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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - May 18

Final week of May Term ☀️

May 18, 2020

Sustainability gardens need volunteers

Wartburg Sustainability invites you to do some gardening this summer in the campus garden plots just east of Lohe Hall. You may either adopt and plant a raised bed yourself (first come, first served), adopt as a team, or assist as you’re able with beds that have been adopted communally. You may also adopt a bed for the summer months but forfeit its care to the Sustainability office once Fall Term begins.

If you adopt a bed of your own, you are welcome to take home the produce your plot produces. Produce not harvested for personal use will be supplied to Mensa or to local food relief organizations. Some plant starts and seeds may be available, but the Sustainability office will not be able to supply enough plants and seeds to fill all beds. For more information, please email sustainability@wartburg.edu. Unclaimed plots will be planted by volunteers beginning May 25, so please contact Sustainability before that if you are interested in your own plot.


Congrats to Milestones honorees

Congratulations to the college’s faculty and staff who would have been honored at this year’s annual Milestones breakfast! Click here to see the PDF program of all service anniversaries, faculty tenure and promotions, and more. Here are this year's award winners and retirees:

Exemplary Staff Award winners:

Emily Christensen, assistant director of marketing and communication (administrative staff)
Paula Hoodjer, admissions assistant for application management (non-administrative staff)
Pat Melver, admissions assistant for prospect management (non-administrative staff)


Awarded by Student Senate:

John O. Chellevold Award for Excellence in Teaching and Professional Service – Dr. Ben Bousquet, associate professor of physics
Outstanding Adviser – Dr. Brian McQueen, associate professor of sociology/ criminology/criminal justice
Outstanding Administrative Staff – Stephanie Boeding, editor and email marketing manager


Awarded by Student Life:

Spirit of Student Life Award – Abby Fliehler, assistant track and field coach, and Henrique Donati, applications systems analyst
Outstanding Organization Adviser – Katie Wyman, senior admissions counselor (Student Ambassadors)


Awarded by St. Elizabeth Committee:

PT (Pastor Trachte) Award – Carrie Gleason, camps, conferences, front desk services, and event scheduling manager


Awarded by Dean of Faculty Office:

Dr. Peggy and Kendall Pruisner Scholarly and Creative Activities Award – Dr. Amy Nolan, professor of English
Dr. Peggy and Kendall Pruisner Early Career Scholarly and Creative Activities Award – Dr. Michaeleen Golay Gerken, assistant professor of biology



We recognize the college’s nine retirees this year, who take with them a combined 250 years of experience:

Todd Coleman, Assistant Vice President for Admissions (2006-2019)
Paula Hoodjer, Admissions Assistant for Application Management (1984-2020)
Michael Lavenz, Security Officer (1998-2019)
Tony Lutz, Media Services Support Specialist (1988-2020)
Dr. Keith McClung, Professor of Biology (1998-2020)
Pat Melver, Admissions Assistant for Prospect Management (1972-2020)
Jim Miller, Coach Emeritus and Instructor in Health and Physical Education (1991-2020)
Dr. Fredric Waldstein, Professor of Political Science and former Irving R. Burling Chair in Leadership (1989-2020)
Gary Wipperman, Assistant Vice President of Information Technology and Chief Information Officer (2001-2019)

In memoriam:

We also honor the life and service of Marcella McCormick, secretary for campus programming (2000-2019), and Dr. Maria (Paula) Survilla, professor of music (1994-2020), who both passed away earlier this spring.


Submit your “20 for '20” to congratulate seniors

Join the Wartburg Alumni Office in supporting the Class of 2020 by completing our 20 for '20 form to share at least 20 words of congratulations and encouragement for our newest Wartburg alumni. Click here to send your well-wishes. Responses will be compiled and shared with the graduating class on the Wartburg website and on social media.


Reminder: Don't forget to submit your 10-second congratulatory video to Roland Ferrie at releases@wartburg.edu by May 22! These two projects are separate, but work in conjunction to celebrate the Class of 2020. THANK YOU for making graduation special for our seniors!


Blessing of the Seniors and Commencement details

Join in celebrating the Class of 2020 on Sunday, May 24, through this year's virtual Blessing of the Seniors service at 10 a.m. and Commencement at 1:30 p.m.; both events will be streamed by Knight Vision. A PDF of the Commencement program will be available on Sunday. Click here for a gallery of the graduating seniors and to see their honors and future plans. For more information about this year's Commencement, go to www.wartburg.edu/commencement.


