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The Juice — March 9, 2015 (Faculty/Staff)

Be UKnighted — UKnight Day is an opportunity for the Wartburg community to come together and share memories, celebrate being a Knight, and support the college for 24 hours. Click here to see a new UKnight Day video, and mark you calendar for March 31. 


Mumford & Sons coming to Wartburg — Waverly and Wartburg College were chosen as one of four domestic Stopover locations on the 2015 Mumford & Sons Gentlemen of the Road summer tour June 19-20. Tickets for the two-day festival, which will feature nearly a dozen nationally and internationally known bands, are available online. If you would like to volunteer during the event — volunteers get a free festival ticket and volunteer t-shirt — email waverlygotr@gmail.com. Additional information about the festival is available online

Tree removal — Unfortunately, an ash borer infestation prompted the removal of five ash trees from the west side of McElroy Center. The trees were removed during the break week while the ground was still frozen and as the noise related to the removal would have been disruptive while classes were in session. Additional trees are expected to be removed from campus in the coming years before they become too weak and pose a threat to people and property. It is expected that most will be replaced with other tree species. 

Phil and Lit — The Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society will meet Friday, March 13, 4 p.m., in McCoy West of Saemann Student Center. Dr. Jennifer McBride, assistant professor of religion and Regents Chair in Ethics, will present The Redemptive Social Power of Public Repentance, which is based on her book, The Church for the World: A Theology of Public Witness.

TIAA-CREF sessions — Chuck Freeman, Wartburg's TIAA-CREF financial consultant, will be on campus this week. He will meet with employees confidentially to discuss investing in financial products such as mutual funds, brokerage, life insurance, and annuities. Freeman will be available Wednesday, March 11, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., in Vogel Library 353; and Thursday, March 12, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., in Wartburg Chapel's Tower Room. Click here or call 800-732-8353 to sign up for meeting slots.

Professional development event — The winter Professional Development Series event is Thursday, March 12, 3-4 p.m., in McCaskey Lyceum. Rob Quillen will share his message, Fulfilling Another’s Calling, about the power we hold to change others' lives. The series is sponsored by the Human Resources & Payroll Office and Pathways Center. Click here for more information on the event. Quillen will speak to students from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Songwriter on campus — Alternative Christian recording artist Aaron Strumpel ’00 will be on campus Wednesday, March 11. His work has received acclaim from many sources, including Relevant Magazine, Christianity Today, and Worship Leader Magazine. Strumpel will give a concert from 7 to 8 p.m. in Wartburg Chapel. He will conduct song-writing workshops at 1:30 and 3 p.m. in the St. Elizabeth Room of Saemann Student Center, helping up to 10 participants write an original worship song. Space is limited; contact Pastor Brian Beckstrom at brian.beckstrom@wartburg.edu to reserve your spot. 

Trumpet Festival concerts — The Wartburg Trumpet Festival will feature Master Sgt. Susan Rider, a trumpeter with "The President's Own" United States Marine Band and Amy Gilreath, professor of trumpet at Illinois State University. The two will perform with Dr. Scott Muntefering, assistant professor of music education; Dr. Suzanne Torkelson, professor of music; and Jim Vaux, music lecturer, Thursday, March 12. A finale concert will feature Rider, Gilreath, and the Wartburg Trumpet Choir and high school trumpet choir Friday, March 13. Both free concerts begin at 7 p.m. in the Wartburg Chapel. 

Spark your motivation — Join SAFE Tuesday, March 10, 7 p.m., in Whitehouse Business Center's Buckmaster Room, to hear Brenda Clark Hamilton speak on how to get the most out of life and how getting help is brave. Students and an on-campus counselor will join Hamilton following the presentation for a question and answer session. Brother David will provide the music. For more information, email safe@wartburg.edu

Pirates tickets on sale — Students, alumni, faculty, and community members will performThe Pirates of Penzance March 19-21, in Neumann Auditorium. The show begins nightly at 7:30 p.m., with a matinee Saturday, March 21, at 3 p.m. The Thursday and Saturday evening performances will feature Brian Stinar ’93, Mari Voelker Sayler ’08, Rachel Vickers ’09, theater professor Dr. William Earl, and Travis Toliver, executive director of the Waverly Area Chamber of Commerce. The Friday evening and Saturday afternoon performances will feature Wartburg students in the lead roles. Tickets are available online, by calling 352-8631, or at the Saemann Student Center Ticket Office weekdays from noon to 4 p.m. 

