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The Juice (Faculty/Staff) - Oct.15

Oct. 15, 2018

T-shirts are going fast
Hurry and purchase your "Together As Knights" shirts before they're sold out! The Homecoming Committee will be selling short-sleeve and long-sleeve shirts Monday-Thursday this week in front of The Wartburg Store in Saemann Student Center. Shirts are also available during business hours Monday through Friday in the Alumni Office, LH 136.

Renaissance Faire
Make sure you grab something to eat at the Renaissance Faire, 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 20, on the Campus Mall. Check out some of our new food vendors, crafts, and entertainment sponsored by Wartburg student organizations, local nonprofits, and vendors.

Pre-register and save $$ on Oktoberfest
Oktoberfest will be Saturday, Oct. 20, 4-6:30 p.m., on the Campus Lawn. Make sure to pre-register by Wednesday, Oct. 17! Pre-registered tickets are discounted and will also allow you to go through the fast-pass line at the event. Pricing and pre-registration can be found at www.wartburg.edu/homecoming.

Homecoming class reunions
The following classes will celebrate their reunions Saturday, Oct. 20, during Homecoming and Family Weekend: the class of 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2003, 2008, and 2013, plus the Golden Knights, which includes all classes graduating 1968 and prior. Faculty and staff are welcome to register for and attend any of the reunion luncheons ($16) or reunion gatherings (no charge). Visit www.wartburg.edu/homecoming for a schedule and to register.

Satellite voting on campus today
The Bremer County Auditor’s Office is holding satellite voting on campus today, Oct. 15. Voting will be in McCaskey Lyceum from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and voter registration forms will be available at the voting station. Per election law, no organizations or individuals will be allowed to solicit votes within a 300-foot radius of Saemann Student Center. To see more details about voter eligibility and how you can vote absentee, please click here. You also may stop by the lyceum and direct questions to the Bremer County Auditor staff.
Fund the Fortress projects
Fund the Fortress gives students, faculty and staff the opportunity to raise funds for projects, campus needs, activities and more. We encourage you to browse our current and past projects to view the Wartburg community in action, and share your favorite project with your friends and family on social media. Click here to learn more about each project.

Current projects:
  • Football team
  • Chapel Media Enhancement
  • Audio Creation Suite
  • Service Trips – Fall Break & Thanksgiving
  • Cheer Safety & Competition Mats
  • Coming soon: Wind Ensemble, Holiday Shoppe and Baseball
Krystal Madlock celebrates 20 years at Wartburg
Krystal has spent two decades living out the Wartburg mission through helping hundreds of students realize their passions, overcome challenges, and lead lives of service and leadership as they move forward after graduating from Wartburg. You are invited to celebrate Krystal's impact in two specific ways:
Reception at Homecoming – Friday, Oct. 19, 5-6 p.m., Hagemann Castle Room. Gather for a reception with a brief program at 5:30 p.m. and light hors d'oeuvers. View the complete event details and register through the main Homecoming and Family Weekend registration.
Make a gift to the Friendship Fund — The Friendship Fund intends to help Wartburg students when they are at their most vulnerable in circumstances of a family emergency, medical crises, emergency travel, and other critical needs. Gifts in honor of Krystal and a special note for her can be made here. The campaign has been kicked off with a $50,000 gift from Dr. Del Doherty '06! As an international student, he received $278 from the Friendship Fund and attributes that gift to keeping him in college. We hope you consider making a gift in honor of Krystal's service to Wartburg.
Update to policy for course posters

Due to the large number of posters advertising courses, the following updates have been made to Wartburg’s poster policy by Marketing & Communication, effective immediately:

  • Posters advertising a campus course can be no larger than 8.5 by 11 inches.
  • When stamped for approval, please write the posting date on the back bottom corner of each poster.
  • Course posters may remain on bulletin boards up to one month after the posting date.
  • Course posters currently on bulletin boards this fall (which have been up for multiple weeks) will be removed and recycled before Homecoming to make room for other announcements.

For more details about the poster policy, and information about how to submit digital signs, go to www.wartburg.edu/posters.

