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The Juice - Aug. 14


Aug. 14, 2020

Update from Operations and Maintenance

The following is a summary of the activities that have been or will be implemented by Operations and Maintenance to help keep the entire Wartburg community safe and healthy:


Continue to disinfect and clean all building across campus.
Continue to change filters in air handling systems on a regular basis.
Clean high touch point areas, such as door knobs, hand rails, elevator buttons, etc., more often than pre-COVID-19.
Provided and installed, when appropriate, plexiglass for all office reception areas across campus.
Relocated desks in office areas as requested.
Installed hand sanitizers in high-traffic and strategic locations across campus.
Ordered personal protective equipment (PPE) that is available to employees, including:
Disposable masks
Face shields
Shut off and covered all drinking fountains in all buildings, except the residence halls.
Ordered protective kits (protective gown, N-95 mask, gloves) for individuals who must transport students with COVID-19. The kit should arrive by August 21.
Installing a protective shield in a 15-passenger van that will be used to transport students who tested positive for COVID-19.
Prepared some of the College's rental houses to be used as self-isolation areas for students who test positive for COVID-19 and cannot return home during their self-isolation period.
Ordered 10 additional picnic tables, which are expected to be available by early September, to be placed across campus.


Air "cleaning" update

The College is evaluating options for continuously "cleaning" the air in spaces across campus. A full plan will be available by Aug. 19.


Office, classroom cleaning solutions now available

A disinfectant spray solution and microfiber cloths are now available for office areas. The surface to be disinfected must remain wet for at least 10 minutes. There are solutions that will disinfect a surface by keeping it wet for only 30 seconds. However, even after the surface dries, it is very sticky (similar to if one spilled pop on a surface and didn’t get it cleaned up properly); therefore, we are using five minute disinfectant solutions (for classrooms) and 10 minute disinfectant sprays (for office areas). An office that wants these materials should complete a work order and these materials will be delivered. When replacement materials are needed another work order must be submitted.


A disinfectant solution, buckets, and microfiber cloths also will be placed in each classroom.

All microfiber cloths will be placed in a bucket with the disinfectant solution. The number of cloths will depend on the size of the classroom. Any faculty or student who wants to disinfect their area should do the following:

Get a microfiber cloth from the disinfectant solution bucket.
Slightly wring out the cloth.
Wipe surfaces they want to disinfect.
Keep those surfaces wet for at least 5 minutes. Again, the shorter solutions are available, but leave behind a sticky residue.
Return the cloth to the disinfectant solution in the bucket.


The solution and micro-fiber cloths will be placed in the classrooms by Aug. 26 and changed out on a daily basis, Monday through Friday, beginning Aug. 27 (exact time of change out TBD).


COVID-19 protocol for the Business, Financial Aid, Student Employment offices

Beginning Monday, Aug. 17, the main doors to the Business, Financial Aid, and Student Employment offices will be locked during regular business hours, though guests are still welcome. Those needing to speak to someone can call 319-352-8411 or email businessoffice@wartburg.edu for the Business Office, 319-352-8262 or finaid@wartburg.edu for the Financial Aid Office, or 319-352-8350 or studentemployment@wartburg.edu for the Student Employment Office.


Walk-up customers will need to knock on the door for assistance. If three guests already are in the office, walk-up customers will need to wait in the hall until someone has left the office. As with all indoor spaces on campus, masks are required in the Business and Financial Aid offices. The goal is to limit the number of guests in the office at any given time to aid in physical distancing and contact tracing.

The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays and other times as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions to Stephanie Boeding, editor and email marketing manager for Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have an item that must run immediately, please contact the editor directly.

Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd.




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