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The Juice — March 30, 2015


Time to UKnight UKnight Day is Tuesday, March 31. Participate by using #UKnightDay and sharing Wartburg pride on social media. Promote the college by wearing orange and black. Provide by being one of the hoped-for 500 alumni, students, parents, friends, faculty, and staff to be UKnighted by giving back to Wartburg during this special 24-hour event. Download the Wartburg Photo app on iTunes or Google to create fun pictures to share on social media.

Symphonic band, Knightliters in concert — The Symphonic Band will perform its spring concert Friday, April 10, 7 p.m., in Neumann Auditorium. The band, under the direction of Dr. Scott Muntefering, will perform In Flight and From Gold by Sam Hazo, With Pleasure by John Philip Sousa, Second Suite in F by Gustav Holst, and Halo by Ralph Ford. Senior band members will be honored. A free concert by the Knightliters jazz band immediately follows in the Saemann Student Center’s McCaskey Lyceum.

Department seminar
— The next Mathematics, Computer Science & Physics Department Seminar will be Tuesday, March 31, 11:30 a.m., in Science Center 134. Catherine Patterson, a graduate student in mathematics at the University of Iowa, will present Math and Data: Using Patient Information to Understand Cancer. Questions can be directed to Dr. Ben Bousquet, associate professor of physics, at ben.bousquet@wartburg.edu.

New concentration sets courses
— The course list for the criminology/criminal justice concentration under Dr. Brian McQueen has been set for the 2015-16 academic year. Please keep these new offerings in mind when advising students. Fall Term courses include Introduction to Criminology and Criminal Justice, Crime and Deviance, and White-Collar Crime. Winter Term courses include Juvenile Justice and Victimology. The May Term course will be Introduction to Criminology and Criminal Justice. Questions can be directed to McQueen at brian.mcqueen@wartburg.edu.

GRE general test overview
— Pathways will host a webinar, An Overview of the GRE revised General Test, Tuesday, April 7, 10 a.m., in Vogel Library 352. Tips and strategies shared by GRE experts will be important for advisers to share with prospective graduate and business school students. RSVP to jan.simpson@wartburg.edu or kelly.beck@wartburg.edu.  

Media managers
— The Department of Journalism & Communication announces next year's student media managers. The Castle co-editors will be Kamryn Kronschnabel '16 and Hannah Creed '17. Jeanne Edson '16 will be Knight Vision's news director and Luke Benna '16 will be its sports director. Riley Cole '17 will be managing editor of digital media for The Circuit. Jarren Ford '17 will be KWAR-FM's station manager. Allix Williamson '16 and Jesse Smith '16 will be the Tower Agency's CEOs. The Trumpet editor-in-chief is yet to be determined.

Lunch 'N' Learn
— The Lunch 'n' Learn series presented by Waverly Health Center and The W continues Wednesday, April 15, noon-1 p.m., in the Wet Classroom of The W. Bring a lunch as WHC's Kristal Graves and Pam Brahn present Health Literacy and Where to Get Answers. For more information, call 352-8249.

Keep on Learning
— Meredith Willson, the Mason City native known best for The Music Man, will be featured during the Keep on Learning community education series beginning Thursday, April 2. Don Meyer, senior gift planner, will discuss the trials and successes of Willson. Classes continue April 16, 23 and 30 in the Heritage Room of Saemann Student Center. Coffee will be served at 9 a.m., followed by the class from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The first class of each session is free; a $30 fee due at the second class covers the rest of the course.

Student showcase
— Students who have participated in The Residence and Löhe Hall service-learning projects, Orange Connection, and service trips this academic year will share their experiences at The Showcase, Tuesday, March 31, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., in the McCoy rooms of Saemann Student Center. For more information, contact Kassy Kahler, residential life service learning coordinator, at kasandra.kahler@wartburg.edu

Speech team showcase
 — The Wartburg forensics team will showcase their season's work on campus before traveling to Portland, Oregon, for nationals. All are welcome to support the team today, March 30, 6-7 p.m., in McElroy Center 134. For more information, contact David Brennan, assistant director of forensics, at david.brennan@wartburg.edu.

Knightline submissions
— The April edition of Knightline—the email newsletter that goes out to alumni, parents, and friends of Wartburg—will be sent Thursday, April 2. If you or your department have news or events you’d like to include, fill out the submissions form by today, March 30, at this link. Questions can be directed to Stephanie Boeding, alumni communications coordinator, at stephanie.boeding@wartburg.edu.

Honor society induction
— Join the Department of Social Science in welcoming the inaugural cohort of students into Alpha Kappa Delta, the international sociology honor society. The induction will be Tuesday, March 31, 11:30 a.m., in Luther Hall 329. This year’s initiates are Alicia Christians '15, Cheyenne Driscoll '15, Molly Johansen '16, Lindi-K Matse '15, and Casey Pestka '15. 

Graven Award ceremony
— Elijah Anderson, an award-winning author and one of the nation’s leading urban ethnographers and cultural theorists, will receive Wartburg’s annual Graven Award Tuesday, March 31. He will accept the award and deliver an address during a 7:30 p.m. ceremony in Wartburg Chapel. The Graven Award, now in its 26th year, honors one “whose life is nurtured and guided by a strong sense of Christian calling and who is making a significant contribution to community, church and society.” It is named for Judge Henry N. and Helen T. Graven of Greene. Music will be provided by Dr. Karen Black and The Wartburg Choir, directed by Dr. Lee Nelson. Click here to read more about the award.

Forum on music festival
— Community members interested in learning more about the Mumford and Sons’ Gentlemen of The Road music festival coming to Waverly June 19-20 are invited to a community forum Wednesday, April 1, 7 p.m., in the Waverly-Shell Rock Middle School auditorium. Those who have questions and are unable to attend may email waverlygotr@gmail.com or call the Chamber of Commerce at 352-4526 or Waverly city offices at 352-9211.


Tough Knight Mud Run — Challenge yourself while creating awareness for suicide prevention with SAFE's Tough Knight Mud Run. The third annual event will be Saturday, May 16, at Camp Ingawanis in Waverly. The 3.1 mile race features obstacles to test strength, stamina, and mental grit. Check-in begins at 8 a.m., and race time is 9 a.m. Online registration is open.

Colorful 5K returns
— PRSSA and Tower Agency will host the Dash of Color 5K Walk/Run Sunday, May 3, at 2 p.m.. Sign up online before Friday, April 10, to receive the advance registration price of $25. Proceeds will benefit several student organizations. Contact Elizabeth Heying '15 at elizabeth.heying@wartburg.edu with questions. You also can like the event on Facebook and follow it on Twitter at @WBDashofColor.

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