See Something, Say Something link on InfoCenter
The link to report a non-emergency incident is now available on the InfoCenter front page, on the Safety & Security website, and on the Community Bias Team webpage. This form can be used to confidentially report criminal activity (e.g., assault, theft, drugs or vandalism) or incidents that threaten the civility of our community, that have occurred on or off campus. If you provide contact information, Campus Security will respond to your report within 48 hours. This form should not be used for an emergency. You can save a direct link to the form at www.wartburg.edu/report-now.
Outfly feedback survey
Outfly Committee invites you to take part in the Outfly feedback survey to give your input on this year's Outfly and give ideas for Outfly for the next academic year. If you have any questions, contact Breyanna Primous.
German Institute applications for funding
The Executive Committee of the German Institute announces the 2018-19 call for applications to support activities/endeavors related to German and/or Germany. For 2018-19, a total of $2,000 is still available from external sources. An application is required and funds will be awarded on a competitive basis. Applications for the full amount of available funds likely will not be supported in full. Applications are due Nov. 2. Awards will be announced no later than Dec. 3. In the past, the Institute has funded enrichments to May Term trips to Germany, the German film festival, learning materials for the faculty/staff heritage tour, and subsidized student travel to Germany for study abroad. Full application details are available at this link. Direct all questions to Dr. Daniel Walther.
New drone policy on campus
Aerial video and photos are beautiful, especially this time of year. If you wish to use a drone over college property, please fill out this quick online form before you fly, letting us know when you'll be filming and a waiver releasing the college from fault in the case of drone damage. Remember, flying a drone over an area where an athletic competition is underway is an NCAA violation. Please contact Chris Knudson if you have questions about drones on campus.
Softball team’s second annual Home Run Derby
Come out to Lynes Field on Saturday, Oct. 20, during Homecoming & Family Weekend for the softball team's second annual Home Run Derby! The cost is $5 for five swings and the top three place-winners will get a prize from local Waverly businesses. The derby will start at noon and go until 1 p.m., just in time to head over to the football game.
Wartburg Track and Field Rummage Sale
WTF’s sale will be Friday, Oct. 19, in the Canfield Strength & Conditioning Room from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. All past or used items must go, cash or check only. There will be miscellaneous T-shirts and other clothing, sweatshirts, sweatpants and hats. Come get your Wartburg Track and Field clothing, first-come, first-served. We will also be at the Renaissance Faire on Saturday.
Budget information on InfoCenter
As President Colson noted in his September open forum, summary budget information for the College is available to all faculty and staff on the InfoCenter. This requires you to log in if you want to see the information.
If you would like to learn more about the College’s budget, please plan to attend one of the annual budget information sessions, where an overview of the College’s budget will be presented and you will have an opportunity to ask questions. These meetings will be held in November/December – specific dates and times will be posted in a future issue of the Juice.
Advising Week tip
In preparation for Advising Week, Oct. 29 through Nov. 2, the Registrar’s Office and Pathways Center will be sharing advising tips in the Juice each week. Contact the Registrar’s Office or Pathways with further questions to support your interaction with advisees.
Advising Tip #3: Review the Winter Term schedule with your advisees. Enrollment in more than 4.5 credits places a student in an overload, and overload charges will be applied as appropriate. Students may consider auditing a performance ensemble if the credit places them in an overload. Music lessons cannot be audited.
‘You Belong’ campaign
The Diversity & Inclusion Council is launching a campus-wide kickoff for the "You Belong" campaign Tuesday, Oct. 16, at 11:30 a.m. in the McCoy rooms of the Saemann Student Center. This initiative is the next step from last year's "Hate Has No Place Here" campaign. "You Belong" affirms for all students that they belong at Wartburg regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, religion, place of origin, sexual orientation, or ability. Kickoff events will include speakers, giveaways, and treats. New signage will be available to replace the “Hate Has No Place” messaging around campus, and t-shirts with the "You Belong" logo will be available in The Wartburg Store. The campaign will also be promoted in the residence halls, at sporting events, and on social media. Please join us at the inspiring and informative kickoff event Oct. 16, and encourage your students to join in as well.
Capstone open forum
The General Education Committee invites all faculty to attend an open forum Monday, Oct. 15, at 4 p.m. in WBC 214 to discuss the role of the capstone in general education and majors. Department chairs/program heads and capstone instructors are especially encouraged to attend. Please contact Dr. Dan Walther with questions.
Christmas with Wartburg tickets for faculty and staff
Wartburg faculty or staff members have the opportunity to purchase Christmas with Wartburg tickets in advance of the public sale, which begins Oct. 22. This year faculty and staff may purchase as many tickets as you wish.  All ticket sales are final; no refunds, returns or exchanges. Please see your Oct. 8 email with links to the following concerts:
Friday, Nov. 30: Lutheran Church of Hope, West Des Moines (tickets are $20 each)
Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 1 and 2: Neumann Auditorium, Waverly (tickets are $18 each)
• Special holiday meals will be offered with both Waverly concerts (meal tickets are $26 each).
You may also support students participating in Christmas with Wartburg by attending the dress rehearsal on Wednesday evening, Nov. 28, at 5 p.m. Please obtain up to two free general admission tickets for the dress rehearsal at the Ticket Office in Saemann Student Center so we can plan accordingly.
If you have any questions or wish to order tickets in person, please contact the Wartburg Ticket Office at 319-352-8691 or ticket.office@wartburg.edu during their operating hours, 10 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday.
St. Elizabeth's Week award nominations
St. Elizabeth's Week is Nov. 11-16, and the Volunteer Action Center (VAC) is now accepting nominations for the St. Elizabeth’s Award for Service and the Pastor Larry Trachte Award for Service, as well as a student interest survey. 

