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The Juice - April 11

See what's happening on campus this week.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023



Clay target team claims national championship

The Wartburg clay target sports team won the national championship in the Classic All-American Schools for Division 2. This marks the second national title for the program, as the Knights won the Division 4 title last year. In addition, freshman Libby Faust was the D2 All-American field national champion. Congrats!

Winners of March ubuntu awards named
Congratulations to the winners of the term’s final Spirit of Ubuntu Awards: Abbie Raum, student employment manager; Rebecca Cockerham, financial services coordinator; and Kassy Grosser, associate director of admissions.
Changes coming to COVID-19 insurance coverage

Those insured with HealthPartners should be aware of upcoming changes to COVID-19 coverage. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will end the public health emergency May 11. After this date, coverage for COVID-19 care that was put in place under the emergency umbrella will generally revert to standard benefits rules.


In-office visits and testing

What’s changing: COVID-19 testing, antibody testing and any associated office visits and tests will now be covered under standard plan benefits (subject to deductible).
What’s staying the same: Members are encouraged to visit providers in their network to receive the highest level of coverage for any service related to COVID-19 or otherwise.


At-home testing

What’s changing: Over-the-counter COVID-19 tests will no longer be covered under plan benefits (subject to deductible).
What’s staying the same: Over-the-counter tests are readily available at members’ local retailers and pharmacies.



What’s changing: COVID-19 vaccines and boosters are expected to be covered under preventive care benefits, similar to annual flu vaccines.
What’s staying the same: COVID vaccines are encouraged, covered, and readily available.


Please contact Amy Wilson, benefits administrator, with any questions at 319-352-8278 or amy.wilson@wartburg.edu.

FS Vogel Library publishes April newsletter

The latest edition of The Searching Squirrel, Vogel Library’s newsletter, is now available. It includes news about finals hours, a spotlight on the DVD collection and technology for checkout, and information on the citation seminar.

April edition of wellness publication available

Browse through a newly released Wellness Magazine provided by Assured Partners for helpful wellness information.



Easter Break Ends

7:45 a.m.

Employee Health Screenings

7 to 8:30 a.m., McCoy West

Available to full-time and benefit-eligible employees and their spouses on Wartburg health insurance. See the list of offered tests, some of which require fasting.

College Conversations

11:30 a.m., Heritage & St. Elizabeth rooms

Institutional Advancement will facilitate conversations about the four themes of the college’s strategic plan: Educating Mind, Body, and Spirit; Inclusive Community; Student Success; and Competitive Advantage. As you enter, please find a table devoted to the particular theme that you’ve chosen to discuss.

Baseball vs. Luther

6 p.m., Harms Stadium at Hertel Field


Festeburg Concert

7 p.m., Wartburg Chapel


Employee Health Screenings

7 to 8:30 a.m., McCoy West

Available to full-time and benefit-eligible employees and their spouses on Wartburg health insurance. See the list of offered tests, some of which require fasting.

Dean of Spiritual Life Candidate Open House

8:30 to 9:30 a.m., Konditorei


10:15 to 10:35 a.m., Wartburg Chapel

Message by a candidate for dean of spiritual life; this service will not be livestreamed. This month's prayer focus: Inquiry Studies, Leadership, Admissions, Student Employment, student employees, the Business Office, Vogel Library, study abroad, touring music ensembles, and all fourth-year students.

Men’s Tennis vs. Buena Vista

4 p.m., Meirink Family Tennis Facilty

Citation Seminar

5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Second floor of Vogel Library

Drop in any time during this event to receive specific help citing sources, reviewing works cited/reference pages, and doing general research in preparation for the end of the semester. Snacks provided.


S.A.F.E. Tie-Dyeing Event

6:30 p.m., Campus Mall in front of Old Main

Last year's T-shirts will be available for purchase to tie-dye. Be sure to wear old clothing you do not mind getting dye on. The rain date will be Thursday, April 13. For any questions, email safe@wartburg.edu.


Pre-Veterinary Club Meeting

7 p.m., Science Center 128

This is the final meeting of the 2022-23 school year, and elections will be held for the 2023-24 executive team.


