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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - March 15

Employee Health Screen, more 🩺

March 15, 2021

Track & field, wrestling win big at national championship events

Congrats to the Wartburg men's and women's track and field teams, who both took first place in the DIII Elite Indoor Championships this weekend, a national event hosted by the Knights at Hoover Fieldhouse.

Event champions for the Knights:

Men's distance medley relay (Matt Heinzman, Wyatt Schmidt, Dalton Martin, and Joe Freiburger)
Men's 4x400-meter relay (Dallas Wright, Deyton Love, Derrick Smith, and Wyatt Schmidt)
Deyton Love in the 60-meter hurdles
Dallas Wright in the 400
Breya Christopher in high jump.


Also over the weekend, the Wartburg wrestling team finished the NWCA DIII National Championships with two national champs: David Hollingsworth at 157 pounds and Kyle Briggs at 174. Eight Knights in total became All-Americans, including four runners-up. Read more about both events at go-knights.net.


TEDx virtual event March 20

TEDx returns to Wartburg College with a virtual event this year. The fourth annual TEDxWartburgCollege event, titled "Questioning the Narrative," will be Saturday, March 20, from 9 a.m. to noon. This half-day free event is open to the public. Seven speakers will be featured during the event from around the U.S. and sessions will focus on topics like education, healthcare, division, the environment and more. Those interested in attending should RSVP at www.wartburg.edu/tedx.


Employee Health Screen next week

Click here for information on the upcoming health screen provided by Waverly Health Center. The Health Screen will take place on Tuesday, March 23, and Wednesday, March 24, in the West Classroom at The W from 7 to 8 a.m. Please review what tests are available and the associated costs. All full-time/benefit-eligible employees can participate, as well as spouses on the Wartburg College health insurance.

Sign up is required! Please contact Emily.ivey@wartburg.edu with the following information:

Your Name
Spouse Name (if applicable)
Preferred date and time (every 15 minutes between 7 and 8 a.m.)
What testing is requested (Chemistry Panel, A1C, PSA, Thyroid)


Grad Finale update for May/August grads

The Grad Finale on the calendar for Thursday, March 18, will not be an in-person event this year due to pandemic protocols. Instead, potential graduates for May/August 2021 will receive an email this week with steps to complete for Commencement. The deadline for completion of the first step is Friday, March 26.


Reminder: Online class registration for 2021-22

To register for classes for the 2021-22 academic year, select the Academics tab from your My.Wartburg home page. Under Registration, use the Course Search or Add/Drop function to select the courses for registration. Documentation of the online registration process and other registration information can be accessed through the Registration Information link on the Registrar’s page.

Online registration is only available during the dates reserved for your current classification. Access to online registration closes for all students at midnight March 31.

Third-Fourth Year: 12 a.m. Monday, March 15, to noon Thursday, March 18; reopens Monday, March 22, to midnight March 31.
Second Year: 12 a.m. Monday, March 22, to midnight Wednesday, March 24: reopens Monday, March 29, to midnight March 31.
First Year: 12 a.m. Monday, March 29, to midnight March 31.

Contact Registrar Sheree Covert with questions.

Print Center available for outside business & personal print jobs

In addition to being a service for campus offices and departments, the Wartburg Print Center also prints materials for area businesses and individuals. If you have invitations, calendars, posters, newsletters, envelopes, postcards, photos, or other print jobs, consider using the Wartburg Print Center. Pricing information is available at www.wartburg.edu/print-center. If you have any questions, please contact lori.poehler@wartburg.edu.


ASA's Ramen Festival is back!

The Asian Student Association is hosting its annual Ramen Festival on Friday, March 19, from 7 to 9 p.m. in Cardinal Commons. Compete in our Spicy Ramen Eating Contest for a chance to win a special prize. Click here for the sign-up sheet and more details. Everyone is also welcome to taste different types of noodles from Thailand, Indonesia and Japan. Contact asa@wartburg.edu with any questions or concerns.


UKnight Day is coming March 25

It's time to UKnight! We’re calling all faculty and staff to participate and help us reach our goal of 1,852 donors in 24 hours on Thursday, March 25...

What is UKnight Day?

It is Wartburg's annual day of giving on which students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, students and community members come together to share what it means to be a Knight and support the Annual Fund, which provides for all sorts of activities at Wartburg.

How can I win VIP parking?

Faculty and staff donors on March 25 get one raffle ticket with a UKnight Day gift of any size. The drawing will be held the evening of March 25. The raffle winner will work with Campus Security to select a reserved parking spot near their preferred building; winner will have reserved parking until the next UKnight Day in March 2022! Non-transferrable, vehicle must be registered with Security. Contact studentsuknight@wartburg.edu for details.

Service Trips Rada Cutlery fundraiser

Are you interested in supporting students on their volunteer Service Trips? Beginning today, March 15, Wartburg College Service Trips is selling items from Rada Cutlery that will assist students in paying for their volunteer service. This fundraising sale will continue until Friday, April 16. Use this link to place your orders.