The St. Elizabeth Award for Service was established in 1994 to recognize members of the Wartburg community that have exemplified a commitment to service. We invite you to nominate one or more current students who you feel lives out a commitment to service in, with, and for the community. Nominations for the St. Elizabeth’s award can be submitted here.

The Pastor Larry Trachte Award for Service is given during St. Elizabeth’s Week to staff and/or faculty. You are invited to nominate one or more staff or faculty members whom you feel embody PT's enthusiasm, support, involvement, dedication and overall commitment to Wartburg’s mission of service. After 35 years of faithful service, Pastor Larry Trachte (fondly referred to as PT) retired from Wartburg College in May 2009. He taught, mentored, honored, and befriended thousands of students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Nominations for the Pastor Larry Trachte Award for Service can be submitted here

The student interest survey allows the St. Elizabeth’s planning committee to create events YOU want to participate in during St. Elizabeth’s week. You can complete the survey here.
If you have any questions, please contact the VAC.
Mail Center announcements
The Mail Center announces that credit and debit cards are now accepted as payment. The Mail Center sells stamps and envelopes and can ship packages via UPS, DHL, and USPS. Next-day service is available only if received before 2:30 p.m.
Presidential Forum notes
Notes from the Sept. 27 Presidential Forum are now posted on InfoCenter under President’s Reports.
This week's Chapel service schedule

Weekday Chapel services are from 10:15 to 10:35 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in Wartburg Chapel; Sunday services begin at 10:30 a.m. Chapel time is a brief opportunity to gather with students, staff, and faculty to reflect on God and faith. Interfaith chapels will be held the last Wednesday of each month during the semester. Upcoming speakers:

  • Monday, Oct. 15 — Justine Jackovich, assistant director of residential life
  • Wednesday, Oct. 17 — Stacey Reints ’13
  • Friday, Oct. 19 — Tom Buchheim ’93, Alumni Board president
Crowdfunding for the Wartburg Chapel
Please visit the Wartburg Chapel Crowdfunding site and help raise the money to improve the sound in the balcony of the Chapel and install projection equipment. Please share the link with all that you know on social media, and encourage them to learn more and donate if the Chapel has impacted their life. You can find out more at the link.
'How to Have a Good Workday'

Note from Dan Walther: This bimonthly contribution is designed to share tips and ideas that can help us in our daily work life, offering tips on how to manage our workplace activities/responsibilities or insights into specific tasks.
The first contribution is from Justin Zackal and provides advice on one way we can manage our numerous commitments more effectively and efficiently so that we have a good work day.

“We know when we're having a good day at work, but many higher education professionals don't know how to have a good workday. However, advice from numerous experts in productivity, high performance, and management can easily apply to higher education professionals. These tips, such as scheduling certain tasks at different times of the day to increase effectiveness, can help you have a better workday.”