Alumna's devotionals published — The Rev. Lydia Posselt Nelson ’07, an associate pastor at St. Paul Lutheran Church in East Windsor, New Jersey, was published in the July 1-15 devotionals in Christ in Our Home. The booklet is available for free in the Wartburg Chapel. Additional information about the book is available on the Augsburg Fortress website

Iowa Press focused on private colleges — A recent episode of Iowa Press focused on how the funding model proposed by the Iowa Board of Regents, which would tie a majority of the state's funding to universities' in-state enrollment numbers, could impact private institutions. 

Registration tip No. 6 — Online registration is limited to 4.5 credits in Fall and Winter terms. If students plan to enroll for more than 4.5 credits, on-site registration in the Registrar's Office is required, and they must complete an on-site registration form, available from the "Student Forms" link on My Wartburg or from the Registrar's Office, for the extra courses. Students wishing to enroll in more than five credits must request to do so by completing a variance form. 

Plant slant — The health benefits of a plant-based diet will be the topic at The W's next Lunch 'n' Learn Wednesday, March 18, noon-1 p.m., in the Wet Classroom. Dr. Nasreen Wahidi from the Waverly Health Center's Shell Rock Clinic will present. 

Wartburg West deadline — Remind your first-year students the application deadline for the Sophomore Program to spend Fall Term 2015 at Wartburg West in Denver, Colorado, is Wednesday, March 11. Applications are online. Direct questions to Jo Dorrance, Wartburg West campus liaison, at jo.dorrance@wartburg.edu.


Exhibit opens — All the Good in the End, featuring Angela Waseskuk pieces that transform the ordinary into objects worthy of prolonged contemplation, is on display at the Waldemar A. Schmidt Gallery in Bachman Fine Arts Center through April 1. A reception will be Wednesday, March 25, 7-9 p.m. Currently the foundations coordinator and an adjunct instructor of art at the University of Northern Iowa, she uses common items, including chewed gum, construction paper dots, grocery bags, and yarn to describe and capture the language of life. The gallery is open 9 a.m.-7 p.m. daily.

Artist Series concludes — This spring will mark the final performances of Wartburg's long-running Artist Series. Discontinuation of the series was one of the measures recently identified to help reduce institutional expenses. Click here to read the full announcement.

Questions about The W — Faculty and staff often receive questions regarding the college's agreement with the City of Waverly for The Wartburg-Waverly Sports & Wellness Center. Brush up on detailed answers to common questions about The W with this recently released guide.

Keep on Learning explores plays of Shaw — The March Keep on Learning features Chuck Stilwill, retired artistic director of the Waterloo Community Playhouse. He will explore the families portrayed in the plays of George Bernard Shaw. Remaining classes are March 12, 19, and 26 in the Heritage Room of Saemann Student Center. Coffee will be served at 9 a.m., followed by the class from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Pre-registration is not required. A $30 fee is due at the second class (March 12). For more information, call 352-8491, email alumni@wartburg.edu or visit www.wartburg.edu/kol.

Cooperative program with ISU — Wartburg students interested in a master’s degree in industrial engineering can begin earning credits toward that end the summer after their junior year, thanks to a partnership with Iowa State University announced Tuesday. The “4+1” cooperative program will allow students to earn a bachelor’s degree in engineering science from Wartburg and a master’s degree in industrial engineering from Iowa State in just five years. Click here to read more on the agreement.


Dr. Jennifer McBride, assistant professor of religion, once taught Kelly Gissendaner, the only woman on Georgia's death row. McBride's relationship with Gissendaner was featured in this New York Times story. McBride also has spearheaded a clemency effort, as reported by Religious News Service

Dr. Bill Withers, assistant director of Wartburg’s Institute for Leadership Education, was the featured morning workshop leader for Leadership Iowa University, Feb. 27, at UNI’s Business and Community Services Center. Withers was one of the original curriculum architects for LIU, an offshoot of Leadership Iowa designed for emerging leaders from college campuses across Iowa.

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