ETK’s Make Your Own Sundaes

8 p.m., McCoy East, Saemann Student Center


9 p.m., Chapel Commons (lower level)

Sanctuary is a casual service where all are welcome to relax and center themselves around God’s word in the midst of their busy weeks. Snacks are served at 8:45 p.m.


Horchata with S.A.L.S.A.

11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Shotwell Tower Entrance, Saemann Student Center

S.A.L.S.A. will sell horchata (cinnamon rice milk) at $3 for one cup or $5 for two cups. S.A.L.S.A. wishes you the best of luck on finals and a happy Tour Week!

Leadership & Service Awards/NSLS Induction

5:30 p.m., Wartburg Chapel

By invitation only.

Tri-Beta Meeting

7 p.m., Science Center 134


Bach’s Lunch

Noon, Wartburg Chapel


MA in Leadership Informational Webinar

Noon, virtual event

Learn more about the fall 2023 cohort for the Master of Arts in Leadership at a one-hour virtual session. Email michael.gleason@wartburg.edu with questions.

Young Alumni Award Dinner

6 p.m., St. Elizabeth Room


African Representative Council Game Night

6:30 p.m., Slife Lounge

Meet members of the new executive team, play fun games, and enjoy some ice cream. Feel free to bring a friend or two!

Men’s & Women’s Tennis vs. St. Mary’s

10 a.m., Meirink Family Tennis Facility

Grant Price 100th Birthday Legacy Celebration

10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., various locations

By invitation only.

Softball vs. Coe

1 & 3 p.m., Lynes Field

Men’s Tennis vs. Nebraska Wesleyan

1:30 p.m., Meirink Family Tennis Facility

Castle Singers and Kammerstreicher Masterworks Concert

2 p.m., Wartburg Chapel

Wartburg Community Symphony Concert

7 p.m., Neumann Auditorium


Wartburg Choir Concert

2 p.m., Wartburg Chapel

Wind Ensemble Concert

4 p.m., Neumann Auditorium


Winter Term Classes End

3 p.m.


MA in Leadership Informational Webinar

7 p.m., virtual event

Learn more about the fall 2023 cohort for the Master of Arts in Leadership at a one-hour virtual session. Email michael.gleason@wartburg.edu with questions.


Late Knight Study Breakfast

10 p.m., Mensa

Come with your friends for a study break and get plenty of cinnamon rolls and other delicious food, served by your favorite faculty and staff members. Hope to see you there!

I-Club Cultural Show

6:30 to 8 p.m., Neumann Auditorium

Experience the vibrant cultural traditions of our campus community with music, dance, and more. This annual event celebrates diversity and showcases the talents of students from around the world.


New arrivals
Kyle McDermott, cook, 3/13/23
Stephanie Boeckmann, Dining Services cashier and dining assistant, 3/13/23
Mike Tyer, graphic designer, 3/22/23
Dan Bienemann, cleaning staff, 4/3/23
Chanller Roop, cook, 4/3/23
Promotions and new job titles
Wendy Mohlis, office coordinator for counseling and spiritual life, 3/20/23
Elisa Holmes, administrative assistant to the Student Life vice president and deans, 4/3/23
Retirements and departures
Jeremy Humpal, system administrator, 3/10/23
Laura Albert, senior financial aid counselor, 4/3/23
Achievements and accomplishments
Dr. Mariah Birgen was accepted into Harvard's Master Class in Teaching Math Modeling for Life Science. She will have the opportunity to work with leading faculty from across the country who are actively seeking to update their course offerings, as well as with experts in both modeling and the pedagogical underpinnings of modeling. This program will teach her how to bring mathematical tools into the classroom to analyze complex biological systems, leveraging students' authentic interest in biological and medical sciences to advance their mathematical knowledge. She is hoping to use the knowledge and tools to improve MA 250 Applied Calculus and MA 107 Finite Mathematics.
Wartburg College received a Crystal Pillar for Outstanding Achievement in the College Sports Program category March 31 at the 12th annual Student Production Awards. Fourth-year Joshua Hamlyn hosted the "Fall Sports Special" and accepted the Crystal Pillar on behalf of a team of more than a dozen Knight Vision students. Professors Tony Moton and Ron Johnson served as advisers on the special. Henry Hahn was also honored as a 2023 College AV All-Star by the Upper Midwest Emmy Foundation.



