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The Juice (Student) - Sept. 1


Sept. 1, 2020

Student Senate survey about COVID-19

Student Senate invites all students to take an online survey to gauge the student body's thoughts about the College's COVID-19 policies in regards to classes, residence halls, facilities and activities. Responses will be used so that student leaders know how to best represent the student body to the College administration on issues relating to COVID-19.

Contact senate@wartburg.edu with any questions or concerns about the survey.

Fill out the survey

What to do if you have symptoms or been exposed to COVID-19

If you have any symptoms or if you know that you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, do not engage in campus activities and contact Noah Health Center at (319) 352-8436. Cassie Hales (319-352-8260 or cassie.hales@wartburg.edu) and Kalyani Kannan (319-352-8681) will help you enact the College’s self-isolation or self-quarantine protocol (e.g. meal delivery, notification of faculty, and contact tracing). Click here for more information about the College’s COVID-19 response.

All students must daily answer a short series of COVID-19 screening questions the first time they log in to the InfoCenter each day. Students who don’t regularly use the InfoCenter should still log in daily to complete the evaluation. This tool is not meant to take the place of consultation with a health care provider or to diagnose or treat conditions if you are feeling ill.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays and occasionally during the week as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions to Stephanie Boeding, editor and email marketing manager for Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have a breaking news item that needs to run immediately, please contact the editor via phone or email.

Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd.




Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note The Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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