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The Juice - Aug. 28

See what's happening on campus this week.

Monday, Aug. 28, 2023



Correction: Parking by Vollmer is still 20 minutes
Contrary to the previous Juice, the 20-minute loading zone along the east side of Vollmer Hall on Eighth Street Northwest continues to be a 20-minute loading zone, but the manner of parking has switched to parallel. Follow the signs and lines and you'll be fine — sorry for the error!
Vogel Library publishes September newsletter

The latest edition of The Searching Squirrel, Vogel Library’s newsletter, is now available. It includes a welcome to Renée Barney, information literacy and technology librarian, an update on library projects, a spotlight on the faculty/staff development collection, and an upcoming announcement.



New Faculty Orientation

8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Faculty Wokrshop

8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

College Updates

8:30 a.m., McCaskey Lyceum

Refreshments will be served in the lobby beginning at 8 a.m.

Opening Faculty/Staff Worship

10 a.m., Wartburg Chapel


Faculty Workshop

8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Faculty Workshop

8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Women's Soccer vs. Hope College

1 p.m., Salzwedel Field

Men's Soccer vs. Milwaukee School of Engineering

1 p.m., Salzwedel Field


New Student Move-In and Orientation

8 a.m. start, lasts through Monday

Women's Tennis vs. Grand View University

9:45 a.m., Meirink Family Tennis Facility

Cross Country: John Kurtt Invite

10 a.m. men's start, 11 a.m. women's start, Max Cross Country Course

Women's Tennis vs. Saint Ambrose University

4 p.m., Meirink Family Tennis Facility

Football vs. Monmouth College

7 p.m., Walston-Hoover Stadium


Opening Convocation & Lunch

10:15 a.m., Levick Arena

Nick Arp ’19 will speak. Lunch will follow in Mensa.


Achievements and accomplishments
Dr. Kuni Terasawa, associate professor of religion, presented "Interreligious Dialogue Figures in Japan" and "Buddhist-Christian Double Belongings: How to Teach Interreligious Dialogue at a Christian College" at the Conference for How to Teach Religious Diversity at Christian Universities or Colleges at the Institute of Religious Studies, Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea, on Aug 18-19.
Kristin Teig Torres, director of community engagement, served as a mentor for new patient advocates for the National Breast Cancer Coalition's Project LEAD Institute July 31-Aug. 4 in La Jolla, Calif. This is the fourth Project LEAD Institute for which she has served as a leadership mentor. Project LEAD is NBCC’s premier science training program.


Submit your news, events to Juice

When you need to inform campus of something — whether an event, news, request, or other item — submit it to the Juice using our online form. This newsletter comes out each Monday when classes are in session and other times as needed. Submissions are due by 4 p.m. Thursday for the following Monday. If you have items that are urgent or need special attention, please contact Alan Simmer directly.

Add your events to Campus Calendar

The Campus Calendar displays online and on the TV screens around campus. If you have an event planned, be sure to submit it using our online form. You can also submit to the Juice at the same time!

Reserve space for your events
If you’re planning something, you can request room reservations online. Please note that adding your item to the Campus Calendar or submitting it to the Juice does not reserve your space.
Schedule your faculty/staff headshot

Julie Drewes, visual media manager, will take new or updated headshots of faculty and staff from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 30. Email julie.drewes@wartburg.edu for a timeslot or take your chances and drop by without an appointment.


Directions to the photo studio in FAC 52:

Enter the main lobby of the Bachman Fine Arts Center via the east entrance (windows side, facing the Chapel).
On the right, take the staircase down to the basement.
Turn right, follow the long hallway about halfway and turn left (fire extinguisher on the wall for reference).
The studio is the first door on the right.
Print Center changes business card process, pricing

The Print Center will now handle business cards internally rather than using a vendor. Anyone can submit their information through an online form to request new cards, and you can now request lower quantities for your order.


