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The Juice — Feb. 2, 2015


BSU hosts Trivia Night — Win prizes while testing your knowledge of entertainment, history, geography, and more in relation to Black History Month as Black Student Union hosts Trivia Night Thursday, Feb. 5, 8 p.m., in Luther Hall 330. Did you know that Black History Month was created in 1926 by Carter G. Woodson, a noted African American historian, scholar, educator, and publisher and was originally called Negro History Week? It wasn't until 1976 that Black History Month became a month-long celebration in February, chosen to coincide with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.

Segregation simulation
 — Celebrate Black History Month during Segregation Simulation Week today, Feb. 2, through Saturday, Feb. 7. Participants in the campus community will be separated by eye color, with signs dictating bathrooms, water fountains, and more that can or cannot be used. Direct questions to Grace Marten at grace.marten@wartburg.eduor Krystal Madlock, director of student diversity programs, at krystal.madlock@wartburg.edu.

Study abroad deadline 
— Applications to study abroad Fall Term 2015 or Winter Term 2016 are due today, Feb. 2. Direct questions to Kathy Traetow, study abroad programs office coordinator, at kathy.traetow@wartburg.edu.

Movie Knight
— See the latest movies for a price that won’t break your budget! For just $1, attend ETK’s monthly Movie Knight Wednesday, Feb. 4, at the Waverly Palace Theatre. Doors open at 10 p.m. and shows start at 10:30 p.m. Choose from American Sniper, Unbroken, or Taken 3!

Feeling crafty?
 — Create a variety of Valentine’s Day-themed crafts during ETK’s Pinterest Knight Monday, Feb. 9, 7-10 p.m., Heritage and St. Elizabeth rooms of Saemann Student Center. 

Creighton representative on campus — A representative from Creighton University’s School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences will visit Tuesday, Feb. 10, 11:30-12:15 p.m., in Science Center 141. Creighton offers doctoral programs in pharmacy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. Contact Dr. Ann Henninger, professor of biology, at ann.henninger@wartburg.edu for more information.

Summer camp representative
 — Dave Jarvis from Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp will be on campus for summer job recruitment Tuesday, Feb. 17, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. in the northwest foyer of Saemann Student Center. 

Artist Series show 
— On the 56th anniversary of their final performance, the music of legends Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and Jiles Richardson (better known as The Big Bopper) will come to life tonight, Feb. 2, 7:30 p.m., on Neumann Auditorium's stage. John Mueller’s Winter Dance Party recreates the trio’s 1959 performance at the iconic Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake. The rock ‘n’ roll pioneers died in a plane crash the next morning a few miles outside of Clear Lake. For more information, visit www.wartburg.edu/artist.

Faculty Brass Quintet debuts
 — A brass quintet of Wartburg music instructors will debut at a recital Tuesday, Feb. 3, 6:30 p.m., in Sandra Rada Orchestra Hall of Bachman Fine Arts Center. The free recital features six selections from the 16th through 20th centuries. The Faculty Brass Quintet includes Dr. Scott Muntefering and Jim Vaux on trumpet, Andy Harris on horn, Bard Mackey on trombone, and Richard Scheffel on tuba.

Festival finale
 — Enjoy the Meistersinger Honor Band Festival finale concert Sunday, Feb. 8, 2:15 p.m., in Neumann Auditorium. The free concert will begin with music by Wartburg’s Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Bands. The festival honor bands, featuring more than 200 students from five states, will then perform after a weekend of rehearsals. 

Faculty, Staff, and Advisor Awards
— Nominate your favorite professor, advisor, or staff member at Wartburg for the Student Senate Outstanding Faculty, Staff, and Advisor Awards. Fill out the nomination form here. Direct questions to Alec Steils '15 at alec.steils@wartburg.edu.

French film
 festival — Enjoy GriGris, about a male dancer with a paralyzed leg who overcomes all odds, Tuesday, Feb. 3, 6 p.m., in Whitehouse Business Center 116, as part of the Tournées Film Festival. The French Club and the Film Society are hosting the six-film festival thanks to a grant from the French American Cultural Exchange. Context for the films will be provided by students in Wartburg’s French films course. View the complete festival lineup on the Wartburg French Club Facebook page.

Leadership and service awards
— Visit wartburg.edu/studentlife by Friday, Feb. 6, to nominate your peers, student organizations, and advisers for one of many service and leadership awards bestowed by the college. Descriptions and criteria of the awards are on the nomination site. Winners will be recognized at the Student Leadership & Service Awards Saturday, March 14. Direct questions to Ashley Lang, director of campus programming, at ashley.lang@wartburg.edu

Sound off on ETK 
— Entertainment ToKnight wants the student body's feedback on this year’s events and input for next year's events, which will include the biannual "large event." Make your voice heard by completing a short, online survey by Wednesday, Feb. 4. Direct questions to etk@wartburg.edu.

Dance Marathon Night at the Waterloo Black Hawks
— Join Wartburg College Dance Marathon Saturday, Feb. 7, at the Waterloo Black Hawks Game. Ticket orders and payment are due to the Business Office Thursday, Feb. 5. Tickets are $10, with $3 going to WCDM. Email wcdm@wartburg.edu for an order form.

Literary symposium planned
— A series of events focused on Striking Languages: Language in Research, Expression, and the Professional World is planned for this week. Events include

  • The Michealson, Briner and Kildahl Literary Symposium, Tuesday, Feb. 3, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., in McCaskey Lyceum with guest speakers
    • Dr. Patrick Malloy, Hawkeye Community College, Calamities of Uncertain Guests and Second-hand Clothes: Images of the Early AIDS Epidemic from Swahili Newspaper Poetry
    • Dr. Elise Dubord, University of Northern Iowa, Language, Immigration, and Labor
    • Dr. Thomas Farmer, University of Iowa, We Never Stop Learning Language: Adaptation to Novel of Atypical Linguistic Events.
  • Flow: A Multilingual and Musical Exploration of Sound and Meaning (musical and spoken word performance), Tuesday, Feb. 3, 7:30 p.m., in Wartburg Chapel.
  • Language Matters: Language, Professional Advantage, and Empowerment for Global Engagement (roundtable discussion), Thursday, Feb. 5, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., in Luther Hall Room 330.

Phil and Lit
— The Wartburg Philosophical and Literary Society will meet Friday, Feb. 6, 4 p.m., in McCoy West. Dr. Keith McClung, professor of biology, will present The Rational Treatment of Cancer


Academic Planner planning — Student organizations with events to be included in the 2015-16 Academic Planner should email the pertinent information to Janet Huebner, The Wartburg Store manager, at janet.huebner@wartburg.edu before Wednesday, April 15.

Leaders wanted
— Students who are looking for leadership experience are encouraged to apply for openings on the Student Center Council executive team: president, vice-president, and treasurer. The Student Center Council, which plans food-related events in Saemann Student Center, meets Tuesdays, 11:30 a.m., in The Hub conference room. Contact Christian Terry at c.kremerterry@wartburg.edu for more information. No application or previous experience is necessary, but attendance at weekly meetings is strongly recommended.   

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