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The Juice (Students) - April 11

Note: There will be no Juice during Tour Week; the next edition of the Juice will be Monday, April 25. The deadline for submissions is 4 p.m. Thursday, April 14.


Celebration, blessing of retirees today – Take time today (Monday, April 11) to celebrate and bless the 28 staff and faculty members retiring this year from Wartburg at 10:15 a.m. in Wartburg Chapel. Festeburg will provide special music. Following worship, treats will be provided in the Narthex.


Incomplete grade information — Please remember to complete a “Student Request for Incomplete Grade” form if you have the consent of your instructor to postpone required course work due to extenuating circumstances. The form is not required for internships, field experiences and Venture Education course work. This form is available in the Forms section on My Wartburg or in the Registrar’s Office (LH 216). Any incomplete grades without a completed “Student Request for Incomplete Grade” form will be changed to an F at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 19. Contact the Registrar’s Office for more information.

Learn mindfulness skills — Koru will be offered during May Term. This course, consisting of four classes, is designed to help college students learn mindfulness through the practice of meditation and other skills that facilitate relaxation and increased focus. The free classes (participants will need to purchase one book) will be held Tuesdays from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. Click here for information about Koru. Contact Dr. Cynthia Bane, professor of psychology, for more information.

Dance team auditions — Dance team auditions will be Sunday, April 24, beginning at 12:45 p.m. in Levick Arena. Auditions will include learning a 30-second routine, demonstrating skills (toe-touch, single or double turn, A La Seconde turns, and two additional skills of your choice) and performing 30 seconds of your own solo choreography. Please wear dance-appropriate, form-fitting attire. For more information or to RSVP for auditions, contact erin.mcdermott@wartburg.edu.  

Sand volleyball tournament —
Phi Beta Lambda will host a sand volleyball tournament Sunday, May 1, from 3:30 to 7 p.m. on the sand volleyball courts behind the Manors. To register your team of 6 to 8 people, email Zack Nullmeyer by April 24 with a team name. The event has a suggested donation of $3 per person, with all proceeds going to St. Jude’s Research Hospital. (If you are without a team and would still like to play, we will find a team once you register.)

Burgapalooza — Student Senate will host Burgapalooza on Friday, April 29, from 4 to 7 p.m. behind the Manors. There will be a sand volleyball tournament, yard games, and a cookout. All students are welcome. Contact senate@wartburg.edu for more information.

Service trip information — Are you interested in leading or going on a service trip? Do you want to hear about past experiences or what a service trip entails? Come to the sand volleyball courts behind the Manors on Wednesday, April 27, from 5 to 7 p.m. to enjoy a cookout and learn more about service trips. Rain date will be Thursday, April 28. Contact servicetrips@wartburg.edu for more information.

Naming contest results — Congratulations to Nathan Lange for submitting the winning name for the planned community patio space at Clinton Hall. Ritterplatz beat out Squirrel Square (Alec Ostrander) and The Barbican (Karl Jaeschke) during voting on UKnight Day. Thanks to everyone who turned in great suggestions and their piggy banks.

PRSSA officers — The Wartburg College Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) chapter has elected its officer team for the 2016-17 school year. Officers are:

  • President: Molly Schmitt
  • Vice president: Jesse Smith
  • Secretary: Dani Gordon
  • Treasurer: Katie Kreis
  • Social media: Meg Harper

Concert and clinic —
 The Stan Kenton Legacy Orchestra will be on campus Wednesday, April 13, performing at 7 p.m. in Neumann Auditorium. Click here for tickets and details. Orchestra members will host a clinic for all ticket-holders (jazz, trumpets, trombones, saxophones, piano, bass, and drums) at 3:30 p.m. in Neumann.

Student vehicle registration — Currently, 264 students have registered their vehicles for next year. Online registration continues through June 24. After that, you’ll have to register in person in the security office and incur a $25 late registration fee in addition to the regular registration fee. Any student enrolled in any classes must register any vehicle they bring to campus or to the parking enforcement area, regardless of the duration. If you want a parking lot other than D Lot, you should register now. Log into InfoCenter, click on “Offices” then “Parking Registration.” If you are bringing the car you currently have registered, select the “load existing registration” option. If you registered correctly, you’ll receive a confirmation email. If you have any other questions, contact Campus Security.

Planned power outages — The following electrical upgrades will take place April 18 and 19:

  • Science Center, April 18 (rain date is April 19). Power will be off between 8 and 10 a.m. for about an hour. (The generator will operate the sub-zero freezers.)
  • Knights Village, Afton Manors, Waverly Manors, Clinton Hall, and Walston-Hoover Stadium, April 18 (rain date is April 19). Power will be off from approximately 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Campus dining during Tour Week — The Mensa will be closed during Tour Week, April 16-23. All other dining locations will be open during this time but with limited hours. Click here to see the dining hours for Mensa, the Den, Konditorei and Zesty Orange during Tour Week.

