feminist Relational Christology, was published in The Strength of Her Witness: Jesus Christ in Global Women’s Voices, edited by Elizabeth A. Johnson and published by Orbis Books in May.

Barbara Fedeler, professor of art, will be honored in an opening reception at Olson Larsen Galleries, West Des Moines. The annual Landscape Show, featuring Fedeler, Bobbie McKibben, and Ellen Wagoner, opens Friday, June 10, 5-7 p.m., and the exhibition runs through July 30.

Dr. Karen Black performed a recital on the Organ Music Spotlight Series at the Stephen Sondheim Center for the Performing Arts in Fairfield, Iowa, on May 17. She also planned and led a hymn festival, From the Heights of New Creation: A Hymn Festival Celebrating All the Saints at Queen Anne Lutheran Church in Seattle, Washington, on May 22. 

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