Julie Breutzmann, Application Systems Analyst, (retired) 9/30
Jean Kampman, Office Coordinator – Social Work and Education, 9/21

Click here to see a PDF of new faculty and staff as of this fall, available on the Human Resources page in InfoCenter.
Men’s Soccer
Wednesday, Oct. 17: Men’s Soccer departs at 1 p.m. to Loras

Women’s Soccer
Wednesday, Oct. 17: Women’s Soccer departs at 3:15 p.m. to Loras

JV Football
Monday, Oct. 22: JV Football departs at 2 p.m. to Central

Friday, Oct. 19: Bowling departs at 3:45p.m. to Eau Claire

Seminary Sampler in Chicago
Visitors will get a taste for life as a seminary student and as a member of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago community Saturday, Oct. 20, through Monday, Oct. 22, or for our Seminary Sampler Night on Wednesday, Nov. 14, whether it’s for an evening or several days. Housing and meals are provided! Travel stipends and childcare are available. Visit www.lstc.edu/admissions/visit to register.
Midwest Graduate School Summit at Purdue
The Midwest Graduate School Summit will be held Saturday, Oct. 27, at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. This one-day conference is especially designed for students interested in business, education, humanities, pharmacy, public affairs, social sciences, and related fields. Participants will have opportunity to explore graduate education, graduate student life, career opportunities, funding, and much more! The Summit offers a travel scholarship up to $500 for reimbursement on their travel expenses. Participants may apply for a travel scholarship when registering for the Midwest Summit via this registration link. Find more about the event and attending institutions by visiting the website
Upcoming Events

Satellite voting on campus
Oct. 15

Capstone open forum
Oct. 15

'You Belong' kickoff
Oct. 16

Homecoming & Family Weekend
Oct. 18-21

Track & Field rummage sale
Oct. 19

Krystal Madlock reception
Oct. 19

Softball Home Run Derby
Oct. 20

Advising Week
Oct. 29-Nov. 2

Presidential Forums
Oct. 30, Dec. 4

St. Elizabeth Week
Nov. 11-16

Scholarship Days
Nov. 11, Jan. 20, Feb. 17
Click here to view the full Wartburg events calendar.

Dr. Joyce Boss, professor of English and Saemann Chair in World Communities, presented her paper, Landscape/Fanscape: Godzilla Tourism as Transnational Transcendence, at the annual Mechademia Conference on Asian Popular Culture, held at the Minneapolis College of Art & Design, on Sept. 28.

Dr. Chip Bouzard, professor of religion, and the Rev. Dr. Ramona Bouzard, emerita dean of the Chapel and Moehlmann Chaplaincy Chair, served as the main speakers at the Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod-ELCA, held in central Oklahoma, Sept. 17-19. Four presentations, titled, James? Are You Joking? focused on the biblical book of James and its call for Christian community to be at work in the world through faith and action that serves the good of neighbor and speaks out for God’s love of justice and hope for all people.

Dr. Jay Garaycochea, visiting assistant professor of biology, was the recipient of a Judge Travel Award for the upcoming Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS). ABRCMS is one of the largest communities of underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and the annual conference provides the opportunity for students to present their research. The four-day conference sees over 2,000 students from over 350 colleges and universities from across the country.

Jordan Young ’13, a history teacher at Washington High School in Cedar Rapids, has been named to the governor's first "Teachers Cabinet," as reported by the Cedar Rapids Gazette.

The football team beat Buena Vista University, 63-0, as reported by the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier.

Tom Trenney, minister of music at First-Plymouth Church in Lincoln, Neb., will serve as director of the Wartburg College Choir and Ritterchor through December while the ensembles’ director, Lee Nelson, is on sabbatical.

Mark Adkins ’90 will chair the College Sports Information Directors of America U Committee, an initiative to reach out to future generations of college sports information professionals, as reported by the Times Union
About this newsletter
The Juice is a weekly e-newsletter sent Mondays to communicate campus news and events. Most announcements will run twice, then continue to be available on the Info Center.

TO SUBMIT AN ITEM: The deadline for submissions each week is 4 p.m. Thursday. Send items to juice@wartburg.edu. Please keep your submitted item short—no longer than one paragraph—and let us know if your item is for students, faculty/staff, or both editions of The Juice. Direct questions or comments to Stephanie Boeding, Marketing & Communication, at ext. 8760. The Juice reserves the right to edit items for length and readability and may suggest an alternate method to share your information.
100 Wartburg Blvd. | Waverly, IA 50677 | 800-772-2085
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