The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - May 16
Open house for Athletic Department retirees — The Athletic Department will host an open house from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, May 17, for retirees Mike Testroet, Maintenance staff, and Steve Johnson, head cross country coach and assistant professor of physical education; the event also includes a farewell for Monica Severson, associate director of athletics and head women's golf coach. Join us in The W Hall of Fame Room to wish them well as they begin this new chapter in life.
Incomplete grade information — Please remind students that an incomplete grade is not valid unless it is supported by a Student Request for Incomplete Grade form. The completion of the form should be initiated by the student to confirm that the student and instructor have been in communication regarding the incomplete grade policy. The form is available in the “Forms” section on My Wartburg or in the Registrar’s Office (LH 216). Any incomplete grade submitted by the instructor without support of the form will be changed to an F. Please refer students to the incomplete grade definition in the 2015-16 academic catalog, which can be accessed online. Incomplete grades should only be issued for students who are passing the course when final grades are due. With permission from the Registrar, instructors can complete the form for a student whose circumstances prevent them from submitting the form. Please note the form is not required for internships, field experiences, or Venture Education courses.
Contact change in Maintenance — Ruth Hein is moving to a position in the Science Center and will no longer be the contact for the Maintenance Office. Effective immediately, please use the following for communications:
- To certify drivers, fill out this form.
- To request a vehicle, fill out this form. All requests must be made with two business days’ notice, but four days is preferred (and appreciated) during the transition.
- Maintenance requests can be made here.
- All other communication about maintenance or physical plant issues should be addressed to the appropriate staff or sent to
Center for Community Engagement survey — The Center for Community Engagement continues to support and encourage external relationships that are effective for student learning and vocational development. To facilitate these partnerships we need your assistance in reporting your work to our office. Please take five minutes to complete this survey. Contact Kristin Teig Torres, CCE assistant director, if you have questions or to discuss current or future service-learning projects.
Final edition of 2015-16 Trumpet — The final edition of this year’s Trumpet will be on newsstands around campus Monday, May 16. The issue includes a copy of Axiom, theTrumpet’s feature magazine that is published twice a year. Thanks to everyone for their readership this school year!
BOR legacy cookbook pre-sale event — Don't miss the opportunity to reserve your Best of the Knight’s Kitchen cookbooks in this pre-sale event outside The Wartburg Store on Friday, May 20, 1:30-3:30 p.m. We'll also have some tasty treats for sampling. Cookbooks are $20 each, and all proceeds are dedicated to small, unfunded campus projects. Contact Christy Colson with questions.
Baccalaureate service — Baccalaureate is an opportunity for seniors, along with family and friends, to formally give thanks to God for their time at Wartburg College. Baccalaureate will be Sunday, May 22, at 10 a.m. (doors open at 9:15 a.m.) in Neumann Auditorium. The Rev. Brian Beckstrom, campus pastor, will preach. Academic cap and gown are required.
"Cindy Strong" t-shirts available — "Cindy Strong" t-shirts supporting Cindy Carlson, executive assistant to the president, are on sale in the Business Office for $15 in sizes S-XXL. Click here for more information about the Cindy and David Carlson benefit, which will be 5-8 p.m. Saturday, June 18, at Waverly-Shell Rock High School. Bars are still needed for the benefit; please contact Kathy Traetow, Kristina Ladage, or Tracy Rucker if you can bring bars so we know we'll have enough. Bars are to be pre-cut into approximately 2-by-2-inch squares and packaged in disposable containers (which will not be returned.) Cindy began her battle with cancer in 2012, and she continues to fight this disease.
Parking thank you — Admissions thanks the faculty and staff who kept E Lot clear for our Junior Visit Day students on Friday. Thank you for rolling out the orange carpet for our guests!
Wartburg West anniversary — For the 30th anniversary celebration of Wartburg West, 25 highly regarded internship supervisors/mentors attended a “thank-you” reception before the Wartburg Choir concert at Saint John’s Cathedral in Denver, Colo., during Tour Week. Click here to see photos from the event.
College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's official calendar.
Golden Knight Awards — The Golden Knight Awards will be Monday, May 16, at 7 p.m. in McCaskey Lyceum. Join us to recognize the outstanding accomplishments and achievements of the 2015-16 Wartburg athletic teams.
Ash tree treatment — Wartburg has received information about a local company that can treat ash trees to kill emerald ash borers with an inoculation that lasts three years. We will be treating select trees on campus to save the trees. Holes are drilled into the tree, and the insecticide is drawn into the tree as it transfers moisture from the soil. The insecticide is not harmful to bees. In addition, bees do not feed on ash trees when they flower.
Fall 2016 early arrivals — Early Arrivals begins Saturday, Aug. 20, through the date of move in. Students who return early as groups for athletics, training, work, etc., are allowed to stay at the cost of $30 per day to their department. This cost includes a meal plan. If you have groups that you need to bring back to campus early, please contact Cassie Hales for more information.
Advancement services changes – Institutional Advancement welcomes two new staff members — Barb Litterer, data manager, and Vicki Foelske, gift processor — and reminds faculty and staff of the following, beginning June 1: Requests for reports or data related to the alumni and parent database should be directed to Barb Litterer; questions related to gifts or pledges in support of the college should be directed to Vicki Foelske. Updates to the alumni and parent database (e.g. employment changes, contact information) should continue to be directed to Danise Flood, data specialist.
Change in office hours — The Business and Financial Aid offices will not open until 9:45 a.m. Friday, May 20. Please plan accordingly.
Submit your calendar events — Remember, you can submit your campus events or modify existing events on the Wartburg website calendar; click here to do so.
Visit the InfoCenter for details on the following:
- Employee break clarification
- Equipment and technology requests
- Leadership & Service Awards
- Presidential Forum notes
The Rev. Bonita Bock, co-director of Wartburg West, is a member of the committee planning local events for world-renowned Celtic theologian John Philip Newell. Newell is visiting Denver this month, lecturing at Iliff School of Theology, Snow Mountain Ranch, and Highlands Church, among other locations.
Dr. Daniel Walther, professor of history and director of the college’s German Institute, is one of 30 higher education administrators nationwide selected to participate in the Council of Independent Colleges 2016-17 Senior Leadership Academy.
Helen Leong, director of international student services, and Karen Edwards, Grinnell College, presented International Students & Career Services on April 22 at the Iowa International Educator’s Conference at Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids.
Dr. Nicki Bakko Toliver, assistant professor of music and associate director of choral activities, prepared and conducted the 2016 Seventh- and Eighth-Grade Honor Choir for the Northeast Iowa Choral Directors Association on April 18 at the Williams Center for the Arts in Oelwein. More than 250 young vocalists were selected from 34 school districts throughout the northeast quadrant of the state.