Den closing early — The Den will close at 11 a.m. Wednesday, April 20, for the Staff Retreat. The Zesty Orange will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Offices closed during retreat — The Business and Financial Aid offices will close at 11 a.m. Wednesday, April 20, for the Staff Retreat. They will reopen at their normal time Thursday, April 21. 

Former NFL player to speak on campus — Aaron Kampman, former NFL football player and Aplington-Parkersburg alumnus, will speak Monday, April 25, at 8 p.m. in Levick Arena. The event, hosted by the Wartburg FCA, is free and open to public.

Community health fair — More than 40 vendors will offer an array of wellness information and products at The W on Saturday, April 16, 9-11 a.m. Free health screenings, samples of healthy foods and a variety of health-related information will be available in Hall of Champions. Prizes, including Waverly-area business gift cards, will be given away.

Leadership & Service Awards — Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Leadership & Service Awards, which were presented on April 2. Click here to see the winners and descriptions of the awards. 

College calendar — Stay up to date with campus events by following the college's official calendar.


May Term mail reminder — For anyone leaving for May Term and either will be graduating or will not be back for May Term: Make sure you contact the Mail Center and tell us if you will not be back on campus. Please clean out your box before you leave.  Most letters can be forwarded along with magazines for which you have a paid subscription. Magazines can only be forwarded for two months, so if you want to continue receiving them you will need to contact the companies. Packages that arrive for you can only be forwarded if they are sent by the Postal Service, but UPS or FedEx packages can only be returned to the sender. Please stop by and sign our sheet if you will not be returning to campus after Tour WeekAll forwarding mail will be sent to your home address if you are not on campus.

Retirement open house — An open house to honor Ann Henninger, Jo Foster, Mary Peters, and Julie Paladino upon their retirement will be Thursday, April 14, from 10 a.m. to noon in the Castle Room of Saemann Student Center. 

Staff Appreciation Reception — All are invited to attend the Staff Appreciation Reception honoring Jean Buckingham and Lori Backer for their hard work and dedication to Wartburg. This come-and-go event will be Tuesday, April 12, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Castle Room. There will be snacks and refreshments provided. Contact senate@wartburg.edu with any questions.

Student media managers for 2016-17 — Selections have been made for the 2016-17 student media leaders. Congratulations to the following:

  • Knight Vision – Jordan Thomas
  • Tower Agency – Jesse Smith
  • KWAR – Jarren Ford
  • Trumpet – Ellyn Felton
  • Circuit – Riley Cole
  • Castle – Hannah Creed

Pickle ball tournament —
 The W will host a doubles pickleball tournament for students, faculty, and staff during May Term. Any combination of co-ed teams is allowed. Teams will be put into pools for round-robin play, with dates TBD once pools are set. Equipment is provided. Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams. Sign up by April 15 at the front desk of The W or online at www.the-w.org; fee is $10 per team. Contact Kyle Kregel with questions. 

 staff applications —
 The Wartburg Trumpet is seeking applicants for editing positions for the 2016-17 school year. With News, Sports, Knightlife, and Opinion/Editorial openings, students on the editorial staff will be able to learn how to write and edit stories. The Trumpet has a photography and graphic design position open as well. Not quite ready to jump in yet? Talk to us and try writing a story for one of the pages. The hands-on experience will not only look good on resume, but also help improve your writing skills. For more information, contact Ellyn Felton.

Wartburg Store discount —
 Students are now eligible for a 10 percent discount at The Wartburg Store when they pay with their all-campus spending account. Yes, this includes textbook purchases! Discounts will not be given when paying with cash, check, gift certificate, tuition account, credit or debit card. Thank you for keeping your dollars on campus by purchasing at The Wartburg Store.

Stress-free Zone —
 Wartburg Suicide Awareness for Everyone (SAFE) and Counseling Services will hold a "Stress-free Zone" on Monday, April 11, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on the campus mall. This event will include outdoor activities and root beer floats. Rain location is in Chapel Commons. If you have a pet you would be willing to bring for students to play with during part of that time, please email kaitlyn.behnken@wartburg.edu.

Building Bridges: Interfaith, Service, and Diversity on Campus — Join people from higher education institutions across the state in a workshop on creating connections between interfaith, community engagement, and diversity work on campuses Tuesday, April 12, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Mercy College of Health Sciences, Des Moines. Click here for more information. Contact Pastor Ramona Bouzard about going with a Wartburg group. Sponsored by Iowa Campus Compact. 

Visit the InfoCenter for details on the following:

  • Study Abroad applications
  • Wartburg West fall classes
  • May Term Choir


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