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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Sept. 14

Wartburg Alert test today 🚨

Sept. 14, 2020


Eating and drinking not allowed in indoor learning spaces

Please take heed of this new policy from Wartburg’s Emergency Governance Committee: For the safety of our campus community, effective immediately, eating or drinking is not allowed in indoor teaching and learning spaces, where removing masks for the purpose of eating or drinking poses a health risk. This includes the Vogel Library. Should someone need to hydrate during class, they can briefly leave the academic space, hydrate, and return. Good hand hygiene should be used after touching the facial mask.


Wartburg Urban Studies applications now open

Applications for Wartburg West and the Des Moines Urban Studies Program are now being accepted for the Summer 2021 term. Application materials can be accessed online at www.wartburg.edu/west or www.wartburg.edu/DSM. For more information, contact jo.dorrance@wartburg.edu or greg.lorenz@wartburg.edu. Live and learn through a Wartburg Urban Studies experience!


Wartburg Alert test today

Security and Safety will run a test of the Wartburg Alert system at 11 a.m. today. All students, faculty, and staff should receive notices by email, phone, and/or text message. If you do not receive a message, please be sure you are registered for Wartburg Alert at this link. This system is used whenever an emergency arises on campus.


'Managing COVID Stress' sessions this week

Counseling Services will be hosting two “Managing COVID Stress” sessions this week. On Wednesday, Sept. 16, there will be an in-person session in the McCoy rooms of the Student Center at 1 p.m. In order to maintain social distancing, this session will be limited to the first 10 attendees to arrive. On Friday, Sept. 18, at 10 a.m., there will be a virtual session held via Zoom, and there is no limit to the number of participants. If you have questions or would like to set up a personal appointment, please contact counseling@wartburg.edu.


Student Organization guidelines for in-person meetings/events

Student Organizations are encouraged to use online platforms for as many of their activities as possible, including programs and executive/officer meetings. If an event must be held in person, organization leaders must work with Holli Gorman to ensure that the space being used is large enough to accommodate appropriate physical distancing. Face masks must be worn at any and all in-person student organization activities. With respect to food and beverages during student organization programming, please use individually packaged items. Please contact your advisor or lindsey.leonard@wartburg.edu with specific questions about how to safely provide snacks at your program. Failing to uphold these expectations will result in suspension of student organization recognition. Additional information can be found at this link.


Virtual Career Expos are coming in October

Pathways and the CCE will be hosting four major-focused expos through our partnership with Handshake, the largest career community for college students. All students have been sent an invitation to participate and are encouraged to polish up their resume, dress for success and engage with professionals!

Oct. 5: Liberal Arts, Social Sciences & Humanities, noon to 3 p.m.
Oct. 6: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math), 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Oct. 7: Graduate/Professional Schools & Volunteer Service Programs, noon to 3 p.m.
Oct. 8: Business, Journalism & Communications, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Contact jo.dorrance@wartburg.edu or derek.solheim@wartburg.edu.


Speaker to mark Constitution Day on Thursday

Wartburg will commemorate Constitution Day on Thursday, Sept. 17, from 7 to 8 p.m. Professor Andy Grewal from the University of Iowa will be speaking via Zoom about the emoluments clause. This clause in the U.S. Constitution prohibits federal officials from earning a profit from a foreign state and its leaders. His speech is entitled, "The Foreign Emoluments Clause and the Chief Executive." Please use the Zoom link and passcode below. There will be time for questions following the presentation. Questions? Contact Karen Thalacker.

Join Zoom Meeting, click this link.

Meeting ID: 931 6178 3300
Passcode: 824107


‘To Have and Have Not’ on display in art gallery

Cedar Falls artist Kim Behm focuses on the spectrum of human experience in his new exhibition, "To Have and Have Not." Behm’s paintings build upon both the figurative and abstract language in his style all the while exploring the balance between those who have power and those that have none. "To Have and Have Not" will be on display at the Waldemar A. Schmidt Art Gallery on the first floor lobby of the Bachman Fine Arts Center from Sept. 14-Oct. 25. Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-7 p.m. daily and admission is free. For more information, please contact the gallery by e-mail. Follow the gallery on Facebook and Instagram.


Nominate a student for a Wartburg Worth It story

Do you know a student with a great Wartburg story to tell? How about an alum? The Marketing & Communication Office is collecting names of students and alumni who could be featured on the college’s home page and on individual program pages. Please send your recommendations, including a little information about why you are nominating them, to emily.christensen@wartburg.edu. The stories will be completed and shared throughout the 2020-21 academic year, but if you think a story should be shared by a specific date (to promote an upcoming program), please include that information as well.


TIAA virtual financial counseling sessions

Sign up for a TIAA virtual financial counseling session, which is available as part of your retirement plan at no additional cost. You can access virtual counseling by phone or on any device, and get advice and education about your retirement savings, managing debt and your investment strategy. Both are highly secure and private. To make an appointment, click here.