Prices for some items have also been adjusted due to considerable cost increases for ink and paper in the past couple years. When reprinting projects from previous years or submitting new jobs, you may see different pricing than expected on your request.


Please contact the Print Center or your account executive in Marketing & Communication with any questions.

Summer hours ending this week
As of Monday, Aug. 28, regular office hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. will resume.
Publicize your event with posters
If you have something to share with campus, take advantage of the 16 bulletin boards installed in academic buildings and the 20 in residence halls. Posters for bulletin boards must be approved by either Marketing & Communication (Luther Hall 106) or the Student Life Office. Please do not tape or post anything to walls, windows, etc.
Presidential events set for 2023-24
You should have received calendar invites for this academic year’s presidential forums and College Conversations earlier this month. Each event will be on a Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Student Center ballrooms. The dates are Sept. 12, Oct. 24, Dec. 5, Jan. 23, Feb. 20, and March 26.
Registration opens for Homecoming & Family Weekend

Get your tickets, shirts, and other swag for Homecoming & Family Weekend now so you’re ready to help us “Fly Our W” from Oct. 12-15. You can also sign up for parade floats, Kastle Kapers entries, and more.

Tell alumni office about visitors to campus
If you’re inviting graduates back to campus, please let the Alumni & Parent Engagement Office know by emailing alumni@wartburg.edu.

Share your social media ideas

If you have events or news to share on the college’s official social media accounts, please share those items with Katie Hirv. She will consider them for inclusion on the college’s content calendar.
Make sure your vehicle is registered

Parking registration is mandatory from the first day of Fall Term through the last day of May Term for all students, faculty, and staff who bring any motor vehicle (automobile, truck, motorcycle, moped, or golf cart) to campus or park on public streets within a two-block radius from the campus boundary. Ticketing begins Thursday, Sept 7. Please contact the Security & Safety Office to register or with questions.


On a related note: The 20-minute loading zone along the east side of Vollmer Hall on Eighth Street Northwest is now parallel parking with no time limit.

TIAA representative to visit campus

Wartburg’s new TIAA representative will be on campus hosting individual counseling sessions from Sept. 13-14 in Vogel Library 352. Schedule a time to meet with Ricardo Diaz. He can help answer questions like “Am I invested in the right mix of investments to help meet my goals?” “Am I saving enough to create the retirement income I need?” and “How do I take income from my retirement account once I stop working?”

Achievements and accomplishments
Dr. Bret Billet, professor of political science, is publishing a new book on environmental theory and sustainability. "Navigating Global Environmental Sustainability: Enriching Well-Being in the Wake of the Great Recession" is scheduled for release by Lexington Books on Sept. 15.
Dr. Joyce Boss, professor of English and Franklin I. & Irene List Saemann Chair in World Communities, was invited to serve on the board of the newly established Kannagara Chikyu Jinja, a Japanese Shinto shrine, in Kissimmee, Fla. She attended the inaugural meeting Aug. 5-6.
Kyle Fleming, assistant professor of music therapy, successfully defended his master’s thesis on Aug. 3 to complete his Master of Music Therapy degree from Augsburg University in Minneapolis. Fleming's research project, "A Survey Study of Music Therapists' Understanding of Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care," is currently being revised for publication in a peer-reviewed music therapy journal.
Dr. Cole Davidson, assistant professor of biology, was accepted to the review panel for the academic journals Cancers, Cells, and Current Oncology. He will provide expertise on cancer cell models, molecular biology, and pharmacology.
Dr. Kuni Terasawa, associate professor of religion, presented "Interreligious Dialogue for Peace" on July 18 to the International Association for Religious Freedom at Miyako Buddhist Church in Iwate Prefecture, which was struck by the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami March 11, 2011.

The Juice is a weekly newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center. See details about Juice and our campus email policies here.


The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Please keep items short, no longer than one paragraph.


Direct questions to Alan Simmer in Marketing & Communication at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact Alan directly.

Wartburg College | 100 Wartburg Blvd., Waverly, Iowa


Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note the Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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