Women of Wartburg role models

In honor of Women's History Month, V-Day Wartburg will be using its platform to talk about role models here on campus! Whether that be a Wartburg friend, faculty or alum, use this form to tell us about an inspiring person in your life and we will include them into our social media during the month.


Larimer to speak at AAUW meeting Thursday

Dr. Christopher Larimer, professor of political science at UNI, will speak to the Wartburg chapter of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) on Thursday, March 18, at 7 p.m. His talk, "Reflecting on the Strangest Election in the History of the U.S. and Its Implications for the Future (2020)," will be available to faculty, staff, students and the general public via Zoom. Please email Kim Folkers for the Zoom link.


Weekday Chapel services

All are welcome at Weekday Chapel services from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the Wartburg Chapel. Chapel time is a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Interfaith chapels will be held the last Wednesday of each month during the semester. Chapel services are streamed live with Knight Vision, so you can watch from anywhere.

This week's Chapel services:

Monday, March 15: Faculty/Staff Q&A with Chris Knudson ’01, director of Marketing & Communication

Wednesday, March 17: Lenten Chapel with communion, Pastor Beckstrom speaking

Friday, March 19: Senior Chapel, Jaderial Staebler ’21



Upcoming events

V-Day Silent Auction
Through March 17

KWAR Marathon begins
March 15

German Institute funding applications due
March 15

WCDM Kahoot Trivia Night at Sasquatch Jack's
March 16

STAS meetings
March 17, March 31, April 14

AAUW chapter meeting
March 18

WCDM March Madness Kickoff at Joe's
March 19-20

ASA Ramen Festival
March 19

TedXWartburgCollege event
March 20

Fulbright Program Virtual Open House
March 22

Presidential forum
March 23

Employee Health Screen
March 23-24

UKnight Day
March 25

Dance Marathon big event
March 28

Day off from classes
April 2, April 5

Culture Week
April 6-10


COVID vaccine availability expanded

The Iowa Department of Public Health has expanded eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccine to people ages 16-64 who have chronic health conditions that make them susceptible to the disease. The list of those who are eligible for vaccines will include those "with medical conditions that are or may be an increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19." The news release linked to a list from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that includes the following conditions: cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, COPD, Down syndrome, heart and immune-system conditions, obesity, pregnancy, sickle-cell disease and smoking. To locate a vaccine and learn more, please click here.


Mandatory Title IX training

All employees will be receiving an email link to an online training course entitled, "Preventing Harassment and Discrimination." The email will come from Everfi-foundry.net and is required to be completed no later than April 30, 2021. If you have any questions, please contact Title IX Coordinator Karen Thalacker or Director of Human Resources Jamie Hollaway.


Last week: Facemasks for WSMTA fundraiser

WSMTA (Wartburg Student Music Therapy Association) is doing a fundraiser for Enlightenment Week by selling masks for $10. All proceeds will go to the American Autism Society. Click here to see the masks and place an order. Enlightenment Week raises awareness for autism and neurodiversity, and WSMTA puts on events throughout the week to help people get a better understanding of what autism and neurodiversity are. If you have any questions please contact Anna Galioto. Deadline is March 17!


KWAR marathon March 15

The best event of the year is almost here: The KWAR Marathon, with 89 straight hours of live radio! The Marathon starts on Monday, March 15, at 7 a.m. but KWAR social media will be engaging in activities during this week. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to stay up to date on everything.


Fulbright Program virtual open house March 22

Please spread the word about the upcoming Fulbright Program Virtual Open House on Monday, March 22, 4-5 p.m. CST. Advance registration is required – all details available at this link. This is a great introduction for all students to this leading cultural exchange program. Contact Competitive Scholarship Advisor Kathleen Sihler with questions or students to recommend.


Introduction to Public Health course added for May Term

Now that the pandemic has your attention, why not spend this May Term learning more about how public health prevents disease and helps people live longer, healthier lives? PBH 101: Introduction to Public Health provides an overview of the field, from infectious disease to social factors that impact health outcomes. Additionally, this course will explore the government’s impact on individual health and careers in both health care and public health. Coronavirus will be discussed along with other global epidemics and how the health care system is prepared to handle them. The professor, Dr. Jeremy Whitaker, spent 10 years working in public health field coming to Wartburg College and is the current president of the Iowa Public Health Association. Contact him with questions. The class will meet 12:30-3:30 p.m. during May Term.


V-Day Silent Auction open through March 17

The V-Day Silent Auction is open! Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the physical items will be made visible to you through pictures on our Silent Auction tabling, which you can check out in front of the Student Life Office. The Silent Auction is open March 1-17. If you are interested in bidding, please click here.

For any questions, please email VDay@wartburg.edu.


Have you recently tested positive for COVID-19?

If you have tested positive for COVID-19 since returning to the office from the break or working at home, please send a copy of your test results to covidresponse@wartburg.edu. By having this information on file with the college’s contact tracing team, you will not be required to quarantine should you be exposed to someone who has tested positive for the virus within 90 days of your test.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions to Stephanie Boeding, editor and email marketing manager for Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact the editor directly.

Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd.




Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note The Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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