Tuesday, April 11: depart at 10 a.m.. to University of Dubuque

Wednesday, April 12: depart at 12 p.m. to Augsburg

Track & Field

Thursday, April 13: depart at 6 a.m. to Kansas Relays
Friday, April 14: depart at 6 a.m. to UWP

Men's Golf
Friday, April 14: depart at 8 a.m. to Waterloo

Friday, April 14: depart 1:15 p.m. to Simpson College


Class change process streamlined at beginning of terms
Adviser signatures are no longer required to add or drop classes during the first three days of Fall Term or Winter Term. Starting the fourth day of the semester, instructor and adviser signatures will be needed to make changes to your schedule.
Performers sought for I-Club Cultural Show

I-Club is looking for individuals and groups to perform at the Cultural Show on May 6. All students are encouraged to participate in the event, which brings together students to share their talents and culture with the campus and Waverly community. Students are still needed to carry flags onto the stage to open the show (this will be choreographed). Students do not to need be from the country of the flag they are carrying, so this is a great opportunity for domestic students to participate. Individual and group entrants should consider these themes for their performances: rage/power, optimism, hopeless/doom, and doubt/sorrow. The optimism category already has several entrants; the exec team has examples if ideas are needed.

Leaders needed for Homecoming board

Join the Homecoming Executive Board and help create an experience unlike any other for alumni, parents, friends, and students of Wartburg this fall! All Executive Board positions are open; apply by April 14.

Late Knight Study Breakfast volunteers needed

Faculty and staff volunteers are needed for the Late Knight Study Breakfast on Monday, April 17. Volunteers will be needed from 9:40 to 11 p.m. to help serve breakfast to students. Please email Chris Fosselman if you can help out. No experience is necessary, just a willingness to serve — and you’ll get all the mini cinnamon rolls you care to eat!

Plots available in college garden
The Sustainability Office invites members of the college community to reserve a plot in the college gardens east of Löhe Hall for personal use. The Sustainability Office offers gardening mentorship for those who would like to learn more as well. Please email brian.rumsey@wartburg.edu with questions or to reserve a plot, which are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Chess team wins second place
The Chess Club recently sent a team of four students to compete in the Iowa College Chess Championship in Ames, and the group won second place overall. Congrats! Chess Club meets from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturdays in WBC 117.
On-campus summer positions available for student workers

There are open student worker positions across campus, including these three roles for the upcoming summer:

Digital Print Center Operator: Do you excel in a fast-paced work environment? The Digital Print Center is seeking a student to assist with day-to-day operations, including ensuring files are print-ready and processing print jobs in an accurate and timely manner.


Admissions Office Ambassador: The Admissions Office is seeking students that share an enthusiasm for Wartburg and are knowledgeable about campus to welcome and interact with prospective students and families during the summer months. Duties will include providing campus tours, scheduling visits and appointments, preparing mailings, and answering questions specific to admissions procedures, academic programs, and campus activities.


The W Child Care Attendant: Do you enjoy interacting with children through conversation and play? The W is seeking responsible students to provide safe supervision of children ages 6 months to 7 years in their child care facility.

Apply on Handshake.

Achievements and accomplishments
Dr. Kuni Terasawa, associate professor of religion, presented “Buddhist Peace Activities in Ukraine and Europe" on the panel of Religion and War at the Conference of Dialogue of Eastern/Western Religions on March 26.
Ten Wartburg students will present their culminating art projects in a group exhibition from April 4 to May 28 in the Waldemar A. Schmidt Art Gallery. “2023 Senior Exhibition” will feature artworks by Houyem Abidi, Lizzi Barrett, Yohannes Dawit, Trista Foster, Lauryn Henderson, Milena Iushkova, Abby LaVelle, Molly Vittetoe, Jayden Walter, and Jenna White.

The Juice is a weekly newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center. See details about Juice and our campus email policies here.


The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Please keep items short, no longer than one paragraph.


Direct questions to Alan Simmer in Marketing & Communication at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact Alan directly.

Wartburg College | 100 Wartburg Blvd., Waverly, Iowa


Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note the Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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