Juice publishing schedule

Please make note of the Juice email publishing schedule for the end of the academic year and throughout the summer:

The final weekly Juice of the term will be May 18.
The Juice will publish intermittently through the summer as needed, about every other week for the Faculty/Staff edition.
Weekly Juice emails will begin again Monday, Aug. 24, before the start of Fall Term.
If you have items that need to be sent through the regular Juice, send an email to Juice@wartburg.edu.
For items that need to be sent immediately, contact stephanie.boeding@wartburg.edu (the Juice email inbox is not monitored throughout the day).


COVID-19 news and resources

Go to the college’s website for updates about coronavirus and COVID-19 at www.wartburg.edu/coronavirus, including all of the college’s communications, what to do if you have symptoms, and FAQs.


Vogel Library resources during May Term

While Vogel Library is closed, physical items cannot be checked out or requested through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Scanned article requests can still be submitted through ILL, though with most other libraries also closed we cannot guarantee these requests will be filled. There are still several ways to ask questions and be in touch with library staff to address your information needs:

Email: asklibrarian@wartburg.edu
Chat on the library’s website, https://www.wartburg.edu/library
Call the Service Desk: 319-352-8500
Text: 319-313-2281

Staff will be monitoring these Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., and will respond within 1-2 business days. Faculty doing research can reach out to their liaison librarian to discuss options to purchase ebooks.

The library will continue to offer the following resources. Go to the library website

for links to each of the following and more:

OneSearch – all databases and course reserves – include access to recently added resources
Research guides
Consultation requests
Frequently asked questions



Spiritual practices during May Term

What is a spiritual practice? How can we grow closer to God in our daily lives? Follow the Spiritual Life & Campus Ministry Facebook page during May Term every Tuesday at 10 a.m. to find out! We will worship through exercise, meditation, cooking and creating. Join us as we focus on the “I am…” statements of Jesus. Contact Rebecca Baird, pastoral intern, with questions.


Share your prayer requests

As life continues with COVID-19, Spiritual Life & Campus Ministry invites you to share your prayer requests with us using our confidential link: bit.ly/SLCMPrayerRequest

Join Sanctuary remotely on Wednesdays

Sanctuary is a holy space in the midst of your busy life where you can recharge and renew. Expect a relaxed time of Bible study, fellowship, worship music, and prayer on Wednesday evenings at 9 p.m. via Zoom. Go to Zoom.US, click on the "Join a Meeting" button, enter 698 385 9486 and click "Join." (You will need to download the free Zoom app.) All are welcome!



Upcoming events


Tara Norberg Young ’03 is using music to get through the COVID-19 pandemic. Young, who plays piano and sings, has posted her music to Facebook daily to help others find respite from the day, as reported by the Barron News Shield.


To read about more Knights who are serving others during the pandemic, go to www.wartburg.edu/knights-in-action, where you can also submit a story of a Knight you know.

Annika Wall '20 has received a $1,000 scholarship from the Iowa College Media Association. The journalism and communication major from Jesup has worked in the college’s Sports Information Office and as a sports editor for The Trumpet and anchor for Cedar Valley Today. Earlier this year, she was named the ICMA Pat Pisarik Journalist of the Year, which is given to the outstanding journalist serving college media in the past academic year.

Jeana Larson ’01 was elected to be president-elect of the Iowa Bandmasters Association, a 93-year-old organization that promotes “excellence in bands through professional development, mentorship, performance and advocacy,” according to the Northwest Iowa Review. She is the band director at Sheldon Middle School. She named Dr. Craig Hancock, Wartburg’s director of bands, as an influential mentor in her life.

Jared Pirkl ’04 is using a small 3D printer he had in his Hansen Elementary School classroom to produce face shield visors for area medical professionals fighting COVID-19, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.
The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays and occasionally during the week as needed to communicate campus news and events. Most items will run twice, then continue to be available in the Information Center.

The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both audiences. Direct questions to Stephanie Boeding, editor and email marketing manager for Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760 or via email. If you have a breaking news item that needs to run immediately, please contact the editor via phone or email.

Wartburg College

100 Wartburg Blvd.




Wartburg students, faculty and staff: Please note The Juice is an official communication of the college, and per your connection with the institution, you must allow your inbox to receive college communications at your college-provided email account. Those who unsubscribe will be charged a fee for restoring your email preferences.


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