Weekday Chapel services

All are welcome at Weekday Chapel services from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the Wartburg Chapel. Chapel time is a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Interfaith chapels will be held the last Wednesday of each month during the semester.

This week's Chapel services:

Monday, Sept. 14: Faculty/Staff Q&A with Molly Wertz, Counseling Services

Wednesday, Sept. 16: Restful worship with communion

Friday, Sept. 18: Jared Feigenbaum ’21, Senior Chapel


Pastoral care for those in quarantine or isolation

If you are a student in quarantine or isolation, Wartburg’s pastoral staff would be more than happy to deliver communion to you. Please email Pastor Brian Beckstrom if you would like us to do so, or for any other spiritual care. We are praying for you all!


Follow us on social

Learn more about Wartburg Spiritual Life & Campus Ministry on our website, and follow us on social media:




Upcoming events

'Managing COVID Stress' sessions
Sept. 16, 18

Constitution Day speaker
Sept. 17

Virtual Career Expos
Oct. 5-8

Flu shot clinics
Oct. 6, 7


Update to return-to-work policy

If an employee decides to get tested because they are symptomatic and/or have a household contact who is symptomatic or positive, then they should quarantine (not come to work) until they are cleared to return with a negative test result or quarantine/self-isolation time period has expired. To be clear, if an employee has a confirmed exposure, a negative test result is likely not sufficient for release from quarantine. For guidance in such a matter, the employee should contact Ryan Callahan, our lead in regards to contact tracing.


Flu shots available in October

The College’s on-site flu shot clinics will be available the following dates:

Tuesday, Oct. 6, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m
Wednesday, Oct. 7, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

In order to have as much distance as possible, the clinics will be set up in the Neumann Auditorium Lobby.

The shots are covered in full for employees and spouses on the Wartburg health insurance plan. Those who are not covered by Wartburg insurance can pay out-of-pocket or check with their insurance carrier. Please RSVP to hr@wartburg.edu to indicate which day you plan to attend. Please bring your HealthPartners health insurance ID card so the claim can be filed. If these times do not work with your schedule, you may visit an in-network pharmacy or provider with HealthPartners to administer your flu shot at no cost. Depending on your provider, you may get charged an office visit.


Service Trips advisors needed

Wartburg College Service Trips is looking for faculty and staff members interested in being an advisor for a service trip this year. In the fall, there will be several day trips on weekends in place of the Fall Break and Thanksgiving Break trips, which will most likely consist of derecho relief service. Please fill out the Service Trips Advisor Interest Form if you are interested in becoming a potential advisor.


2020 Study Away Photo Contest entries

Were you on a service trip, study abroad, Wartburg West, or Des Moines Urban Studies between September 2019 and March 2020, before the disruption of COVID? Share your study away experience and best photo at www.wartburg.edu/photo-contest by Sept. 21. Voting begins in October — you may be a prize winner! Contact the Study Away office with questions.


ETK Large Event date change

In an effort to do our part in reducing the spread of COVID-19, Entertainment ToKnight Large Event has been moved from Fall 2020 to Spring 2021. This date change will allow the ETK team time to prepare a safe event for Knights to enjoy a great concert on campus! Follow ETK on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for date and artists announcements in the near future!


2021 SOAR dates

The following are the College’s SOAR dates for 2021:

May 8
June 11 (overnight option)
June 14 (overnight option)
June 21


Send in your submissions for The Castle literary magazine

The Winter 2020 edition of The Castle, Wartburg’s literary magazine, is available online! Submissions for The Castle’s Fall 2020 edition are now open. Send short stories (creative nonfiction and fiction), poetry, graphic stories and comics! Send any questions to lindsey.jacobs@wartburg.edu.

ATTENTION ARTISTS: There is also a cover art competition. Submit any medium and style of your liking for a chance to be the cover of the book! The Fall deadline for submissions is Oct. 18, including cover art.


Dr. Amy Pilcher, assistant professor of business administration, is now a Certified Peer Reviewer for Quality Matters, a faculty-driven peer-review process used to ensure the quality of online and blended course design. Reviews are conducted by a team of certified peer reviewers, who actively teach online and have been trained and certified by Quality Matters. She also has been elected president of the Waterloo-Cedar Falls chapter of the Institute of Management Accountants.


Dr. Kunihiko Terasawa, associate professor of religion, has published his article "Struggles for Democracy in Hong Kong," based on his sabbatical research in Hong Kong, in the September 2020 issue of Living Lutheran, an ELCA monthly magazine.


Dr. Abbylynn Helgevold, ethics, philosophy and religion professor, has been appointed the Board of Regents Distinguished Professorship in Ethics. A public event to recognize Helgevold will be deferred until the campus community can gather in accordance with COVID-19 safety guidelines. Click here to read more about her and the history of the chair, which was established in 1989.



Women’s Tennis

Tuesday, Sept. 15: Depart at 1:30 p.m. to Coe


Men’s Golf

Friday, Sept. 18: Depart at 6 a.m. to Pella


The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions to Stephanie Boeding, editor and email marketing manager for Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact the editor directly.

Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd.




Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note The Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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